- ""Establishing an infrastructure for efficient and quality assured exchange of road safety attributes"" - Academic lecture
- ""Human-Machine Interface in Driver Environment"" - Academic lecture
- ""Radical Consent"": Norwegian cases of labour-management consensus on plant closures - Academic lecture
- ""Requirements for an overall architecture for data exchange"" - Academic lecture
- ""User acceptance of HMI Solutions for lane departure warning system"" - Academic lecture
- "Construction and demolition waste” Experience experience and expectations - Academic lecture
- "Experiences of ageing in persons (40+) with a rare disorder" - Poster
- "Life course and ageing among people with rare disorders. 'You got to have a good life while you can'" - Academic lecture
- (Invited) 3D Interconnect Technologies for Advanced MEMS/NEMS Applications - Academic article
- (β-diketiminato)dimethylgold(III): synthesis, structure, and reactivity - Academic article
- 1-D computational model of a motive nozzle for the R744 two-phase ejector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 1H-NMR metabolomics to study the toxic effects of dispersed oil and corresponding water-soluble fraction on Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. - Academic lecture
- 2-D Blazed Grating for Light Trapping in Thin Silicon Solar Cells - Lecture
- 3D Integration of MEMS and IC: Design, Technology and Simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 3D Integration technology: Status and application development - Academic article
- 3D System-on-Chip technologies for More than Moore systems - Academic article
- 3-layer electrorefining of silicon in a CaF2-based electrolyte at 1723 K - Academic lecture
- A binary kinetic theory of granular flow model for fluidized bed - Academic lecture
- A calorimetric analysis of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell and the production of H2O2 at the cathode - Academic article
- A close-up view of the Permian-Triassic boundary based on expanded organic carbon isotope records from Norway (Trondelag and Finnmark Platform) - Academic article
- A Combined Precipitation, Yield Strength, and Work Hardening Model for Al-Mg-Si Alloys - Academic article
- A combined quantum chemistry and computational fluid dynamics study of silicon dioxide and NOx production in exhaust gas from silicon furnaces - Academic lecture
- A combined quantum chemistry and computational fluid dynamics study of silicon dioxide and NOx production in exhaust gas from silicon furnaces - Academic lecture
- A comparative study of bicycle detection methods and equipment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A comparative study on effects of mercury on acute toxicity, bioaccumulation and stress gene expression in Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus (Crustacea: Copepoda). - Poster
- A comparison of different parameter correlation models and the validation of an MEA-based absorber model - Academic lecture
- A Comparison Study of Foam versus Custom Silicone Earplugs Used as Part of an Intelligent Electronic Hearing Protector System - Academic article
- A comprehensive engineering framework for guaranteeing component compatibility - Academic article
- A cross-sectional prospective study of seclusion, restraint and involuntary medication in acute psychiatric wards: patient, staff and ward characteristics - Academic article
- A Customizable Methodology for the Model-driven Engineering of Service-based System Landscapes - Academic lecture
- A decision support methodology for strategic planning in maritime transportation - Academic article
- A desorption mechanism of water following vacuum-ultraviolet irradiation on amorphous solid water at 90 K - Academic article
- A Developer-Friendly Approach for the Validation of Dynamic Compositions - Academic lecture
- A feasibility study in model based prediction of impact of changes on system quality - Report
- A Finite Element Approach For Calculating Electrical Parameters of Umbilical Cables - Academic lecture
- A framework for analysing extraordinary events in the power system - Academic lecture
- A fully-coupled fluid-structure interaction simulation of cerebral aneurysms - Academic article
- A guide to Risk Based Maintenance and Reinvestment Management - Report
- A heuristic for rich maritime inventory routing problems - Academic lecture
- A Hybrid Measurement Approach for Wideband Characterization and Modeling of Power Transformers - Academic article
- A hybrid model of obstacle-aided snake robot locomotion - Academic lecture
- A hybrid model of obstacle-aided snake robot locomotion - Academic article
- A joint distribution of significant wave height and characteristic surf parameter - Academic article
- A Lagrangian-Barrier Function for Adjoint State Constraints Optimization of Oil Reservoirs Water Flooding - Academic article
- A large-scale finite element point-connector model for self-piercing rivet connections - Academic article
- A maximum-likelihood estimator with infinite error - Academic article
- A metaheuristic for stochastic service network design - Academic article
- A model of foam filters - Academic article
- A model of foam filters - Academic article
- A multi-objective optimization approach to balancing cost and traceability in bulk grain handling - Academic article
- A multiscale mixed finite-element method for vuggy and naturally-fractured reservoirs - Academic article
- A Multivariate Analysis on the Influence of Indigenous Crude Oil Components on the Quality of Produced Water. Comparison Between Bench and Rig Scale Experiments - Academic article
- A novel passive micromixer: Lamination in a planar channel system - Academic article
- A novel ultra-planar, long-stroke and low-voltage piezoelectric micromirror - Academic article
- A Novel X-ray Detector System - Academic lecture
- A Novel X-ray Detector System - Academic lecture
- A Numerical Study of Two-Fluid Models with Pressure and Velocity Relaxation - Academic article
- A plea for promotion: Organizational practices supporting collective creativity - Academic lecture
- A Probabilistic Approach to Information Control - Academic article
- A Robotic Concept for Remote Maintenance Operations: A Robust 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation Method and a Novel Robot Tool - Academic article
- A simple approach for on-line PI controller tuning using closed-loop setpoint responses - Academic article
- A simple approach for on-line PI controller tuning using closed-loop setpoint responses - Academic lecture
- A simple approach for on-line PI controller tuning using closed-loop setpont responses - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A simplified model of planar snake robot locomotion - Academic lecture
- A simplified model of planar snake robot locomotion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A snake robot with a contact force measurement system for obstacle-aided locomotion - Academic lecture
- A snake robot with a contact force measurement system for obstacle-aided locomotion - Academic article
- A stochastic portfolio optimization model for the natural gas supply chain - Academic lecture
- A stochastic portfolio optimization model for the natural gas supply chain - Academic lecture
- A study of metabolomics and gene expression in the shore crab Carcinus maenas exposed to elevated seawater CO2 levels - Poster
- A tabu search heuristic for ship routing and scheduling - Academic article
- A tabu search heuristic for ship routing and scheduling with flexible cargo quantities - Academic article
- A teamwork model for understanding an agile team: A case study of a Scrum project - Academic article
- A Unified Architecture for Supporting Direct Tag-Based and Indirect Network-Based Resource Discovery - Academic article
- Accelerated Ageing of Vacuum Insulation Panels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Accelerated Ageing of Vacuum Insulation Panels - Academic lecture
- Accelerated Climate Ageing as a Tool for Evaluation of Exterior Building Material Durability - Academic lecture
- Accelerated Climate Ageing of Building Materials Components and Structures - Academic lecture
- Accelerated Climate Ageing of Building Materials, Components and Structures - Academic lecture
- Access to health services for people with disabilities in rural South Africa - Academic lecture
- Ad Hoc Networks and Mobile Devices in Emergency Response – A Perfect Match? - Academic article
- Adaptation rate of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin and cognitive performance in offshore fleet shift workers: a field study - Academic article
- Adaptive System Identification of Heating Element Power for the Czochralski Crystallization Process - Academic lecture
- Adaptive System Identification of Heating Element Power for the Czochralski Crystallization Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Added mass in human swimmers: Age and gender differences - Academic article
- Added values from full scale establishment of smart metering - Academic lecture
- Adding flexibility in a natural gas supply system using interruptible transportation services - Academic lecture
- Adhesion force between cyclopentane hydrates and solid surface materials - Academic article
- Adhesion Properties of Polysiloxane Topcoats - Academic article
- Adoption of Team Estimation in a Specialist Organizational Environment - Academic article
- Adoption of Team Estimation in a Specialist Organizational Environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adsorption on Coordination Polymers with Open Metal Sites: Strong Interaction between Sorbate and Metal Cation - Academic lecture
- Adsorption properties of CPO-27s - Academic lecture
- Advanced power quality measurement campaign - interesting measurement results - Academic lecture
- Advanced Thermal Building Insulation – From Vacuum Insulation Panels to Nano Insulation Materials - Academic lecture
- Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Agile Software Development: The Straight and Narrow Path to Secure Software? - Academic article
- Aircraft noise annoyance. What is the ""correct"" dose-response function - Academic lecture
- Aligning business and IT models in service-oriented architectures using BPMN and SoaML - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Alternative Test Method to Acidified Salt Spray - Academic lecture
- An Approach for Empirical Evaluation of Model-Driven Engineering in Multiple Dimensions - Academic lecture
- An Approach to Simulate Shape Distortion due to Cooling in Aluminum Extrusion - Academic article
- An efficient spread spectrum pulse position modulation scheme for point-to-point underwater acoustic communication - Academic article
- An experimental method for studying the discrete droplet impact phenomena in a flammable gas environment - Academic article
- An investigation of Fe-doped ZnO thin films grown by magnetron sputtering - Academic article
- An investigation of the thermal gradients in silicon during multicrystalline ingot casting. [Conference paper, 2010 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) Honolulu, HI, USA, 20-25 June 2010] - Academic article
- An XPS study of the interatomic charge distribution in stainless steels - Academic article
- Analysis of borehole failure modes and pore pressure effects - Academic article
- Analysis of carbon capture in industrial clusters - Academic lecture
- Analysis of Filtration Characteristics for Compressible Polycrystalline Particles by Partial Least Squares Regression - Academic article
- Analysis of flow structures and energy spectra in chemical process equipment. S. S. Deshpande, M. V. Tabib, J. B. Joshi, V. Ravikumar and B. D. Kulkarni. Journal of Turbulence 11 (3), 2010, 1-39. - Academic article
- Analysis of grid alternatives for North Sea offshore wind farms using a flow-based market model - Academic lecture
- Analysis of grid alternatives for North Sea offshore wind farms using a flow-based market model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of Natural Gas Value Chains - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of Natural Gas Value Chains - Academic article
- Anisotropic Relative Permeabilities - Academic lecture
- Annual Report 2009. BIGCCS Centre - International Research Centre - Report
- Anode Processes on Carbon in Oxide– Chloride Melts - Academic lecture
- Anodic formation of cobalt oxide during electrowinning of cobalt in a chloride electrolyte - Academic lecture
- Anodic Formation of Cobalt Oxide during Electrowinning of Cobalt in Chloride Electrolyte - Academic article
- Antibiotic use in early life and development of allergic diseases: respiratory infection as the explanation - Academic article
- Antioxidant activity depends on the type of pro-oxidant - Poster
- Antioxidative properties of protein ingredients - Poster
- Applicability of time domain and z-domain Vector Fitting to rational modeling from time domain responses with consideration to circuit solver integration method - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of Bayesian Networks for Maintenance and Risk Modelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of Bayesian networks for risk analysis of MV air insulated switch operation - Academic article
- Application of coordination polymers with high density of open metal sites in the separation of carbon dioxide and methane - Academic lecture
- Application of full waveform inversion to the Sleipner field data - Lecture
- Application of metal-organic frameworks with coordinatively unsaturated metal sites in gas separation and gas storage - Academic lecture
- Application of SHAPE Technologies in Production and Process Optimization - Academic lecture
- Application of SHAPE Technologies in Production and Process Optimization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of Vacuum Insulation Panels in Retrofitting of Timber Frame Walls – An Experimental Investigation - Academic lecture
- Application of Vacuum Insulation Panels in Retrofitting of Timber Frame Walls – An Experimental Investigation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Applying safety and risk approaches to improve helicopter operations - Academic lecture
- Approaches to elaborate on the safety of helicopter operations - Academic lecture
- Approximate Implicitization and Approximate Null Spaces - Academic lecture
- Approximate Implicitization of Triangular Bézier Surfaces - Academic article
- Architectures and Platforms for AMI: Workshop Summary report - Academic article
- Are lay health workers effective in improving maternal and child health and managing infectious diseases? A systematic review - Academic lecture
- Are the RILEM AAR-3 and AAR-4.1 concrete prism tests suited for performance testing? - Academic lecture
- Arguments about Safety in the Norwegian Petroleum Industry - Discourse Analysis - Academic lecture
- Ash related behavior in staged and non-staged combustion of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures - Academic lecture
- Ash related behavior in staged and non-staged combustion of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures (full paper in conference proceedings) - Academic lecture
- Aspects of routing problems in media product distribution - Academic lecture
- Aspects of student housing satisfaction: a quantitative study - Academic article
- Assessing the potential to detect oil spills in and under snow using airborne ground-penetrating radar - Academic article
- Assessment of HSE aspects by employees' participation in organizational development processes: "What you ask is what you get" - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of Platinum Dissolution from a Pt/C Fuel Cell Catalyst: An Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance Study - Academic article
- Assessment of the Fish Silage Processing Method (FSPM) for treatment of category 2 and 3 material of fish origin. Opinion of the Panel on Animal Feed of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety - Report
- Asset Management for Urban Wastewater Pipeline Networks - Academic article
- Atlantic Ocean tunnels in Norway - Academic article
- Atomistic modelling possibilities and possible applications to trace element segregation and behaviour - Academic lecture
- Autogenous deformation and relative humidity - Concrete with Aalborg Portland cement and fly ash - Report
- Automated Multi-Skill Shift Design for Hospitals - Academic article
- Automatic control of growth and density in rotifer cultures - Academic article
- AUV Pipeline Following using Reinforcement Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bacillus methanolicus pyruvate carboxylase and homoserine dehydrogenase I and II and their roles for L-lysine production from methanol at 50°C - Academic article
- Balance Management in Multinational Power Markets - Academic lecture
- Barriers to Systematic Model Transformation Testing - Academic article
- Behavior of agglomerates in ferromanganese production - Academic lecture
- Behaviour of agglomerates in ferromanganese production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Behavioural responses to pressure changes in cultured Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Defining practical limits for submerging and lifting sea-cages - Academic article
- Behind Structure and Relation of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si and Related Alloys - Academic lecture
- Best Practice of Performance Measurement in Supply Chain Contracts - Academic lecture
- Beyond the Dip Stick: Level Measurements in Aluminum Electrolysis - Academic article
- BIGCCS - Lecture
- BIGCCS - International CCS Research Centre; CO2 Capture from Industry and Offshore - Lecture
- BIGCCS - Visions, Value Potentials and Results - Lecture
- BIGCCS Centre - Lecture
- BIGCCS Centre - Lecture
- BIGCCS Centre - Boosting CCS research and innovation - Academic lecture
- BIGCCS Centre: Kick-Off - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- BIGCCS International CCS Research Centre - Developing Sustainable Energy for the Future R and D Collaboration for New Energy Solutions - Lecture
