A cross-institutional Electronic Health Record (EHR) where all healthcare workers can access a patient's record,
is seen as an important means to improved access to information, better patient care, and increased efficiency. In
Norway, the first EHR of this type (US based Epic EHR) is to be implemented in the Central Norway Regional
Health Authority. General practitioners (GPs) are central actors in health service delivery, and consequently it is
important that also they use the new system. However, we lack knowledge on GP's expectations and needs for
cross-institutional EHRs. Drawing on interviews with 17 GPs, we discuss these topics and conclude that the GPs
interviewed are ambivalent towards an EHR of this scale.
is seen as an important means to improved access to information, better patient care, and increased efficiency. In
Norway, the first EHR of this type (US based Epic EHR) is to be implemented in the Central Norway Regional
Health Authority. General practitioners (GPs) are central actors in health service delivery, and consequently it is
important that also they use the new system. However, we lack knowledge on GP's expectations and needs for
cross-institutional EHRs. Drawing on interviews with 17 GPs, we discuss these topics and conclude that the GPs
interviewed are ambivalent towards an EHR of this scale.