- "Karbonfangst" generelt og spesielt ved eksponerte betongoverflater - Lecture
- "Steinkjer; A City in the Middle of it All", a film made for the opening of AndAction 2017, multimedia festival - Film
- ). Integrating Active with Passive Seismic Data to Best Constrain CO2 Injection Monitoring. - Academic lecture
- “Do You See What I Hear?”: Designing for Collocated Patient–Practitioner Collaboration in Audiological Consultations - Academic article
- “L’ingegnere” for Ferrari is coming to Trondheim on May 11th to visit SINTEF and NTNU - Website (informational material)
- 1D modelling of membrane-assisted chemical looping reforming - Academic article
- 1st Marine Operations Forum - Performance Indicators for Subsea Lifting Operations - Lecture
- 2017:00007 A - SubSea Dispersant lnjection (SSDI)- a "state of the art" and the need for further documentations - Report
- 2017:00030 A - Full-scale field testing of thin oil films from releases of light crude oil at sea NOFO Oil-on-Water field trial in 2016 - Report
- 2017:00119 - Wisting Central crude oil – Properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - Report
- 3D printing for sustainable constructions - Lecture
- 3D Silicon Sensors for radiation monitoring in space - Lecture
- 4D Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Storage During Injection and Post-closure at the Ketzin Pilot Site - Academic article
- 6-Phosphofructokinase and ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase in methylotrophic Bacillus methanolicus ribulose monophosphate cycle - Academic article
- A "roadmap" for blue-green strategies for planning - Lecture
- A ‘magic’ notched tensile specimen that avoids the Bridaman’s correction - Academic lecture
- A 2.5-D Integrated Data Logger for Measuring Extreme Accelerations - Academic article
- A 2D sediment bed morphodynamics model for turbulent, non-Newtonian, particle-loaded flows - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A 3D Vs 2.5D Vs 2D CFD analysis of 5MW NREL reference wind-turbine to study impact of bluff section - Poster
- A breakthrough in IGCC efficiency with CO2 capture (COMPOSITE) - Poster
- A case of dynamic risk management in the subarctic region - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A combined TEM and atom probe approach to analyse the early stages of age hardening in AA 6016 - Academic article
- A comparative study of beam element formulations for nonlinear analysis: corotatinal vs. geometrically exact formulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Comparative Study of Methods for Estimating Virtual Flux at the Point of Common Coupling in Grid-Connected Voltage Source Converters with LCL Filter - Academic article
- A Comparison of Post-combustion Capture Technologies for the NGCC - Academic article
- A computational framework involving CFD and data mining tools for analyzing disease in carotid artery bifurcation - Lecture
- A coupled diffusion and cohesive zone modelling approach for numerically assessing hydrogen embrittlement of steel structures - Academic literature review
- A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach for Implementing the Receding Horizon Optimal Power Flow in Smart Grids - Academic article
- A data integration technique for monitoring the performances of a vessel in operation - Academic lecture
- A data management system for material properties and fracture assessment at low temperature - Academic article
- A Data Management System for Material Properties and Fracture Assessment at Low Temperature - Academic lecture
- A dynamic energy budget approach to understand and predict long-term effects of produced water on copepods in the Barents Sea. Final report ENERGYBAR (225314/E40) - Report
- A Feature-Enriched Multiscale Method for Simulating Complex Geomodels - Chapter
- A Feature-Enriched Multiscale Method for Simulating Complex Geomodels - Academic lecture
- A feature-enriched multiscale solver for complex geomodels - Academic lecture
- A formative evaluation of an eHealth service for patients with COPD - Academic article
- A fracture-propagation-control model for pipelines transporting CO2-rich mixtures including a new method for material-model calibration - Academic article
- A Framework for Integrated Sustainability Assessment of Water Cycle Services - Academic article
- A Framework for Integrated Sustainability Assessment of Water Cycle Services - Academic lecture
- A frosting limit model of air-to-air quasi-counter-flow membrane energy exchanger for use in cold climates - Academic article
- A full-scale 3D Vs 2.5D Vs 2D analysis of flow pattern and forces for an industrial-scale 5MW NREL reference wind-turbine - Academic article
- A future for skiing in a warmer world - Interview
- A Fuzzy Rule-based Model for the Assessment of Macrobenthic Habitats under Hydropeaking Impact - Academic article
- A General Non-Uniform Coarsening and Upscaling Framework for Reduced-Order Modeling - Chapter
- A generic framework for power system flexibility analysis using cooperative game theory - Academic article
- A genetic search-based heuristic for a fleet size and periodic routing problem with application to offshore supply planning - Academic article
- A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor - Academic lecture
- A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor - Academic lecture
- A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor - Poster
- A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor - Poster
- A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor - Poster
- A genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of S. coelicolor - Poster
- A geometric constraint independent hydrogen degradation law for high strength steels based on cohesive zone modeling - Lecture
- A ghost-cell immersed boundary method for the simulations of heat transfer in compressible flows under different boundary conditions Part-II: Complex geometries - Academic article
- A harmonic pressure differential wave energy converter - Academic article
- A high resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy study of interfaces in Si-based solar cell heterojunctions - Poster
- A highlight: Case study - Lecture
- A kinetic study on simultaneously boosting the mass and fixed-carbon yield of charcoal production via atmospheric carbonization - Academic article
- A kinetic study on simultaneously boosting the mass and fixed-carbon yield of charcoal production via atmospheric carbonization - Poster
- A Lightweight Measurement of Software Security Skills, Usage and Training Needs in Agile Teams - Academic article
- A linear programming approach for battery degradation analysis and optimization in offgrid power systems with solar energy integration - Academic article
- A machine learning approach to reverse engineering based on clustering and approximate implicitization - Poster
- A mechanical and environmental assessment and comparison of basalt fibre reinforced polymer (BFRP) rebar and steel rebar in concrete beams - Academic article
- A metaheuristic solution method for optimizing vessel fleet size and mix for maintenance operations at offshore wind farms under uncertainty - Academic article
- A metaheuristic solution method for optimizing vessel fleet size and mix for maintenance operations at offshore wind farms under uncertainty - Academic lecture
- A Method for Developing Algorithms for Assessing Cyber-Risk Cost - Academic lecture
- A Method for Developing Algorithms for Assessing Cyber-Risk Cost - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Method for Developing Qualitative Security Risk Assessment Algorithms - Academic lecture
- A micromechanical constitutive modeling of WC hardmetals using finite-element and uniform field models - Academic article
- A mobile application for on-site risk based decision support - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A model for optimal fleet composition of vessels for offshore wind farm maintenance - Academic article
- A model for α-Al(Mn,Fe)Si crystals - Academic article
- A Modelling Framework for Resilience Management: Practical benefits in real Air Traffic Management cases - Academic lecture
- A Multi-Domain 1D Particle-Reactor Model For Packed Bed Reactor Applications - Lecture
- A multimodal image guiding system for Navigated Ultrasound Bronchoscopy (EBUS): A human feasibility study - Academic article
- A multi-perspective account of safety (MUPSY) - Academic lecture
- A multiple model adaptive architecture for the state estimation in discrete-time uncertain LPV systems - Academic article
- A multiscale numerical approach of the dripping slag in the coke bed zone of a pilot scale Si-Mn furnace - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Multiscale Restriction-Smoothed Basis Method for Compositional Models - Chapter
- A Multiscale Restriction-Smoothed Basis Method for Compositional Models - Academic lecture
- A multi-sensor system for automatic analysis of classical cross-country skiing techniques - Academic article
- A new apparatus for screening of CO2 absorption solvents; online equilibrium and reaction kinetic measurements of low volume samples. - Poster
- A New Correction Method To Measure Equivalent Stress-Strain Curve With Notched Tensile Specimen - Academic lecture
- A new correction method to measure material’s equivalent stress-strain curve with axisymmetric notched tensile specimen - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A New Formulation for the Combined Maritime Fleet Deployment and Inventory Management Problem - Academic article
- A New hearing services in Tanzania - Poster
- A new tribological system test for integrated hot forming and die quenching of aluminium alloy sheets - Academic article
- A new visualization method for navigated bronchoscopy - Academic article
- A Norwegian project: Snow for the future - Interview
- A novel expression system for lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases - Academic article
- A Novel Method for Continuous, Noninvasive, Cuff-Less Measurement of Blood Pressure: Evaluation in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease - Academic article
- A novel methodology for optimization of properties, costs and sustainability of aluminium extrusions - Academic article
- A Novel Swing Adsorption Reactor Cluster (SARC) for Cost Effective Post-combustion CO2 Capture: A Thermodynamic Assessment - Academic article
- A Numerical/Experimental Study on the Impact and CAI Behaviour of Glass Reinforced Compsite Plates - Academic article
- A parametric tool for the assessment of operational energy use, embodied energy and embodied material emissions in building - Academic article
- A probabilistic-based approach for predicting mould growth in timber building envelopes: Comparison of three mould models - Academic article
- A probabilistic-based methodology for predicting mould growth in façade constructions - Academic article
- A Production Transfer Risk Assessment Framework - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Production Transfer Risk Assessment Framework - Academic lecture
- A question of power: the politics of kilowatt-hours - Website (informational material)
- A review of CFD modelling studies on pneumatic conveying and challenges in modelling offshore drill cuttings transport - Academic literature review
- A review of cohesive zone modelling as an approach for numerically assessing hydrogen embrittlement of steel structures. - Lecture
- A review of cohesive zone modelling as an approach for numerically assessing hydrogen embrittlement of steel structures. - Academic literature review
- A Review of Materials Science Research Pathways for Building Integrated Photovoltaics - Lecture
- A Review of Materials Science Research Pathways for Building Integrated Photovoltaics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Review of Possible Pathways for Avoiding Snow and Ice Formation on Building Integrated Photovoltaics - Lecture
- A Review of Possible Pathways for Avoiding Snow and Ice Formation on Building Integrated Photovoltaics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A robust method to calculate the volume phase transition temperature (VPTT) for hydrogels and hybrids - Academic article
- A Short Review on Fouling/Scaling/Caking during Powder Processing Operations - Lecture
- A Shortest Path Heuristic for Evaluating the Quality of Stowage Plans in Roll-On Roll-Off Liner Shipping - Academic article
- A special notched tensile specimen to determine the flow stress-strain curve of hardening materials without applying the Bridgman correction - Academic article
- A steady and quasi-steady state analysis on the CO2 hybrid ground-coupled heat pumping system - Academic article
- A Step Towards a Reduced Order Modelling of Flow Characterized by Wakes Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Step towards a Reduced Order Modelling of Flow Characterized by Wakes Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. - Lecture
- A step towards reduced order modelling of flow characterized by wakes using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition - Academic article
- A Stich in Time Saves Nine - Editorial
- A stochastic weather generator based on resampling historical ensemble weather forecasts and its application to hydrological simulation - Report
- A strategic document as a tool for implementing change. - Lecture
- A strategic document as a tool for implementing change. Lessons from the merger creating the South-East Health region in Norway - Academic article
- A study of human resource competencies required to implement community rehabilitation in less resourced settings - Academic literature review
- A study of selective laser melting technology on the ultra-high strength tool steel use?quality, mechanical properties and fatigue - Academic article
- A study on successful practices in a Norwegian company—a systematic approach and key contributing factors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A survey of the software and safety case development practice in the railway signalling sector - Academic lecture
- A taxonomy for autonomous merchant ships - Academic lecture
- A Taxonomy for Single Window Environments in Seaports - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A techno-economic case study of CO2 capture, transport and storage chain from a cement plant in Norway - Academic article
- A TEM and XPS study of epitaxially grown amorphous hydrogenated silicon in solar cell structures - Poster
- A Tourism Model Shift for Historic Cities: Valorising the Musical Heritage through ICT - Academic article
- A Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Precipitate Phases that Form at 95°C and 250°C in a Heat Exchanger Alloy - Academic lecture
- A two phase simulation of gel injection with functionalized silica nanoparticles - Academic lecture
- A two-phase heuristic for an in-port ship routing problem with tank allocation - Academic article
- A User Study: Keyboard and Applications to Simplify Smartphone Adoption for Seniors - Poster
- A User Study: Keyboard and Applications to Simplify Smartphone Adoption for Seniors. - Academic article
- A user-centred design process of new cold-protective clothing for offshore petroleum workers operating in the Barents Sea - Academic article
- A variable neighborhood search algorithm to generate piano fingerings for polyphonic sheet music - Academic article
- A Visual Data Profiling Tool for Data Preparation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A winch reference control system for semi-pelagic triple trawling - With full-scale sea trials - Academic lecture
- A27987 - Evaluation of the Whooshh Fish Transport System for transfer of Atlantic salmon broodstock between two tanks - Report
- Absorption Enhancement in Thin-Film Solar Cells with Perforated Holes - Academic article
- AC Corrosion of Electrically Heated Pipelines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Acceptance of Health-Related ICT among Elderly People Living in the Community: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Evidence - Academic literature review
- Access to health care for persons with disabilities in rural South Africa - Academic article
- Accountability as a Governance Paradox in the Norwegian Salmon Aquaculture Industry - Academic article
- Accountability requirements for the cloud - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Acoustic telemetry and computer vision methods for monitoring and documenting farmed fish behaviour during delousing operations - Popular scientific lecture
- aCQurate project developing integrated CO2 storage monitoring - Interview
- Activities in Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Carbonisation in Norway - Academic lecture
- Activities on Membrane and non-Membrane Technologies in SINTEF - Lecture
- Acute and physical effects of water-based drilling mud in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Academic article
- Acute hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) exposure does not cause oxidative stress in late-copepodite stage of Calanus finmarchicus - Academic article
- Adaptive Isogeometric Analysis of Thin Plate Problems using Recovery-based Error Estimation - Academic lecture
- Additive manufacturing by robot manipulator: An overview of the state-of-the-art and proof-of-concept results - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Additive Manufacturing by Robot Manipulator: An Overview of the State-of-the-Art and Proof-of-Concept Results - Academic lecture
- Additive manufacturing revolution to reactor engineering - Lecture
- Additive manufacturing: An opportunity for functional and sustainable constructions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adsorbed Natural Gas for the transport Sector – Critical Material Related Issues - Academic lecture
- Adsorption energy-driven carbon number-dependent olefin to paraffin ratio in cobalt-catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch synthesis - Academic article
- Advanced cementitious building materials with applications in civil engineering - Editorial
- Advanced Materials Technologies - Development of New Materials within ZEB - Academic lecture
- Advanced Materials Technologies - New Materials from ZEB - Lecture
- Advanced methods for risk assessment with integrated perspective - Academic lecture
- Advanced Silicon Detectors for Mini-and Microdosimetry in Contemporary Radiation Therapy - Lecture
- Advanced transparent facades: Market available products and associated challenges in building performance simulation - Academic article
- Aggregated load profiles – database predictor (black-box modelling) - Lecture
- Aggregated load: Guidelines on a method on how to do an energy simulation using aggregated load in early design of zero emission neighbourhoods - Report
- Aggregation model for curtailable generation and sheddable loads - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Agile Development of Safety-Critical Software - Lecture
- Agile Scalability Requirements - Academic lecture
- Agile Scalability Requirements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Agile Testing - Lecture
- Agile Testing in FARA - Lecture
- Aging behavior and tensile response of a SiCw reinforced eutectoid zinc-aluminium-copper alloy matrix composite - Academic article
- Aging of insulating linings in aluminium electrolysis cells - Academic article
- Aging of Insulating Linings in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells - Academic lecture
- Air leakage of defects in the vapour barrier of compact roofs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Airborne emissions from ferroalloy production - Academic lecture
- Airborne Emissions from Silicon Production. - Academic lecture
- Airborne Emissions from Silicon Production. - Academic lecture
- Air-Filled Nanopore Based High-Performance Thermal Insulation Materials - Academic article
- Air-Filled Nanopore Based High-Performance Thermal Insulation Materials - Lecture
- ALaDIn: Shining a Light on Air Quality through Data Integration and Machine Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Al-Al Wafer-Level Thermocompression Bonding applied for MEMS - Academic lecture
- Al-Al Wafer-Level Thermocompression Bonding applied for MEMS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Alginate "caviar" - A sacrificial template for electrode fabrication - Poster
- Alginate Based Binder Materials for High Capacity Silicon Anodes - Poster
- Alginate oligomers potentiate antibiotics by disrupting biofilm - Poster
- Aligning autnonmous teams - Lecture
- Alignment in Large scale Agile organizations - Lecture
- Alignment versus Autonomy, Scrum Teams in the Waterfall World - Lecture
- Aliso Canyon Leakage as an Analogue for Worst Case CO2 Leakage and Quantification of Acceptable Storage Loss - Academic article
- All you need to know about biofuels - Website (informational material)
- Alternating Current Acid Etching of Aluminium - Academic lecture
- Alternating Current Phosphoric Acid Etching of Aluminium - Academic lecture
- Alternative processes for aluminium production - Lecture
- Alternative Railway Electrification: Nordland line and Southern Transcon - Academic lecture
- Aluminium Electrolysis - Anode and Cathode Performance - Lecture
- Aluminium Electrolysis - Carbon Anode Performance and Manufacturing - Lecture
- An algorithm to obtain a theoretical model of the bronchial tree - Academic article
- An approach for modelling energy flows in industrial clusters - Lecture
- An Assessment of Avionics Software Development Practice: Justifications for an Agile Development Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An assessment of avionics software development practice: justifications for an agile development process. - Lecture
- An Assessment of C&D Waste Quality and its Recycling Potential - An Indian Perspective - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An empirical case design and stress test addressing hidden, dynamic and emergent vulnerabilities of society - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Engineering Approach to Computational Prediction of Breakdown in Air With Surface Charging Effects - Academic article
- An engineering model for dynamic wind power plant flow - Academic article
- An Engineering Model for Dynamic Wind Power Plant Flow (AN 17.12.08) - Report
- An experimental study of CO2 hydrate formation in the presence of chemical promoters - Poster
- An Experimental Study of Gas Influx in Oil-Based Drilling Fluids for Improved Modelling of High-Pressure, High-Temperature Wells - Academic article
- An in vivo MEMS sensor system for percutaneous measurement of urinary bladder - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An insight into β-Zn4Sb3 from its crystal structure, thermoelectric performance, thermal stability and graded material - Academic literature review
- An internationally benchmarked approach towards the standardised aquatic ecotoxicity testing of nanomaterials - Lecture
- An Isogeometric Analysis based Approach to Computer Aided Tools for Additive Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- An Ontology for Digital Maritime Regulations - Academic article
- Analysis of acoustic impedance matching in dual-band ultrasound transducers - Academic article
- Analysis of an Aluminium Alloy Containing Trace Elements - Academic article
- Analysis of Dynamic Loads on Azimuthing Ducted Propulsor under Off-Design Operation Conditions - Academic lecture
- Analysis of impact sound insulation properties of wooden joist and cross laminated timber (CLT) floor constructions - Abstract
- Analysis of impact sound insulation properties of wooden joist and cross laminated timber (CLT) floor constructions - Lecture
- Analysis of reduction of energy demands for Zero Emission Renovated Office Building by using thermal mass and ventilative cooling - Academic article
- Analysis of the impact resolution has on load matching in the Norwegian context - Academic article
- Analysis of the impact resolution has on load matching in the Norwegian context - Lecture
- Analysis of Unsteady Hydrodynamics Related to Vortex Induced Vibrations on Bluff-Bodied Offshore Structure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of Unsteady Hydrodynamics Related to Vortex Induced Vibrations on Bluff-Bodied Offshore Structure. - Lecture