- BIGCLC project results overview: Materials and reactor system design with main focus on Cold Flow Model validation - Academic lecture
- Bimetallic Cobalt/Rhenium Systems: Preferred Position of Rhenium Through an Interdisciplinary Approach - Academic article
- Biocompatible Protein Nanocontainers for Controlled Drugs Release - Academic article
- Bioenergy Innovation Centre - CenBio - Popular scientific lecture
- Bioenergy research in Norway - Lecture
- Biofilms from flow-cells - A model study with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and metabolic fingerprinting - Poster
- Biofouling on Protective Coatings for Implantable MEMS - Academic article
- Biogasification of waste monoethanolamine generated in post combustion CO2 capture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Biogasification of Waste monoethanolamine generated in post combustion CO2 capture - Academic article
- Biomass produced from trace metal and arsenic phytoextraction as an energy source - Academic article
- Biomass produced from trace metal and arsenic phytoextraction as an energy source - Academic lecture
- Biomedical Wireless Sensor Network – phase II - Report
- Biosynthetic Pathway for g-Cyclic Sarcinaxanthin in Micrococcus luteus: Heterologous Expression and Evidence for Diverse and Multiple Catalytic Functions of C50 Carotenoid Cyclases - Academic article
- Biosynthetic pathway for sarcinaxanthin in Micrococcus luteus and functional analysis of C50 carotenoid cyclases - Academic lecture
- Black liquor gasification - CFD model predictions compared with measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bleeding of anaesthetized and exhausted Atlantic salmon: body cavity inspection and residual blood in pre-rigor and smoked fillets as determined by various analytical methods - Academic article
- Body shape variation in meiotic gynogenetic and triploid sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax - Academic article
- Bonding technology for rough environments - Academic lecture
- Borehole failure analysis in a sandstone under anisotropic stresses - Academic article
- Boron - nitrogen interactions in liquid silicon - Academic article
- Boundary objects in design - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bridging and Bonding in Social Network Sites - Investigating Family-Based Capital - Academic article
- Briefing for Adaptability - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Building for climate change meeting the design challenges of the 21st century - Academic article
- Building Safety – Development of new models and methods for the identification of early warning indicators – Summary report - Report
- Building Safety – Resilient Decision Processes in Integrated Operations – Summary report - Report
- Business and System Service Modelling with SoaML and BPMN 2.0 - Lecture
- Business Level Strategy: Inside Out. Idea Work and The Resource Based View - Academic lecture
- Business Model Innovations: The Case of Intelligent Goods - Academic lecture
- C-13 NMR as a tool for authentication of different gadoid fish species with emphasis on phospholipid profiles - Academic article
- Ca2+ Ion–Mediated Interaction between Microsilica and Polycarboxylate Comb Polymers in Model Cement Pore Solution - Popular scientific article
- CaCO3 scaling in pressure retarded osmosis - Academic lecture
- Calculation of Ionization Potentials and Electron Affinities for Molecules Relevant for Streamer Initiation and Propagation - Academic article
- Calibration of a Multi-Object Spectrometer with Programmable and Arbitrary Field of View - Academic lecture
- Can community or lay health worker programmes work and under what circumstances? Oral presentation - Academic lecture
- Can Graph Transformation Make Aspect Languages for BPEL Redundant? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Carbon nanofibers and nanotubes differ in their allergy-promoting capacity in mice - Abstract
- Carbonate sediments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CenBio - Bioenergy Innovation Centre - Annual report 2009 - Report
- Centre for research-based innovation-an effective tool to create more attractive concrete structures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CFD modelling of the effect of furnace crater pressure on the melt and gas flows in the submerged arc furnaces used for silicon production - Academic article
- CFD simulation of a solvent Extraction pump mixer unit: Evaluating large eddy Simulation and RANS based Models. M. V. Tabib, G. Lane, W. Yang, and M. P. Schwarz. Journal of Computational Multiphase flow. 2 (3), 2010, 165-178. - Academic article
- Challenges for Mobile Solutions for Emergency Response - Report
- Challenges in Intermodal Logistics Networks and Terminals - A Norwegian Viewpoint - Academic lecture
- Challenges of Isogeometric Representation for CAD - Academic lecture
- Challenges with CO2 targets for Shipping - Lecture
- Channel characterization including path loss and Doppler effects with sea reflections of mobile radio propagation over sea at 2 GHz - Academic lecture
- Channel characterization including path loss and Doppler effects with sea reflections of mobile radio propagation over sea at 2 GHz - Other
- Channel characterization of mobile radio channel over sea at 2 GHz - Academic lecture
- Channel characterization of mobile radio channel over sea at 2 GHz - Other
- Characterization of solar cells - Academic lecture
- Characterization of Surface Topography on Carboxy Reactivity Residue - Academic article
- Characterization of thin and ultrathin transparent conducting oxide (TCO) films and TCO-Si interfaces with XPS, TEM and ab initio modeling - Academic article
- Charcoal in anodes for aluminium production - Academic article
- Chemical stability and biodegradability of new solvents for CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Chinese herbal medicine suxiao jiuxin wan for angina pectoris - Editorial
- Climate change | Buildings and infrastructure - Academic lecture
- Climate variations in the Boreal Triassic - Inferred from palynological records from the Barents Sea - Academic article
- Closed SAF - possibilities and challenges - Academic lecture
- Cloud Computing - How is it Different from Grid Computing? - Academic lecture
- Cluster-ize - A Computerized Decision Support Model for Design of Industrial Clusters - Academic lecture
- CO2 capture solvent selection by combined absorption-desorption analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CO2 capture solvent selection by combined absorption-desorption analysis - Poster
- CO2 chain analysis, environmental impacts, and safety - Lecture
- CO2 pipeline integrity: A new evaluation methodology - Poster
- CO2 quantification at Sleipner - Lecture
- CO2 selective dual phase membranes: materials, fabrication and transport properties - Poster
- CO2 selective dual phase membranes: materials, fabrication and transport properties - Academic lecture
- CO2 selective dual-phase membranes: materials, fabrication and transport properties - Academic lecture
- Coating systems for long lifetime: Thermally Sprayed Duplex Systems. - Report
- Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts Using Nickel Promoter as a Rhenium Substitute to Suppress Deactivation - Academic article
- Cognitive Challenges in Snake Robotics - Poster
- COIN workshop on Concrete Ideas for Passive Houses - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Collaboration Support for Mobile Users in Ubiquitous Environments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Combined Seakeeping and Maneuvering Analysis of a Two-Ship Lightering Operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Combining contours of significant wave height and peak period with platform response distributions for predicting design response - Academic article
- Comfort and Energy Performance Recommendations for Net Zero Energy Building - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Community health Workers in Nepal: Stakeholder views of volunteerism, payment and other incentives - Academic lecture
- Community health Workers in Nepal: Stakeholder views of volunteerism, payment and other incentives - Academic lecture
- Comparative studies on effects of inorganic and organic contaminants on two calanoid copepods. - Poster
- Comparative Study of Springing and Whipping Effects in Ultra Large Container Ships - Academic lecture
- Comparative study on the effects of toxicants on Atlantic and Arctic copepods - Academic lecture
- Comparing Different Methods to Assess Erosive Lesion Depths and Progression in vitro - Academic article
- Comparison between DREAM model results and measurements carried out during drilling the Trolla exploration well in the Norwegian Sea. Final report, May 2010. - Report
- Comparison of Industrial WSN Standards - Academic lecture
- Comparison of Particle Image Velocimetry and Laser Doppler Anemometry measurement methods applied to the oil-water flow in horizontal pipe - Academic article
- Comparison of physical activity questionnaires in a large population based study (The HUNT Study, Norway) and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short form - Academic lecture
- Comparison of physical activity questionnaires in a large population based study (The HUNT Study, Norway) and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), short form - Abstract
- Complications with remediation strategies involving the biodegradation and detoxification of recalcitrant contaminant aromatic hydrocarbons - Academic article
- Composition of β” precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys by atom probe tomography and first principles calculations - Academic lecture
- Comprehensive Assessment of CCS Chains – Consistent and Transparent Methodology - Poster
- Computational study on non-asymptotic behavior of developing turbulent pipe flow - Academic article
- Computational vascular fluid-structure interaction: methodology and application to cerebral aneurysms - Academic article
- Conceptual Design and Comparison of Four-Products Dividing Wall Columns for Separation of a Multicomponent Aromatics Mixture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Concrete ideas for Passive Houses : COIN workshop, 26-27 January 2010, Oslo, Norway : FA 1 Environmental friendly concrete structures : P 1.2 Utilisation of concrete in low energy building concepts / editor: Catherine Grini - Report
- Concrete Innovation Centre - aspects related to BILAT-INDIA - Academic lecture
- Condition Monitoring of Oil and Gas Facilities; Avoiding Surprises through proactive Maintenance Management - Academic lecture
- Consequence of Whipping and Springing on Fatigue for a 8600TEU Container Vessel in Different Trades Based on Model Tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Consequences of Unwanted Local Reducing Conditions in Biomass-Fired Boilers on Chemistry and Operation: A Thermodynamic Evaluation - Academic article
- Constitutive model for thermoplastics with structural applications - Academic article
- Constitutive modeling of intrinsic and oxygen-contaminated silicon monocrystals in easy glide - Academic article
- Constitutive modeling of intrinsic silicon monocrystals in easy glide - Academic article
- Constraint effect on the ductile crack growth resistance of circumferentially cracked pipes - Academic article
- Construct validity of two modules on a virtual reality laparoscopic training simulator - Academic lecture
- Construct validity of two modules on a virtual reality laparoscopic training simulator - Abstract
- Continua with microstructure: I. Cosserat theory - Academic article
- Continuous out-of-plane deformation measurements of AA5083-H116 plates subjected to low-velocity impact loading - Academic article
- Controlled artificial upwelling in a fjord to stimulate non-toxic algae - Academic article
- Controlled source electromagnetic modeling and sensitivity analysis for monitoring subsurface CO2 storage - Poster
- Cool, Small and Bright; Cryogenic Micro-Photoluminescence for Photovoltaics - Academic lecture
- Co-ordinated and coherent services for children and adolescents. Policy, evaluation and outcome in Norway - Academic lecture
- Coordination polymers with high density of open metal sites – Syntheses, structures and adsorption properties - Academic lecture
- Coordination Polymers with High Density of Open Metal Sites – Syntheses, Structures and Adsorption Properties - Academic lecture
- Coprocessing of Industrial and Hazardous Wastes in Cement Kilns: A Review of Current Status and Future Needs in China - Academic article
- Corrosion Inhibitors - State of the art - Report
- Corrosion protection of offshore wind turbines - Academic lecture
- Cost of Cancer: A cost of illness comparison between the Nordic countries. - Academic lecture
- Costs due to electricity interruptions and voltage disturbances. Guidelines on cost estimation - Academic lecture
- Cracking of cyclohexane by high Si HZSM-5 - Academic article
- Cracks, inclusions and microscopy of Si at SINTEF ICT - Academic lecture
- Creating an intelligent energy organization through collective learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Creep behaviour of commercial glass fiber filled thermoplastics for use in medium voltage metal enclosed switchgear - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CRIOP Verification and validation of Midgard (FEED Phase) - Report
- Criteria for Definition of Net Zero Energy Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Critical infrastructures and risk analysis of electricity supply - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Critical Parameters for Gas Hydrate Pipeline Deposition - Academic lecture
- Crossed-beams and theoretical studies of hyperthermal reactions of O(3P) with HCl - Academic article
- Culturable mold in indoor air and its association with moisture-related problems and asthma and allergy among Swedish children - Academic article
- Current Efficiency for Aluminium Electrowinning from Cryolite-Alumina Melts in a Laboratory Cell - Academic article
- Current status and knowledge on the effects of oil on Artic calanoid copepods - Academic lecture
- Current Status on Research and Development Internet of Things Technologies from an European Perspective - Academic lecture
- Daring to imagine: Identity and Agency in Idea Work - Academic lecture
- Data Centres Infrastructure Energy Efficiency. State of the art - Report
- Data mining for recognizing patterns in foodborne disease outbreaks - Academic article
- Decentralizing the Holter service through improved primary-secondary care collaboration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Decision support system for continuous production (factories) - Academic lecture
- Decision support tools for production optimisation - organisational challenges and implications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Decreased minority carrier lifetime as a result of disturbance of the solid/liquid interface during directional solidification - Poster
- Deformation structures of pure titanium during shear deformation - Academic article
- Degassing, hydrogen and porosity phenomena in A356 - Academic article
- Degradation of MEA; a theoretical study - Academic lecture
- Degreasing of aluminum turnings and implications for solid state recycling - Academic lecture
- Degreasing of aluminum turnings and implications for solid state recycling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Degree of Adhesions After Repair of Incisional Hernia - Academic article
- Demand-driven Supply Chains with RFID and EPCIS - does IT matter? - Academic lecture
- Density and N2O solubility of sodium and potassium carbonate solutions in the temperature range 25 to 80°C - Academic article
- Density functional calculations of Ti nanoclusters in the metastable Mg-Ti system - Academic article
- Deployment models: Towards eliminating security concerns from cloud computing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Depolarised gas anodes for aluminium electrowinning - Academic article
- Depolarised gas anodes for aluminium electrowinning in cryolite-alumina melts - Academic lecture
- Depolarized gas anodes for electrowinning of metal in molten salts - Poster
- Depolarized gas anodes for electrowinning of metals in molten salts - Academic article
- Depolarized Gas Anodes for Electrowinning of Metals in Molten Salts - Academic lecture
- Deposition of silica thin films formed by sol-gel method - Academic article
- Depressurization of carbon dioxide in pipelines – models and methods - Academic lecture
- Design and methodology of a high temperature gas sampling system for pressurized black liquor gasification - Academic article
- Design and performance of a full scale cold flow model of an innovative chemical looping combustion reactor system - Academic lecture
- Design, Simulation, Fabrication, and Preliminary Tests of 3D CMS Pixel Detectors for the Super-LHC - Academic article
- Designing concrete with short service life utilising thaumasite - Academic article
- Detailed chemical kinetics modelling of NOx reduction in combined staged fuel and staged air combustion of biomass - Poster
- Detailed chemical kinetics modelling of NOx reduction in combined staged fuel and staged air combustion of biomass - Academic article
- Developing a Software Product Line for Train Control: A Case Study of CVL - Academic article
- Developing a Software Product Line for Train Control: A Case Study of CVL - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Developing safe nanotechnology in Norway - Poster
- Development and Field testing of a flexible system for application of dispersants on oil spills in ice - Academic lecture
- Development and Implementation of a Computerized Yarn Production Management Tool - Academic lecture
- Development and testing of membrane materials and modules for high temperature air separation - Poster
- Development and testing of membrane materials and modules for high temperature air separation - Poster
