There are strong regulatory signals prompting
European system operators to consider flexible resources as an
active subject in the grid expansion planning. The present paper
is based on the first results from H2020 project FlexPlan, namely
a European regulatory analysis. The study combines results of
literature screening and survey of the existing practices drawing
a picture of the present pan-European regulation and political
targets to ensure that the subsequent project activities are
correctly oriented. The study is structured around several key
issues: flexible resources, including consideration of these in
planning, ownership of energy storage, cost-benefit analysis,
including rules for allocation of costs; Interaction between TSOs
and DSOs. The paper concludes that despite strong efforts from
ENTSO-E to develop common methodologic principles, there are
still several missing elements in the puzzle. This strengthens the
importance and proper timing of FlexPlan project, both for
testing novel grid planning methodologies coping with the present
challenges and providing sound results considering different
Index Terms: Network congestion, Planning of network
expansion, European Regulation, FlexPlan.
European system operators to consider flexible resources as an
active subject in the grid expansion planning. The present paper
is based on the first results from H2020 project FlexPlan, namely
a European regulatory analysis. The study combines results of
literature screening and survey of the existing practices drawing
a picture of the present pan-European regulation and political
targets to ensure that the subsequent project activities are
correctly oriented. The study is structured around several key
issues: flexible resources, including consideration of these in
planning, ownership of energy storage, cost-benefit analysis,
including rules for allocation of costs; Interaction between TSOs
and DSOs. The paper concludes that despite strong efforts from
ENTSO-E to develop common methodologic principles, there are
still several missing elements in the puzzle. This strengthens the
importance and proper timing of FlexPlan project, both for
testing novel grid planning methodologies coping with the present
challenges and providing sound results considering different
Index Terms: Network congestion, Planning of network
expansion, European Regulation, FlexPlan.