- Analytical gradients in linear state-space models - Report
- Analytical ultracentrifugation for analysis of doxorubicin loaded liposomes - Academic article
- Analyzing a Modeled System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analyzing electrical installation labor productivity through work sampling - Academic article
- Anisole hydrotreatment Kinetics on CoMo catalyst in the Absence of Sulfur: experimental investigation and model construction - Academic article
- ANITA2 Flight Model Development – A status report of the multicomponent ISS Air Analyser - Academic lecture
- Annoyance survey by means of social media - Academic article
- Annual energy performance of R744 and R410A heat pumping systems - Academic article
- Annual Summary Report on coordination and alignment activities (Y1) - Report
- Anode Carbon Aggregate packing descriprion compared to relevant industrial and engineering practises - Academic lecture
- Anode carbon aggregate packing description compared to relevant industrial and engineering practises - Academic article
- Anthropomorphic liver phantom with flow for multimodal image-guided liver therapy research and training - Academic article
- Anticipating Anonymity in Screening Program Databases - Academic article
- Anti-oxidant and immune-modulatory properties of sulfated alginate derivatives on human chondrocytes and macrophages - Academic article
- Applicability of enhancement factor models for CO2 absorption into aqueous MEA solutions - Academic article
- Applicability of the new rock abrasivity test method (RIAT) to cutter life assessments in hard rock tunnel boring - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Applicability of traditional and advanced methods for oxidative quality and stability on marine phospholipids - Academic article
- Application of conditional random fields for the reliability assessment of slope stability - Lecture
- Application of conditional random fields for the reliability assessment of slope stability - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry to determine a wide range of petrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in small samples of oil exposed fish egg - Academic lecture
- Application of HYPE in Norway - Report
- Application of the MP-PIC method for predicting pneumatic conveying characteristics of dilute phase flows - Academic article
- Apply now: Free Access to Leading European Smart Grid Laboratories! - Website (informational material)
- Applying closed-loop product lifecycle management to enable fact based design of boats - Academic article
- Arc voltage characteristics in ultrahigh-pressure nitrogen including supercritical region - Academic article
- Arctic Approach - The Northern Area Program - Non-fiction book
- Are current algae toxicity tests suitable for the evaluation of carbon-based nanomaterials? - Lecture
- Are Daily Stand-up Meetings Valuable? A Survey of Developers in Software Teams - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Are fluorescence-based chlorophyll quantification methods suitable for algae toxicity assessment of carbon nanomaterials? - Academic article
- ARTIFEX and CageReporter – Two research projects that brings us into future solutions for autonomous aquaculture - Popular scientific lecture
- Artificial Intelligence in Studies of Malignant Tumours - Chapter
- Ash fusion characteristics of spruce stem wood and blends with bark, forest residue and fermentation residues - Lecture
- Aspen Plus Process Simulation of Calcium Looping with Different Indirect Calciner Heat Transfer Concepts - Academic article
- ASR – reliable concept for performance testing (2014-2018) - Lecture
- Assessing hydropower operational profitability considering energy and reserve markets - Academic article
- Assessing phytoplankton and zooplankton dynamics using optical sensors. - Poster
- Assessing the carbon emission effects of consolidating shipments - Academic lecture
- Assessing the impact of net cleaning on nets and antifouling coatings in salmon farming - Academic lecture
- Assessing the photoelectrochemical properties of C, N, F codoped TiO2 nanotubes of different lengths - Academic article
- Assessing the potential benefit of energy storage in emission constrained power markets using equilibrium modeling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessing the potential benefit of energy storage in emission constrained power markets using equilibrium modeling - Lecture
- Assessment of Thermal Stress on Well Integrity as a Function of Size and Material Properties - Academic article
- Assessment, benchmarking and stress-testing resilience of critical infrastructures: A novel, indicator-based approach developed in the EU project SmartResilience - Academic lecture
- Atomap - Automated Analysis of Atomic Resolution STEM Images - Academic article
- Atomap: a new software tool for the automated analysis of atomic resolution images using two-dimensional Gaussian fitting - Academic article
- Atomic-resolution chemical mapping of ordered precipitates in Al alloys using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy - Academic article
- Atomic-scale changes induced by hydrogen and boron in crystalline materials - Academic lecture
- Atomistic details of precipitates in lean Al–Mg–Si alloys with trace additions of Ag and Ge studied by HAADF-STEM and DFT - Academic article
- Atomistic modelling in Al alloy development - examples and possibilities - Academic lecture
- Attainable Region for Biobutanol Production - Academic article
- Attitudes and perceptions about becoming a prosumer : results from a survey among Norwegian Residential customers - 2016 - Report
- Austevoll Seaweed Farm: Gourmet food from cultivated seaweed - Lecture
- Automated Real Time Prediction of the ECD and Drilling Window Ahead of the Bit; Not Anymore a Holy Grail! - Lecture
- Automated vehicles - Academic lecture
- Automatic determination of heart rates from microscopy videos of early life stages of fish - Academic article
- Automatic Model Calibration for Drilling Automation - Chapter
- Automatic Model Calibration for Drilling Automation - Lecture
- Automatic Segmentation and Probe Guidance for Real-Time Assistance of Ultrasound-Guided Femoral Nerve Blocks - Academic article
- Automation in Human-Machine Networks: How Increasing Machine Agency Affects Human Agency - Academic lecture
- Automation in Human-Machine Networks: How Increasing Machine Agency Affects Human Agency - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous merchant ship research in Norway - Lecture
- Autonomous teams in large scale agile development and orgnizing guilds and communties - Lecture
- Autonomous Vessels - R&D and Ecosystem - Lecture
- Autothermal operation of a pressurized Gas Switching Combustion with ilmenite ore - Academic article
- Aviation in the context of globalization: Characteristics and potential safety challenges from the perspective of a full-service carrier - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aviation in the context of globalization: Characteristics and potential safety challenges from the perspective of a full-service carrier - Academic lecture
- Avoiding Damage of CO2 Injection Wells Caused by Temperature Variations - Academic article
- Ba0.5Gd0.8La0.7Co2O6-δ infiltrated in porous BaZr0.7Ce0.2Y0.1O3 backbones as electrode material for proton ceramic electrolytes - Academic article
- Balancing competing parameters in search of optimal configurations for a fix louvre blade system with integrated PV - Academic article
- Balancing needs and measures in the future West Central European power system with large shares of wind and solar resources - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bandgap measurement of high refractive index materials by off-axis EELS - Academic article
- Band-limited OptAVO, seismic inversion the other way round - Academic lecture
- Band-limited OptAVO, seismic inversion the other way round - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- BarkCure Newsletter no.1 - Briefs
- Base location and helicopter fleet composition in the oil industry - Academic article
- Batteries and hydrogen for heavy transport applications in an industrial park - Academic lecture
- Batteries in offshore support vessels – Pollution, climate impact and economics - Academic article
- Bauxite Residue Avoidance - Report
- Bauxite residue avoidance- highlight of the project - Academic lecture
- Bayesian Updating of Uncertainties in the Stability Analysis of Natural Slopes in Sensitive Clays - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bending machine for testing reliability of flexible electronics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bending Machine for Testing Reliability of Flexible Electronics - Academic lecture
- Best Value Approach (BVA) - Enhancing Value Creation in Construction Projects - Academic article
- Between craft and regulations: experiences with the construction of two “super insulated” buildings in Norway - Academic article
- Betwixt and between - Academic lecture
- Big Data Analytics for Science and Engineering (Masterclass) - Lecture
- Big Data Value PPP in Horizon 2020 - Popular scientific lecture
- BIGCCS - International CCS Research Centre : final report - Report
- BioCarb+ - Enabling the biocarbon value chain for energy - Brochure
- BioCarb+ and biocarbon research at SINTEF Energy Research and NTNU - Academic lecture
- BioCarb+ Newsletter 1-2017 - Briefs
- BioCarb+ Newsletter 2-2017 - Briefs
- Biocarbon production and utilization - Academic lecture
- Biocarbon production and utilization - Lecture
- Biocarbon properties and how to influence them - Academic lecture
- Biocarbon research needs, for the metallurgical industry - Lecture
- Biocarbonization process for high quality energy carriers: Techno-economics - Academic article
- Biocomposites for 3D printing in Construction - Lecture
- Biodegradability of Plastics: Challenges and Misconceptions - Academic article
- Biodegradation of Chemically Dispersed Oil in Seawater - Results from a 3-Year Research Project. - Academic lecture
- Biodegradation of dispersed oil in seawater is not inhibited by a commercial oil spill dispersant - Academic article
- Biokinetics of nanomaterials: The role of biopersistence - Academic article
- Biomass Charcoal Properties Changes during Storage - Academic article
- Biomass soaking treatments to reduce potentially undesirable compounds in the edible seaweeds sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) and winged kelp (Alaria esculenta) and health risk estimation for human consumption - Academic article
- Biomass upgrading for improved combustion processes - Academic lecture
- Biomimetic sulphated alginate hydrogels suppress IL-1B-induced inflammatory responses in human chondrocytes - Academic article
- Biomonitoring using tagged sentinel fish and acoustic telemetry in commercial salmon aquaculture: A feasibility study - Academic article
- Biotransformation of natural gas and oil compounds associated with marine oil discharges - Academic article
- BizDev Teams in Agile Software Development - Masters thesis
- Bloom stage characteristics in an Atlantic influenced Arctic marine ecosystem - Academic lecture
- Borehole stability and sand production in gas reservoirs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Borehole strengthening in gas wells from near borehole drying - Academic article
- Bottom Water Acidification and Warming on the Western Eurasian Arctic Shelves: Dynamical Downscaling Projections - Academic article
- Brain atlas for pre- and postoperative health-related quality of life in patients with high-grade glioma: Preliminary results - Academic lecture
- Brain-shift compensation using intraoperative ultrasound and constraint-based biomechanical simulation - Academic article
- Breakdown in short rod-plane air gaps under positive lightning impulse stress - Academic article
- Bridging the Gap – Coupling Fluid Chemistry with Fluid Dynamics - Popular scientific article
- Briquetting of Mn-fines - Lecture
- B-spline-like bases for C2 cubics on the Powell-Sabin 12-split - Academic lecture
- Building a typology of human-machine networks - Lecture
- Building integrated photovoltaics for Norway: System installation options and the effect on performance - Academic lecture
- Building Integrated Photovoltaics: A Review of Materials Science Challenges and Opportunities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Building Integrated Photovoltaics: A Review of Materials Science Challenges and Opportunities - Academic lecture
- Building Integrated Photovoltaics: State-of-the-Art and Future Opportunities - Lecture
- Building Integrated Photovoltaics: State-of-the-Art and Future Opportunities - Lecture
- Building Integration of Photovoltaics at Nordic Climate Conditions - Academic lecture
- Building Integration of Photovoltaics at Nordic Climate Conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- C&D waste treatment and utilisation – International best practice and possible challenges – CPWD-SINTEF project - Lecture
- Calcination temperature dependent catalytic activity and stability of IrO2 – Ta2O5 anodes for oxygen evolution reaction in aqueous sulfate electrolytes - Academic article
- Calculation of head loss in a shared tunnel for a pumped storage hydropower plant with variable speed pumps - Academic lecture
- Calculation of head loss in a shared tunnel for a pumped-storage plant with speed pumps - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Calculation of power consumption for a pumped-storage plant With hydraulic short-circuit operation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Calculation of power consumption for a pumped-storage plant With hydraulic short-circuit operation - Academic lecture
- Calibrated resilience landscapes of composite protection; theoretical grounding of an empirical approach. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Calibration of laboratory results to field (basis for establishing "critical limits") - Lecture
- Calorimetric Studies of Precipitating Solvent System - Academic article
- Can heating-induced creep result in shale barriers for P&A applications? - Academic lecture
- Canvas as a Design Tool for Autonomous Operations: : With application to net inspection of a sea based fish farm using an underwater vehicle - Academic article
- Canvas as a Design Tool for Autonomous Operations: : With application to net inspection of a sea based fish farm using an underwater vehicle - Academic lecture
- Capturing CO2 from Biogas Plants - Academic article
- Carbon materials for Mn-alloy production - Lecture
- Carbon build-up on flue walls in anode baking furnaces (2017-10) - Academic lecture
- Carbon dioxide saturation estimates at Sleipner using seismic imaging and rock physics inversion - Lecture
- Carbon dioxide saturation estimates at Sleipner using seismic imaging and rock physics inversion - Academic lecture
- Carbon Dioxide Saturation Estimates at Sleipner Using Seismic Imaging and Rock Physics Inversion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Carbon properties in the FeSi/Si process - Academic lecture
- Carburization of Synthetic Chromite Solid Solutions by Ar-CH4-H2 Gas Mixtures - Academic lecture
- CaRMa - Insulation Materials; Progress and Plans - Academic lecture
- Cascading effects of climate change on the ocean - Lecture
- Cascading Norwegian co-streams for bioeconomic transition - Academic article
- Case Studies Methodology & Process - Lecture
- Case Studies Methodology & Process - Lecture
- Case Study on the Socio-Economic Benefit of Allowing Active Power Curtailment to Postpone Grid Upgrades - Academic article
- Catalysis in microstructured reactors - Short review on smallscale syngas production and further conversion into methanol, DME and Fischer-Tropsch products - Academic article
- Catalyst Deactivation During One-Step Dimethyl Ether Synthesis from Synthesis Gas - Academic article
- CATalyst transformations and LIFEtime by in-situ techniques and modelling (CATLIFE) - Poster
- Catalytic abatement of CH4 slip - Poster
- Categorization of Norwegian Continental Shelf formations in terms of geological CO2 storage potentials - Academic article
- Cathode wear based on autopsy of a shutdown aluminium electrolysis cell - Academic article
- Cathode Wear Based on Autopsy of a Shutdown Aluminium Electrolysis Cell - Academic lecture
- Cathodic Protection against Galvanic-Crevice Corrosion of Steel-Aluminium Couples in Sea Water - Academic lecture
- Caves of Wind Power - Interview
- CAxMan poster - Poster
- CAxMan: Computer-Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing - Lecture
- CAxMan: Computer-Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing - Poster
- CCR characterization and valorization as mineral additives during cement production in India - Academic article
- CCS in Norway: The Norwegian Full-Scale CCS Project and the Norwegian CCS Research Centre - Lecture
- CCS ON INDUSTRIAL SOURCES – “THE NEXT FRONTIER FOR GHG REDUCTIONS” Full-scale implementation and the role of research - Lecture
- CCS on Offshore Oil and Gas Installation - Design of Post Combustion Capture System and Steam Cycle - Academic article
- CEDREN final report - Report
- CEMCAP – Making CO2 Capture Retrofittable to Cement Plants - Academic article
- Cement bond log interpretation in shale formations - Academic lecture
- Cement/Rock Interface Carbonation during Supercritical CO2 Injection - Poster
- CenBio : Bioenergy Innovation Centre - Final report - Report
- CenBio Final Report - Bioenergy Innovation Centre - Report
- CFD modeling and thermodynamic analysis of a concept of a MILD-OXY combustion large scale pulverized coal boiler - Academic article
- CFD MODELING OF DYNAMIC EMULSION STABILITY - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CFD modelling of irregular and focused waves using wave reconstruction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CFD Modelling of Observed Cuttings Transport in Oil-based and Water-based Drilling Fluids - Lecture
- CFD Modelling of Observed Cuttings Transport in Oil-based and Water-based Drilling Fluids - Chapter
- CFD Simulations of Turbulent Flow in the Human Upper Airways - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- C-Feed - livefeed for fishlarvae - Lecture
- Challenges for the empowerment of young mental health service users in Norway - Academic article
- Challenges in Choice Navigation for SMEs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges in Cobia Farming in Brazil - Lecture
- Challenges in IT security preparedness exercises: A case study - Academic article
- Challenges in work and heat integration - Academic article
- Changes in the Profiles of Metabolites Originating from Protein Degradation During Ripening of Dry Cured Ham - Academic article
- Characterisation of fine-grained tailings from a marble processing plant and their acute effects on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Academic article
- Characterising physical- and photodegradation of polystyrene and polyethylene microplastic particles - Poster
- Characterizating the stability of catalyst materials using in-situ environmental transmission electron microscopy. - Academic lecture
- Characterization and Modelling of the Microstructure and Texture Evolution In AlMgSi-Extrusions - Academic article
- Characterization of 2-piperidineethanol and 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)pyrrolidine as strong bicarbonate forming solvents for CO2 capture - Academic article
- Characterization of ash deposits from municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plants - Poster
- Characterization of ash deposits from municipal solid Waste (MSW) incineration plants - Academic lecture
- Characterization of ash deposits from municipal solid Waste (MSW) incineration plants - Academic article
- Characterization of B-implanted 3C-SiC for intermediate band solar cells - Academic article
- Characterization of cements for injection - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Characterization of flexibility resources and distribution networks - Report
- Characterization of Prebake Anodes by Micro X-ray Computed Tomography - Academic article
- Characterization of the loss of the dislocation-free growth during Czochralski silicon pulling - Academic article
- Chatbot + public sector = better services?! On demand information and support - Poster
- Chatbots and the new world of HCI - Academic article
- Chatbots for loyalty: From technology push to human touch - Lecture
- Chemical Looping Combustion of Methane Using a Copper-based Oxygen Carrier in a 150 kW Reactor System - Academic article
- Chemical stability of thermal insulating materials in sodium vapour environment - Academic article
- Chemical Stability of Thermal Insulating Materials in Sodium Vapour Environment - Academic lecture
- Chromium research at SINTEF and NTNU - Lecture
- CINELDI - Annual report 2017 - Report
- CINELDI Kickoff - Website (informational material)
- cineldi.no - Website (informational material)
- Classification and analysis of impact on small-signal dynamics and stability from expansion of VSC-HVDC systems to multi-terminal HVDC grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Clean Electricity Production from Offshore Natural Gas - Website (informational material)
- Cleaning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) obtained from ferroalloys plant - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Clear skies ahead: re(se)a(r)ch for the sky - Popular scientific lecture
- Climate adaptation framework for moisture-resilient buildings in Norway - Academic article
- Climate adaptation framework for moisture-resilient buildings in Norway - Lecture
- Climate adaptation of buildings through MOM- and upgrading - state of the art and research demands - Lecture
- Climate adaptation of buildings through MOM- and upgrading - State of the art and research needs - Academic article
- Climate adaptation of public buildings through MOM – a case study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Climate adaptation of public buildings through MOM – a case study - Lecture
- Climate Adaptation of School Buildings through MOM – A Case Study - Academic article
- Climate Adaptation of School Buildings through MOM – A Case Study - Lecture
- Climate Change and Fate of Arctic Oil Spills - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Climate change, snow crab and Svalbard - Lecture
- Climate summit: COP23 in one day! - Website (informational material)
- Climatic Forecasting of Wind and Waves Using Fuzzy Inference Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Climatic Forecasting of Wind and Waves Using Fuzzy Inference Systems - Lecture
- Closed-loop predictions in reservoir management under uncertainty - Academic article
- Closing of Micro-cavities in Well Cement upon Exposure to CO2 Brine - Academic article
- Closing the gaps in CO2 well plugging - Poster
- Closing the gaps in CO2 well plugging (CO2plug) - Poster
- Cloud Computing and Big Data - Academic lecture
- CloudScale Method Quick View - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CloudStore — towards scalability, elasticity, and efficiency benchmarking and analysis in Cloud computing - Academic article
- CO activation mechanism of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on hcp Co studied by density functional theory (DFT) using K adsorption as a probe - Academic lecture
- Co and Ni spinel catalysts for low temperature methane total oxidation - Poster
- CO2 Capture in Dry and Wet Conditions in UTSA-16 Metal−Organic Framework - Academic article
- CO2 Capture in Natural Gas Production by Adsorption Processes - Academic article
- CO2 capture in Natural Gas Production by adsorption processes for CO2 storage, EOR and EGR - Report
- CO2 capture in natural gas production using adsorption processes - Lecture
- CO2 Gasification of Charcoals in the Context of Metallurgical Application - Academic article
- CO2 gasification of chars prepared by fast and slow pyrolysis from wood and forest residue. A kinetic study - Academic article
- CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon produced at different conditions - Poster
- CO2REOPT: Real-time Train Dispatching on the Iron Ore Line - Academic lecture
- CO2stCap - Cutting Cost of CO2 Capture in Process Industry - Academic article