- Development and testing of membrane materials and modules for high temperature air separation - Academic lecture
- Development and use of intrface-capturing methods for investigation of surfactant-covered drops in electric fields - Doctoral dissertation
- Development of a Multimodal Tumor Model for Porcine Liver - Academic article
- Development of a new sensor fusion algorithm to improve decision support for subjects exposed to heat stress - Academic lecture
- Development of large-scale hydrogen liquefaction processes from 1898 to 2009 - Academic literature review
- Development of novel asymmetric membranes for high temperature air separation - Academic lecture
- Development of novel binary and ternary Pd-alloys with improved H2 flux in presence of CO and H2S - Poster
- Development of novel binary and ternary Pd-alloys with improved H2 flux in presence of CO and H2S - Academic lecture
- Development of test protocols for effectiveness testing and working mechanisms for non-mechanical shoreline treating techniques - Academic lecture
- Diagnosing of inherited metabolic disorders by LC-QTOF analysis of cultured skin fibroblasts - Poster
- Dielectric Properties of Service Aged MV XLPE Cable Joints - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Diffusion potentials in porous mortar in a moisture state below saturation - Academic article
- Direct evidence of strong interaction between PTO nanoparticles and carbon nanofibres - Academic lecture
- Direct numerical simulation of hydrogen flames at atmospheric and pressurized conditions - Academic lecture
- Directed evolution of the transcription factor XylS for development of improved expression systems - Academic article
- Disability and poverty - Academic lecture
- Discretisation on Complex and Polyhedral Grids – Open Source MATLAB Implementation - Academic lecture
- Disintegraton and revival of tripartite collaboration on HSE in the Norwegian petroleum industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Disordered Precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Ag Alloy - Academic lecture
- Dispersant Effectiveness Testing of Crude Oils Weathered under Various Ice Conditions - Academic lecture
- Dispersibility of silane-functionalized alumina nanoparticles in syndiotactic polypropylene - Academic article
- Displacement Sensing With a Mechanically Tunable Photonic Crystal - Academic article
- Distribution of superchilled meat. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Do culture and creativity influence negotiation outcomes? - Academic lecture
- Documentation of Norwegian mackerel cold chain during storage and transport between Norway and Japan - Report
- Documentation of Norwegian mackerel cold chain during storage and transport between Norway and Japan - Report
- Dressing up for Halloween - Creating a Collective Work Identity in a Customer Centre Team in a Finance Company - Academic lecture
- Drying Shrinkage of SCC - Influence of the Composition of Ternary Composite Cements - Academic article
- Dye-based coatings for hydrophobic valves and their application to polymer labs-on-a-chip - Academic article
- Dynamic Behaviour of an HMR Pre-Combustion Gas Power Cycle - Academic article
- Dynamic modelling and simulation of an absorber column - Academic lecture
- Dynamic solar radiation control in buildings by applying electrochromic materials - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic Solar Radiation Control in Buildings by Applying Electrochromic Materials - Academic lecture
- Dynamics of dewatering and flooding during hydropeaking - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamics of dewatering and flooding during hydropeaking - Academic lecture
- Early prediction of cerebral palsy by computer-based video analysis of general movements: a feasibility study - Academic article
- EasyGo EFC Security - Academic lecture
- EBSD measurements Combined with Optical Microscopy to Quantify Complex Microstructures in Steels - Poster
- EBSD measurements of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel during in-situ deformation at sub-zero temperatures - Poster
- EBSD measurements of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel during in-situ deformation at sub-zero temperatures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ECCO Tool for CO2 Value Chain Case Study Analysis - Academic lecture
- ECCO Tool for CO2 Value Chain Case Study Analysis - Poster
- Economic analysis of industrial clusters with carbon capture - Academic lecture
- Ecotoxicity and effectiveness testing of shoreline washing agents and dispersants used for treating oil on shorelines. - Poster
- Ecotoxicity testing of shoreline washing agents and dispersants used for shoreline response during oil spills. - Poster
- Ecotoxicological mechanisms and models in an impact analysis tool for oil spills - Academic lecture
- Education and self-reported health care seeking behaviour in European welfare regimes: results from the European Social Survey - Academic article
- Educational aspects of systematic occupational training. - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Educational health inequalities in former Yugoslavia: Evidence from the South-East European social survey project - Academic article
- Effect of Ageing on Service Life of Vacuum Insulation Panels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of Ageing on Service Life of Vacuum Insulation Panels - Academic lecture
- Effect of Ageing on Service Life of Vacuum Insulation Panels - Academic lecture
- Effect of better insulation in Crystalox DS 250 furnace during melting and solidification on the furnace operation - Academic lecture
- Effect of Excess Silicon and Small Copper Content on Intergranular Corrosion of 6000-Series Aluminum Alloys - Academic article
- Effect of Glucosamine on Pain-Related Disability in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain and Degenerative Lumbar Osteoarthritis A Randomized Controlled Trial - Academic article
- Effect of Oral Glucosamine on Pain-Related Disability in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain Reply - Reader opinion piece
- Effect of residual stresses on ductile crack growth resistance - Academic article
- Effect of Silver addition on crystal structure for beta' phase in Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of trawling with traditional and 'T90' trawl codends on fish size and on different quality parameters of cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus - Academic article
- Effects of dispersed oil on first-feeding cod larvae. - Academic lecture
- Effects of dispersed oil on GST transcription, growth and survival in cod larvae (Gadus morhua). - Poster
- Effects of elevated CO2-concentrations on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Academic lecture
- Effects of Hydrostatic Nonlinearity on Motions of Floating Structures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effects of Injection Molding Holding Pressure on the Replication of Surface Microfeatures - Academic article
- Effects of Noble Metal Promoters on In Situ Reduced Low Loading Ni Catalysts for Methane Activation - Academic article
- Effects of oil droplet suspensions on reproduction in Calanus finmarchicus. - Poster
- Effects of Temperature and Crack Tip Constraint on Cleavage Fracture Toughness in the Weld Thermal Simulated X80 Pipeline Steel - Academic article
- Efficiency of ultrasound training simulators: Method for assessing image realism - Academic article
- Efficient Shipping Operations Through Improved Public-Private Information Management - Academic lecture
- Efficient Usage of Railway Infrastructure Through Pricing Mechanisms - Academic lecture
- Ejecta geology - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Elderly people who committed suicide - their contact with the health service. What did they expect, and what did they get? - Academic article
- Electrical conductivity and oxygen permeation properties of SrCoFeOx membranes - Academic article
- Electrical stunning of farmed Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L.: a comparison of an industrial and experimental method - Academic article
- Electrically stressed water drops in oil - Academic article
- Electrocatalytic Formation and Inactivation of Intermetallic Compounds in Electrorefining of Silicon - Academic article
- Electrochemical Behaviour of Dissolved Titanium Species in Molten Salts - Academic article
- Electrochemical hydrogen separation and compression using polybenzimidazole (PBI) fuel cell technology - Academic article
- Electrochemical Production of Titanium from Oxycarbide Anodes - Academic article
- Electrochemical Production of Titanium from Oxycarbide Anodes - Academic lecture
- Electrochromic Materials for Solar Radiation Control in Buildings - Report
- Electrochromic Materials for Solar Radiation Control in Buildings - Academic lecture
- Electrodeposition of Crystalline Silicon Films from Alkali Fluoride Mixtures - Academic lecture
- Electrodeposition of Crystalline Silicon Films from Alkali Fluoride Mixtures - Academic article
- Electrodeposition of silicon thin films from ionic liquids - Academic article
- Electrorefining of metallurgical grade silicon in molten salts - Academic lecture
- Embedded Systems: The Migration from ICE Vehicles to Electric Vehicles - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Emerging personal media genres - Academic article
- Emerging risks related to industrial plants in sensitive areas - Academic lecture
- Emission Control through Primary Measures in Biomass Combustion - Academic lecture
- Encouraging efficient usage of railway infrastructure through pricing mechanisms - Academic lecture
- Encouraging efficient usage of railway infrastructure through pricing mechanisms - Academic lecture
- Energy efficient reactor design simplified by second law analysis - Academic article
- Enhanced CFD model for modelling of subsea gas release - Report
- Enhanced Thermal Performance of the Future Concrete Buildings by Application of Nanotechnology - Academic lecture
- Enhancement of vertebrae in ultrasound imaging - Abstract
- Enhancing Innovation Culture for Collaborative Innovation - Academic lecture
- Environmental Impacts of Artificial Flow Fluctuations. Overview and Examples - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Environmental Impacts of Artificial Flow Fluctuations. Overview and Examples - Academic lecture
- Environmental Service Infrastructure with Ontologies (ENVISION) - Academic lecture
- Environmental Service Infrastructure with Ontologies (ENVISION) ENVISION Consortium - Academic article
- Equilibrium absorption of carbon dioxide by amino acid salt and amine amino acid salt solutions - Academic lecture
- Equilibrium conditions and sound velocities in two-phase flows - Academic lecture
- Erosion and multiphase flow in porous media. Application to sand Production. - Academic article
- Escapes of fishes from Norwegian sea-cage aquaculture: causes, consequences and prevention - Academic literature review
- Essays on socio-technical vulnerabilities and strategies of control in Integrated Operations - Report
- Establishing internal configuration of dividing wall column for separation of a multicoponent aromatics mixture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Establishment of a system to compare Energy Usage andEmissions for all transport modes - Academic lecture
- Estimating regional flows in input-output accounts - Empirical tests of regional purchase coefficient estimations - Academic lecture
- Estimation of hydrodynamic coefficients for VIV of slender beams at high mode orders - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Estimation of weed pressure in cereals using digital image analysis - Poster
- Ethene production by oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane at short contact times over Pt-Sn coated monoliths - Academic article
- EU project about retrofitting of public buildings – including demonstration of energy efficiency - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things - Outlook of IoT Activities in Europe - Academic lecture
- Evacuate Now? Faster than Real-Time Shallow Water Simulation - Academic lecture
- Evaluating and Prioritizing Projects – Setting Targets. The Business Effect Evaluation Methodology BEEM - Academic article
- Evaluating Domain-Specific Modelling Solutions - Academic article
- Evaluation of a Lagrangian Discrete Phase Modeling Approach for Resolving Cluster Formation in CFB Risers - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of a multi-model ensemble to observed spatially distributed runoff - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of a variable suction gas heat exchanger in a liquid chiller system using carbon dioxide as refrigerant - Academic article
- Evaluation of a variable suction gas heat exchanger in a liquid chiller system using carbon dioxide as refrigerant - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of Building Products by Conducting Accelerated Climate Ageing in the Laboratory - 12DBMC Lecture as Student Lecture 12102010 - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of Building Products by Conducting Accelerated Climate Ageing in the Laboratory - 12DBMC Lecture as Student Lecture 21102010 - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of Kermeta for solving graph-based problems - Academic article
- Evaluation of performance effects in the FLOW project: An experiment with LEAN management in Nemko - Report
- Evaluation of statistical models for forecast errors from the HBV model - Academic article
- Evaporation of pyrolysis oil: product distribution and residue char analysis - Academic article
- Evolution in relation to risk and trust management: A characterization of methodological challenges - Academic lecture
- Exergy analysis on the simulation of a small-scale hydrogen liquefaction test rig with a multi-component refrigerant refrigeration system - Academic article
- Experiences from industrial scale CO2 injection projects - Academic lecture
- Experiences from using a UML-based method for trust analysis in an industrial project on electronic procurement - Academic article
- Experiences from Using a UML-based Method for Trust Analysis in an Industrial Project on Electronic Procurement - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and Numerical Examination of the Thermal Transmittance of High Performance Window Frames - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and Numerical Examination of the Thermal Transmittance of High Performance Window Frames - Academic lecture
- Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture in a cast aluminium alloy - Academic article
- Experimental and numerical study of the thermo-mechanical behaviorof Al bi-crystal in tension using full field measurements and micromechanical modeling - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of a path following controller for planar snake robots - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental investigation of a path following controller for planar snake robots - Academic lecture
- Experimental investigation of an industrial scale black liquor gasifier. 1. The effect of reactor operation parameters on product gas composition - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of different ejector geometries for R-744 transcritical systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental investigation of fundamental properties of snake robot locomotion - Academic lecture
- Experimental investigation of fundamental properties of snake robot locomotion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental Investigation of Pressure Drop, Liqid Hold-Up and Mass Transfer Parameters in a 0.5 m Diameter Absorber Column - Academic lecture
- Experimental Investigation of the Magnetic Shielding Effect of Mineral Powders in a Drilling Fluid - Academic article
- Experimental study of Ni based alloys in high carburising environment - Academic lecture
- Experimental Threat Model Reuse with Misuse Case Diagrams - Academic article
- Experimental validation of finite element codes for welding deformations - Academic article
- Experiments and mathematical models of black liquor gasification - Influence of minor gas components on temperature, gas composition, and fixed carbon conversion - Academic article
- Extraordinary events: Understanding sequence, causes, and remedies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Extreme Value Statistics of Ship Rolling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Extreme Value Statistics of Whipping Response for Large Ships - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fabrication and characterization of a wideband MEMS energy harvester utilizing nonlinear springs - Academic article
- Fabrication and Properties of SnO2-Based Inert Gas Anodes for Electrowinning - Academic article
- Fabrication of 3D detectors - Academic lecture
- Fabrication of 3D silicon sensors - Academic article
- Fabrication of silicon-polymer composite acoustic matching layers for high frequency transducers - Academic article
- Faceted interfacial structure of {1011} twins in Ti formed during equal channel angular pressing - Academic article
- Facilitating Network Learning through KM Technology - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Facilitating trade and improving maritime transport: The role of e-Maritime - Academic lecture
- Failure processes in elastic fiber bundles - Academic article
- Fast Passivity Enforcement for S-Parameter Models by Perturbation of Residue Matrix Eigenvalues - Academic article
- Fault detection and other time series opportunities in the petroleum industry - Academic article
- FE Analysis of Thin-walled Structures using Spline, Lagrange, and Spectral Elements - Academic lecture
- Feasibility study of CO2 accumulation - Report
- ffect of crystal and crucible rotations on the interface shape of Czochralski grown silicon single crystal - Popular scientific lecture
- Fiber Bundle Model: A solvable critical phenomenon - Academic lecture
