Globally, 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost every year. In order to enable a sustainable development of the food system, EU and Member States adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in September 2015, which include a target to halve per capita food waste at the retail and consumer level by 2030, and reduce food losses along the food production and supply chains.
Information sharing is one of the main supply chain strategies for reducing uncertainty and is vital for supply chain efficiency. The motivation factors for supply chain information sharing include legislative requirements, efficient product recalls, traceability, optimization of business processes and product differentiation. The objective of this study is to develop information management strategies to support decision making in the whitefish supply chain making them more transparent, profitable and resource efficient. Whitefish supply chains are complex in nature due to seasonal variations, high supply uncertainty and rapid quality deterioration due to handling and temperature variations. In Norway, catch volumes for whitefish including cod, saithe and haddock amounted to 721 525 tonnes in 2014. This included 473 478 tonnes of cod with a value of approximately 520 million Euros. This study presents the results from process mapping conducted in the whitefish industry using the Event-based Process Chains (EPC) modelling technique to analyse the flow of information and material between the fishing vessels and processors and how this information is used by the processors to make supply chain planning decisions. An information architecture for improved data capture and exchange in the supply chain for transparency, loss reduction, and improved decision making is presented.
Information sharing is one of the main supply chain strategies for reducing uncertainty and is vital for supply chain efficiency. The motivation factors for supply chain information sharing include legislative requirements, efficient product recalls, traceability, optimization of business processes and product differentiation. The objective of this study is to develop information management strategies to support decision making in the whitefish supply chain making them more transparent, profitable and resource efficient. Whitefish supply chains are complex in nature due to seasonal variations, high supply uncertainty and rapid quality deterioration due to handling and temperature variations. In Norway, catch volumes for whitefish including cod, saithe and haddock amounted to 721 525 tonnes in 2014. This included 473 478 tonnes of cod with a value of approximately 520 million Euros. This study presents the results from process mapping conducted in the whitefish industry using the Event-based Process Chains (EPC) modelling technique to analyse the flow of information and material between the fishing vessels and processors and how this information is used by the processors to make supply chain planning decisions. An information architecture for improved data capture and exchange in the supply chain for transparency, loss reduction, and improved decision making is presented.