- Co-creation for innovation: why do customers get involved? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Co-designing a mHealth Application for Self-management of Cystic Fibrosis - Academic lecture
- Co-designing a mHealth Application for Self-management of Cystic Fibrosis - Academic article
- Co-extrusion of Dual Aluminium Alloys with Special Surface Properties - Academic lecture
- Co-extrusion of Dual Aluminium Alloys with Special Surface Properties - Academic article
- Cognitive Hyperconnected Digital Transformation : Internet of Things Intelligence Evolution - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Cohesive zone element - Report
- Cohesive zone modelling of hydrogen induced cracking on the interface of clad steel pipes - Academic article
- Cohesive zone simulation of grain size and misorientation effects on hydrogen embrittlement in nickel - Academic article
- Collaboration challenges and improvements when working globally distributed - Lecture
- Collaborative indoor navigation for emergency services personnel - Academic lecture
- Collaborative indoor navigation for emergency services personnel - Academic article
- Collaborative research to improve time planning and management in projects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Collaborative Strategies for Distributed Teams - Lecture
- Co-location of health- and emergency services as catalyst for innovation - Academic lecture
- Column slamming loads on a TLP from steep and breaking waves - Academic article
- Combined effect of Mg and vacancy on the generalized planar fault energy of Al - Academic article
- Combining multivariate statistics and the think-aloud protocol to assess Human-Computer Interaction barriers in symptom checkers - Academic article
- Combining pickups and deliveries in vehicle routing - An assessment of carbon emission effects - Academic lecture
- Combining pickups and deliveries in vehicle routing – An assessment of carbon emission effects - Academic article
- Combining the modified discrete element method with the virtual element method for fracturing of porous media - Academic article
- Combustion kinetics of wet-torrefied forest residues using the distributed activation energy model - DAEM - Academic article
- Comment on “Accurately measured precipitate-matrix misfit in an Al-Mg-Si alloy by electron microscopy” - Letter to the editor
- Commercial Capture and Transport of CO2 from Production of Ammonia - Academic article
- Commercial cultivation of seaweed - Lecture
- Common mental disorders and disability pension, gender differences in risk - Doctoral dissertation
- Communication and Coordination In Distributed Teams - Academic lecture
- Communication possibilities and limitations in the High North - Academic lecture
- Communications and navigation challenges in the High North - Chapter
- Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Oxyfuel and Post-combustion Capture with MEA and AMP/PZ - Case Studies from the EDDiCCUT Project - Academic article
- Comparative study of shale-gas production using single- and dual-continuum approaches - Academic article
- Comparative study on the thermal behavior of untreated and various torrefied bark, stem wood, and stump of Norway spruce - Academic article
- Comparative study on the thermal degradation of dry- and wet-torrefied woods - Academic article
- Comparing Capability of Static Analysis Tools to Detect Security Weaknesses in Mobile Applications - Academic article
- Comparing computational models of different complexity for simulating thermal effects of CO2 injection - Poster
- Comparison and evaluation of agglomerated MOFs in biohydrogen purification by means of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) - Academic article
- Comparison between cell-centered and nodal-based discretization schemes for linear elasticity - Academic article
- Comparison between synthetic ester and mineral oil impregnated transformer paper aging markers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison of different solvents from the solvent degradation rig With real samples - Academic article
- Comparison of Meso Scale Subsea gas Release With Multiphase Eulerian-Lagrangian CFD Model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison of numerical efficiency of the thermal and the kinetic rate drying model applied to a thermally thick wood particle - Academic lecture
- Comparison of numerical efficiency of the thermal and the kinetic rate drying model applied to a thermally thick wood particle - Academic article
- Comparison of tensile and compressive creep of fly ash concretes in the hardening phase - Academic article
- Comparison of wireless techniques applied to environmental sensor monitoring - Report
- Compatibility between semi-conductive LLDPE and hydrocarbon oil - Academic article
- Complex geometry handling for a cartesian grid based solver - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Composite floors in urban buildings: Options for a low carbon building design - Academic lecture
- Composite floors in urban buildings: Options for a low carbon building design - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- COMPOSITE Process: Highly efficient IGCC power generation with CO2 capture by integration of CLAS and CLC - Academic lecture
- COMPOSITE: A concept for high efficiency power production with integrated CO2 capture from solid fuels - Academic article
- Comprehensive Char Particle Gasification Model Adequate for Entrained-Flow and Fluidized-Bed Gasifiers - Academic article
- Compression and Expansion at the Right Pinch Temperature - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Compression stress relaxation in carbon black reinforced HNBR at low temperatures - Academic article
- Computation of three-dimensional three-phase flow of carbon dioxide using a high-order WENO scheme - Academic article
- Computational Fluid Dynamics for improving micro- to large-scale woody biomass and municipal solid waste combustion units - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Computer Aided Tools for Additive Manufacturing based on an Isogeometric Approach - Academic lecture
- Concrete durability and critical factors - Lecture
- Concrete production through microbially induced dissolution and re-precipitation of limestone - Lecture
- Conductive ZSM-5-Based Adsorbent for CO2 Capture: Active Phase vs Monolith - Academic article
- Configuration testing for better DevOps - Academic lecture
- Congestion Management in a Stochastic Dispatch Model for Electricity Markets - Academic lecture
- Congestion Management in a Stochastic Dispatch Model for Electricity Markets - Academic lecture
- Consequences for Residential customers when changing from energy based to capacity based tariff structure in the distribution grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Consequences of energy retrofitting for daylight availability in Norwegian apartments based on measurements and simulations - Academic article
- Consequences of energy retrofitting on the daylight availability in Norwegian apartments - Academic article
- Constant Volume Pyrolysis of Biomass for the Production of Char with High Fixed-Carbon Content - Academic lecture
- Constrained AVO for CO2 storage monitoring at Sleipner - Academic article
- Construction and demolition waste - a huge material resource for the building industry - Lecture
- Construction and demolition waste - a huge material resource for the building industry - Abstract
- Contact and nozzle wear from 100 interruptions for a puffer-type air load break switch - Academic article
- Context Collapse of News. - Academic lecture
- Continuous fermentation and kinetic experiments for the Conversion of crude glycerol derived from second-generation biodiesel into 1,3 propanediol and butyric acid - Academic article
- Continuous synthesis of the metal—organic framework CPO-27-Ni from aqueous solutions - Academic article
- Continuous vs step change production process improvement as enablers for product redesign and new market opportunities - Academic article
- Control methodologies for Direct voltage and power flow in a meshed HVDC grid - Report
- Control of Power Electronic Converters as Virtual Synchronous Machines for Grid Integration of Distributed Energy Resources - Lecture
- Control, Diagnostics and Prognostics of PEM Fuel Cells - Academic lecture
- Controllable template approach for ZnO nanowire growth - Academic article
- Convergence of Ensemble Simulations for Environmental Risk Assessment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Conveying hope in consultations with patients with life-threatening diseases: the balance between supporting and challenging the patient - Academic article
- Cooperation across government services: The relation between the Norwegian police and the Norwegian armed forces in the aftermath of the terror attacks of July 22nd 2011 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Coopetition of software firms in open source software ecosystems - Academic article
- Coordinated optimization of weekly reserve, day-ahead and balancing energy trade in hydropower - Academic article
- Coordinated optimization of weekly reserve, day-ahead and balancing energy trade in hydropower - Academic lecture
- Coordination in multi-team programmes: An investigation of the group mode in large-scale agile development - Academic article
- Coordination in the large: a research design - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- COP23: Bonn meeting to help accelerate climate action - Website (informational material)
- COPRO Case studies - status 2017 - Poster
- Co-processing of Alternative Fuels & Resources in Indian Cement Industry - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Co-processing of Alternative Fuels & Resources in Indian Cement Industry - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Co-processing of spent pot linings from aluminium smelting in cement kilns: lessons learned - Lecture
- Co-processing opportunities in India - Lecture
- CORAL: A Model-Based Approach to Risk-Driven Security Testing - Academic lecture
- Correction to: Parma consensus statement on metabolic disruptors (Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source (2015) 14:1 (54) DOI: 10.1186/s12940-015-0042-7) - Errata
- Correlation effects between turbulence and the conversion rate of pulverized char particles - Academic article
- Corrigendum to "Comparison of Different Strategies for Selection/Adaptation of Mixed Microbial Cultures Able to Ferment Crude Glycerol Derived from Second-Generation Biodiesel" - Errata
- Corrosion control through organic coatings - Academic monograph
- Corrosion Protection of Offshore Wind Monopiles - Academic lecture
- Cost effective use of unmanned ships in short sea shipping - Lecture
- Cost efficiency of 2020 Sulphur abatement options - Academic lecture
- Cost factors - Popular scientific article
- Cost network – Reducing the cost of future CCS - Website (informational material)
- Cost-Effective Energy-Efficient Building Retrofitting - Materials, Technologies, Optimization and Case Studies - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Cost-optimal CO2 capture ratio for membrane-based capture from different CO2 sources - Academic article
- Cost-Optimisation for Timber Façades Exposed to Rot Decay - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Could the Outsourcing of Incident Response Management Provide a Blueprint for Managing Other Cloud Security Requirements? - Academic article
- Counting public transport passenger using WiFi signatures of mobile devices - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Coupled geomechanics and flow simulation on corner-point and polyhedral grids - Chapter
- Coupled Geomechanics and Flow Simulation on Corner-Point and Polyhedral Grids - Academic lecture
- Coupled Ventilation and Flue Gas Heat Exchanger System for Use in Low Energy Dwellings: An Investigation Using Dynamic Energy Simulations - Poster
- Coupled Ventilation and Flue Gas Heat Exchanger System for Use in Low Energy Dwellings: An Investigation Using Dynamic Energy Simulations - Academic article
- Coupling in hydraulic fracturing simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cover Feature: Rational Development of Neutral Aqueous Electrolytes for Zinc–Air Batteries (ChemSusChem 23/2017) - Feature article
- Critical factors for building sustainable business networks among local food entrepreneurs - Academic lecture
- Cross-linked PTMSP Membrane with Reduced Physical Aging for CO2 Separation - Poster
- Cross-weld tensile strength of aluminum alloys en AW 5083 and 6082 - Academic article
- Cryogenic CO2 condensation and membrane separation of syngas for large-scale LH2 production - Academic lecture
- Cryogenic CO2 condensation and membrane separation of syngas for large-scale LH2 production. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Crystalline silicon growth on aluminum substrate for photovoltaic application - Academic article
- Crystallographic evolution of 6xxx series aluminium precipitates studied by scanning precession electron diffraction - Lecture
- Culture and participation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Culture-independent and -dependent characterization and heterologous expression of biosynthetic gene clusters derived from Actinobacteria - Poster
- Current Cement Production and Potential for Co-processing of Wastes in Myanmar - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Current development trends of aquaculture structures - Lecture
- Current efforts to establish a common methodology and common database for the resilience indicator based assessment - Academic lecture
- Current status of condition monitoring in Norwegian and Swedish hydropower plants - Report
- Current Technolgies can reduce ship emissions by 75% - Interview
- Curvature effects for multicomponent droplets - Poster
- Curvature effects for multicomponent droplets - Poster
- Cyber Security and the Power Grid - Popular scientific lecture
- Cyber-Physical Energy Systems Approach for Engineering Power System State Estimation in Smart Grids - Academic article
- CYCLE - Total utilization of raw materials in the supply chain for food with a bio-economical perspective - 2017:00859 A - Report
- Cycle modeling - Lecture
- Cytotoxicity of Poly (alkyl cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles - Poster
- Cytotoxicity of poly(Alkyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles - Academic article
- D1.1 Agriculture Pilot Definition - Report
- D2.3 Summary report of data collected from demonstrators Final Report - Report
- D3.1 Fishery Pilot Definition - Report
- D6.1 Initial business models and plans - Report
- D6.10 MOBINET Impacts on safety, comfort and the environment - Report
- D6.3 State of the Art - Report
- D6.4 Final business model and plan - Report
- Dampness and Moisture Problems in Norwegian Homes - Academic article
- Data preparation as a service based on Apache Spark - Academic article
- Data-driven real-time decision support and its application to hybrid propulsion systems - Academic lecture
- DataGraft beta v2: New features and capabilities - Academic article
- DataGraft: One-stop-shop for open data management - Academic article
- Dawsonite as sorbent for the SEWGS process - Poster
- Dealing with crises in critical infrastructures: risk and resilience as complementary management approaches - Academic lecture
- Debate: Changing to Lean public services - Reader opinion piece
- Decentralized Production of Fischer-Tropsch Biocrude via Coprocessing of Woody Biomass and Wet Organic Waste in Entrained Flow Gasification: Techno-Economic Analysis - Academic article
- Decision Process in One-of-a-kind Production - Academic article
- Deconfliction and Surface Generation from Bathymetry Data Using LR B-splines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- DeepWind’18: Can we make Offshore Wind profitable without subsidies? - Website (informational material)
- Defect Chemistry in Grain Boundaries of Proton Conducting BaCeO3 - Academic lecture
- Defining resilience indicators for critical infrastructure based on a top-down approach - Academic lecture
- Definitions for Autonomous Merchant Ships - Lecture
- Degassing Rate of drilling Fluid Base Oils as Exposed to Depressurisation and Drill Sting Rotation - Chapter
- Degassing Rate of Drilling Fluid Base Oils as Exposed to Depressurisation and Drill String Rotation - Lecture
- Degradation and emission results of amine plant operations from MEA testing at the CO2 technology centre Mongstad - Academic article
- Degradation of Refractory Lining in Carbon Anode Furnace - Recent findings and progress update - Lecture
- Delivery and performance of a ventilative cooling strategy: the demonstration case of a shopping centre in Trondheim, Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dem Himmel so nah - Interview
- Dem Himmel so nah - Interview
- Demand response with shiftable volume in an equilibrium model of the power system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Demand response with shiftable volume in an equilibrium model of the power system - Lecture
- DEMO2000 - Drilling Mud Process Control - Lecture
- DEMO2000 - Drilling Mud Process Control - Chapter
- Demonstrating the impact of bidirectional coupling on the performance of an ocean-met model - Academic article
- Demonstrating the improved performance of an Ocean-Met model using bi-directional coupling - Poster
- Densities of Aqueous 2-Dimethylaminoethanol Solutions at Temperatures of (293.15 to 343.15) K - Academic article
- Dependence of granular materials homogenization on geometrical aspects in commonly used mixers via DEM - Academic article
- Describing Service Performances: What Are the Challenges? - Academic article
- Description of SINTEF Expander model - Lecture
- Description of the SINTEF Expander model - Lecture
- Design and construction of shaft for rock caverns in Singapore - Academic article
- Design and evaluation of an electronic triage system for prehospital monitoring of patients - Academic article
- Design and evaluation tools for surplus heat recovery concepts - Lecture
- Design decisions in the development of a graphical language for risk-driven security testing - Academic article
- Design for Trust - Online Grocery Shopping - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design of the experimental rig for retrieving kinetic data of char particles - Academic article
- Design parameters for increased operability of offshore crane vessels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design tool for TOF and SL based 3D cameras - Academic article
- Designing a digital social innovation platform: From case studies to concepts - Academic article
- Designing a Digital Social Innovation Platform: From Case Studies to Concepts - Academic lecture
- Designing novel concepts for surplus heat recovery - Report
- Designing rules for enhancing surface kinetics in functional oxides for clean energy technologies - Poster
- Destination Brussels – with climate facts in his luggage - Interview
- Destination Brussels – with climate facts in his luggage - Interview
- Detecting densified zone formation in membrane-assisted fluidized bed reactors through pressure measurements - Academic article
- Determination of the pH and the free alkali metal content in the pore solution of concrete: Review and experimental comparison - Academic article
- Determining alkali content in ASR performance-tested concrete - Masters thesis
- Determining critical CTOA from energy-load curves with DWTT specimen - Academic article
- Developing a pilot case and modelling the development of a large European CO2 transport infrastructure - The GATEWAY H2020 Project - Academic article
- Developing a wind and solar power data model for Europe with high spatial-temporal resolution - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development and application of a circular economy analysis framework - Academic lecture
- Development and test of selective sorting grids used in the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery - Academic article
- Development of a 3D structural model of a mine by consolidating different data sources - Academic article
- Development of a calibrated model for proof of energy efficient lighting concept with Daylight harvesting light tubes - Academic lecture
- Development of a callibrated model for proof of energy efficient lighting concept With Daylight harvesting light tubes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of a Generic Future Grid Code regarding Wind Power in Europe - Chapter
- Development of a Norwegian open-source plug-and-abandonment database with applications - Academic article
- Development of a Novel Logging Tool for 450°C Super Critical Geothermal Well - Academic lecture
- Development of a Novel Logging Tool for 450°C Super Critical Geothermal Well - Academic article
- Development of a scale model of a Modular Multilevel Converters - Academic article
- Development of a simulator training platform for fish farm operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of an advanced imaging technique for dynamic emulsion stability - Academic article
- Development of Data Analytics in Shipping - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of moving bed temperature swing adsorption (MBTSA) process for post-combustion CO2 capture: Initial benchmarking in a NGCC context - Academic article
- Development of novel metal-supported proton ceramic electrolyser cell with thin film BZY15–Ni electrode and BZY15 electrolyte - Academic article
- Development of protocol for sub-metering for ventilation models and verification for shopping centres - Poster
- Development of protocol for sub-metering for ventilation models and verification for shopping centres - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of specialized equipment for a new industry - Popular scientific lecture
- Development of the World’s First Hydrogen Ferry - Lecture
- Development projects in SMEs: From project organization to dynamic resource planning - Academic article
- DevOps and Project Management - Lecture
- DevOps for Better Software Security in the Cloud - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Devops Testing - Lecture
- DevOps Testing in Bouvet - Lecture
- Devops vs Agile Testing - Lecture
- DevOps vs Agile Testing. Hva er nytt. Erfaring fra Bouvet i samarbeid med Sintef - Lecture
- DevOps vs Agile Testing: What is new? What is challenging? Experiences from Norwegian Software Companies - Lecture
- Diagnostics, Prognostics and Control Models for Bus Fuel Cell Systems - PHM & Control Issues - Lecture
- Different accident Levels between offshore and onshore helicopter operations - a comparison of socio-technical systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Different shades of user involvement: participatory design, co-design, user centered design - Academic lecture
- Digital and Cyber Integration of Internet of Energy and Energy Storage Edge - Lecture
- Digital integration of design, Construction and Production. Examples from Norway. - Lecture
- Digital rock mechanics: A discrete way of approaching failure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital rock mechanics: A discrete way of approaching failure - Academic lecture
- Digitalisation can save millions in hydropower maintenance costs - Website (informational material)
- Digitalisering ska förbättra möjligheterna att hitta fel - Interview
- Digitalization of the Rail Network – Challenging the Traffic Management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digitally supported innovation in project based industries, and the case of 3D printing in construction - Academic lecture
- Direct filleting and super chilling of Atlantic salmon - Lecture
- Directionality and column arrangement principles of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) and Al-Mg-Cu linked to line defect in Al - Academic article
- Directionality and Column Arrangement Principles of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) and Al-Mg-Cu Linked to Line Defect in Al - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Disability and equity in global health - Academic article
- Dislocation dynamics study of precipitate hardening in Al-Mg-Si alloys with input from experimental characterization - Academic article