- Field Characteristics and Dielectric Tests on an IGBT Module Plate - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Field Characteristics and Dielectric Tests on an IGBT Module Plate - Academic lecture
- Field demonstration of a novel towed, area bubble-plume zooplankton (Calanus sp.) harvesting approach - Report
- Field demostration of a novel towed, area bubble-plume zooplankton (Calanus sp.)harvesting approach - Report
- Filtered density functions from direct numerical simulation of a reactive jet in cross-flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Finite element analysis of plastic failure in heat-affected zone of welded aluminium connections - Academic article
- First International Nurse Rostering Competition 2010 (August 10 -13, 2010, Belfast, UK) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fischer-Tropsch diesel emulsions stabilised by microfibrillated cellulose and nonionic surfactants - Academic article
- Flexible organisation of multimodal travel information services - Academic article
- Flexible teams beyond organizational borders - Academic lecture
- Floating support structure for FLEXWT Prelimenary design of the spar buoy for the NOWERI application - Report
- Flow and Filtration Modelling of Carbon Nanoparticle Loaded Thermosets in Liquid Moulding - Lecture
- Flow of SCC along surfaces - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flow of SCC along Surfaces - Academic article
- Flow through nets and trawls of low porosity - Academic article
- Flow-based coarsening for multiscale simulation of transport in porous media - Academic lecture
- Flow-based Grid Coarsening for Transport Simulations - Academic lecture
- Fly ash-limestone ternary composite cements: synergetic effect at 28 days - Academic article
- Formacao e emissao de POPs pela industria de cimento - Popular scientific book
- Formation of Biocompatible Nanocapsules with Emulsion Core and Pegylated Shell by Polyelectrolyte Multi layer Adsorption - Academic article
- FP7 piezoVolume - High Volume Piezoelectric Thin Film Production Process For Microsystems - Academic lecture
- Fractionation and speciation analyses of oxyanion-forming metals and metalloids in leachates from cement-based materials: Optimization and application of analytical methodologies - Doctoral dissertation
- Frief overview on CO2 capture activity at NTNU & SINTEF - Academic lecture
- From dusters to play openers. Ideas of hope - Academic lecture
- From Sequence Diagrams to State Machines by Graph Transformation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From Space Habitats to Zero Emission Buildings (ZEBs) - Space Borne ZEB Enabling Technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- FTIR Spectroscopy as a Tool to Predict Service Life of Wooden Cladding - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- FTIR Spectroscopy as a Tool to Predict Service Life of Wooden Cladding - Academic lecture
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor tractography incorporated into an intraoperative 3-dimensional ultrasound-based neuronavigation system: impact on therapeutic strategies, extent of resection, and clinical outcome - Academic article
- Fundamental properties of snake robot locomotion - Academic lecture
- Fundamental properties of snake robot locomotion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fundamentals of Multiscale Simulation - Academic lecture
- Future Internet and Internet of Energy People, Things, Services - Lecture
- Gas-filled panels for building applications: A state-of-the-art review - Academic article
- Gas–liquid mass transfer in rotating solid foam reactors - Academic article
- Generalized Integral Plume Model for Simulations of Marine Discharges - Academic lecture
- Geological framework - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Geosynthetics as eco‐friendly defence against erosion in arctic regions - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Geosynthetics for road pavements: European Contributions - Academic lecture
- Germanium network connecting precipitates in an Mg-rich Al-Mg-Ge alloy - Academic article
- German-Norwegian Ministry Delegation Visit to SINTEF and BIGCCS - Lecture
- GikiCLEF: Expectations and Lessons Learned - Academic article
- Glass - History, Composition, Properties and Building Applications - Academic lecture
- Glass - History, Composition, Properties and Building Applications - Academic lecture
- Globalization, resistance, and diverse work practices in an international finance company - Academic lecture
- Glocalization and adaptation of Total Productive Maintenance in Norway and Canada - Academic lecture
- Gold to gold thermosonic bonding Characterization of bonding parameters - Academic lecture
- Gold to gold thermosonic bonding Characterization of bonding parameters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Gold(III) six-membered N boolean AND C boolean AND N pincer complexes: synthesis, structure, reactivity and theoretical calculations - Academic article
- Governance in Norwegian Government Projects - Paper for the 24th IPMA World Congress 2010 - Academic lecture
- GPR Measurements : Determination of the depth to bedrock : Svartistunnel - Report
- GPU Programming Strategies - Academic lecture
- GPU Programming strategies for HPC - Academic lecture
- Graphitized carbon nanofibers as catalyst support for PEMFC - Poster
- Greenhouse gas emission measurement techniques used in Lao reservois. - Poster
- Grenzenloses Kabelnetz - Durchbruch für Ökostrom? - Interview
- Group therapy in community mental health centres. A Norwegian survey - Academic article
- Growth experiments and chemical analysis of Saccharina latissima in an integrated aquaculture system - Lecture
- Growth experiments of Saccharina latissima in a mesocosm and an open system - Lecture
- Growth Mechanisms in SAPO-34 Studied by White Light Interferometry and Atomic Force Microscopy - Academic article
- Guest editorial to the theme issue on traceability in model-driven engineering - Editorial
- Guidelines for energy efficiency concepts in office buildings in Norway - Report
- Harmonization and integration of national balancing markets in Europe – Regulatory challenges - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Heat sources, energy storage and dissipation in high-strength steels: Experiments and modelling - Academic article
- Helikopter Safety Study 3 (HSS-3) Main Report - Report
- Hetereogeneous Spline Surface Intersections - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hierarchical multiscale modeling of methane steam reforming reactions - Academic lecture
- High Efficiency Waste-to-Energy Plants - Effect of Ash Deposit Chemistry on Corrosion at Increased Superheater Temperatures - Academic article
- High Performance Innovative Teams - SUM Concept Beyond LEAN - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High Performance Thermal Building Insulation Beyond Tomorrow - Academic lecture
- High quality bulk products from ultra fresh herring rest raw material - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High reproducibility system for submerged batch cultivations of Streptomyces coelicolor as the basis for systems biology research in Streptomycetes - Academic lecture
- Higher gelatinase activation and ubiquitination in Atlantic salmon with soft than with firmer muscle - Academic lecture
- High-Throughput evaluation for photo-catalytic water treatement - Academic lecture
- H-initiated extended defects from plasma treatment: Comparison between c-Si and mc-Si - Academic lecture
- HIV/AIDS and disability organisations in South Africa - Academic article
- Hole stability of Red Wildmoor sandstone under anisotropic stresses and sand production criterion - Academic article
- Holocene Mytilus in the Barents Sea region - Academic lecture
- Hooked on Longline; Proceedings from a workshop on longlining in Reykjavik October 19th and 20th 2010 - Report
- How can KM drive innovation in your firm in the current climate? - Academic lecture
- How can we increase Safety and attractiveness of road tunnels by lighting design? - Academic lecture
- How Might Nano Technology Improve the Thermal Performance of the Concrete Buildings of Tomorrow? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How Might Nano Technology Improve the Thermal Performance of the Concrete Buildings of Tomorrow? - Academic lecture
- How the ferroalloy industry can meet greenhouse gas regulations - Popular scientific chapter/article
- How to Foresee and Capture the Effects of RFID Implementation - Academic article
- How to Maximize Solar Efficiency during Snow Downfall on Solar Cell Roofs ? - Report
- How to Maximize Solar Efficiency during Snow Downfall on Solar Cell Roofs ? - Academic lecture
- How to prevent natural convecion causing extra heat loss and moisture problems in thick insulation layers - Academic lecture
- How useful are microarrays for ecotoxicological testing and environmental monitoring? - Academic lecture
- Hybrid model testing of deepwater moored structures by active control of line forces - Masters thesis
- Hybrid Modelling and Control of Obstacle-Aided Snake Robot Locomotion - Academic article
- Hydrogen transport membranes for pre-combustion gas separation - Academic lecture
- Hydrological modeling for environmental studies -challenges and examples from Norway - Academic lecture
- Ice fraction assessment by near-infrared spectroscopy enhancing automated superchilling process lines - Academic article
- Identification and quantification of amine degradation products by Ion chromatography - Academic lecture
- Identifying co-occurring substance use disorders in community mental health centres. Tailored approaches are needed - Academic lecture
- Identifying co-occurring substance use disorders in community mental health centres. Tailored approaches are needed - Academic lecture
- IEA Heat Pump Programme Annex 32 – Economical Heating and Cooling Systems for Low-Energy Houses Umbrella Report, System Solutions, Design Guidelines, Prototype System and Field Testing – NORWAY - Report
- Impact cratering and post-impact sedimentation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of geological heterogeneity on early-stage CO2 plume migration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Quality on the Behavior of Alkali Metals and Trace Elements during Combustion: A Thermodynamic Equilibrium Analysis - Academic article
- Impacts of exhaust gas resirculation (ERG) on the natural gas combined cycle integrated with chemical absorption CO2 capture technology - Academic lecture
- Implementation and Demonstration of a Boundary Condition Wall Function for Industrial Scale Particulate Fouling CFD Modeling - Academic lecture
- Implementing Integrated Operations in a Mobile Offshore Production Service Provider - Academic lecture
- Importance of Oxygen-Free Edge and Defect Sites for the Immobilization of Colloidal Pt Oxide Particles with Implications for the Preparation of CNF-Supported Catalysts - Academic article
- Improper Priors Are Not Improper - Academic article
- Improved Gravity Splitting for Streamline and Reordering Methods - Academic lecture
- Improved solution of displacements due to a compacting reservoir over a rigid basement - Academic article
- Improving Competitiveness in Craft Manufacturing - Quality Improvement in the Automotive and leisure Boat Industry - Academic lecture
- Improving information security awareness and behaviour through dialogue, participation and collective reflection. An intervention study - Academic article
- Improving Surgical Trays Logistics - reduction of complexity - Academic lecture
- Impurity segregation in directional solidified multi-crystalline silicon - Academic article
- In Situ Infrared Emission Spectroscopy for Quantitative Gas-Phase Measurement Under High Temperature Reaction Conditions: An Analytical Method for Methane by Means of an Innovative Small-Volume Flowing Cell - Academic article
- Inactive aluminate spinels as precursors for design of CPO and reforming catalysts - Academic article
- Incidence of seclusion and restraint in psychiatric hospitals: a literature review and survey of international trends - Academic article
- Incidental discharge of cement during drilling of exploration well PL 470, Caerus field. Dilutions and depositions calculated with the DREAM model. Final report, June 2010. - Report
- Increased Insulation Thickness and Moisture - Academic lecture
- Increasing the use of small-scale biomass CHP - Website (informational material)
- Industrial aspects and literature survey: Combined inventory management and routing - Academic literature review
- Industrial aspects and literature survey: Fleet composition and routing - Academic literature review
- Industrial Internet of Things - Academic lecture
- Influence of Crystal Properties on Powder Flow Behavior of an Aromatic Amine and L-Glutamic Acid - Academic article
- Influence of operation conditions on fluidization of particulate solid measured with an auto-fluidization rig - Academic lecture
- Influence of reference points in ex post evaluations of rail infrastructure projects - Academic article
- Influence of rheology on the pumpability of mortar : P 2 Improved construction technology SP 2.4 Workability - Report
- Influence of surfactant on drop deformation in an electric field - Academic article
- Information models leveraging identification of returnable transport items - Academic article
- Information Technology and Its Impact on Communication and Collaboration in Complex Projects - Academic lecture
- Innovation by KM – Idea Work - Academic lecture
- Innovative Maritime Communications Technologies - Academic lecture
- Insights into the Evolution of Macrolactam Biosynthesis through Cloning and Comparative Analysis of the Biosynthetic Gene Cluster for a Novel Macrocyclic Lactam, ML-449 - Academic article
- In-situ reduction of cobalt oxide supported on alumina in an environmental transmission electron microscope - Academic lecture
- Integrated and Intelligent Transport and Logistics: Supporting the "Internet of Things" - Academic lecture
- Integrated approach for security of electricity supply analysis - Academic article
- Integrated planning: Decision-making in cross-functional team interaction. - Academic lecture
- Integration of electrical vehicles to the distribution grid - Academic lecture
- Intelligent goods in intelligent transport systems - Academic lecture
- Interaction of a Sodium Bentonite Clay with a Polycarboxylate Based Superplasticizer in Cementitious Systems - Popular scientific lecture
- Interaction of hydrogen with accessible metal sites in the metal-organic frameworks M-2(dhtp) (CPO-27-M; M = Ni, Co, Mg) - Academic article
- Interannual stability of grid cell snow depletion curves as estimated from MODIS images - Academic article
- Internal precence detection of offshore production separators - Academic lecture
- Internal Stress in Polysiloxane Topcoats - Academic article
- International Market Expansion Strategies for High-Tech Firms: Examining the Importance of Different Partner Selection Criteria when Forming Strategic Alliances - Academic article
- International round robin testing of circular FRC slabs - Report
- Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications Towards a Model-Driven and Role-Configurable Methodology Suite for Enterprise and Service-Oriented Interoperability - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interval-based uncertainty handling in model-based prediction of system quality - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Intrasellar ultrasound in transsphenoidal surgery: a novel technique - Academic article
- Introducing knowledge redundancy practice in software development: Experiences with job rotation in support work - Academic article
- Introducing the new multidisciplinary journal Aquaculture Environment Interactions - Editorial
- Introduction to silicon mechanics - Popular scientific lecture
- Investigating the Usefulness of Methods for Evaluating User Experience of Social Media Applications - Academic article
- Investigation of amine amino acid salts for carbon dioxide absorption - Academic article
- Is Performance Measurement and Management Fit for the Future? - Academic lecture
- Is there a need for new theories, models and approaches to occupational accident prevention? - Academic article
- Is there a tactical level of business processes?: Emphasizing processes that enable adaptability, change, and improvement - Academic article
- Isogeoemtric Analysis - Academic lecture
- Isogeoemtric Analysis - Academic lecture
- Isogeometric Analysis - Academic article
- Isogeometric Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Problems - Academic article
- Isogeometric modeling and analysis - Academic lecture
- Isolation and Characterization of Marine Pigmented Bacteria from Norwegian Coastal Waters and Screening for Carotenoids with UVA-Blue Light Absorbing Properties - Academic article
- Isolation and characterization of NSLAB with the use of HTS-technology - Poster
- Isolation and Characterization of the Biosynthetic Gene Cluster for Thiopeptide Antibiotic TP-1161 - Academic article
- Isolation of Mutant Alginate Lyases with Cleavage Specificity for Di-guluronic Acid Linkages - Academic article
- Isolation of the biosynthetic gene cluster for TP-1161, a novel thiazolyl peptide from a marine-derived Nocardiopsis species - Academic lecture
- JIP oil in ice summary report - Report
- Job satisfaction and extensive participation processes in organizational development - A case study from the Norwegian petroleum industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Job satisfaction and job performance - impacts on human capital - Academic lecture
- Job satisfaction and job performance - impacts on human capital - Report
- Joint Submission against the CVL RFP - Academic lecture
- Kinetics of the reaction of carbon dioxide with aqueous sodium and potassium carbonate solutions - Academic article
- Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning - a schizo story? - Academic lecture
