Many developing countries are still not well equipped with cold chain facilities. In this paper, a survey has
been conducted to map the current cold chains of inNepal. Most of the cold chain practices in Nepal are
found to be primitive or traditional. However, newer technologies and cold chain practices are introduced
into the market in the form of display freezer, deep freezer, etc. While the unreliable supply of electricity and
underdeveloped transportation are challenging, there is a potentially large market and several development
possibilities. NARC (Nepal Agricultural Research Council) has done several research on locally suitable
technologies for food preservation, such as solar fish drying. It is recommended that goals of cold chain
development should be set and more detailed studies and analysis of available technologies, introduction of
newer technologies as well as innovation should be conducted.
been conducted to map the current cold chains of inNepal. Most of the cold chain practices in Nepal are
found to be primitive or traditional. However, newer technologies and cold chain practices are introduced
into the market in the form of display freezer, deep freezer, etc. While the unreliable supply of electricity and
underdeveloped transportation are challenging, there is a potentially large market and several development
possibilities. NARC (Nepal Agricultural Research Council) has done several research on locally suitable
technologies for food preservation, such as solar fish drying. It is recommended that goals of cold chain
development should be set and more detailed studies and analysis of available technologies, introduction of
newer technologies as well as innovation should be conducted.