- DNA damage and health effects in juvenile haddock exposed to sediment or produced water associated PAHs - Report
- Do family and neighbourhood matter in secondary school completion? A multilevel study of determinants and their interactions in a life-course perspective - Academic article
- Do modern multi-frequency civil receivers eliminate the ionospheric effect? - Academic article
- Do recycled rubber tyres pose a risk for the marine environment? A chemical, physical and effects assessment - Poster
- Do wave velocities really depend on stress - Lecture
- Do wave velocities really depend on stress? - Lecture
- Does elements of nature have a healing effect? The impact of wooden materials and landscape pictures in patient rooms - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Does Information Quality Matter? (PAHI2017 presentation) - Academic lecture
- Dominant parameters for vortex-induced vibration of a steel catenary riser under vessel motion - Academic article
- Doped calcium manganite perovskite oxides as OCM for Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) - Poster
- Dosimetry of synchrotron micro-and charged particle mini-therapeutic beams - Lecture
- Downfall in the Oil Price; Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction Industry - Academic lecture
- Downfall in the Oil Price; Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Drawing together multiple lines of evidence from assessment studies of hydropeaking pressures in impacted rivers - Academic article
- Drillability assessments in hard rock - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Drivis crude oil – Properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - OC2017 A-060 - Report
- Drying of Thermally Thick Wood Particles: A Study of the Numerical Efficiency, Accuracy, and Stability of Common Drying Models - Academic article
- DT2_2017_1 Degradation and corrosion of amines (from a structural perspective) - Report
- Dual Frequency Positioning via Time Multiplexing of Single Frequency Resources or ‘Mono-Frequency but not Single-Frequency' - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ductile Fracture of Steel Sheets under Dynamic Membrane Loading - Academic article
- Durable Aluminium Reinforced Environmentally-friendly Concrete Construction – DARE2C - Academic article
- Dust formation in the ferroalloy industry. - Academic lecture
- Dynamic and Control of an Absorber - Desorber Plant at Heilbronn - Academic article
- Dynamic Links between Lipid Storage, Toxicokinetics and Mortality in a Marine Copepod Exposed to Dimethylnaphthalene - Academic article
- Dynamic modelling of local DH grids with multiple heat sources and thermal storage - Academic lecture
- Dynamic modelling of local low-temperature heating grids: A case study for Norway - Academic article
- Dynamic modelling of national dwelling stocks. Understanding phenomena of historical observed energy demand and future estimated energy savings in the Norwegian dwelling stock. - Doctoral dissertation
- Dynamic Responses of Jacket-Type Offshore Wind Turbines Using Decoupled and Coupled Models - Academic article
- Dynamic responses to silicon in Thalasiossira pseudonana - Identification, characterisation and classification of signature genes and their corresponding motifs - Poster
- Dynamic responses to silicon in Thalasiossira pseudonana - Identification, characterisation and classification of signature genes and their corresponding protein motifs - Academic article
- Dynamics of lipid Storage in marine copepods and its consequences for effects of oil pollution - Academic lecture
- Early age crack assessment of concrete structures: Experimental and theoretical approaches - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ECCSEL opening: To succeed, we must work across borders This speech was delivered at the opening of ECCSEL, 12. June 2017 - Website (informational material)
- Ecohydraulic case studies : interdisiplinary and technological evolutions - Editorial
- Economic Analysis of Coordinated Plug and Abandonment Operations (ECOPA) - Poster
- Economic assessment of packed bed chemical looping combustion and suitable benchmarks - Academic article
- Economic crisis in the Norwegian offshore industry : how may it affect safety conditions in offshore operations? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Economic evaluation of the Power grid tariff for households With solar Power installed - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Economic impact of forecasting errors in residual reserve curves in the day-ahead scheduling of pumped storage plants - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Editorial to the Proceedings of NSB2017 - Editorial
- EERA DeepWind’2017 Conference the 18 – 20 January 2017 - Website (informational material)
- EERA DeepWind'2017 Conference 18-20 January 2017 - Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim - Report
- EERA support EU´s commitment to Paris Agreement - Website (informational material)
- Effect of carbonization conditions on CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon - Academic lecture
- Effect of carbonization conditions on CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon - Poster
- Effect of carbonization conditions on CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon - Academic article
- Effect of CO2 exposure on pozzolan-amended well cement - Poster
- Effect of Coke Properties on the Bubble Formation at the Anodes During Aluminium Electrolysis in Laboratory Scale - Academic article
- Effect of composition and temperature on current efficiency for aluminium electrolysis from cryolite-based molten alumina electrolytes - Academic article
- Effect of copper on fine precipitates at the early stage of aging in Al-Mg-X (X=Si, Ge, Zn) alloys - Academic article
- Effect of extracted seaweed protein fractions on estimated utilizable crude protein, methane emission and fermentation parameters – an in vitro evaluation - Academic lecture
- Effect of Gas Recycling on the Performance of a Moving Bed Temperature-Swing (MBTSA) Process for CO2 Capture in a Coal Fired Power Plant Context - Academic article
- Effect of in-situ stress alterations on flow through faults and fractures in the cap rock - Academic article
- Effect of low temperature tensile properties on crack driving force for Arctic applications - Academic article
- Effect of Preconditioning and Ageing on Rheological Properties of Model Drilling Fluids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of Preconditioning and Ageing on Rheological Properties of Model-Drilling Fluids - Poster
- Effect of sulfur in cokes for anodes used in aluminium production - Speciation of S, V, Fe and Ni Impurities in Cokes Using XANES - Academic lecture
- Effect of temperature and discharge voltage on the properties of Co-doped ZnO thin films deposited by pulsed electron beam ablation - Academic article
- Effect of Temperature and Duration of Torrefaction on the Thermal Behavior of Stem Wood, Bark, and Stump of Spruce - Academic article
- Effect of torrefaction on physiochemical characteristics and grindability of stem wood, stump and bark - Academic article
- Effect of Uni- and Bi-Directional Coupling of Ocean-Met Interaction on Significant Wave Height and Local Wind - Lecture
- Effect of UNI- and bi-directional coupling of ocean-met interaction on significant wave height and local wind - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effectiveness of Chemical dispersants used in broken ice conditions - Academic lecture
- Effects and uptake and excretion kinetics of 11 selected PAHs in Arctic lipid rich copepods - Academic lecture
- Effects of 2 ppm Beryllium on the Oxidation of a 5XXX Aluminum Alloy at Temperatures Between 500 and 750 °C - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effects of heat-treatment on the plastic anisotropy of extruded aluminium alloy AA6063 - Academic article
- Effects of Increased Wind Power Generation on Mid-Norway’s Energy Balance under Climate Change: A Market Based Approach - Academic article
- Effects of produced water components on the early life stages of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus hyperboreus reared at different temperatures - Masters thesis
- Effects of produced water on growth and development of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus hyperboreus early life stages at different temperatures - Masters thesis
- Effects of produced water on pelagic marine organisms - Focus on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus - OC2017 A-121 - Report
- Effects of water level regulation in alpine hydropower reservoirs: an ecosystem perspective with a special emphasis on fish - Academic article
- Effects of wind on surface feed distribution in sea cage aquaculture: A simulation study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Efficiency Assessment of Modular Multilevel Converters for Battery Electric Vehicles - Academic article
- Efficient energy systems for the dry-cured meat industry - Poster
- Efficient energy systems for the dry-cured meat industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Efficient flow diagnostics proxies for polymer flooding - Academic article
- Eight tons on the roof – watch the lifting on video - Website (informational material)
- Elastic recovery after compression in HNBR at low and moderate temperatures: Experiment and modelling - Academic article
- Electricity supply security – N-1 isn’t always enough - Website (informational material)
- Electrochemical Behaviour of Industrial IrO2-Ta2O5 Anodes for Copper Electrowinning - Academic article
- Electrochemical Processing of Rare Earth Alloys - Academic article
- Electrochromic WO3 Film Prepared by DC Sputtering - Academic lecture
- Electrode behaviors of Na-Zn liquid metal battery - Academic article
- Electrodeposition of indium and tin from molten chloride electrolytes - Academic article
- Electrodeposition of Sn for bipolar plates in PEMFCs - Poster
- Elegancy - Website (informational material)
- ELEGANCY – accelerating CCS deployment by combining CCS and hydrogen - Website (informational material)
- ElPowerLab: SINTEF Energy Lab gets new infrastructure to meet tomorrow’s challenges - Website (informational material)
- Embodied vulnerabilities – Compromising medical implants - Academic lecture
- Emergency preparedness in the Barents Sea - Academic lecture
- Emerging research themes and updated research agenda for large-scale agile development: A summary of the 5th international workshop at XP2017 - Chapter
- Empirical Research for Software Security: Foundations and Experience - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Empirical Study: Evaluation of Comprehensibility of Graphical Risk Models for Risk-driven Security Testing - Academic lecture
- Empirical validation and local sensitivity analysis of a lumped-parameter thermal model of an outdoor test cell - Academic article
- Employees' drug purchases before and after organizational downsizing: a natural experiment on the Norwegian working population (2004-2012) - Academic article
- En pille mot arbeidsledighet? Sammenhengen mellom arbeid og helse i den norske arbeidspopulasjonen - Academic lecture
- Enabling Efficient Heat Recovery from Aluminium Pot Gas - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enabling non-disruptive production conditions - Slug Flow and Surfactants - Brochure
- Enabling Technologies for Robotization - Lecture
- Enabling the biocarbon value chain for energy - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Enabling the Use of Sentinel-2 and LiDAR Data for Common Agriculture Policy Funds Assignment - Academic article
- End of life care trajectories – hospital inpatient care in last two years of life - Poster
- ENERGY analyTICS - Website (informational material)
- Energy Analytics - Opportunities for Energy Monitoring and Prediction with New Smart Meters - Lecture
- Energy analytics - opportunities for energy monitoring and prediction with smart meters - Academic article
- Energy conservation and power bonds in co-simulations: non-iterative adaptive step size control and error estimation - Academic article
- Energy consumption for salmon slaughtering processes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Energy consumption for salmon slaughtering processes. - Poster
- Energy Demand in the Norwegian Food and Chemical Industry - Lecture
- Energy Efficiencyin an Industry Cluster -Technology Development Needs - Lecture
- Energy measurements at Skarpnes zero energy homes in Southern Norway: Do the loads match up with the on-site energy production? - Academic lecture
- Energy measurements at Skarpnes zero energy homes in Southern Norway: Do the loads match up with the on-site energy production? - Academic article
- Energy Road Map 2050 - Lecture
- Energy savings results - Report
- Energy Storage and Conversion Technologies - Lecture
- Energy storage is the “next big thing” - Website (informational material)
- Energy system analysis for Zero Village Bergen – Husbanken project - Report
- Energy Transfer and Energy Saving Potentials of Air-To-Air Membrane Energy Exchanger for Ventilation in Cold Climates - Academic article
- Energy-based state-space representation of modular multilevel converters with a constant equilibrium point in steady-state operation - Academic article
- Engineering Scalable, Elastic, and Cost-Efficient Cloud Computing Applications: The CloudScale Method - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Enhancing capacitance of supercapacitor with both organic electrolyte and ionic liquid electrolyte on a biomass-derived carbon - Academic article
- Enhancing Stakeholder Management Competences in Construction Projects Using Serious Games - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ensuring Well Integrity During CO2 Injection - Academic lecture
- Entrepreneurial discoveries in Norway, what's new? - Academic lecture
- Environmental improvement through revision of terms of hydropower licences - Briefs
- Environmentally Friendly Cross-linking of Hydrolysed Polyacrylamide Gels - Poster
- Enzyme Carbonic Anhydrase Accelerated CO2 Absorption in Membrane Contactor - Academic article
- Epilogue - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Planar and Curved Interfaces - Academic lecture
- Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Planar and Curved Interfaces - Academic lecture
- ERA ACUTE – A multi-compartment quantitative risk assessment methodology for oil spills - Poster
- Erratum to: Airborne Emissions from Si/FeSi Production - Errata
- Erratum to: An experimental characterization of a tunable separation device - Errata
- Estimating relationship between agglomeration and productivity for use in transport appraisal in Norway - Academic lecture
- Estimation of Directional Sea Spectra from Ship Motions in Sea Trials - Academic article
- Estimation of the effect of gear design changes on catch efficiency: Methodology and a case study for a Spanish longline fishery targeting hake (Merluccius merluccius) - Academic article
- Estimation of the pressure ahead of the bit (P1.8) - Academic lecture
- EU braced for Fishing war: Norway furious as Brussels makes Power grab for OIL - Interview
- Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches to multidimensional condensation and collection - Academic article
- European Materials Modelling Ontology (EMMO) - Academic lecture
- European power market analyses to be carried out within FME ZEN : ZEN deliverable D5.3.1 for 2017 - Report
- European power market analyses to be carried out within FME ZEN. ZEN deliverable D5.3.1 for 2017 - Report
- European power market studies to be carried out within FME ZEN - Report
- European researchers want to extend funding for renewables - Interview
- European researchers want to extend funding for renewables - Interview
- European shopping centres: stock demand and retrofitting potential - Lecture
- Evaluating speech enhancement systems - Website (informational material)
- Evaluation and execution procedures of novel emerging concepts - Report
- Evaluation of Gas Hydrates Operation Zone to Establish an Optimal Hydrate Management Strategy - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of low temperature toughness in welding of 420 MPa steel for arctic application - Academic article
- Evaluation of methods to determine adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to dispersed carbon nanotubes - Academic article
- Evaluation of methods used to measure amount of phases in silica SINTEF Report - Report
- Evaluation of Reoxidation Thresholds for γ-Al2O3-Supported Cobalt Catalysts under Fischer - Tropsch Synthesis Conditions - Academic article
- Evaluation of Simplified Space-Heating Hydronic Distribution for Norwegian Passive Houses - Report
- Evaluation of TG industry implementation process - Report
- Evaluation of Virtual Synchronous Machines with Dynamic or Quasi-Stationary Machine Models - Academic article
- Evidence of attenuation due to air bubbles in weak sandstone - Lecture
- Evidence of attenuation due to air bubbles in weak sandstone - Abstract
- Evidence of seismic attenuation due to air bubbles in weak sandstone - Lecture
- Examination of Longitudinal AC Breakdown Strength of Dielectric Surfaces as a function of Elastic Modulus - Academic article
- Excavated rock materials from tunnels for sprayed concrete - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Excavation from SiMn furnace Examination of phases in SEM - Report
- Excavation Glencore 2017 - Lecture
- Excavation of Si and FeSi furnaces - Academic lecture
- Excavation of SiMn furnace 2 at Glencore 2017 - Lecture
- Excavations of the Si/FeSi furnaces: comparison of furnace 1 and 4 in Wacker - Lecture
- Executive summary - Editorial
- Executive summary - Editorial
- Executive summary - Editorial
- Expanding the Possibilities of AIS Data with Heuristics - Academic article
- Experience from Laboratory Testing of Commercial Silicon Bonded Silicon Carbide Materials. Typical Properties and Analyses - Academic lecture
- Experience with seaweed/salmon co-production and valuation methods/results - Lecture
- Experiences from Developing an Algorithm to Support Risk-Based Decisions for Offshore Installations - Academic lecture
- Experiences from Developing an Algorithm to Support Risk-Based Decisions for Offshore Installations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiences regarding draught effects for ventilative cooling in cold climate - Chapter
- Experiences With cable faults located at metallic screen connections - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and numerical investigations of monopile ringing in irregular finite-depth water waves - Academic article
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Hot Tearing Behavior of Al-xZn-2Mg-2Cu Alloys - Academic article
- Experimental Exploration of Spinout Incidents with a Remote Controlled High-speed RHIB. - Academic lecture
- Experimental Investigation of a Bluff Body Burner for Distributed Hydrogen Injection - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental Investigation of Friction and Hydraulics in Circular and Non-Circular Wellbores with Oil-based Drilling Fluids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental Investigation of Friction and Hydraulics in Circular and Non-Circular Wellbores With Oil-based Drilling Fluids - Academic lecture
- Experimental Investigation of Wellbore Fluid Displacement in Concentric and Eccentric Annulus - Academic lecture
- Experimental Investigation of Wellbore Fluid Displacement in Concentric and Eccentric Annulus - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental investigation on vortex-induced vibration of a free-hanging riser under vessel motion and uniform current - Academic article
- Experimental Observation of CO2 Dry-ice Behavior in an Evaporator/Sublimator - Academic article
- Experimental Results of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) for Pre-combustion CO2 Capture with Metal Organic Frameworks - Academic article
- Experimental Studies on Seakeeping and Maneuverability of Ships in Adverse Weather Conditions - Academic article
- Experimental Study and CFD Modelling of Minimum Fluidization Velocity for Geldart A, B and D Particles - Academic article
- Experimental study of installation procedure and volume estimation of tarpaulin for chemical treatment of fish in floating cages - Academic article
- Experimental Study of Oxy-fuel Combustion under Gas Turbine Conditions - Academic article
- Experimental Study of the Relative Effect of Pressure Drop and Flow Rate on the Droplet Size Downstream a Pipe Restriction - Academic article
- Experimental study on the formability of AA6016 sheets pre-strained by rolling - Academic article
- Experimental Verification of CO<sub>2</sub> Dissolution Rate Due to Diffusion Induced Convection - Academic article
- Explaining the Torque vs TSR curve in a Fully Resolved Setting on a Mega Watt Size Wind Turbine. - Poster
- Explaining variations in general practitioners’ experiences of doing medically based assessments of work ability in disability benefit claims. A survey-based analysis - Academic article
- Exploration of Degradation Chemistry by Advanced Analytical Methodology - Academic article
- Exploring a natural CO2 storage reservoir in the High Arctic - Chapter
- Exploring software development at the very large-scale: a revelatory case study and research agenda for agile method adaptation - Academic article
- Exploring structural violence in the context of disability and poverty in Zimbabwe - Academic article
- Exploring the interaction of activity limitations with context, systems, community and personal factors in accessing public health care services: A presentation of South African case studies - Academic article
- Exploring the potential for waste heat recovery during metal casting with thermoelectric generators: On-site experiments and mathematical modelling - Academic article
- Exploring the Use of Technology for Active Aging and Thriving - Academic article
- Exposure to bioaerosols during fish processing on board fishing trawlers. - Poster
- Exposure to crude oil micro-droplets causes reduced food uptake in copepods associated with alteration in their metabolic profiles - Academic article
- Extended GEM of Streptomyces coelicolor for production of secondary metabolites - Poster
- Extended GEM of Streptomyces coelicolor for production of secondary metabolites - Academic lecture
- Extending ammonia high temperature heat pump using butane in a cascade system - Lecture
- Extending ammonia high temperature heat pump using butane in a cascade system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Extending Hydrocarbon Heat Pumps to Higher Temperatures: Predictions from Simulations - Lecture
- Extra electron diffraction spots caused by fine precipitates formed at the early stage of aging in Al-Mg-X (X=Si, Ge, Zn)-Cu alloys - Academic article
- Façade Improvements to Avoid Draught in Cold Climates – Laboratory Measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Facebook is no "great equalizer": A big data approach to gender differences in civic engagement across countries - Academic article
- Face-saving or fair-minded: What motivates moral behavior? - Academic article
- Facing uncertainty in cyber insurance policies - Academic article
- Factors related to environmental barriers experienced by persons with and without disabilities in diverse African settings - Academic article
- Fahren Schiffe bald ohne Kapitän? - Interview
- Failure modes in three-point bending tests of cement-steel, cement-cement and cement-sandstone bi-material beams - Academic article
- Fake news and fact-checking: How social media users perceive fact-checking services. - Lecture
- Fast and efficient: Low temperature freezing at -50°C - Website (informational material)
- Fast hydrothermal liquefaction of native and torrefied wood - Academic article
- Fast Pressure Swing Adsorption process using MOF monolith - Lecture
- Fast protection against islanding and unwanted tripping of distributed generation caused by ground faults - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fears of hackers targeting hospitals, medical devices - Interview
- Feasibility of using microencapsulated phase change materials as filler for improving low temperature performance of rubber sealing materials - Academic article