- Knowledge Transfer - A Study on Construction Projects in a Norwegian Public Sector Organisation - Academic lecture
- KPIs for space management. Barriers for benchmarking in Norwegian municipalities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Kvernhuset Junior High School - Chapter
- Laboratory Investigation of Brine Diffusion Through Oil-Based Mud Filter Cakes - Poster
- Laboratory Investigation of Brine Diffusion Through Oil-Based Mud Filter Cakes - Academic lecture
- Laboratory performance tests on aluminum splices for power conductors - Academic article
- Laboratory study of the dispersibility of DWH surface emulsions. - Report
- Land-to-ship radio channel measurements over sea at 2 GHz - Academic lecture
- Land-to-ship radio channel measurements over sea at 2 GHz - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laparoscopic ultrasound: a survey of its current and future use, requirements, and integration with navigation technology - Academic article
- Large-scale demonstration of pressurized Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) - The Norwegian R&D project BIGCLC - Poster
- Large-scale hydrogen liquefier utilising mixed-refrigerant pre-cooling - Academic article
- Lay health workers in primary and community health care for maternal and child health and the management of infectious diseases - Academic literature review
- Leaching characterisation and geochemical modelling of minor and trace elements released from recycled concrete aggregates - Academic article
- Leco : Thermo-active Ceilings & Free Cooling: Using free cooling in combination with thermo-active ceilings for integrated heating and cooling - Report
- Leg Exercise and Core Cooling in an Insulated Immersion Suit Under Severe Environmental Conditions - Academic article
- Life course and ageing among people with rare disorders. “You got to have a good life while you can” - Academic lecture
- Life Cycle Assessment of Norwegian Wood-based Building Materials - Academic lecture
- Lifetime Commissioning as a Tool to Achieve Efficient Building Operation - Academic lecture
- Linear mixed-integer models for biomass supply chains with transport, storage and processing - Academic article
- Linking shelter abundance and grain size distribution - Report
- Lipid oxidation of marine phospholipids induced by hemoglobin - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Liquid − solid mass transfer in agitated slurry reactors and rotating solid foam reactors - Academic article
- Living Conditions among People with Disabilities in Lesotho - Report
- LNG Planner: Portfolio Optimization and Strategic Development of LNG Value Chains - Academic lecture
- LNGPlanner: A strategic Planning Tool for the Liquefied Natural Gas Value Chain - Academic lecture
- LNGScheduler: a rich model for coordinating vessel routing, inventories and trade in the liquefied natural gas supply chain - Academic article
- Load Measured on Net Panels in the Flum Tank - Report
- Load Measured on Net Panels in the Flume Tank - Report
- Load Measured on Net Panels in the Flume Tank - Report
- Locally Refined Splines - Academic lecture
- Locally Refined Splines - Academic lecture
- Locally Refined Splines - Academic lecture
- Lone riders for collective interests - Union leadership as maneuvering between company goals and worker wants - Academic lecture
- Lone riders for collective interests - Union leadership as maneuvering between company goals and worker wants - Academic lecture
- Long- and Medium-term Operations Planning and Stochastic Modelling in Hydro-dominated Power Systems Based on Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Long-term hydro-thermal scheduling including network constraints - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Long-Term Hydro-Thermal Scheduling Including Network Constraints - Academic lecture
- Long-term scheduling of hydro-thermal power systems using scenario fans - Academic article
- Long-Term Thermal Performance of Vacuum Insulation Panels by Dynamic Climate Simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Long-Term Thermal Performance of Vacuum Insulation Panels by Dynamic Climate Simulations - Academic lecture
- Longyearbyen CO2 lab – prospects after the pilot project - Academic lecture
- Lower Palaeozoic basin development in northeastern Spitsbergen, Svalbard - Poster
- Low-velocity impact response of injection-moulded polypropylene plates - Part 1: Effects of plate thickness, impact velocity and temperature - Academic article
- Low-velocity impact response of injection-moulded polypropylene plates - Part 2: Effects of moulding conditions, striker geometry, clamping, surface texture, weld line and paint - Academic article
- Magnetic Shielding During MWD Azimuth Measurements and Wellbore Positioning - Academic article
- Main lessons learned and recommendations from the IEE SAVE project ASIEPI - Academic lecture
- Maintaining a neutral water balance in a 450 MWe NGCC-CCS power system with post-combustion carbon dioxide capture aimed at offshore operation - Academic article
- Making PROFIT at the Intermodal Terminal - A Research Agenda - Academic article
- Management of safety integrity in the operational phase - Academic article
- Managing emerging information security risks during transitions to Integrated Operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Managing emerging risks related to industrial innovation - Academic lecture
- Manufacturing and properties of dense gas separation membranes - Academic lecture
- Manufacturing and properties of dense gas separation membranes - Academic lecture
- Market penetration analysis of hydrogen vehicles in Norwegian passenger transport towards 2050 - Academic article
- Mass Transfer of Protons during Electrodeposition of Cobalt in Chloride Electrolytes - Academic lecture
- Mass Transfer of Protons during Electrodeposition of Cobalt in Chloride Electrolytes - Academic article
- Mathematical modelling of seismic noise-model description and documentation - Report
- Matrix Coherency Strain and Hardening of Al-Mg-Si - Academic article
- Measuring cost efficiency in the Nordic Hospitals-a cross-sectional comparison of public hospitals in 2002 - Academic article
- Measuring Regional Attitudes towards Proposed CCS Plants: A Four Country Comparison - Academic lecture
- Mechanical Properties of Hyperbaric Gas Metal Arc Welds in x65 Pipeline Steel - Academic article
- Mechanical Properties of Polysiloxane Topcoats - Academic article
- Mechanistic study of adsroption of cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide on high purity iron using contact angle, polarization resistance and XPS - Academic article
- Membrane reactors - Academic lecture
- Mesopore formation in zeolite H-SSZ-13 by desilication with NaOH - Academic article
- Metabolite and gene responses in the green crab Carcinus maenas exposed to elevated seawater CO2 Levels. - Poster
- Metabolite and gene responses in the green shore crab Carcinus maenas exposed to elevated seawater CO2 levels - Poster
- Methodology for Risk-Informed Maintenance and Reinvestment Decisions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Methods for characterization of wafer-level encapsulation applied on silicon to LTCC anodic bonding - Academic article
- Micro- and nano-structured polymer components - Academic lecture
- Micro- and nano-structured polymer components fabricated by injection moulding - Academic lecture
- Micro- and nano-structured polymer components fabricated by injection moulding - Academic lecture
- Microalgae can partly replace fish meal and fish oil in fish feed - Academic lecture
- Microarray-assisted assessment of toxicity to the marine zooplankton Calanus finmarchicus - Academic lecture
- Microbial degradation of petroleum compounds in cold marine water and ice - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Micromachined optical microphone based on a modulated diffractive lens - Academic lecture
- Microporous titanosilicate ETS-10 membrane for high pressure CO2 separation - Academic article
- Microstructure evolution of commercial pure titanium during equal channel angular pressing - Academic article
- Microstructure of Two Overaged Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys - Academic lecture
- Microstructure of Two Overaged Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Microstructured reactors in compact conversion of natural gas and biomass to liquid fuels and hydrogen - Academic lecture
- Microwave characterization of PZT/ZrO2 thin films - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Minimum Fluidisation Velocities as Measured under Various Air Supplying Rates with an Auto-fluidization Rig - Academic lecture
- Mission IO: Change, supermodels and dreams of efficiency - Chapter
- Mobility versus continuity at work - What are the HSE consequences? A case study from the Norwegian oil and gas industry - Academic lecture
- Mobility versus continuity at work - What are the HSE consequences? A case study from the Norwegian oil and gas industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Model Predictive Control of a Kaibel Distillation Column - Academic article
- Model Quality and Quantity - Academic lecture
- Model-Drivel Language Engineering - Academic lecture
- Model-driven Rule-based Mediation in XML Data Exchange - Academic lecture
- Model-Driven Traceability in Healthcare Information Systems Development - Academic lecture
- ModelHealth Toolchain - Academic lecture
- Modeling and Reasoning in Context - Report
- Modeling and Simulation for Control of the TEALARC Liquified Natural Gas Process - Academic article
- Modeling Interactive Real-time Applications on Service Oriented Infrastructures - Part I - Academic lecture
- Modeling Transients Related to Strain-path Changes - Academic lecture
- Modélisation spatio-temporelle d'un champ de pluie: Application aux pluies journalières du bassin de la Loire = Space-time modelling of a rainfall field: Application to daily rainfall in the Loire basin - Academic article
- Modelling and simulation of the Esbjerg pilot plant using the Cesar 1 solvent - Academic lecture
- Modelling and simulation of the Esbjerg pilot plant using the Cesar 1 solvent - Academic lecture
- Modelling Interactive Real-time Applications on Service Oriented Infrastructures - Academic lecture
- Modelling of Contacting Interfaces in Solar-Cells - Poster
- Modelling of fibre reinforced polymer composites subject to impact loading – State of the art - Report
- Modelling of interfaces for high performance solar cell materials – HiperSol - Academic lecture
- Modelling of oxidative ladle refining of metallurgical grade silicon - Report
- Modelling of time-dependent behavior of the basal sliding surface of the Aknes rockslide area in western Norway - Academic article
- Modelling pressure and temperature profiles in a CO2 injection well - Academic lecture
- Modelling Stranding Risk of Fish in a Norwegian Regulated River with Fluctuating Flow - Academic lecture
- Modelling Stranding Risk of Fish in a Norwegian Regulated River with Fluctuating Flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling the Work Hardening Behaviour of AlMgMn Alloys - Academic article
- Modelling thermo-acoustic instabilities in an oxy-fuel premixed burner - Academic lecture
- Modular analysis and modelling of risk scenarios with dependencies - Academic article
- Molecular dynamics simulations of the ice temperature dependence of water ice photodesorption - Academic article
- Molecular effects of diethanolamine exposure on Calanus finmarchicus (Crustacea: Copepoda) - Academic article
- Molecular modeling - Academic lecture
- Monoethanolamine biodegradation processes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multi-Core Programming - Academic lecture
- Multilayer Corrosion of Aluminum Activated by Lead - Academic article
- Multiphase CFD-based models for a chemical looping combustion process - Academic lecture
- Multiphase CFD-based models for Chemical looping combustion process - Poster
- Multiple climatic changes around the Permian-Triassic boundary event revealed by an expanded palynological record from mid-Norway - Academic article
- Multiregional modelling for regional planning and impact analysis - Academic lecture
- Multiregional modelling for regional planning and impact analysis - Academic lecture
- Multiscale Mixed Finite-Element Methods - Academic lecture
- Multiscale Simulation of Injection Molding of Parts with Low Aspect Ratio Microfeatures - Academic article
- Multistage stochastic programming for NG infrastructure design with a production perspective - Academic lecture
- Nano Insulation Materials Applied in the Buildings of Tomorrow - Academic lecture
- Nano Insulation Materials Applied in the Buildings of Tomorrow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nano-Based Coatings and the Influence on the Hygroscopic Properties of Wood - Academic lecture
- Nano-Based Coatings and the Influence on the Hygroscopic Properties of Wood - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nanoelectrochromics with Applied Materials and Methodologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nanoelectrochromics with Applied Materials and Methodologies - Academic lecture
- Nanoelectrochromics: Materials and Methodologies - Report
- Nanoelectrochromics: Materials and Methodologies - Poster
- Nanoparticle Network Formation in Nanostructured and Disordered Block Copolymer Matrices - Academic article
- Nanophotonics Everywhere - Poster
- Nanosecond laser ablation and deposition of Ge films - Academic article
- Nanostructuring in thermoelectric Zn4Sb3 with varying Zn concentrations - Academic lecture
- Nanotechnology and New Solar Cell Materials and Systems - The Need for Long Term Climate Exposure and Durability Testing - Poster
- Nanotechnology and New Solar Cell Materials and Systems - The Need for Long Term Climate Exposure and Durability Testing - Report
- Nanotechnology and possibilities for the thermal building insulation materials of tomorrow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nanotechnology and Possibilities for the Thermal Building Insulation Materials of Tomorrow - Academic lecture
- Nanotechnology Applied in the Future Thermal Insulation Materials for Buildings - Academic lecture
- Nanotechnology Applied in the Future Thermal Insulation Materials for Buildings - Academic lecture
- Nanotechnology based coatings resistant to wear, erosion, soiling, icing as well as salt - Report
- Navigation and ultrasound imaging in surgery of pituitary tumours – technical considerations - Academic lecture
- Navigation and ultrasound imaging in surgery of pituitary tumours – technical considerations - Abstract
- Near infrared low coherence speckle interferometry (NIR-LCSI) as a tool for the investigation of silicon in solar cell production - Academic article
- Net GHG emissions: Greenhouse gas emissions from tropical hydropower plants. - Poster
- Networked Enterprise transformation and resource management in future internet enabled Innovation Clouds - Academic lecture
- Networked Enterprise Transformation and Resource Management in Future Internet Enabled Innovation Clouds - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- NEW ACTIVE FISHING GEAR — An overview of recent activities on bottom trawl and Danish seine for codfish in the North East Atlantic waters. - Report
- New active fishing gear Report from project workshop in Hirtshals, Dec. 14-15 2009 - Report
- NEW ACTIVE FISHING GEAR An overview of recent activities on bottom trawl and Danish seine for codfish in the Atlantic waters . - Report
- New active fishing gear Report from project workshop in Hirtshals, Dec. 14-15 2009 - Report
- New Characterization methods for SPD nanostructured materials--invited talk - Academic lecture
- New experimental system for the study of the effect of temperature and liquid to solid transition on streamers in dielectric liquids: Application to cyclohexane - Academic article
- New geological map of the Lower Palaeozoic in the northeastern Spitsbergen, Svalbard - Poster
- New method for low-cost titanium production - Academic lecture
- New Method for Low-Cost Titanium Production - Academic article
- New Method for Low-Cost Titanium Production - Academic lecture
- New Possibilities – Next Generation Robotic Systems for Inspection and Maintenance Operations - Academic lecture
- New technology and changed work processes – new approaches to interdisciplinary risk assessment - Academic lecture
- Next generation test equipment for micro-production - Academic article
- No abrupt change in redox condition caused the end-Permian marine ecosystem collapse in the East Greenland Basin - Academic article
- NOM removal technologies – Norwegian experiences - Academic article
- Nonlinear Output Constraints Handling for Production Optimization for Oil Reservoirs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nonlinear propagation acoustics of dual-frequency wide-band excitation pulses in a focused ultrasound system - Academic article
- Norwegian initiative for enhanced use of mineral waste in Indian cement and concrete industry, Norway - Academic lecture
- Novel full height pilot plant for solvent development and model validation - Academic lecture
- Novel Maritime Communications Technologies - Academic lecture
- Novel Maritime Communications Technologies - Other
- Novel NIR Transflection Measurements for Non-contact Core Temperature of processed Meat Products - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Novel oxygen transport membranes for applications at intermediate temperatures - Poster
- Novel oxygen transport membranes for applications at intermediate temperatures - Academic lecture
- Nowe kierunki rozwiązań dla budynków edukacyjnych w Skandynawii - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Number of pain sites - a simple measure of population risk? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Aspects of Using Vertical Equilibrium Models for Simulating CO2 Sequestration - Academic lecture
