This research is part of an EC Framework VI project called OASIS (Open Advanced System for dISaster and emergency management -http://www.oasis-fp6.org/). OASIS involves developing an IT framework for interoperability in crisis management across national and agency boundaries and providing a number of applications to support user requirements. This paper discusses trials to evaluate an end user system that aids field personnel during emergency rescue operations. The system consists of a Head Mounted Display (HMD), camera, deployable ad-hoc wireless network and a noise reducing earpiece called PARAT which acts as a low noise voice pick-up for voice activated commands. The system presents relevant graphical and textual information to the users through a set of predefined commands and aims to improve communication between the operators. Eight fire-fighters participated in an evaluation trial utilising a simulated "Search and Rescue" scenario. A full system description, integration implications, scenario and results from the trial are presented.