- Feasibility study of novel integrated aerogel solutions - Academic article
- Feasibility Study of Novel Integrated Aerogel Solutions - Academic lecture
- Feasibility study of selected technology and industry process (heat-to-power conversion) - Academic lecture
- Field dependent conductivity of n-pentane - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Final Report Study on Urban Vehicle Access Regulations - Report
- Finding new materials for the SEWGS process - Poster
- Finite temperature ab initio simulations of the lattice thermal conductivity of XNiBi, X=(Sc, Y, La), based half-Heuslers - Masters thesis
- Finnish delegation visits SINTEF Energy Lab - Website (informational material)
- First hexagonal close packed high-entropy alloy with outstanding stability under extreme conditions and electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation - Academic article
- First NCCS Board Meeting - Website (informational material)
- Flame spray pyrolysis of tin oxide-based Pt catalysts for PEM fuel cell applications - Academic article
- Flexible network operation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flexible Norwegian energy as a green service to Europe - Lecture
- Flood risk management in small catchments and urban areas with a Klima 2050 perspective - Report
- Flow Properties of Drill Cuttings with Varying Drilling Fluid Content using Jenike Shear Testing - Academic lecture
- Flow-based upscaling of reservoir models - Lecture
- Fluid injection monitoring using electrical resistivity tomography - five years of CO2 injection at Ketzin, Germany - Academic article
- FLUIDE: A Framework for Developing Flexible User lnterfaces for Emergency Responders. Doctoral Dissertation. Submitted to the Faculty of Mathematics and NaturaI Sciences at the University of Oslo in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) in Computer Science. January 2017 - Doctoral dissertation
- FME CINELDI - SmartGrid - Lecture
- FME CINELDI – Workshop Smart grid scenarios - Website (informational material)
- FME CINELDI Workshop – Interaction DSO/TSO, Microgrids og Flexible resources in the power system - Website (informational material)
- FME HighEFF Annual meeting Knowledge – Friendship – Teamwork! - Website (informational material)
- FME HighEFF-Centre for an Energy Efficient and Competitive Industry for the Future –aktivitet relatert til norsk kjølebransje - Lecture
- FME Norwegian CCS Research Centre: Consortium Days 2017 - Lecture
- Food-limited growth of larval Atlantic herring Clupea harengus recurrently observed in a coastal nursery area - Academic article
- Formation and Control of Dioxins in Dry Pre-heater/Pre-calciner Kilns Co-processing Wastes - Other
- Formation and Control of Dioxins in Dry Pre-heater/Pre-calciner Kilns Co-processing Wastes - Lecture
- Formation of Carbon Build-Up on the Flue Wall of Anode Baking Furnace - Academic article
- Formation of continous Si nano-particles based mono-layers on various substrates by e-beam evaporation - Poster
- Forum Wood Building / Nordic Trondheim 17 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Fouling in Mass Transfer - Lecture
- Fracture permeability under normal stress: a fully computational approach - Academic article
- Fracture toughness and hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility on the interface of clad steel pipes with and without a Ni-interlayer. - Academic article
- Framework for evaluating heat-to-power technologies - Compendium
- Framing Outsidedness – Aspects of Housing Quality in Decentralized Reception Centres for Asylum Seekers in Norway - Academic article
- Friction models for evaluating dynamic stresses in non-bonded flexible risers - Academic article
- From air to ground - resilience strategies and innovation across critical infrastructures - Academic lecture
- From concept to reality: Unmanned merchant ship research in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From Episodes to Continuity of Care: a Study of a Call Center for Supporting Independent Living - Academic article
- From Fracture Gradient to Spectrum of Lost-circulation Pressures: A Paradigm Shift? - Academic article
- From Microhabitat Ecohydraulics to an Improved Management of River Catchments: Bridging the gap Between Scales - Editorial
- From participatory design to co-creation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From Scientific Knowledge to Practice.Implementation of an uncertainty based Risk Perspective in HSE. - Academic lecture
- From standards and regulations to executable rules: A case study in the Building Accessibility domain - Academic article
- Front-end/Back-end Integration in Mass Customization: Challenges and Opportunities - Academic lecture
- Full Plant Scale Analysis of Natural Gas Fired Power Plants with Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture and Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR) - Academic article
- Full-scale case study of a road crossing thermal bottleneck in buried MV cable installation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Full-scale multi-ejector module for a carbon dioxide supermarket refrigeration system: Numerical study of performance evaluation - Academic article
- Fully implicit higher-order schemes applied to polymer flooding - Academic lecture
- Fully implicit higher-order schemes applied to polymer flooding - Academic article
- Fully implicit simulation of polymer flooding with MRST - Academic article
- Fume formation from oxidation of liquid SiMn alloy - Academic article
- Functionalized Polyhedral Oligosilsesquioxane (POSS) based coatings with multi level corrosion protections - Poster
- Fundamentals of Intergranular Corrosion in Aluminium Alloys - Academic lecture
- Furnace excavations:Comparison of results from FeSi 75% and FeSi 50% - Lecture
- Furnaceability of quartz - Lecture
- Further insights into methane and higher hydrocarbons formation over cobalt-based catalysts with γ-Al2O3, α-Al2O3 and TiO2 as support materials - Academic article
- Future Insulation Materials - Possibilities and Limitations - Lecture
- Future prospects for industrial seaweed cultivation in Norway - Lecture
- Förandrat klimat, förändrade krav på byggnader - Lecture
- GAFT - Website (informational material)
- GAFT Newsletter 1-2017 - Briefs
- GAFT Newsletter 2-2017 - Briefs
- GAFT: Progress update on entrained flow gasification - Website (informational material)
- GAFT: Progress update on feedstock pretreatment - Website (informational material)
- GAFT: Progress update on Fischer-Tropsch testing - Website (informational material)
- GAFT: Progress update on value-chain analysis - Website (informational material)
- Gamification of Information Security Awareness and Training - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Gamification of Information Security Education - Lecture
- GARPUR D7.3 - A broader comparison of different reliability criteria through the GARPUR quantification platform - Report
- GARPUR D8.3 - Results from near real-life pilot testing - Report
- GARPUR proposes a new method to ensure secure power supply in Europe - Website (informational material)
- Gas anodes made of porous graphite for aluminium electrowinning - Academic article
- Gas Influx into Drilling Fluids during Flow Check Operations as Affected by Gas Absorption Characteristics of the Drilling Fluid - Chapter
- Gas Influx into Drilling Fluids during Flow Check Operations as Affected by Gas Absorption Characteristics of the Drilling Fluid - Lecture
- Gas monitoring onboard ISS using FTIR spectroscopy - Academic article
- Gasification of High Heating-rate Biomass-derived Chars at Elevated Temperatures - Academic article
- GATEWAY H2020-project: ‘Exceptional results with significant, immediate impact’ - Website (informational material)
- Gender equality in regional entrepreneurial ecosystems: The implementation of policy initiatives - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Generation and Management of Hazardous Wastes in Myanmar - Lecture
- Generator response following as a primary frequency response control strategy for VSC-HVDC connected offshore wind farms - Academic article
- Genome sequencing and taxonomic and functional evaluation of 1000 marine Actinobacteria isolates from the Trondheim fjord - Poster
- Geopolymers as an Alternative for Oil Well Cementing Applications: A Review of Advantages and Concerns - Lecture
- Geopolymers As an Alternative for Oil Well Cementing Applications: A Review of Advantages and Concerns - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Getting ready for the fourth industrial revolution : innovation in small and medium sized companies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Getting ready for the fourth industrial revolution: innovation in small and medium sized companies - Academic article
- Global models for predicting methanol to formaldehyde (MTF) performance - Poster
- Global optimisation of multi-plant manganese alloy production - Academic article
- Global production networks in emerging industries: The case of offshore wind power - Academic lecture
- Global production networks in emerging industries: The case of offshore wind power - Academic lecture
- Go/NoGo testing and road safety education for young cyclists - Chapter
- GoNorth - Geosciences in the Northern Arctic - Lecture
- GoNorth - Norwegian Arctic Ocean Geoscientific Program - Lecture
- Governing the fisher body – safety as body-politics and fisheries governance - Academic article
- Grasping Virtual Fish - A Step Towards Robotic Deep Learning from Demonstration in Virtual Reality - Academic lecture
- GrateCFD – Enabling optimum Grate fired woody biomass and waste to energy plant operation through Computational Fluid Dynamics - Website (informational material)
- GrateCFD Newsletter 1-2017 - Briefs
- GrateCFD Newsletter 2-2017 - Briefs
- Green and hybrid microgrid for rural electrification - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- GREENBAS Sustainable Fibres from Basalt Mining - Academic commentary
- Greenhouse gas balances in Zero Emission Buildings – Electricity conversion factors revisited - Report
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Freshwater Reservoirs: What Does the Atmosphere See? - Academic article
- Greenhouse Gas Footprints of Reservoirs Revealed - Interview
- Grid Integration of offshore wind farms using a Hybrid HVDC composed by an MMC with an LCC-based transmission system - Academic article
- Ground-truth Monitoring and Areal Surveillance of Oil Slicks from Light Crude oil released during Full-scale Field Experiments in the North Sea, 2016 - Lecture
- Growing and characterizing self-organizing aluminium nanowires in amorphous silicon - Academic lecture
- Growth and stress factors in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larval development - Academic article
- GSN Support of Mixed-Criticality Systems Certification - Academic article
- Guest editorial Energy conversion in next-generation electric ships - Editorial
- Guidelines for building fault trees and event trees - Report
- Guidelines on how to approach the energy-efficient retrofitting of shopping centres - Report
- Guidelines on retrofitting of shopping malls - Report
- H2 in the Norwegian Energy sector - Popular scientific article
- Handbook on design and operation of flexible pipes - Non-fiction book
- Handling Big Data in Ship Performance and Navigation Monitoring - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Harmonics and interharmonics compensation with active front-end converters based only on local voltage measurements - Academic article
- Harnessing thermoelectric power from transient heat sources: Waste heat recovery from silicon production - Academic article
- HCI Research in Virtual Reality: A Discussion of Problem-solving - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Heading control of a turret-moored FPSO with and without forward thrusters - Academic article
- Heading Control of a Turret-Moored FPSO - Lecture
- Health and Unemployment in Norway: Selection or Causation? - Doctoral dissertation
- Health-related quality of life and psychological distress in adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer and their association to treatment, education and demographic factors - Abstract
- Health-related quality of life and psychological distress in Young adult survivors of childhood cancer and their Association with treatment, education, and demographic factors - Academic article
- Heat Loss Calculations - Lecture
- Heat pump concepts for combined heating and cooling applications in industrial food processing - Lecture
- Heat transfer to a gas from densely packed beds of cylindrical particles - Academic article
- Heat transfer to a gas from densely packed beds of monodisperse spherical particles - Academic article
- Heating Value and Ash Content of Downy Birch Forest Biomass - Academic article
- HeatUp: New high temperature heat pump prototype installed - Website (informational material)
- Helium and deuterium irradiation effects in W-Ta composites produced by pulse plasma compaction - Academic article
- HEM and HRM accuracy comparison for the simulation of CO2 expansion in two-phase ejectors for supermarket refrigeration systems - Academic article
- Hematite/Graphene Bi-layered Photoelectrodes for Efficient SOlar Fuel Conversion - Poster
- Hematite/TiO2 Heterostructure Photoanodes for Efficient Solar-to-Fuel Conversion - Poster
- Heterogeneous nucleation and grain growth of inoculated aluminium alloys: An integrated study by in-situ X-radiography and numerical modelling - Academic article
- High performance concrete materials with applications in building and civil engineering - Editorial
- High performance multicrystalline silicon: Grain structure and iron precipitation - Academic article
- High resolution NMR to study changes relevant for nutritional quality and food safety during storage and processing of mackerel - Academic lecture
- High time-resolution in-situ methods for tracking structural transformations in SAPO materials - Poster
- HighEFF collaboration – KIFEE Professor Yamaguchi from Doshisha University visits Trondheim - Website (informational material)
- HighEFF in-kind: examples and reporting - Lecture
- HighEFF-Centre for an Energy Efficient and Competitive Industry for the Future - Lecture
- HighEffLab: Trondheim gets new Norwegian laboratory for industrial energy efficiency - Website (informational material)
- Highlights and Lessons from the EU CCS Demonstration Project Network - Academic article
- Highlights and Main Findings from the 8 Year SOLVit R&D Programme – Bringing Solvents and Technology from Laboratory to Industry - Academic article
- Highlights from 2017 COPRO research activities - Lecture
- Highly integrated direct methanol fuel cell systems minimizing fuel loss with dynamic concentration control for portable applications - Academic article
- High-Performance Nano Insulation Materials for Energy-Efficient Buildings - Lecture
- High-Performance Nano Insulation Materials for Energy-Efficient Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High-temperature heat pumps based on natural working fluids to produce district heating from industrial waste heat - Academic lecture
- High-temperature heat pumps based on natural working fluids to produce district heating from industrial waste heat - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High-temperature phase change material thermal storage for components and cycles - Report
- Historic and Contemporary Employment and Recruitment Patterns the Norwegian Fishing Fleet - Academic lecture
- Hole-cleaning performance comparison of oil-based and water-based drilling fluids - Academic article
- Holistic Design of Visual Collaboration Arenas and Intelligent Workspaces - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Holistic Design of Visual Collaboration Arenas and Intelligent Workspaces - Academic lecture
- Hollow cylinder testing at sintef - Academic lecture
- Horizon scanning approaches for early sensing of cyber-physical threats to water utilities - Academic lecture
- Hospital reimbursement price effect in a comparative perspective: The effect of DRG price changes in Denmark and Norway - Academic lecture
- Houston: Do we have a problem? - Website (informational material)
- How is security testing done in agile teams? A cross-case analysis of four software teams - Academic article
- How low can the heating supply temperature be in different building types in Norway? - Lecture
- How the National Smart Grid laboratory in Trondheim can help de-risk power exports from wind farms located far offshore - Website (informational material)
- How the Panama Canal expansion is affecting global ship design and energy efficiency DNV GL : NMU 2018 - Academic lecture
- How to improve integrated care for people with chronic conditions: Key findings from EU FP-7 Project INTEGRATE and beyond - Academic article
- How to support customisation on SaaS: a grounded theory from customisation consultants - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How we at NOWITECH produced innovations worth five billion euros - Website (informational material)
- Human reliability in the petroleum industry: A case study of the Petro-HRA method - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Human-chabot-interaction design - Academic lecture
- Hybrid Analytics: Combining physics based modeling and machine learning algorithms. - Popular scientific lecture
- Hybrid Composite Electrodes for Asymmetric Full Cell Supercapacitors - Poster
- Hybrid Welding of 45 mm High Strength Steel Sections - Academic article
- Hydraulic reliability analysis of a real network with remotely realtime controlled pressure control valves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hydraulic reliability analysis of a real network with remotely real-time controlled pressure control valves - Academic lecture
- Hydrodeoxygenation of phenolics in liquid phase over supported MoO3 and carburized analogues - Academic article
- Hydrodynamic coefficients and their use in numerical simulations of lifting operations - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen atom mobility, kinetic isotope effects and tunneling on interstellar ices ((Ih and ASW) - Academic article
- Hydrogen embrittlement in structural steel welds – influence of varying the stress concentration - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of clad steel pipes - Academic article
- Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of clad steel pipes - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen is on a mission to decarbonise the world - Website (informational material)
- Hydrogen production with integrated CO<sub>2</sub> capture in a novel gas switching reforming reactor: Proof-of-concept - Academic article
- Hydrogen Strategy Basis for the Oslo Region - Academic lecture
- Hydropower and fish - Lecture
- Hygrothermal aging of flip-chip assembled MOEMS - Lecture
- Hyper, potential for large scale hydrogen production for export from Norway - Lecture
- I hear you - A New hearing concept for low income settings - Academic lecture
- I was given two weeks to make a dairy plant more energy efficient The first spin-off project from HighEFF has started! - Website (informational material)
- Iceberg detection in low visibility conditions using infra-re sensors, processing and modelling of field data - Academic lecture
- Iceberg Detection in Low Visibility Conditions via Infra-Red Sensors: Processing and Modelling of Field Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Identification of a new phosphatase enzyme potentially involved in the sugar phosphate stress response in Pseudomonas fluorescens - Academic article
- Identification of genes affecting alginate biosynthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens by screening a transposon insertion library - Academic article
- Identifying Key Components of Services in Healthcare in the context of out-patient in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Identifying Key Components of Services in Healthcare in the context of out-patient in Norway - Poster
- IEA HPT Annex 40. Heat pump concepts for nearly Energy Buildings - Lecture
- Impact Assessment of Connected and Automated Transport Services. Moving from the Method-Driven Tradition to a Theory-Based Evaluation Approach - Academic lecture
- Impact of climate change and seasonal trends on the fate of Arctic oil spills - Academic article
- Impact of increased capacities in Norwegian hydropower on future European power system - Lecture
- Impact of Pleistocene sediment redistribution and ice-sheet loading on hydrocarbon traps in the southwestern Barents Sea - Poster
- Impact of present and future HVDC links on the nordic power grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Scrum of Scrums - Popular scientific lecture
- Impact of stress and saturation on seismic dispersion in shales - Laboratory measurements - Lecture
- Impact of Torrefaction on Woody Biomass Properties - Academic article
- Impact of windage on ocean surface Lagrangian coherent structures - Academic article
- Impact sound insulation of cross-laminated timber/massive wood floor constructions: Collection of laboratory measurements and result evaluation - Academic article
- IMPACTS and BIGCCS visit partners in Bochum in Germany - Website (informational material)
- Impedance computation for power electronic converters with Hilbert transform - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Implementation, Demonstration and Validation of a User-Defined Wall Function for Direct Precipitation Fouling in Ansys Fluent - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Implications of increasing daylighting in deep energy retrofitting in norwegian shopping centres - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Implications of increasing daylighting in deep energy retrofitting in Norwegian shopping centres - Academic lecture
- Improved Laboratory Set-up for Pressurized and Confined Cement Sheath Integrity Tests - Academic lecture
- Improved Laboratory Set-up for Pressurized and Confined Cement Sheath Integrity Tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improved Life Cycle Management by Product Communication - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improvement of corrosion properties of porous alloy supports for solid oxide fuel cells - Academic article
- Improvement of LedaFlow for churn flow in vertical pipes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improvement of LedaFlow for churn flow in vertical pipes - Academic lecture
- Improving catch efficiency by changing ground gear design: Case study of Northeast Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Barents Sea bottom trawl fishery - Academic article
- Improving escape panel selectivity in Nephrops-directed fisheries by actively stimulating fish behavior - Academic article
- Improving release efficiency of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in the Barents Sea demersal trawl fishery by stimulating escape behaviour. - Academic article
- Improving Service Quality through Customer Journey Analysis - Lecture
- Improving small-signal stability of an MMC with CCSC by control of the internally stored energy - Academic article
- Improving SMEs - A study on knowledge transfer between Norway and Poland - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impurity control in high performance multicrystalline silicon - Academic article
- Impurity control in high performance multicrystalline silicon - Academic lecture
- In a world of fake news – Do people trust fact-checkers? - Academic lecture
- In Schlangenlinien zum Ziel. Europa experimentiert mit Snake Robots fürs All - Interview
- In situ characterisation of complex suspended particulates surrounding an active submarine tailings placement site in a Norwegian fjord - Academic article
- In situ observations of well cements interacting with CO2-brine - Academic lecture
- Incendie dans un tunnel en Norvège. Lecons apprises sur les stratégies d'auto-évacuation des usagers. - Chapter
- Incorporation of Polymers into Calcined Clays as Improved Thermal Insulating Materials for Construction - Academic article
- Increasing middle school students’ awareness and interest in manufacturing through digital game-based learning (DGBL) - Academic article
- Increasing Trust In Online Grocery Shopping - Reader opinion piece