- Numerical resolution of CO2 transport dynamics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical simulation of flow around a circular cylinder close to a flat seabed at high Reynolds numbers using a k–ε model - Academic article
- Objectives for undertaking customer surveys and possible applications of the results - Academic lecture
- OEE — a KPI for measuring performance within maintenance - Academic lecture
- Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration within IEA Wind Task 23: Phase IV Results Regarding Floating Wind Turbine Modeling. OFFSHORE: TOOLS, SUPPORT STRUCTURES - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Offshore Fleet Workers and the Circadian Adaptation of Core Body Temperature, Blood Pressure and Heart Rate to 12-h Shifts: A Field Study - Academic article
- Offshore Integrated Planning and performance management - Academic lecture
- Oil spill containment by use of air bubbles - Meso-scale test tank experiments - Report
- Oil spill containment by use of air bubbles - Numerical simulations - Report
- Oil spill identification OSINET – Round Robin 2010 - Report
- Older people with and without dementia participating in the development of an individual plan with digital calendar and message board - Academic article
- OMG Specifications for Enterprise Interoperability - Academic lecture
- OMG Specifications for Enterprise Interoperability - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On CFD simulation of wind-induced airflow in narrow ventilated facade cavities:coupled and decoupled simulations and modelling limitations - Academic article
- On efforts to standardize a graphical description of the soundscape concept - Academic lecture
- On implementing power flow constraints in the program Samplan - Report
- On incentives for assurance of petroleum supply - Academic article
- On incentives for assurance of petroleum supply - Academic article
- On the Boundedness and Skew-Symmetric Properties of the Inertia and Coriolis Matrices for Vehicle-Manipulator Systems - Academic article
- On the Effects of Complex Urban Geometries on Mesoscale Modelling - Lecture
- On the selectivity of Cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts - Academic lecture
- On the selectivity of cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts: Evidence for a common precursor for methane and long-chain hydrocarbons - Academic article
- On the understanding of non-stationary VIV of slender beams - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On-line fat content classification of in homogeneous pork trimmings using multispectral near infrared interactance imaging - Academic article
- On-Line PI Controller tuning Using Closed-Loop Setpoint Response - Academic article
- Online User Feedback in Early Phases of the Design Process: Lessons Learnt from Four Design Cases - Academic article
- Open Real-Time Robot Controller Framework - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operability, flexibility and integration - Academic lecture
- Operational techniques for implementing traceability in bulk product supply chains - Doctoral dissertation
- Operational training as a source of organizational learning and integration - Academic lecture
- Opportunities in Projects and Innovative Thinking - Academic lecture
- Optical elements for x-ray spectroscopic systems - Academic lecture
- Optical Investigation of the Intergrowth Structure and Accessibility of Bronsted Acid Sites in Etched SSZ-13 Zeolite Crystals by Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy - Academic article
- Optimal design and routing of power lines; ecological, technical and economic perspectives (OPTIPOL). Progress Report 2010 - Report
- Optimal pH for destruction of marine n-3 fatty acids - Poster
- Optimisation of treatment performance: The first step towards increased safety and sustainability in water supply? - Academic lecture
- Optimization of an anion-exchange high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometric method for the speciation analysis of oxyanion-forming metals and metalloids in leachates from cement-based materials - Academic article
- Optimization of Enhanced Coagulation Facilities in Bergen, Norway - Academic lecture
- Optimization Of the Anode-Stub Contact: Material Properties Of Cast Iron - Academic article
- Optimization of the anode-stub contact: Msterial properties of cast iron - Academic lecture
- Optimization-based decision support within healthcare and transportation - Academic lecture
- Optimizing food value chains with uncertain demand - Academic lecture
- Optiomal operation of thermally-coupled Kaibel distillation columns - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ore melting and reduction in silicomanganese production - Academic article
- Ore properties in melting and reduction reactions in silicomanganese production - Academic lecture
- Ore properties in melting and reduction reactions in silicomanganese production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Organic coatings reinforced with ceramic particles: an erosion study - Academic lecture
- Organic coatings reinforced with ceramic particles: an erosion study - Poster
- Organic coatings reinforced with ceramic particles: an erosion study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Organisational Accidents and Resilient Organisations: Six Perspectives. Revision 2 - Report
- Organizational change and the effect on organizational identity - How reorganization challenge identity among offshore workers - Academic lecture
- Organizational Change and the Effect on Organizational Identity: How Reorganization Challenge Identity among Offshore Workers - Academic lecture
- Orientation relationship between Alpha dispersoids and aluminium matrix in 3xxx alloys - Academic lecture
- Overcoming matrix interferences in ion-exchange solid phase extraction of As, Cr, Mo, Sb, Se and V species from leachates of cement-based materials using multiple extractions - Academic article
- Overview of project cooperation between Warsaw University of Technology and NTNU/SINTEF - Academic lecture
- Overview of project cooperation between Warsaw University of Technology and NTNU/SINTEF - Academic lecture
- Overvoltages caused by cable-transformer high-frequency interaction - Academic lecture
- Oxidation of marine lipids by hemoglobin - Poster
- Oxidation of Paper Insulation in Transformers - Academic article
- Oxidative stability of marine lipids: Possibilities and challanges - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Oxy-fuel CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Parallel Local Search for Permutations - Academic lecture
- Parallel Local search for the CVRP on the GPU - Academic lecture
- Parallel Local Search for the Surgery Admission Problem - Academic lecture
- Parallel Programming Patterns - Academic lecture
- Partial characterisation of gelatinolytic activities in herring (Clupea harengus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) possibly involved in post-mortem autolysis of ventral muscle - Academic article
- Particle impaction on a cylinder in a crossflow as function of Stokes and Reynolds numbers - Academic article
- Path following control of planar snake robots using a cascaded approach - Academic article
- Path following control of planar snake robots using a cascaded approach - Academic lecture
- Pathways to a hydrogen fuel infrastructure in Norway - Academic article
- Patterns of mental health care utilisation: distribution of services and its prdictability from routine data - Academic article
- People with rare diseases - common experiences - Poster
- Performance analysis of the cold flow model of a second generation chemical looping combustion reactor system - Academic lecture
- Performance of a microstructured packed bed raactor in the synthesis of methanol - Poster
- Performance of a Thermal Management System for Thermophoresis Based Soot Sensors - Design, Performance and Verification - Academic article
- Performance of a Thermal Management System for Thermophoresis Based Soot Sensors − Design, Performance and Verification - Academic lecture
- Performance of Ca-based sorbents during sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming (SESMR) in a CFB reactor. - Academic lecture
- Perinatal risk and psychiatric outcome in adolescents born preterm with very low birth weight or term small for gestational age - Academic article
- Perovskite-type oxide catalysts for low temperature, anaerobic catalytic partial oxidation of methane to syngas - Academic article
- Phase Change Materials for Building Applications: A State-of-the-Art Review - Academic literature review
- Phase compositions of manganese ores and their change in the process of calcination - Academic article
- Photocatalytic Activity of Titanium Dioxide Modified by Silver Nanoparticles - Academic article
- Photodissociation dynamics of the phenyl radical via photofragment translational spectroscopy - Academic article
- Photonic crystal based biosensing platform for single molecule detection - Academic lecture
- Physiological effects of elevated seawater CO2 levels on the green shore crab Carcinus maenas and the deep-water shrimp Pandalus borealis - Poster
- Piezoelectric micro-electromechanical systems for Nordic industry (NORD-pie) - Report
- Pilot plant study of 3-(methylamino) propylamine for post conbusiton CO2 capture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pilot Plant Study of 3-(methylamino) propylamine/sarcosine for post-combustion CO2 capture - Poster
- Ping-Pong at Gold: Proton Jump Between Coordinated Phenyl and eta(1)-Benzene Ligands, A Computational Study - Academic article
- Pipe fittings in duplex stainless steel with deviation in quality caused by sigma phase precipitation - Academic article
- Potential and Limitations for ""Domain Decomposition"" Multiscale Methods - Academic lecture
- Potential for carbon capture and Storage - CCS in the Nordic region - Report
- Potential of passive cooling, natural ventilation and solar control in cold climates office buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- PP/PS anisotropic stereotomography - Academic article
- Practical control of dividing-wall columns - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway (BirdWind). Report on findings 2007-2010 - Report
- Prebreakdown phenomena in solids and liquids stressed by fast transients: The effect of additives and phase - Doctoral dissertation
- Precipitate Structure Determination in 6xxx Aluminium Alloys - Academic lecture
- Precipitate/Matrix Interface in an Al-Mg-Ge Alloy Studied by Annular Dark-Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy - Academic lecture
- Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys. Relations to Zintl-phases and polar intermetallics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Precipitation in 6xxx Aluminum Alloys - Academic lecture
- Predicting excavation methods and rock support: a case study from the Himalayan region of India - Academic article
- Prediction of a mixing process of particulate solids in a fluidized bed with theory of Markov chains and its verification - Academic lecture
- Prediction of Extreme Response Statistics of Narrow-Band Random Vibrations - Academic article
- Prediction of potential compressive strength of Portland clinker from its mineralogy - Academic article
- Preferential Grain Etching of AlMgSi(Zn) Model Alloys - Academic article
- Preferential Grain Etching of AlMgSi(Zn) Model Alloys - Academic article
- Pregrouting – Prevention is better than cure - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Preparation and Performance of a Catalyst-Coated Stacked Foil Microreactor for the Methanol Synthesis - Academic article
- Preparation and performance of Cu-based monoliths for metanol synthesis - Poster
- Presentation of the BILAT-INDIA Project - Academic lecture
- Primary production and climatic variability in the European sector of the Arctic Ocean prior to 2007: preliminary results - Academic article
- Principles for Real-time, Integrated Supply Chain Control: an Example from Distribution of Pharmaceuticals - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Proceedings of the Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting, Bergen - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Proceedings of the second Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium : November 22, 2010 Høgskolen i Gjøvik - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Production of a new thiopeptide antibiotic, TP-1161, by a marine Nocardiopsis species - Academic article
- Productivity growth in outpatient child and adolescent mental health services: The impact of case-mix adjustment - Academic article
- Projected fringes for the measurement of large aluminum ingots - Academic article
- Properties of manganese ores and their change in the process of calcination - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Properties of manganese ores and their change in the process of calcination - Academic lecture
- Properties, Requirements and Possibilities of Smart Windows for Dynamic Daylight and Solar Energy Control in Buildings: A State-of-the-Art Review - Academic literature review
- Proposal of a Norwegian ZEB definition: Storylines and Criteria - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Proposal of a Norwegian ZEB definition: Storylines and Criteria - Academic lecture
- Protective Coatings Offshore: Introducing a Risk-Based Maintenance Management System-Part 2: Framework Establishment - Academic article
- Protective Coatings Offshore: Introducing a Risk-Based Maintenance Management System-Part 3: A Case Study - Academic article
- Protective effect of TiF4 solution with different concentrations and pH on development of erosion-like lesions - Poster
- Proxies for Privacy in Ambient Systems - Academic article
- Pulsed laser ablation and deposition of silicon - Academic article
- Quality assessment of recycled aluminium. - Academic lecture
- Quality control of extruded HVDC cables : low frequency endurance testing of model cables with contaminations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Quality Control of Extruded HVDC Cables: Low Frequency Endurance Testing of Model Cables with Contaminations - Popular scientific lecture
- Quanfification of the degree of reaction of fly ash - Academic article
- Quantification of contamination on titanium related to EBSD - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Quantifying risk and prioritizing risk reducing measures for offshore helicopter operations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Academic lecture
- Quasi-brittle fracture during structural impact of AA7075-T651 aluminium plates - Academic article
- Radon Concentration in Indoor Air - A Model Development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Radon Concentration in Indoor Air - A Model Development - Academic lecture
- RAM Model - application and usability in an operational setting - Academic lecture
- Rapid demise and recovery of plant ecosystems across the end-Permian extinction event - Academic article
- Rapid NOM fractionation and modified BDOC analysis: Valuable tools in treatment performance diagnosis and optimisation efforts? - Academic lecture
- Reaction Zones in a FeSi75 Furnace – Results from an Industrial Excavation - Academic lecture
- Reaction Zones in a FeSi75 Furnace – Results from an Industrial Excavation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Reactor characteristics of an Integrated Micro Packed Reactor-Heat Excanger for methanol synthesis - Academic lecture
- Real-Time Sensor Servoing using Line-of-Sight Path Generation and Tool Orientation Control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-time ultrasound simulation - Academic lecture
- Real-time ultrasound simulation - Abstract
- Real-time ultrasound simulation for low cost training simulators - Academic article
- Recovery of alternative fuels and raw materials and treatment of organic hazardous wastes through co-processing in resource and energy intensive industry in India - Academic lecture
- Recycling of sludge from the production of manganese - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Recycling of sludge from the production of manganese; - Academic lecture
- Reduced head steadiness in whiplash compared with non-traumatic neck pain - Academic article
- Reducing fuel emissions by optimizing speed on shipping routes - Academic article
- Reduction of pollutant emissions in biomass combustion and ash related operational challenges (extended abstract in conference proceedings) - Academic lecture
- Rehabilitation with “Zero Hindrance” and Innovative Rehabilitation Measures - Compendium of Tools and Methods - Report
- Rejection of Power Disturbances in the Czochralski Crystallization Process Using Cascade Control - Academic lecture
- Rejection of Power Disturbances in the Czochralski Crystallization Process Using Cascade Control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Relating 4D seismics to reservoir geomechanical changes using a discrete element approach - Academic article
- Relationships between lipid content, temperature adaptation and acute responses to water-soluble fractions (WSF) of petrogenic oil in copepods. - Poster
- Relationships between primary production and vertical particle export at the Atlantic-Arctic boundary (Fram Strait, HAUSGARTEN) - Academic article
- Reliability Consequences of Liberalization in the Electricity Sector - Academic article
- Reliability Consequences of Liberalization in the Electricity Sector: Existing Research and Remaining Questions - Academic article
- Remote operation in environmentally sensitive areas; development of early warning indicators - Academic lecture
- Removal of Impurities in 3-layer Electrorefining of Silicon by Electrocatalytic Preciptiation - Academic lecture
- Rendering Leaves Using Hardware Tessellation - Academic article
- Research Disclosures in Social Media - Academic lecture
- Research Methods - An Example of On-Going Research - Snow and Ice Load - Academic lecture
