- Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against Staphylococcus aureus thermonuclease - Academic article
- Integrated EDP-tools for municipal planning - Academic article
- Interfacial light scattering study of a six component gas condensate model system - Report
- Lambertella langei: a new sclerotiniaceous fungus from Norway - Academic article
- Lysbuefeil i SF6/luft-isolerte koblingsanlegg i høyspennings fordelingsnett - Report
- Monoclonal antibodies against three different enterobacterial outer membrane proteins - Academic article
- Multi-element analysis of a city waste incineration ash reference sample by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry - Academic article
- On the Thermosensitivity of the Spinal Cord in Pigeons - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Physiology of Cold Adaptation in Birds - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Physiology of cold adaptations in birds - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Reliability aspects concerning distribution system expansion planning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Serum antibodies to a Staphylococcus aureus thermonuclease preparation in healthy persons and patients with bacteraemia - Academic article
- Shallow drilling Barents Sea 1988. Main report - Report
- Sluttrapport fra prosjektet \Læring og mestring av interaktiv programvare\"" - Report
- The regular use of nocturnal hypothermia and torpor during energetically-demanding periods in the annual cycles of birds - Academic lecture
- Thermal discomfort of coal miners at Spitsbergen - Academic lecture