- Incumbents' diversification and cross-sectorial energy industry dynamics - Academic article
- India's coal coup - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Industrial boundary conditions in the COPRO project - Lecture
- Industrial energy storage - State-of-the-art report with focus on thermal energy storage - Report
- Industrial IoT to Predictive Analytics: A Reverse Engineering Approach from Shipping - Academic article
- Industrial scale turbine and associated wake development-comparison of RANS based Actuator Line Vs Sliding Mesh Interface Vs Multiple Reference Frame method - Academic article
- Industrialisering av byggeprosessene. Status og trender - Report
- Industry 4.0 and Cyber Physical systems in a Norwegian industrial context - Academic lecture
- Influence of Coating and De-Coating on the Coalescence of Aluminium Drops in Salt - Academic lecture
- Influence of Coating and De-Coating on the Coalescence of Aluminium Drops in Salt - Academic article
- Influence of copper additions on materials properties and corrosion behaviour of Al–Mg alloy sheet - Academic article
- Influence of crushed aggregate fines with micro-proportioned particle size distributions on rheology of cement paste - Academic article
- Influence of electrode gas flow rate and solid oxide ratio in electrolyte on the Seebeck coefficient of molten carbonate thermocell - Academic article
- Influence of Functionalized Nanoparticles on the CO2/N2 Separation Properties of PVA-based Gas Separation Membranes - Academic article
- Influence of furnace operation and its geometry on tapping process - literature review - Report
- Influence of furnace operation and its geometry on tapping process - literature review - Report
- Influence of polymer coating on release of L-dopa from core-shell Fe@Au nanoparticle systems - Academic article
- Influence of pre-compression on the ductility of AA6xxx aluminium alloys - Academic article
- Influence of soak time on catch performance of commercial creels targeting Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in the Mediterranean Sea - Academic article
- Influence of strain rate and temperature on the mechanical behaviour of rubber-modified polypropylene and cross-linked polyethylene - Academic article
- Influence of surfactants on the electrohydrodynamic stretching of water drops in oil - Academic article
- Influence of Tip Speed Ratio on Wake Flow Characteristics Utilizing Fully Resolved CFD Methodology - Academic article
- Information management in food supply chains for improved resource efficiency - Popular scientific lecture
- Information sharing strategies in whitefish supply chains in Norway vs. Iceland - Lecture
- InfraPlan A tool for socio-economically optimal railway infrastructure investments under uncertainty - Report
- Infrastructure for Health Care Simulation: Recommendations from the Model for Telecare Alarm Services Project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Infrastructure for Health Care Simulation: Recommendations from the Model for Telecare Alarm Services Project - Academic lecture
- Infrastructuring as ambiguous repair: a case study of a surveillance infrastructure project - Academic article
- Initial Design of a Double Curved Floating Bridge and Global Hydrodynamic Responses Under Environmental Conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- INJECT: Avoiding Loss of CO2 Injectivity - Poster
- Innovation Achieved in Geomechanics Research in the BIGCCS Centre - Academic article
- Innovative approach for self-management and social welfare of children with cystic fibrosis in Europe: Development, validation and implementation of an mHealth tool (MyCyFAPP) - Academic article
- Innovative Process Cycle with Zeolite (MS13X) for Post Combustion Adsorption - Academic article
- Innovative processing to preserve positive health effects in pelagic fish products - ProHealth - Poster
- Innovative solid state microdosimeters for RBE evaluation in particle therapy - Lecture
- Innovative solid state microdosimeters for RBE evaluation in particle therapy - Poster
- Innovative solid state microdosimeters: Charge collection study and RBE evaluation in particle therapy - Lecture
- In-situ environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy characterization of catalyst materials. - Poster
- In-situ X-ray tomography study of cement exposed to CO2 saturated brine - Academic article
- Institutional Trust in the Yugoslav Successor States: A Comparative Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integer Programming Techniques for Train Dispatching in Mass Transit and Main Line - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated care services for children and youths at risk: facilitators and barriers for the development of successful services - Academic lecture
- Integrated CO<sub>2</sub> refrigeration and AC unit for hot climates - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated CO2 refrigeration and AC unit for hot climates - Poster
- Integrated design and sustainable assessment of innovative biomass supply chains: A case-study on miscanthus in France - Academic article
- Integrated R744 ejector supported parallel compression racks for supermarkets. Concept & steady state simulations of configurations - Lecture
- Integrated R744 ejector supported parallel compression racks for supermarkets. Concept and steady state simulations of configurations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated R744 ejector supported parallel compression racks for supermarkets. Operation conditions - Lecture
- Integrated R744 ejector supported parallel compression racks for supermarkets. Operation conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integration of Degradation Processes in a Strategic Offshore Wind Farm O&M Simulation Model - Academic article
- Integration of Degradation Processes in a Strategic Offshore Wind Farm O&M Simulation Model - Poster
- Integration of renewable energy and the benefit of storage from a grid and market perspective - results from Morocco and Egypt case studies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integration of sustainability analyses into business models for deep energy renovation of buildings: a case study in Norway - Academic lecture
- Integration of Sustainability Analyses into Business Models for Energy Renovation of Buildings: A Case Study in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integration of the 4+1 Software Safety Assurance Principles with Scrum - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interacting with subterranean infrastructure linked data using augmented reality - Academic article
- Interactive and Pixel-Accurate Rendering of Locally Refined (LR-)Splines and Isogeometric Volumes - Academic lecture
- Interface phenomena in magnetron sputtered Cu2O/ZnO heterostructures - Academic article
- Interfacial bonding mechanism and mechanical properties of novel AZ31/WE43 bimetal composites fabricated by insert molding method - Academic article
- Interfacial Breakdown between Dielectric Surfaces Determined by Gas Discharge - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti−6Al−4V/Al7050 joints fabricated using the insert molding method - Academic article
- Intergranular Corrosion of Extruded AlMgSi(Cu, Zn) Alloys - Academic lecture
- Internationalization of domestic transportation systems and safety - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Internet of Robotic Things - Lecture
- Internet of Robotic Things – Converging Sensing/Actuating, Hyperconnectivity, Artificial Intelligence and IoT Platforms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Internet of things cognitive transformation technology research trends and applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Internet of Things: Cross-cutting Integration Platforms Across Sectors - Lecture
- Interoperability approaches and implementations in current EU Projects - Academic lecture
- Interpretation of Pressure and Flow during Pre-Grouting in Hard Rock Tunneling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interpretation of Pressure and Flow during Pre-Grouting in Hard Rock Tunneling - Lecture
- Intraoperative localized constrained registration in navigated bronchoscopy - Academic article
- Introducing Technology for Thriving in Residential Long-Term Care - Academic article
- Introduction - Introduction
- Introduction and rationale - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Introduction to flow simulation as used in reservoir engineering - Lecture
- Introduction to reservoir simulation as practiced in industry - Lecture
- Introduction to the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST) - Lecture
- Introduction to the themed issue - Poststructural approaches to fisheries - Academic article
- Introduction. Refractory Linings used in Aluminium Production Workshop - Academic lecture
- Introductory talk on Addtive Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Investigating CO2-enhanced oil recovery potential for a mature oil field: a case study based on Ankleshwar oil field, Cambay Basin, India - Academic article
- Investigation of amine-functionalized Polyhedral Oligomeric SilSesquioxanes nanoparticles in PVA-based Hybrid membranes for CO2/N2 separation in post-combustion capture - Poster
- Investigation of amine-functionalized Polyhedral Oligomeric SilSesquioxanes nanoparticles in PVA-based Hybrid membranes for CO2/N2 separation in post-combustion capture - Poster
- Investigation of amino and amidino functionalized Polyhedral Oligomeric SilSesquioxanes (POSS®) nanoparticles in PVA-based hybrid membranes for CO2/N2 separation - Academic article
- Investigation of CFD simulations of flow in the upper airways - Masters thesis
- Investigation of metal dusting corrosion process over UNS N08800 alloy - Academic article
- Investigation of metal dusting corrosion process over UNS N08800 alloy - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Investigation of Spent Refractory Lining in an Anode Baking Furnace - Academic lecture
- Investigation of Spent Refractory Lining in an Anode Baking Furnace - Academic article
- Investigation of Suspended Particles Around an Obstacle in Vertical Pipe Flow: Comparison Study Experimental and Simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation on Ash Slagging Characteristics during Combustion of Biomass Pellets and Effect of Additives - Academic article
- Investigation on Ash Slagging Characteristics during Combustion of Biomass Pellets and Effect of Additives - Academic lecture
- Investigations of Different Control Strategies for Heat Pump Systems in a Residential nZEB in the Nordic Climate - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- In-vitro contrast agent detection combining pulse inversion and SURF imaging - Abstract
- Involving Users in the Design of Sharing Economy Services - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Involving Users in the Design of Sharing Economy Services - Academic lecture
- Iodine content in wild and cultivated edible seaweeds (Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and Palmaria palmata): variability, and implications for dietary nutrition - Lecture
- IoT European Large-Scale Pilots – Integration, Experimentation and Testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- IoT Technology and Applications Transformation across Industry Value Chain - Lecture
- IoT Trustworthiness in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Things and Blockchain Technologies - Lecture
- iProcess- WP 6 Progressplan and information to the partners - Lecture
- IRPWind - Website (informational material)
- Is patient-rated quality of life associated with continuity of care, therapeutic relation and unmet service needs? A study of outpatients with SMI and non-SMI diagnoses in Norway - Academic lecture
- Is there a ZEB architecture? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Isogeometric analysis of THM coupled processes in ground freezing - Academic article
- It-sikkerhedseksperten fik pacemaker: Kan hackere knuse mit hjerte? - Interview
- Japan–Norway research cooperation on wind power and offshore grids: Robustness in grid optimisation and operation - Academic lecture
- Join our IEAGHG CCS Summer School 2018 in Trondheim - Website (informational material)
- Join us at TCCS-9 - Website (informational material)
- Joint Inversion for Improved CO2 Monitoring at the Ketzin Pilot Site, Germany - Academic lecture
- Justification in bottom-up information infrastructures innovation: a case from an incumbent bank turning fintech - Academic lecture
- KELPPRO Kelp industrial production: Potential impacts on coastal ecosystems - Academic lecture
- Key challenges in materials and welding for application of steel structures in arctic - Academic article
- Key Reaction Steps in the Partial Oxidation of Methane to Methanol over Cu-SSZ-13 - Lecture
- Klima 2050: A research-based innovation centre for risk reduction through climate adaption of infrastructure and buildings - Lecture
- Klima 2050: A research-based innovation centre for risk reduction through climate adaption of infrastructure and buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Klimaændringer truer Norges nationalsport: Nu vil nordmændene opfinde ’grøn’ kunstsne - Interview
- Knowledge constraints and needs to foster the development of the macroalgae production sector - Lecture
- Knowledge transfer from professionals to end-users in the building hand-over phase - Academic lecture
- Knowledge transfer from professionals to end-users in the building hand-over phase - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Lab-On-a-Chip Biophotonic Sensor Platform: Biofunctionalization and Microfluidic Design - Poster
- Laboratory experiments on ultrasonic logging through casing for barrier integrity validation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laboratory Measurements of Strength Parameters for Fracturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laboratory Measurements of Strength Parameters for Fracturing - Academic lecture
- Laboratory Testing of Silicon Bonded Silicon Carbide (2017-10) - Lecture
- Labs of the Future. Hybrid testing - Popular scientific lecture
- Lack of transfer of skills after virtual reality simulator training with haptic feedback - Academic article
- Large scale hydrogen production from natural gas in Norway - a possibility for sustainable value creation based on Norwegian energy resources - Lecture
- Large Scale Tertiary CO2 EOR in Mature Water Flooded Norwegian Oil Fields - Academic article
- Large Time Step Roe scheme for a common 1D two-fluid model - Academic article
- Large-Scale Laboratory Investigation of Building Integrated Photovoltaics - A Review of Methods and Opportunities - Lecture
- Large-Scale Laboratory Investigation of Building Integrated Photovoltaics - A Review of Methods and Opportunities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Lattice thermal conductivity of TixZryHf1−x−yNiSn half-Heusler alloys calculated from first principles: Key role of nature of phonon modes - Academic article
- Launch of the ISO standards for CO2 pipeline transport and storage. The framework is now in place, so what are we waiting for? - Website (informational material)
- Layered microstructures based on BaZr0.85Y0.15O3−δ by pulsed laser deposition for metal-supported proton ceramic electrolyser cells - Academic article
- LCA of the Norwegian waste-to-energy sector: Current situation, implications of carbon capture and storage and circular economy - Academic lecture
- Leanwind 4.6 - Optimisation Algorithms for Dynamic Scheduling of Preventive and Corrective O&M - Report
- Leanwind 4.7 - O&M, Integration of tools and systems - Report
- Leanwind D7.2 - Case study validation of combined financial and logistics tools - Report
- Learning by dialogue – how dialogue promotes interaction and learning in a supply chain - Academic lecture
- Learning by doing: Public and private search for quick delivery and sustainability in building projects - Academic lecture
- Learning by doing: Public and private search for quick delivery and sustainability in building projects - Academic article
- Lessons learned from the 2015 Soerkjosen shoreline landslide in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Lidars for Wind Tunnels - an IRPWind Joint Experiment Project - Academic article
- Life Cycle GHG Emissions of Material Use in the Living Laboratory - Academic lecture
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Material Use in the Living Laboratory - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Life cycle perspective on GHG emissions from shipping - Lecture
- Life-cycle assessment as a tool for eco-design of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) - Academic article
- Light Crude Oil Slicks Behaviour and Effect of Response Options during Full-scale Field Experiments - Academic lecture
- Light metals 2017 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Limited Laboratory study of Luno II Blend in comparison With existing weathering properties of Luno II A - Report
- Linear dependence of LR-splines - Academic lecture
- Linear dependence of LR-splines - Poster
- Linked data for common agriculture policy: Enabling semantic querying over sentinel-2 and LiDAR data - Academic article
- Linked data for the Norwegian state of estate reporting service - Academic article
- Linking layered structure and redox energetics in the cation ordered perovskite oxides Ca2AlMno5+δ (0<δ<0.5) - Academic lecture
- Liquefied hydrogen production from surplus wind/hydro power and fossil sources - Popular scientific lecture
- Liquid Metal Batteries as a Power Buffer in Aluminium Production Plants - Academic lecture
- Liquid Phase Epitaxial Growth of Al-doped f-SiC for LEDS - Lecture
- Liquid Phase Epitaxial Growth of Al-doped f-SiC for White Light-Emitting Diodes - Lecture
- Liquid-solid Solubility in AMP-KSAR-CO2-H2O System - Academic article
- L-lysine production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-based mutational analysis and L-lysine secretion engineering - Academic article
- LNG spill on water – what will happen?– Uncovering the triggering mechanism of rapid phase transition - Lecture
- Local opposition against high-voltage grids: public responses to agency-caused science policy trolls - Academic article
- Local response of sialoliths to lithotripsy: cues on fragmentation outcome - Academic article
- Logging Shale Barriers before Well Abandonment - Poster
- Long term field study into the durability of silica fume concrete in a marine tidal zone - Academic lecture
- Longitudinal AC Breakdown Voltage of XLPE-XLPE Interfaces Considering Surface Roughness and Pressure - Academic article
- Long-term creep prediction with a modified power law model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Long-term creep prediction with a modified power law model - Academic lecture
- Long-term leaching from recycled concrete aggregates applied as sub-base material in road construction - Academic article
- Long-term release of heavy metals from foam glass and recycled concrete aggregates used in road construction - Lecture
- Long-term release of heavy metals from foam glass and recycled concrete aggregates used in road construction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Loss minimization in AC export cables - Academic lecture
- Lost Circulation in Primary Well Cementing - Academic article
- Low carbon solutions for the blue economy: The role of technology and innovation. - Lecture
- Low temperature aqueous phase hydrogenation of the light oxygenate fraction of bio-oil over supported ruthenium catalysts - Academic article
- Low temperature drying and thermo-physical Properties of Brown seaweeds (Saccharina latissima) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Low-Frequency EIS intercept as a Diagnostic Tool for PEM Fuel Cells Degradation - Academic lecture
- Low-velocity impact behaviour and failure of stiffened steel plates - Academic article
- Lung function parameters improve prediction of VO2peak in an elderly population: The Generation 100 study - Academic article
- Lyn i lab'en - Interview
- Machine intelligence based data handling framework for ship energy efficiency - Academic article
- Machine learning based investigation of influence of weather on transport mobility. - Report
- Macroalgae cultivation in Norway: Research on industrial development and environmental impact - Lecture
- Macroalgae for Higher Value Products and Liquid Fuels - Chapter
- Magazín Leonardo - Interview
- Magnetic domain configuration of (111)-oriented LaFeO3 epitaxial thin films - Academic article
- MAID: Materialer i kontakt med drikkevann. Resultater fra felles nordisk prosjekt - Lecture
- Management of integrated workplace concepts at multiple locations - Academic article
- Management of oil spill contamination in the Gulf of Patras caused by an accidental subsea blowout - Academic article
- Management of the ConocoPhillips-Lundin Northern Area program - Chapter
- Management Practices for Promoting Employee-Driven-Innovation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Managing open innovation processes in large university-industry research programmes - a case study from the Norwegian energy sector - Masters thesis
- Managing Risks in Agile Software Development: Risk Factors in Empirical Studies compared to a Traditional Risk Component Framework - Poster
- Manoeuvring validation analysis of the M/F Landegode - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Manufacturing of Dysprosium-Iron Alloys by Electrolysis in Fluoride-Based Electrolytes: Oxide Solubility Determinations - Academic article
- Manufacturing of Metal Supported Protonic Ceramic Electrolyser Cells (PCEC) - Academic lecture
- Manufacturing of perovskite oxygen carriers by spray granulation for chemical looping combustion - Academic article
- Mapping of paleo residual oil zones on the NCS and the potential for production by CO2-EOR - Academic lecture
- Mapping the chemistry within, and the strain around, Al-alloy precipitates at atomic resolution by multi-frame scanning transmission electron microscopy - Academic article
- Marin modelling - Lecture
- Marine Aquaculture in Brazil – Some Elements for further Developments - Lecture
- Marine Engine-Centered Data Analytics for Ship Performance Monitoring - Academic article
- Marine microalgae: resource for protein and EPA or DHA use in aquafeed - Lecture
- Marine microalgae: Resource for protein and EPA/DHA for use in aquafeed - Lecture
- Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships: Norwegian Perspective - Lecture
- Maritime Operations and Emergency Preparedness in the Arctic–Competence Standards for Search and Rescue Operations Contingencies in Polar Waters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Masonry’s Resistance to Driving Rain: Mortar Water Content and Impregnation - Academic article
- Mass Customization Challenges of Engineer-to-Order Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mass customization-driven industry development: world class manufacturing in a unesco world heritage town - Lecture
- Mass transfer between bubbles and seawater - Academic article
- Mass Transfer Kinetics of CO2 in Loaded Aqueous MEA Solutions - Academic article
- Materials for Proton Exchange Membrane water electrolyzer bipolar plates - Academic article
- Maternal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) transfer and effects on offspring of copepods exposed to dispersed oil with and without oil droplets - Academic article
- Mathematical modelling and Performance analysis of a small-scale combined heat and power system based on Biomass Waste Downdraft Gasification - Academic lecture
- Maximizing the rate of return on the capital employed in shipping capacity renewal - Academic article
- Measured load profiles and heat use for “low energy buildings” with heat supply from district heating - Academic article
- Measurement of Tortuosity of Anode Porosity by 3D Micro X-ray Computed Tomography - Lecture
- Measurements for validation of manufacturer’s white-box transformer models - Academic article
- Measurements of daylight availability in retrofitted Norwegian apartments - Academic lecture
- Measurements of daylight availability in retrofitted Norwegian apartments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Measurements of ionic liquids thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity - Academic article