- Research on AAR - Academic lecture
- Reserve Requirements and Price Spikes in Multinational Power Markets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Residual Stresses in Weld Thermal Cycle Simulated Specimens of X70 Pipeline Steel - Academic article
- Resilient recovery factors: explorative study - Academic article
- Resistance sensor based on thermophorsis for soot in diesel exhaust - Academic lecture
- Response of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell to a sinusoidal current load - Academic article
- Rethinking the Design of School Buildings - Academic lecture
- Rethinking the Design of School Buildings - Academic lecture
- Rethinking the Design of School Buildings - Academic lecture
- Rethinking the Design of School Buildings - Academic lecture
- Reuse and Migration of Legacy Systems to Interoperable Cloud Services- The REMICS project - Academic lecture
- Reuse and Migration of Legacy Systems to Interoperable Cloud Services- The REMICS Project - Academic lecture
- Reverse invention: An inductive bottom-up strategy for safety rule development: A case study of safety rule modifications in the Norwegian railway system - Academic article
- Reversible R744 (CO2) heat pumps applied in public trains - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Review of deterioration modelling approaches for ageing infrastructure - Report
- Review of the development and the results of climate change research - Report
- RF-based Sensor Technology for Data Capture — Standards, Architectures, Experiences, and Challenges - Report
- RF-based Sensor Technology for Data Capture - Standards, Architectures, Experiences and Challenges - Report
- Rippled scour depressions on continental shelf bank slopes off Nordland and Troms, Northern Norway - Academic article
- Risk Change and Contributions to Risk in Offshore Helicopter Traffic on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Academic lecture
- Road safety attributes exchange infrastructure in Europe: state of the art and perspective. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Robot Navigation and Obstacle Detection in Pipelines using Time-of-Flight Imagery - Academic lecture
- Robust Design for High Temperature and High Voltage Applications - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Robust pipeline localization for an autonomous underwater vehicle using stereo vision and echo sounder data - Academic article
- Robust Pipeline Localization for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle using Stereo Vision and Echo Sounder Data - Academic lecture
- Robust supply vessel planning by optimization and simulation - Academic lecture
- Robust transfer function identification via an enhanced magnitude vector fitting algorithm - Academic article
- Rock excavation and support for a crusher hall at Rana Gruber, Norway - Academic lecture
- Rojek on Leisure: New Insights and Familiar Stuff - Book review
- Safe production of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) - Report
- Safety culture - the impact of training - Academic lecture
- Salmon Farms as a Source of Organohalogenated Contaminants in Wild Fish - Academic article
- Satellite Communication vs. WiMAX and Wi-Fi - Competing or Complementary Services? - Academic lecture
- Scenarios for alterations in water temperature regime introduced by increased hydro-peaking - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scenarios for alterations in water temperature regime introduced by increased hydro-peaking - Academic lecture
- Scientific Computing on Heterogeneous Architectures - Academic lecture
- Screening model for the thermal degradation of solvents used for CO2 -capture - Academic lecture
- Sealing of Window and Door Joints in Timber Frame Buildings and Watertightness - Academic lecture
- Searching for an including non-randomised trials in Cochrane reviews: is it worth the effort? - Academic lecture
- Searching for and including non-randomised trials in Cochrane reviews: is it worth the effort? - Academic lecture
- Seasonal Effects And Interaction Of Stream Discharge And Water Temperature On The Emigration Probability Of Juvenile Salmonids From Different Mesohabitats In A Natural Stream - Academic lecture
- Seasonal Effects And Interaction Of Stream Discharge And Water Temperature On The Emigration Probability Of Juvenile Salmonids From Different Mesohabitats In A Natural Stream - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Second-Order Adjoint-Based Control for Multiphase Flow in Subsurface Oil Reservoirs - Academic article
- Selection of candidate probionts by two different screening strategies from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) larvae - Academic article
- Selection of Optimal, Controlled Variables for the TEALARC LNG Process - Academic article
- Self-piercing riveting connections using aluminium rivets - Academic article
- Sensemaking in practice. Reducing and amplifying equivocality through storytelling - Academic lecture
- Sensitivity Analysis of Furnace Material Properties in Czochralski Silicon Crystal Growth - Poster
- Senter for Jernbanesertifisering - Årsrapport for 2009 - Report
- Service Modeling with SoaML - Lecture
- Service Modelling with SoaML - Lecture
- Shallow Water Simulations on Multiple GPUs - Poster
- Sharp interface simulations of surfactant-covered drops in electric fields - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Shift in lipid composition of Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Should we care what policy makers think? A response to Maes, Kohrt and Closser - Academic article
- Si/Ge network connecting precipitates in Al-Mg-Si/Ge-Cu(-Ag) alloys - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simplifying parametrization of Bayesian networks in prediction of system quality - Academic lecture
- Simulation and visualization of the Saint-Venant system using GPUs - Academic article
- Simulation and Visualization of the Saint-Venant System Using GPUs - Academic lecture
- Simulation of distortion due to non-uniform cooling in aluminium extrusion process - Academic article
- Simulation on a proposed large-scale liquid hydrogen plant using a multi-component refrigerant refrigeration system - Academic article
- SINTEF moveMEMS – a standard process for piezoelectric microsystems prototyping - Academic lecture
- SINTEF's activities in India - Academic lecture
- Sintering Behaviour of Wheat Straw Ash with Addition of Additive under Elevated Temperatures - Academic article
- Sintering Behaviour of Wheat Straw Ash with Addition of Additive under Elevated Temperatures - Poster
- SIP - Future Rehabilitation Strategies for Physical Infrastructure : Coordination of rehabilitation planning and measures - co-infrastructure interactions - Report
- SIP - Rehabilitation of Infrastructure in Arctic Areas : New challenges for methods, tools and materials - Report
- SIP prosjekt: State of art study of infrastructure evaluation procedures for road pavements, airfield pavements, and railway tracks - Report
- Smart Flow of Goods: Experiences from RFID Pilots in Fresh Food Supply Chains - Academic lecture
- Snapshots from a study trip on care for the elderly in the USA - Academic lecture
- Snow Downfall on Solar Cell Roofs - How to Maximize Solar Efficiency? - Report
- Snow Downfall on Solar Cell Roofs - How to Maximize Solar Efficiency? - Academic lecture
- Socioeconomic conditions among long-term gynaecological cancer survivors-a population-based case-control study - Academic article
- Software Entropy in Agile Product Evolution - Academic article
- Solar Cells Manufactured from SIlicon Made by the Solsilc Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Solar Radiation Glazing Factors for Electrochromic Windows for Building Applications - Academic lecture
- Solar Radiation Glazing Factors for Electrochromic Windows for Building Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Solid state hydrogen storage and interfaces in PV solar cells: Different meeting points between modelling and experiments - Academic lecture
- Solubility and mobility of Zn in Zn4Sb3 – defects in a non-oxide - Academic lecture
- Solvent development and process optimisation for post-combustion capture – current approaches, perspectives and pitfalls to avoid - Academic lecture
- Solving Multiconstraint Assignment Problems Using Learning Automata - Academic article
- Solving Operational and Tactial Problems in the LNG Value Chain - Academic lecture
- Soot sensor based on thermophoresis for high sensitive soot detection in diesel exhausts - Academic lecture
- Space-time modelling of a rainfall field: application to daily rainfall in the Loire basin - Academic article
- Speciation analysis of As, Sb and Se in leachates of cementitious construction materials using selective solid phase extraction and ICP-MS - Academic article
- Species-specific patterns of aggregation of wild fish around fish farms - Academic article
- Specification of Policies Using UML Sequence Diagrams - Academic lecture
- Splitting Methods for Partial Differential Equations with Rough Solutions. Analysis and Matlab Programs - Academic monograph
- Spray drying of porous alumina support for Fischer-Tropsch catalysis - Academic article
- Stability analysis of snake robot locomotion based on averaging theory - Academic lecture
- Stability of Berm Breakwaters for Deep Water - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Stability of SCC - chemical stabilisers versus filler : FA 2.1 Robust highly flowable concrete, SP 2.1.4 Workability - Report
- Stabilization of Automotive Vehicles Using Active Steering and Adaptive Brake Control Allocation - Academic article
- Stable operating conditions for biomass combustion plants - Website (informational material)
- Standardisation and harmonisation of work processes - A challenging organisational change - Academic lecture
- Standardisation and harmonisation of work processes - A challenging organisational change - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- State of the art (SOTA) Using Operations Research for providing decision support in production networks - Report
- State of the art of models for offshore wind farms with an emphasis on O&M strategies - Report
- State of the art of models for offshore wind farms with an emphasis on O&M strategies (D5.1-5) - Report
- State of the art on industrial robot systems for extreme environments. KMB-project: Next Generation Robotics for Norwegian Industry - Report
- State-of-the-art in heterogeneous computing - Academic article
- Statoil Kårstø ""Tunnel Climate Control"" : Statpipe tunnels : Investigations and inspections winter 2010 - Report
- Status for standards on wood- and pellet stoves and needed improvements - Lecture
- Status of 3D sensors processing at SINTEF MiNaLab - Academic lecture
- Status of the Longyearbyen CO2 lab - Lecture
- Status of the Nordic Region - Academic lecture
- STOP Newsletter 1-2010 - Briefs
- Strain-Rate Sensitivity of Aluminum Alloys AA1200 and AA3103 - Academic article
- Stratic CSR theory and its application to the Norwegian salmon aquaculture industry - Masters thesis
- Streamline Tracing on Irregular Geometries - Academic lecture
- Stress measurement and rock excavation at Skaland mine, Norway - Academic lecture
- Structural analysis of aquaculture net cages in current - Academic article
- Stuck between a rock and a hard place - The pleasures of practicing OR in a contract research organization - Academic lecture
- Study of Polyamines for Removal of Carbon Dioxide from Flue Gases - Academic lecture
- Study of the Droplet-Wire System by using a VOF Technique - Poster
- Study of Transformer Resonant Overvoltages Caused by Cable-Transformer High-Frequency Interaction - Academic article
- Study of Water Effects on Asphalt and Porous Asphalt - Report
- Study on Estimation of Costs due to Electricity Interruptions and Voltage Disturbances - Report
- Study on LLDPE molecular structure characterization by preparative and analytical cross-fractionation - Academic article
- Sub sea tunnel projects in hard rock environment outside Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Summary-of-findings tables in Cochrane reviews improved understanding and rapid retrieval of key information - Academic article
- Superchilling, ice fraction and quality - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Surface characterization of Pd/Ag23 wt% membranes after different thermal treatments - Academic article
- Surface stability of potassium nitrate (KNO3) from density functional theory - Academic article
- Survey of five commercial buildings in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sustainable urban housing - Can urban form affect the way of travelling? - Academic lecture
- Swelling and Viscoelastic Characterisation of pH-Responsive Chitosan Hydrogels for Targeted Drug Delivery - Academic article
- Synchronous Reference Frame Hysteresis Current Control for Grid Converter Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Synthesis and characterization of Ni Hydrotalcite Catalyst for Hydrogen Production from Steam Methane Reforming - Poster
- Synthesis of Dimethyl Ether from Syngas in a Fixed Bed Reactor - Simulation and Experimental study - Poster
- Synthesizing evidence in software engineering research - Academic article
- System based approach for external walls technologies and comprehensive analysis - Report
- Tasks, information models and visual prototypes for local leaders at the TYR training exercise - Report
- Technical Support Agreement for LAV TUA - Report
- Techno-economic Assessment of Flexible Solvent Regeneration & Storage for Base Load Coal-Fired Power Generation with Post Combustion CO2 Capture - Poster
- Technologies enabling 3D stacking of MEMS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- TEM analysis of catalyst and energy storage materials - Academic lecture
- Temperature Sensitivity of Piperazine and its Derivatives using Polarizable Continuum Solvation Model - Academic lecture
- Test burn with PCB-oil in a local cement kiln in Sri Lanka - Academic article
- Testing a component method to estimate the airtightness of wind-tightened wood-frame houses - Report
- Testing image‐based site‐specific weed control in cereals - Poster
- Testing of ring fibres - measurements in fresh and hardened concrete - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The ""Taylorization"" of safety management? - Academic lecture
- The "Taylorization" of safety management? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The ABC of the Delany-Bazley model - Academic lecture
- The analytical chemical challenges of quantifying CO2 capture amine solvents in seawater - Academic lecture
- The Analytical Chemical Challenges of Quantifying CO2 Capture Amine Solvents in Seawater - Poster
- The Anode Baking Furnace Process description and energy consumption - Report
- The Application of Lean Production Control Methods within a Process-Type Industry: The Case of Hydro Automotive Structures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The basis of personalized procedures - Academic lecture
- The behavior and toxicity of engineered polymeric-based nanoparticles in aqueous environments - Academic lecture
- The behaviour and toxicity of engineered polymeric- and silica-based nanoparticles in aqueous environments. - Poster
- The Behaviour and Toxicity of Engineered Polymeric Nanoparticles in Aqueous Environments - Poster
- The behavious and toxicity of engineered polymeric- and silica-based nanoparticles in aqueous environments. - Poster
- the CACHET II project: Carbon Capture and Hydrogen Production with Membranes - Poster
- The commoditization of societal safety - Academic article
- The critical re-action: learning from accidents - Academic lecture
- The development of a supported Iridium catalyst for oxygen evolution in PEM electrolysers - Academic lecture
- The development of biofouling, particularly the hydroid Ectopleura larynx, on commercial salmon cage nets in Mid-Norway - Academic article
- The development of future weather data files for Norway - Academic article
- The Drying Potential and Risk for Mold Growth in Compact Wood Frame Roofs with Built-in Moisture - Academic article
- The dual nature of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys - Academic article
- The dynamic architecture of the metabolic switch in Streptomyces coelicolor - Academic article
- The Effect of Ag Addition on Transition of Crystal Structure for β’-phase in Al-Mg-Si Alloy - Academic lecture
- The effect of Ag on Hardness and Microstructure during Overageing of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Effect of Ag on Hardness and Microstructure during Overageing of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys - Academic lecture
- The effect of catalysts layer thickness on the PEM fuel cell performance - Academic lecture
- The effect of deformation on the precipitation behaviour of an A1MgSi alloy. A HRTEM study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The effect of heat treatment in air on CO inhibition of a ~3ųm Pd-Ag (23 wt.%) membrane - Academic article
- The effect of kaolin and peat ash on the combustion of demolition wood under well controlled conditions - Academic lecture
- The effect of kaolin on the combustion of demolition wood under well controlled conditions (full paper in conference proceedings) - Academic lecture
- The effect of peat ash addition on the combustion of demolition wood under well controlled conditions (full paper in conference proceedings) - Academic lecture
- The Effect of Wall-Integrated Phase Change Material Panels on the Indoor Air and Wall Temperature - Hot Box Experiments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Effect of Wall-Integrated Phase Change Material Panels on the Indoor Air and Wall Temperature - Hot Box Experiments - Academic lecture
- The Effect of Weld Metal Mismatch Level on the Failure Mode in Small-scale Sent Testing of an X80 Material - Academic article
- The effects of ball milling intensity on morphology of multiwall carbon nanotubes - Academic article
