This is flexibility model for shiftable atomic loads (i.e. washing machine, dryers and dish washers). The model is based on real 1-minute level measurements from real households over period of time. The details of the model are described in [R]. The model is implemented in Excel for cloth washing machines weekday consumption and flexibility scenario and all the required data is included for modelling the other equipment.
[R] Degefa, M.Z., Sæle, H., Petersen, I. and Ahcin, P., 2018, October. Data-driven Household Load Flexibility Modelling: Shiftable Atomic Load. In 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
This is flexibility model for shiftable atomic loads (i.e. washing machine, dryers and dish washers). The model is based on real 1-minute level measurements from real households over period of time. The details of the model are described in [R]. The model is implemented in Excel for cloth washing machines weekday consumption and flexibility scenario and all the required data is included for modelling the other equipment.
[R] Degefa, M.Z., Sæle, H., Petersen, I. and Ahcin, P., 2018, October. Data-driven Household Load Flexibility Modelling: Shiftable Atomic Load. In 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.