- Measures against hydrocarbon leaks: taxonomy, effect and costs. A literature study of measures against hydrocarbon leaks. - Report
- Measuring Disability and Inclusion in relation to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development - Academic article
- Mechanical properties and cold cracking evaluations of four 7xxx series aluminum alloys using a newly developed index - Academic article
- Mechanical reliability analysis of a real network to support the design of Isolation Valve System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mechanical reliability analysis of a real network to support the design of Isolation Valve System - Academic lecture
- Mechanical testing of the Draupne shale - Website (informational material)
- Mechanism of unconfined dust explosions: Turbulent clustering and radiation-induced ignition - Academic article
- Medium-Term Hydropower Scheduling with Binary State Variables - Academic lecture
- Meeting end user needs in collaborative medical device technology development research projects: A qualitative case study - Academic lecture
- Meeting end user needs in collaborative medical device technology development research projects: A qualitative case study - Academic article
- Membrane-assisted CO2 liquefaction: performance modelling of CO2 capture from flue gas in cement production - Academic article
- Mental health service users’ experiences of admission and readmission to hospital — a focus group study in six countries. - Academic lecture
- Metadata for Interoperability in Materials Modelling - Academic lecture
- Methane reforming catalyzed by direct reduced iron - Academic lecture
- Methane slip from gas engines - Lecture
- Methane to methanol: structure-activity relationships for Cu-CHA - Academic article
- Methanol-based γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) production by genetically engineered Bacillus methanolicus strains - Academic article
- Method of analysis for delay propagation in a single-track network - Academic article
- Methodology for assessing cycling comfort during a smart city development - Academic article
- Methodology for assessing cycling comfort during a smart city development. - Lecture
- Methodology to Improve Strain Measurement in III–V Semiconductors Materials - Academic article
- Methylmercury in Arctic Seabirds - Seasonal inter-tissue differences - Poster
- Microsensors in medical applications - when size matters - Lecture
- Micro-Sonde Well Logging System - Chapter
- Microstructural evolution and the effect on hardness of Sanicro 25 welded joint base metal after creep at 973 K - Academic article
- Microstructural stability of tailored CaMn0.875−xFexTi0.125O3−δ perovskite oxygen carrier materials for chemical looping combustion - Academic article
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 6013 Aluminum Alloy Processed by a Combination of ECAP and Preaging Treatment - Academic article
- Microstructure evolution during homogenization of Al-Mg-Si-Mn-Fe alloys: Modelling and experimental results - Academic article
- Mid-Level MPC and 6 DOF Output Path Following for Robotic Manipulators - Academic lecture
- Mid-Level MPC and 6 DOF Output Path Following for Robotic Manipulators - Academic article
- MIIP: A web-based platform for medical image interpretation training and evaluation focusing on ultrasound - Academic article
- Miniature, low-cost, 200 mW, infrared thermal emitter sealed by wafer-level bonding - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Miniature, low-cost, 200 mW, infrared thermal emitter sealed by wafer-level bonding - Academic lecture
- Minimum Viable Product approach at SINTEF - robotics for inspection and maintenance - Lecture
- Minority carrier lifetimes in Cz-Si wafers with intentional V-I transitions - Academic article
- Misoperation analysis of steady-state and transient methods on earth fault locating in compensated distribution networks - Academic article
- Missing focus on Human Factors – organizational and cognitive ergonomics – in the safety management for the petroleum industry - Academic article
- Mitigation of Uncertainties in Rainfall- Induced Landslide Prediction Models in a Changing Climate. Kvam Case Study - Masters thesis
- Mixing and segregation in a rotating cylinder: CFD simulation and experimental study. - Academic article
- Mn related activities at SINTEF and NTNU - Lecture
- Mn-promotion effects in Co based Fischer-Tropsch production of light olefins - Poster
- Mn-promotion effects in Co based Fischer-Tropsch production of light olefins - Poster
- Model Uncertainty of Interfacial Area and Mass Transfer Coefficients in Absorption Column Packings - Academic article
- Model-Based Software Engineering to Tame the IoT Jungle - Academic article
- Model-driven Engineering for the Configuration and Deployment of Data Processing Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling and Simulation of Chemical Looping Combustion Using a Copper-Based Oxygen Carrier in a Double-Loop Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor System - Academic article
- Modeling geomechanical impact of fluid storage in poroelastic media using precomputed response functions - Academic article
- Modeling over-ageing in Al-Mg-Si alloys by a multi-phase CALPHAD-coupled Kampmann-Wagner Numerical model - Academic article
- Modeling spreading of oil slicks based on random walk methods and Voronoi diagrams - Academic article
- Modeling the effects of alternative mitigation measures on Atlantic salmon production in a regulated river. - Academic article
- Modeling the transition to fast mode streamers in dielectric liquids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of Cold Metal Transfer Welding Process Using SPH - Academic lecture
- Modelling of erosion and uplift effects on water-fluid build-up, fracturing and leakage - Example from the Barents Sea - Poster
- Modelling of Hydrodynamic Loads on Aquaculture Net Cages by a Modified Morison Model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of non-uniform lines using rational approximation and mode revealing transformation - Academic article
- Modelling of the oxy-combustion fluid catalytic cracking units - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling study of two chemical looping reforming reactor configurations: looping vs. switching - Academic article
- Modelling the dynamics of growth, development and lipid storage in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Academic article
- Modified homogeneous relaxation model for the r744 trans-critical flow in a two-phase ejector - Academic article
- Moisture robustness assessment of a window with integrated solar screen using numerical and experimental methods - Academic article
- Moisture robustness assessment of a window with integrated solar screen using numerical and experimental methods - Academic lecture
- Monitoring of operational and organizational safety barriers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Monitoring the Complete Life-cycle of a CO2 Storage Reservoir - Demonstration of Applicability of Geoelectrical Imaging - Academic article
- Morphological Transition of alpha-Mg Dendrites during Near-Isothermal Solidification of an Mg-Nd-Gd-Zn-Zr Casting Alloy. - Academic lecture
- Morphological Transition of a-Mg Dendrites During Near-Isothermal Solidification of a Mg–Nd–Gd–Zn–Zr Casting Alloy - Academic lecture
- Morphological transition of α-Mg dendrites during near-isothermal solidification of a Mg-Nd-Gd-Zn-Zr casting alloy - Academic article
- Morphology and rheology of PP/POE blends in high shear stress field - Academic article
- Morphology effects in MgH2 anode for lithium ion batteries - Academic article
- Morphology, crystalline features, and tensile properties of syndiotactic polypropylene blends - Academic article
- Mortality and transcriptional effects of inorganic mercury in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Academic article
- Mould growth criteria and design avoidance approaches in wood-based materials - A systematic review - Academic literature review
- Mould models applicable to wood-based materials – a generic framework - Academic article
- MOVE project 3: Simulation technology and virtual prototyping as a common approach from design to operation - Lecture
- Moving forward or back? Changes in Norway's risk governance strategy following the 2011 Oslo terror attacks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multi Frequency RFI Characterization Activities (SESAR PJ14.03.01) - Academic lecture
- Multimodal 18F-fluciclovine PET/MRI and ultrasound-guided neurosurgery of an anaplastic oligodendroglioma - Academic article
- MultiPACK - Website (informational material)
- Multiphase Flow Technology for Marginal Fields - Popular scientific chapter/article
- Multiple-stressor effects in an apex predator: combined influence of pollutants and sea ice decline on lipid metabolism in polar bears - Academic article
- Multiscale and reduced-order methods for simulating long-term trapping of CO2 in large-scale aquifer systems - Academic lecture
- Multiscale methods for reservoir simulation - Lecture
- Multiscale modeling of a packed bed chemical looping reforming (PBCLR) reactor - Academic article
- Multiscale modeling of cemented tungsten carbide in hard rock drilling - Academic article
- Multiscale modelling of packed bed chemical looping reforming - Academic article
- Multi-scale observation of hydrogen-induced, localized plastic deformation in fatigue-crack propagation in a pure iron - Academic article
- Multistage grid investments incorporating uncertainty in offshore wind development - Academic article
- Mutual adjustment and use of Slack in distributed development projects - Lecture
- Myanmar’s co-processing potential - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Nano Insulation Materials (NIMs) Applying Hollow Silica Nanospheres and Nanofibers - Poster
- Nano Insulation Materials and the Utilization of Hollow Silica Nanospheres - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nano Insulation Materials and the Utilization of Hollow Silica Nanospheres - Academic lecture
- Nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles and ultrasound for enhanced drug delivery - Academic lecture
- Nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles for ultrasound-mediated drug delivery and treatment of human breast adenocarcinoma in mice - Poster
- Nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles for ultrasound-mediated drug delivery and treatment of human breast adenocarcinoma in mice - Poster
- Nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles for ultrasound-mediated drug delivery to tumors and the brain - Lecture
- NANoREG framework for the safety assessment of nanomaterials - Report
- Nanoscale mapping of optical band gaps using monochromated Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy - Academic article
- Nanoscale phase, strain and composition mapping of Al-Mg-Si alloys - Academic lecture
- Nanostructured surfaces for efficient liquefaction of CO2 - Poster
- Navigated Retrograde Endoscopic Myotomy (REM) for the Treatment of Therapy-Resistant Achalasia - Academic lecture
- Navigation vector based ship maneuvering prediction - Academic article
- NCCS - Annual Report 2017 - Report
- NCCS Consortium Agreement and contract signed - Website (informational material)
- NCCS Consortium Days 2017: Lessons learned from the Norwegian Full-Scale Project, CCS legal requirements, hydrogen and more… - Website (informational material)
- NCCS webinar on innovation in FMEs - Website (informational material)
- NCCS Webinars – Innovation in FMEs - Website (informational material)
- nccs.no - Website (informational material)
- Near wake region of an industrial scale wind turbine: comparing LES-ALM with LES-SMI simulations using data mining - Lecture
- Near wake region of an industrial scale wind turbine: comparing LES-ALM with LES-SMI simulations using data mining (POD) - Academic article
- Needleless electrospun nanofibers containing microcapsules: a methodology for self-supported microcontainers - Academic article
- Negative CO2 Emissions with Chemical-Looping Combustion of Biomass – A Nordic Energy Research Flagship Project - Academic article
- Network development: A road to sustained competitiveness in local food firms? - Academic lecture
- Network learning and attitudes towards climate adaptation - Lecture
- New allergy test promises safer antibiotic use - Popular scientific article
- New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach - Lecture
- New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach - Lecture
- New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach - Lecture
- New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach - Lecture
- New combined CFD and model testing technique for identification of wave impact loads on a semisubmersible - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New EERA Chair: Ready for a low carbon Europe - Website (informational material)
- New fabrication methods for high performance CO2 capture membranes - Poster
- New fabrication methods for high performance CO2 capture membranes - Academic lecture
- New insights into Pseudomonas fluorescens alginate biosynthesis relevant for the establishment of an efficient production process for microbial alginates - Academic literature review
- New method enabling the ‘direct numerical simulation’ of three-phase flow of carbon dioxide - Website (informational material)
- New models for teams - Understanding autonomous BizDev teams Linking business strategy and software development - Lecture
- New phase equilibria measurements close important knowledge gaps in CCS - Academic lecture
- New Research Benchmark Test Sites in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New strains—the emergence of cyber physical vulnerabilities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New tool reveals the real greenhouse gas footprints of reservoirs - Interview
- New tool reveals the real greenhouse gas footprints of reservoirs - Interview
- Next Generation Heating of Subsea Oil Production Pipelines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Next generation public services - Popular scientific lecture
- Nitride bonded SiC sidelining materials - Academic lecture
- Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanofibers for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Importance of the Iron Growth Catalyst Phase - Academic article
- NMR spectroscopic investigations into the mechanism of absorption and desorption of CO2 by (tris-pyridyl)amine Zn complexes - Academic article
- Non-Aqueous Solvent CO2 Capture Process - Academic lecture
- Non-elastic effects in static and dynamic rock stiffness - Academic lecture
- Non-elastic effects in static and dynamic rock stiffness - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nonlinear hydrodynamics of a floating cylinder in oscillatory flow alone and combined with a current - Academic article
- Non-linear Newton solver for a polymer two-phase system using interface-localized trust regions - Poster
- Non-linear Newton Solver for a Polymer Two-phase System Using Interface-localized Trust Regions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nonlinear observers for integrated INS\/GNSS navigation: implementation aspects - Academic article
- Nonlinear Solver for Three-Phase Transport Problems Based on Approximate Trust Regions - Academic article
- Nonlinear solvers for OPM Flow - Lecture
- Nonlinear solvers in OPM Flow - Academic lecture
- Nordic Europe - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nordmænd vil udvikle ’grøn’ kunst-sne - Interview
- Norway as a Battery for the Future European Power System—Impacts on the Hydropower System - Academic article
- Norway as a flexibility provider for a low-carbon European energy system - Academic lecture
- Norway leads the way in CO2 capture - Interview
- Norway's National GeoTest Site Research Infrastructure (NGTS) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Norwegian CCS Research Centre - Industry-driven innovation for fast-track CCS deployment - Lecture
- Norwegian CCS Research Centre: Examples of collaborations with the United States - Lecture
- Norwegian CCS Research Centre: Industry-led innovation for fast-track CCS deployment - Lecture
- Norwegian eco snow machines secure the future of skiing - Interview
- Norwegian experiences of acoustics in classrooms - Abstract
- Norwegian experiences of acoustics in classrooms - Lecture
- Norwegian general practitioners' collaboration with municipal care providers - a qualitative study of structural conditions - Academic article
- Norwegian municipalities’ efforts to integrate energy into city planning; early key challenges from the planning of smart energy communities - Academic lecture
- Norwegian municipalities’ efforts to integrate energy into city planning; early key challenges from the planning of smart energy communities - Academic lecture
- Norwegian reflections on EU’s new research programme (FP9) - Website (informational material)
- Norwegian Researcher Wins Award - Interview
- Norwegian State of estate report as linked open data - Academic article
- Norwegian to lead energy research in Europe - Interview
- Norwegian Waste-to-Energy: Climate change, circular economy and carbon capture and storage - Academic article
- Novel archaeal thermostable cellulases from an oil reservoir metagenome - Academic article
- Novel exsolution method for processing composite cathodes for Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells - Poster
- Novel Fe/MnK-CNTs nanocomposites as catalysts for direct production of lower olefins from syngas - Academic article
- Novel integrated CO2 vapour compression racks for supermarkets. Thermodynamic analysis of possible system configurations and influence of operational conditions - Academic article
- Novel molten/solid composite oxygen transport membranes for CO2 capture - Poster
- Novel processing of composite cathodes for proton conducting fuel cells - Academic lecture
- Novel processing of composite cathodes for proton conducting fuel cells by exsolution - Academic lecture
- Novel processing of La0.5Ba0.5CoO3-δ - BaZrO3 cathodes for proton conducting fuel cells - Poster
- Novel processing of La0.5Ba0.5MO3-δ – BaZr1-xYxO3 cathodes for Proton Ceramic Fuel Cells - Lecture
- Novel processing of La0.5Ba0.5MO3-δ – BaZr1-xYxO3 cathodes for Proton Ceramic Fuel Cells - Lecture
- NOWITECH Final Seminar, Trondheim, 22 – 23 August - Website (informational material)
- NOWITECH innovations worth 5 billion euro - Multimedia product
- NOWITECH Milestone 20 - Report
- NOWITECH Offshore wind open innovation - Multimedia product
- Nucleation under strong confinement - Academic lecture
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Roughness Due to Different Type of Coating - Academic lecture
- Numerical Assessment of an Automotive Derivative CHP Fuel Cell System - Academic article
- Numerical benchmark studies on drag and lift coefficients of a marine riser at high Reynolds numbers - Academic article
- Numerical framework for power cycle simulation and optimization - Lecture
- Numerical Integration and Interpolation in Marine Pollutant Transport Modelling - Academic lecture
- Numerical Integration and Interpolation in Marine Pollutant Transport Modelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Investigation of Irregular Breaking Waves for Extreme Wave Spectra Using CFD - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Modeling Framework for Wind Turbine Analysis & Atmospheric Boundary Layer Interaction - Lecture
- Numerical Modeling Framework for Wind Turbine Analysis & Atmospheric Boundary Layer Interaction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical modeling of an automotive derivative PEM Fuel cell CHP system with selective membranes - Academic lecture
- Numerical modeling of non-Newtonian fluid flow in fractures and porous media - Academic article
- Numerical modelling of (thin) oil films - Improved behaviour and life time of thin films in the OSCAR model - OC2017 A-181 - Report
- Numerical models for thermochemical degradation of thermally thick woody biomass, and their application in domestic wood heating appliances and grate furnaces - Academic literature review
- Numerical simulation of cross-linked polyethylene at different ambient temperatures and strain rates - Academic lecture
- Numerical simulation of devolatilization of wood logs and pressure generation in the wood log center - Academic article
- Numerical simulations of fracture reorientation in the vicinity of a producer - Academic lecture
- Numerical simulations of fracture reorientation in the vicinity of a producer - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Simulations of Grout Flow in Simplified Geometries - Report
- Numerical Study of a Moored Structure in Moving Broken Ice Driven by Current and Wave - Academic lecture
- Numerical Study of a Moored Structure in Moving Broken Ice Driven by Current and Wave - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Study of Propeller Ventilation - Academic lecture
- NumSim - Numerical simulation of complex systems involving interaction between elements with large and varying stiffness properties - Report
- Nutritional value of the kelps Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima and effects of short-term storage on biomass quality - Academic article
- Occupational Health & Safety Research for the Aquaculture Industry in Norway - Academic lecture
- Occurrence, characterisation and fate of (nano)particulate Ti and Ag in two Norwegian wastewater treatment plants - Lecture
- Ocean acidification effects on mesozooplankton community development: Results from a long-term mesocosm experiment - Academic article
- Ocean Futures: Exploring stakeholders´ perceptions of adaptive capacity to changing marine environments - Academic lecture
- Ocean Plastics Lab - Other presentation
- Off-design if high temperature compression-absorption heat pump - Lecture
- Off-design of high temperature compression-absorption heat pump - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Off-design of high temperature hybrid heat pump - Lecture
- Offshore Wind Energy 2017 – Poster award Harald Svendsen received a poster award at the Offshore Wind Energy 2017 conference in London 7 June 2017 - Website (informational material)
- Offshore wind farm O&M and logistics optimization - Lecture
- Offshore wind power plants with 66 kV Collection Grids Study of Resonance Frequencies - Poster
- Oil droplet fouling and differential PAH toxicokinetics in embryos of Atlantic haddock and cod. - Academic lecture
- Oil droplet fouling and differential toxicokinetics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in embryos of Atlantic haddock and cod - Academic article
- Oil droplet generation and incubation for biodegradation studies - Chapter
- Oil droplet generation and incubation for biodegradation studies of dispersed oil - Chapter
- Oil droplet surfacing probabilities using realistic low turbulence in Arctic ice - Academic lecture
- Oil lurks beneath EU-Norway snow crab clash: Experts argue that Oslo is standing its ground over shellfish in fear of a Dangerous legal precedent - Interview
- Oil spill field trial at sea: Measurements of benzene exposure - Academic article
- Oil spill identification - OSINET – Round Robin 2016 - Report
- Oil spill response capabilities and technologies for ice-covered Arctic marine waters: A review of recent developments and established practices - Academic article
- Oil-Water Pipe Flow Dispersions - From Traditional Flow Loops to Real Industrial Transport Conditions - Academic article