- The effects of individual factors and school environment on mental health and prejudiced attitudes among Norwegian adolescents - Academic article
- The effects of removing the Trondheim toll cordon - Academic article
- The emerging pipe junction challenge - Academic lecture
- The EU "PARTNER" Project - European standard tests to prevent alkali reactions in aggregates: Final results and recommendations - Academic article
- The evolution and oxidation of carbides in an Alloy 601 exposed to long term high temperature corrosion conditions - Academic article
- The experience exchange seminars methodology - Report
- The female community health volunteer programme in Nepal: Decision makers' perceptions of volunteerism, payment and other incentives - Academic article
- The Friction Model - a dynamic model of functioning, disability and contextual factors and its conceptual and practical applicability - Academic article
- The growth of hydroids on aquaculture nets in Mid-Norway. - Academic lecture
- The High Performance Thermal Building Insulation Materials and Solutions of Tomorrow - Academic lecture
- The High Performance Thermal Building Insulation Materials and Solutions of Tomorrow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The history of CAD and examples of its use in industry - Academic lecture
- The impact of moisture and metal ions on the oxidative stability of fish oil - Poster
- The impact of process design decisions on operability and control of an LNG process - Academic article
- The importance of maintenace to prevent major accidents - Academic lecture
- The importance of trust relations in Integrated Operations (IO) - Academic lecture
- The Indo-Norwegian initiative on sustainable utilisation of wastes in cement and concrete - Academic lecture
- The industrial relations of safety – Differences in tripartite collaboration in Norwegian industries - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The influence of composition and natural aging on clustering during preaging in Al-Mg-Si alloys - Academic article
- The Integration of control systems for the supply chain and transportation domains - Academic lecture
- The Longyearbyen CO2 lab: status and perspectives. - Lecture
- The Mjølnir Impact event and its consequences. Geology and geophysics of a Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous marine impact event - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Need for Long Term and Accelerated Climate Exposure and Durability Testing of New Solar Cell Materials and Systems - Report
- The Need for Long Term and Accelerated Climate Exposure and Durability Testing of New Solar Cell Materials and Systems - Academic lecture
- The Norwegian Escalation Plan for Mental Health 1998-2008. Policy, evaluation and outcome in services for children and adolescents - Academic lecture
- The objectives and strategy of Safe Nano Network - Results so far - Academic lecture
- The paradox of hyper-bureaucracy and lean in high-tech manufacturing - Academic lecture
- The Path to the High Performance Thermal Building Insulation Materials and Solutions of Tomorrow - Academic article
- The Pellet Handbook - Non-fiction book
- The potential benefits of wireless technologies on offshore oil & gas installations - Academic lecture
- The Potential of Integrating Wind Power with Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms - Academic article
- The proceduralisation of traffic safety and safety management in the Norwegian Railway Administration: A comparative case study - Academic lecture
- The relation between adverse childhood experiences and later mental health among deaf adults : - Academic article
- The road to Hell is paved with good intentions: A story of (in)secure software development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Role of BIM in the Architectural Design Process: Learning from Practitioners' Stories - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The study of clustering in Al-based alloys by APT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The usability inspection performance of work-domain experts: An empirical study - Academic article
- The use of consumable titanium oxycarbide anodes for the electrolytic production of titanium in molten salts - Report
- The use of risk influencing factors for risk assessment of offshore helicopter transport - Academic lecture
- Theoretical study of the equilibrium constants for solvents for CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Thermo- and fluid-dynamical modelling of two-phase multi-component carbon dioxide mixtures - Academic article
- Thermochemistry of Organic Reactions in Microporous Oxides by Atomistic Simulations: Benchmarking against Periodic B3LYP - Academic article
- Thermodynamics of protonation of alkanolamines in aqueous solutions - Academic lecture
- Thermoelectric materials – Electronic transport calculations and assessments of solubility and diffusivity - Academic lecture
- Thirty-Six Years of Service Esperience with at National Population of Gas-Insulated Substations - Academic article
- Three-Layer Electrorefining of Silicon - Academic article
- Time dependent chloride diffusion coefficient - field studies of concrete exposed to marine environment in Norway - Academic lecture
- Time dependent chloride diffusion coefficient - field studies of concrete exposed to marine environment in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tin oxide as oxygen evolving anode in molten chlorides - Academic lecture
- Tissue motion and strain in the human brain assessed by intraoperative ultrasound in glioma patients - Academic article
- Titanium electrowinning from molten salts using a consumable oxycarbide anode - Academic lecture
- Too Many Facebook "Friends"? Content Sharing and Sociability Versus the Need for Privacy in Social Network Sites - Academic article
- Tools for prediction of wave impact on FPSO's and offshore platforms - Academic article
- Torrefaction - An innovative fuel pre-treatment method - Popular scientific lecture
- Tourist Without a Cause - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards a formally path-consistent Roe scheme for the six-equation two-fluid model - Academic article
- Towards a formally path-consistent Roe scheme for the six-equation two-fluid model - Academic lecture
- Towards a Model-Driven and Role-Configurable Methodology Suite for Enterprise and Service-Oriented Interoperability - Academic lecture
- Towards a Simple Augmented Reality Museum Guide - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards a unified media-user typology (MUT): A meta-analysis and review of the research literature on media-user typologies - Academic literature review
- Towards an Integrated Performance Measurement System for Cellular Manufacturing: Insights from the Case of Volvo Aero Norway - Academic lecture
- Towards the Factory of the Future in High-Tech Industries - Academic lecture
- Trademarking the NTNU/SINTEF drillability test indices - Academic article
- Transcriptional effects of dispersed oil and water-soluble fractions of oil on glutathione S-transferases in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) larvae. - Academic lecture
- Transcriptional effects on glutathione S-transferases in first feeding Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae exposed to crude oil - Academic article
- Transcriptional profiling of an Fd-GOGAT1/GLU1 mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals a multiple stress response and extensive reprogramming of the transcriptome - Academic article
- Transformational Learning and Serious Game Design - Academic lecture
- Transition from a plan-driven process to Scrum: a longitudinal case study on software quality - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Transmission Planning for Wind Energy: Status and Prospects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Treatment Intensity in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Health Care Reform in Norway, 1998-2006 - Academic article
- Trust and Safety Culture: The Importance of Trust Relations in Integrated Operations (IO) in the Norwegian Oil Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- TSV development for miniaturized MEMS acceleration switch - Poster
- Tunnel stability and in-situ rock stress - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Turbulence combustion closure model based on the Eddy dissipation concept for large eddy simulation - Academic article
- Turbulent flame-wall interaction: a direct numerical simulation study - Academic article
- Turbulent flow of freon R11 hydrate slurry - Academic article
- Turbulent flow of hydrates in a pipeline of complex configuration - Academic article
- Two clover-shaped piezoresistive silicon microphones for photo acoustic gas sensors - Academic article
- Two renovated public buildings with renewable energy technologies - Demonstration buildings within the EU project «BRITA in PuBs» - Academic lecture
- Two renovated public buildings with renewable energy technologies - Demonstration buildings within the EU project «BRITA in PuBs» - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tyre/road noise modelling: Measurement of passenger car tyres on an ISO track and frequency analysis of results. - Report
- UBI-QEP evaluation of Ni(100) and Ni(111) sites for syngas formation - Poster
- Ultra fresh herring rest raw materials as a source for high quality bulk marine ingredients - Poster
- Ultrasound based localization of wireless endoscopic capsule - Academic lecture
- Ultrasound strain estimation in abdominal aortic aneurysm - Academic lecture
- Ultrasound-guided operations in unselected high-grade gliomas-overall results, impact of image quality and patient selection - Academic article
- Understanding fitness-related effects of dispersed oil on the calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Understanding fitness-related effects of dispersed oil on the calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus. - Poster
- Understanding the New Digital Divide— A Typology of Internet Users in Europe - Academic article
- Understanding users of web-TV - Academic lecture
- Understanding users of web-TV - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Underwater Wireless Sensor Network - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Uniqueness, loss of ellipticity and localization for the time-discretized, rate-dependent boundary value problem with softening - Academic article
- Unit-pockmarks and their potential significance for predicting fluid flow - Academic article
- Updating regional accounts data - Academic lecture
- Usability mapping tool - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Usability walkthroughs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Usage of Dune at SINTEF Applied Mathematics - Academic lecture
- Use of conductive adhesive for MEMS interconnection in ammunition fuze applications - Academic article
- Use of Conductive Adhesive for MEMS Interconnection in Military Fuze Applications - Academic lecture
- Use of Conductive Adhesive in Fuze Applications - Academic lecture
- Use of sophisticated heat exchanger simulation models for investigation of possible design and operational pitfalls in LNG processes - Academic article
- Useful life extension of wood poles by better condition assessment - Academic lecture
- Useful life extension of wood poles by better condition assessment - Academic lecture
- User Experience (UX) Patterns for Audio-Visual Networked Applications: Inspirations for Design - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- User testing and stakeholder feedback contributed to the development of understandable and useful Summary of Findings tables for Cochrane reviews - Academic article
- Using Biomass for Combined Heat and Power as a method for improving Energy Efficiency in Serbian Industry - Academic lecture
- Using Heterogeneous Computing for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems - Academic lecture
- Using life curved as input to quantitative risk analysis in electricity distribution system asset management - Academic article
- Using metabolomics to explore diethanolamine toxicity in Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Using metabolomics to explore diethanolamine toxicity in Calanus finmarchicus. - Academic lecture
- Using omics to establish effect levels of chemicals in Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Using Operations Research to Plan Natural Gas Production and Transportation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Investigation of Mg-Based Thin Film Hydrides - Academic lecture
- Utilisation of concrete in Passive House design - Academic lecture
- Utilization of CO2 via Catalysis in Ionic Liquids - Academic lecture
- Utilizing dual frequency band transmit pulse complexes in medical ultrasound imaging - Academic article
- Vacuum behaviour of the dissolved elements in molten silicon - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Vacuum Insulation Panels - Experimental Investigations of Durability and Application in Retrofitting - Academic lecture
- Vacuum Insulation Panels : Properties and Possible Applications in Concrete Buildings - Academic lecture
- Vacuum Insulation Panels and Possible Applications in Concrete Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Vacuum Insulation Panels and Possible Applications in Concrete Buildings - Academic lecture
- Vacuum Insulation Panels for Building Applications: A Review and Beyond - Academic literature review
- Vacuum Insulation Panels in Wood Frame Wall Constructions – Hot Box Measurements and Numerical Simulations - Academic lecture
- Vacuum Insulation Panels in Wood Frame Wall Constructions – Hot Box Measurements and Numerical Simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Vacuum Insulation Panels in Wood Frame Wall Constructions – Hot Box Measurements and Numerical Simulations - Academic lecture
- Valence band study of thermoelectric Zintl-phase SrZn2Sb2 and YbZn2Sb2: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory - Academic article
- Validation of a dynamic absorber model for CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Validation of a dynamic absorber model for CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Validation of numerical model for simulation of drilling discharges to sea - Academic lecture
- Vapour pressure and activity coefficient determination for amine amino acid salt solution - Academic lecture
- Variations in Norwegian biomass, Literature study - Lecture
- Varnish coating of elastomers: morphology, friction and surface energies - Poster
- Vehicle Routing in Media Product Distribution - Academic lecture
- Vehicle Routing in Practice - Academic lecture
- Verification and validation of Eldfisk (Fel3 Phase) - Report
- VIV of free spanning pipelines: Comparison of response from a semi-empirical code to model tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Vulnerability in power systems - the effect of maintenance and reinvestments - Academic lecture
- Wafer-bonded CMUTs with through-wafer electrical vias design for immersed applications - Academic lecture
- Water ice photochemistry: interplay between simulations and experiments - Academic lecture
- Water properties and salt uptake in Atlantic salmon fillets as affected by ante-mortem stress, rigor mortis, and brine salting: A low-field H-1 NMR and H-1/Na-23 MRI study - Academic article
- Water treatment with catalytic membrane reactors - Academic lecture
- Wave Propagation Along a Thin Wire Antenna Placed in a Horizontally Layered Medium - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Wave propagation in multicomponent flow models - Academic article
- Wave-in-Deck Impact: Comparing CFD, Simple Methods, and Model Tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Weathering properties of Gullfaks A and Gullfaks C blends and description of the TRIMIX model. Final - Report
- Weathering properties of Volund crude oil - Report
- Welfare State Regime Life Courses: The Development of Western European Welfare State Regimes and Age-Related Patterns of Educational Inequalities in Self-Reported Health - Academic article
- Welfare state regimes and population health: Integrating the East Asian welfare states - Academic article
- Wettability of petroleum pipelines: influence of crude oil and pipeline material in relation to hydrate deposiion - Academic article
- Wetting Properties of Molten Silicon with Graphite Materials - Academic article
- What determines growth potential and quality of farmed european fish species? a review - Academic lecture
- Why is ARC important? - Programme participation
- Wide band modelling of power transformers - Academic lecture
- Wide-area power oscillation damping control in Nordic equivalent system - Academic article
- Wind Power R&D seminar - deep sea offshore wind, 21-22 January 2010 - Report
- Wood's anomalies and spectral uniformity of focusing diffractive optical elements - Academic article
- Work-domain knowledge in usability evaluation: Experiences with Cooperative Usability Testing - Academic article
- Workshop between Japanese and Norwegian researchers within traceability and food safety - Short presentation of tour program and scientific workshop - Report
- Workshop between Japanese and Norwegian researchers within traceability and food safety - Report
- XPS characterisation of the interface between anode and electrolyte in a proton conducting solid oxide fuel cell - Academic article
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of MgH2 thin films grown by reactive sputtering - Academic article
- X-Ray Video Microscopy Studies of Irregular Eutectic Solidification Microstructures in Al-Si-Cu Alloys - Academic article
- ZnO nanosheets grown by pulsed laser deposition - Poster
- ZnO nanostructures grown by pulsed laser deposition - Academic lecture
- ZnO nanostructures grown by pulsed laser deposition - Poster
- ZnO-based photodetector with internal photocurrent gain - Academic article