- OMAE2017-61011 Digitalization of Seagoing Vessels Under High Dimensional Data Driven Models - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61011 Digitalization of Seagoing Vessels Under High Dimensional Data Driven Models - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61069 The Study of a New Concept of Flexible Pipe With Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Reinforced Inner Sheath - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61069 The Study of a New Concept of Flexible Pipe With Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Reinforced Inner Sheath - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61117 The Study on the Influence of Pipe-Soil Interaction on VIV for Different Free Span Types - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61117 The Study on the Influence of Pipe-Soil Interaction on VIV for Different Free Span Types - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61118 Visual Analytics in Ship Performance and Navigation Information for Sensor Specific Fault Detection - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61120 Visualization of Relative Wind Profiles in Relation to Actual Weather Conditions of Ship Routes - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61121 Comparison of Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of a Braceless Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine and Numerical Simulations - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61121 Comparison of Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of a Braceless Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine and Numerical Simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61211 Communications Challenges in the Arctic: Oil and Gas Operations Perspective - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61211 Communications Challenges in the Arctic: Oil and Gas Operations Perspective - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61216 A Non-Iterative Method for Vortex Induced Vibration Prediction of Marine Risers - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61219 Automated System for Fleet Benchmarking and Assessment of Technical Condition - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61237 Three Dimensional Velocity Field Underneath a Breaking Rogue Wave - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61237 Three Dimensional Velocity Field Underneath a Breaking Rogue Wave - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61261 Time Varying Hydrodynamics Identification of a Flexible Riser under Multi-frequency Vortex-Induced Vibrations - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61265 Hydrodynamics of Flexible Pipe With Staggered Buoyancy Elements Undergoing Vortex-Induced Vibrations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61265 Hydrodynamics of Flexible Pipe With Staggered Buoyancy Elements Undergoing Vortex-Induced Vibrations - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61362 Consolidation of Empirics for Calculation of VIV Response - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61362 Consolidation of Empirics for Calculation of VIV Response - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61390 Theoretical and Experimental Study of Heading Stability and Heading Control of a Turret-Moored FPSO - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61390 Theoretical and Experimental Study of Heading Stability and Heading Control of a Turret-Moored FPSO - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61400 Outcomes From a Study of Validation of Ship Specific Models for Shiphandling Simulator - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61400 Outcomes From a Study of Validation of Ship Specific Models for Shiphandling Simulator - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61410 On the Design Considerations of New Offloading Hose Applied on a Turret Moored FPSO - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61410 On the Design Considerations of New Offloading Hose Applied on a Turret Moored FPSO - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61415 Prototype Reynolds Number VIV Tests on a Full-Scale Rigid Riser - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61415 Prototype Reynolds Number VIV Tests on a Full-Scale Rigid Riser - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61519 Tensile Strength of Nylon Netting Subjected to Various Concentrations of Disinfecting Chemicals - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61519 Tensile Strength of Nylon Netting Subjected to Various Concentrations of Disinfecting Chemicals - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61531 Environmental Description in the Design of Fish Farms at Exposed Locations - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61531 Environmental Description in the Design of Fish Farms at Exposed Locations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61569 Maximum Wave Load Cycles on Submerged Rotating Tidal Energy Turbines: Identification of Worst Case Scenarios - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61569 Maximum Wave Load Cycles on Submerged Rotating Tidal Energy Turbines: Identification of Worst Case Scenarios - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61659 Classification of Aquaculture Locations in Norway With Respect to Wind Wave Exposure - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61659 Classification of Aquaculture Locations in Norway With Respect to Wind Wave Exposure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61715 Improved in-line VIV Prediction for combined in-line and Cross-Flow VIV Responses - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61715 Improved in-line VIV Prediction for combined in-line and Cross-Flow VIV Responses - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61726 A Hydrodynamic Analysis of Motion Coupling Effect of Floating Storage Tank Supported by Marine Fenders - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61726 A Hydrodynamic Analysis of Motion Coupling Effect of Floating Storage Tank Supported by Marine Fenders - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61766 Prediction of Combined IL and CF VIV Response of Deepwater Risers - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61768 VIV Responses of Riser With Buoyancy Elements: Forced Motion Test and Numerical Prediction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61768 VIV Responses of Riser With Buoyancy Elements: Forced Motion Test and Numerical Prediction - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61771 Cyber Security Issues in Navigation Systems of Marine Vessels From Control Perspective - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61771 Cyber Security Issues in Navigation Systems of Marine Vessels From Control Perspective - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61779 Effect of the Beam Element Geometric Formulation on the Wind Turbine Performance and Structural Dynamics - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61779 Effect of the Beam Element Geometric Formulation on the Wind Turbine Performance and Structural Dynamics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61804 An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Axial Thermal Gradients in Flexible Pipes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61804 An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Axial Thermal Gradients in Flexible Pipes - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61816 Simulation-Based Evaluation of Upstream Logistics System Concepts for Offshore Operations in Remote Areas - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61845 Risk Management in Aquaculture: Integrating Sustainability Perspectives - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61845 Risk Management in Aquaculture: Integrating Sustainability Perspectives - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61867 Experimental Study of Hydrodynamic Responses of a Single Floating Storage Tank With Internal Fluid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61867 Experimental Study of Hydrodynamic Responses of a Single Floating Storage Tank With Internal Fluid - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-61878 Comparative Study of Motions and Drift Forces in Waves and Current - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-61878 Comparative Study of Motions and Drift Forces in Waves and Current - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62023 Development of a Simulator Training Platform for Fish Farm Operations - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62030 Drag on Nets Fouled With Blue Mussel (Mytilus Edulis) and Sugar Kelp (Saccharina Latissima) and Parameterization of Fouling - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62030 Drag on Nets Fouled With Blue Mussel (Mytilus Edulis) and Sugar Kelp (Saccharina Latissima) and Parameterization of Fouling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62056 Effective Power and Speed Loss of Underwater Vehicles in Close Proximity to Regular Waves - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62056 Effective Power and Speed Loss of Underwater Vehicles in Close Proximity to Regular Waves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62228 Internal Fluid Effect Inside a Floating Structure: from Frequency Domain Solution to Time Domain Solution - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62228 Internal Fluid Effect Inside a Floating Structure: from Frequency Domain Solution to Time Domain Solution - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62307 - Design Parameters for Increased Operability of Offshore Crane Vessels - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62390 - Study of an Entrapped Air Pocket due to Sloshing Using Experiments and Numerical Simulations - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62390 - Study of an Entrapped Air Pocket due to Sloshing Using Experiments and Numerical Simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62447 Hydrodynamic Coefficients for Suction Anchors during Installation Operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62447 Hydrodynamic Coefficients for Suction Anchors during Installation Operations - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62489 Static Stability of Floating Units in Operational Conditions: a Physics-Driven Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62489 Static Stability of Floating Units in Operational Conditions: a Physics-Driven Approach - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62498 Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of a Top Tensioned Riser: a Numerical Case Study on Interface Time-Delays and Truncation Ratio - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62498 Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of a Top Tensioned Riser: a Numerical Case Study on Interface Time-Delays and Truncation Ratio - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62499 Dynamic Forces and Limiting Sea States for Installation of GRP Protection Covers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62499 Dynamic Forces and Limiting Sea States for Installation of GRP Protection Covers - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62535 Hydrodynamic Coefficients of a Flexible Pipe With Staggered Buoyancy Elements and Strakes under VIV Conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62535 Hydrodynamic Coefficients of a Flexible Pipe With Staggered Buoyancy Elements and Strakes under VIV Conditions - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62539 Wave Drift Forces and Low Frequency Damping on the Exwave Semi-Submersible - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62539 Wave Drift Forces and Low Frequency Damping on the Exwave Semi-Submersible - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62540 Wave Drift Forces and Low Frequency Damping on the Exwave FPSO - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62540 Wave Drift Forces and Low Frequency Damping on the Exwave FPSO - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62548 Wave-Current Interaction Effects on Airgap Calculations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62548 Wave-Current Interaction Effects on Airgap Calculations - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62550 Simulation of Low Frequency Motions in Severe Seastates Accounting for Wave-Current Interaction Effects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62550 Simulation of Low Frequency Motions in Severe Seastates Accounting for Wave-Current Interaction Effects - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62584 Experimental Investigation of Power Umbilical Damping - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OMAE2017-62584 Experimental Investigation of Power Umbilical Damping - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62643 New Combined CFD and Model Testing Technique for Identification of Wave Impact Loads on a Semisubmersible - Academic lecture
- OMAE2017-62644 The Effect of Stick Stiffness of Friction Models on the Bending Behavior in Non-Bonded Flexible Risers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On interactions between wind turbines and the marine boundary layer - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On Interactions between Wind Turbines and the Marine Boundary Layer - Lecture
- On model predictive path following and trajectory tracking for industrial robots - Academic article
- On Model Predictive Path Following and Trajectory Tracking for Industrial Robots - Academic lecture
- On obtaining optimal well rates and placement for CO2 storage - Academic article
- On pragmatism in industrial modeling. Part III: Application to operational drilling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On Recovery-based Error Estimation in Isogeometric Analysis of Thin Plate Problems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On Recovery-based Error Estimation in Isogeometric Analysis of Thin Plate Problems - Academic lecture
- On the added resistance of underwater vehicles in close proximity to regular waves - Academic lecture
- On the cleansing and inspection of GPS ephemeris data 2000–2016 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On the effect of calcium lignosulfonate on the rheology and setting time of cement paste - Academic article
- On the effects of K and La co-promotion on CuCl2/γ-Al2O3 catalysts for the oxychlorination of ethylene - Academic article
- On the evolution of properties of ITO layers deposited on crystalline and amorphous Si upon heat treatments - Poster
- On the globally exponentially convergent immersion and invariance speed observer for mechanical systems - Academic article
- On the Globally Exponentially Convergent Immersion and Invariance Speed Observer for Mechanical Systems - Academic lecture
- On the mechanisms of consumption of calcium lignosulfonate by cement paste - Academic article
- On the preparation of Cu-containing Zeolites - How to avoid comparing Apples to Oranges. - Poster
- On the relation between fatigue and static ductile to brittle transition for weld simulated 420 MPa structural steel - Academic article
- On the role of grain boundaries in surface protonics - Academic lecture
- On the Stability of Community Tolerance for Aircraft Noise - Academic article
- On the Tangential AC Breakdown Strength of Polymer Interfaces Considering Elastic Modulus - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On-board live storage of Atlantic cod caught by trawl as a concept for minimizing discoloration and residual blood in fillets - Academic lecture
- On-Bottom Stability Analysis of Subsea Pipelines Under Combined Irregular Waves and Currents - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On-Bottom Stability Analysis of Subsea Pipelines Under Combined Irregular Waves and Currents - Popular scientific lecture
- One-step flame synthesis of cathode catalyst nanoparticles supported on stable oxide material – example of Pt on ATO - Academic lecture
- ONIOM(QM:AMOEBA09) study on binding energies and binding preference of OH, HCO, and CH3 radicals on hexagonal water ice (Ih) - Academic article
- Ontology Based Integration of Ship Inspection Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ontology Based Integration of Ship Inspection Data - Academic lecture
- OO-Star WF floating wind concept advances with tank tests - Website (informational material)
- Open access simulation toolbox for the grid connection of offshore wind farms using multi-terminal HVDC networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Open innovation from SINTEF saves millions by minimizing electrical losses in long HVAC cables connecting offshore wind farms - Website (informational material)
- Open innovation in NCCS! - Website (informational material)
- Operational hydropower scheduling with post-spot distribution of reserve obligations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operational hydropower scheduling with post-spot distribution of reserve obligations - Academic lecture
- Operational integration in a craft-oriented small enterprise - Academic article
- Operational planning for routes and schedules for a fleet of fuel supply vessels - Academic article
- Operational use of marginal cost curves for hydropower plants as decision support in real-time balancing markets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operational use of marginal cost curves for hydropower plants as decision support in real-time balancing markets - Academic lecture
- OPM Flow - overview and demonstration - Lecture
- OPM Flow in MSO4SC and other stories - Lecture
- OPM in MSO4SC - Lecture
- Optimal configurations for a fixed louver blade system with integrated PV - Poster
- Optimal design of a regional railway service in Italy - Academic literature review
- Optimal in situ measurement networks for ocean data - Academic lecture
- Optimisation of maintenance routing and scheduling for offshore wind farms - Academic article
- Optimising multi-frame ADF-STEM for high-precision atomic-resolution strain mapping - Academic article
- Optimization and comparison of superconducting generator topologies for a 10 MW wind turbine application - Academic article
- Optimization of a Gas Switching Combustion process through advanced heat management strategies - Academic article
- Optimization of Pre-cast Concrete by combined use of Calcium Nitrate and different PCEs - Lecture
- Optimization of produce quality and storage conditions to reduce loss during long-term storage of root vegetables in Norway (OPTIROOT, 2016-2019) - Poster
- Optimization to support policy decisions stimulating value creation in the forestry sector - Academic lecture
- Optimization to support policy decisions stimulating value creation in the forestry sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OPTimized eHealth for Individuals with Multi-morbidity And Long-Term needs - OPTIMAL - Poster
- Optimized facade design - Energy efficiency, comfort and daylight in early design phase - Academic article
- Optimized facade design - Energy efficiency, comfort and daylight in early design phase - Academic lecture
- Optimizing forest value chains in northern Norway to strengthen regional resource usage and value creation - Academic lecture
- Optimizing Jack-up vessel strategies for maintaining offshore wind farms - Academic article
- Optimizing the Wood Value Chain in Northern Norway Taking Into Account National and Regional Economic Trade-Offs - Academic article
- Organisational safety indicators in aquaculture – a preliminary study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Organizational Areas for Improvement When Realizing MOOCs At Universities - Academic lecture
- Organizational culture and societal safety: Collaborating across boundaries - Academic article
- OTC-27794 - Heading Control of a Turret-Moored FPSO With and Without Forward Thrusters - Academic lecture
- Outcomes of Nordic MAiD project - Updates in Nordic countries - Lecture
- Outdoor and indoor noise in bedrooms. A case study from Oslo - Report
- Overburden Pore Pressure Changes and their Influence on 4D Seismic - Academic lecture
- Overburden pore-pressure changes and their influence on 4D seismic - Academic article
- Overview of decision support models in hydro scheduling - Lecture
- Overview of groundwater sources and water-supply systems, and associated microbial pollution, in Finland, Norway and Iceland - Academic literature review
- Overview of our research within refrigeration for post-harvest processes - Popular scientific lecture
- Overview of the PJ08 research - Lecture
- Oxide skin strength on molten AA5XXX aluminum alloy – effect of beryllium and alternatives - Lecture
- Oxide skin strength on molten AA5XXX aluminum alloy – effect of beryllium and alternatives - Academic article
- Oxy-fuel burner investigations for CO2 capture in cement plants - Academic article
- OxyFUN - Website (informational material)
- Oxygen dissociation rate of oxide ion conductors determined by a novel gas phase analysis technique - Poster
- Palladium (Pd) membranes as key enabling technology for precombustion CO2 capture and hydrogen production - Academic article
- Palladium (Pd) membranes as key enabling technology for pre-combustion CO2 capture and hydrogen production - Academic lecture
- Palladium membranes - from innovation to industrial application - Academic lecture
- Palladium membranes as key-enabling technology for H2 production with CO2 capture - from innovation to industrial application - Academic lecture
- Pandemic Landscape of New Strains of Society - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Parameter uncertainty in geological formations, and its impact on CO2 storage capacity estimation - Academic lecture
- Parametric LCA of a ventilated timber wall construction in tall timber buildings - Academic lecture
- Parametric LCA of a ventilated timber wall construction in tall timber buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Parametric product development for wood-based SMEs: Residential Stair Example - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Parametric product development for wood-based SMEs: Residential Stair Example - Academic lecture
- Partial anode effect in a two-compartment laboratory alumina reduction cell - Academic article
- Partial Capture of Carbon Dioxide from Industrial Sources - A Discussion of Cost Optimization and the CO2 Capture Rate - Academic article
- Partial CO2 saturation effects on sonic dispersion - Poster
- Participation in Health and Welfare Services. Professional Concepts and Lived Experience - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Participatory Architectural Change Management in ATM Systems (PACAS) - Poster
- Passive snow repulsion: a state-of-the-art review illuminating research gaps and possibilities - Academic article
- Passive Snow Repulsion: A State-of-the-art Review Illuminating Research Gaps and Possibilities - Lecture
- Path Dependency and Regime Making in the Arctic under changing conditions - Academic lecture
- Patient Specific Numerical Simulation of Flow in the Human Upper Airways for Assessing the Effect of Nasal Surgery - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pattern Development in Rotating Drum Mixer via DEM and Experimental Validation - Academic lecture
- PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs, chlorobenzenes emission from cement kiln stack using refuse derived fuel generated from municipal solid waste - Abstract
- PCM-Eff - Website (informational material)
- Perception-Driven Obstacle-Aided Locomotion for Snake Robots: The State of the Art, Challenges and Possibilities - Academic literature review
- Perceptions and treatment of children with cerebral palsy among the Tonga of Binga in Zimbabwe - Academic article
- Performance Evaluation of a Modern Wood Stove Using Charcoal - Academic article
- Performance Evaluation of a Modern Wood Stove Using Charcoal - Academic lecture
- Performance evaluation of a modern wood stove when using charcoal - Academic lecture
- Performance Indicators for Subsea Lifting Operations - Report of 1st Marine Operations Forum - Report
- Performance of a lab-scale membrane-based energy exchanger - Academic article
- Performance of Building Integrated Photovoltaics with respect to Architectural Integration and Geographical Location - Masters thesis
- Performance of functionalized POSS derivatives applied to smart anti-fouling concepts - Poster
- Performance of Mn-based H2S sorbents in dry, reducing atmosphere – Manganese oxide support effects - Academic article
- Performance of the Nordmøre grid in shrimp trawling and potential effects of guiding funnel length and light stimulation - Academic article
- Performance Simulation of a Refrigerated Sea Water System for Salmon Chilling with R744 as Refrigerant - Lecture
- Performance test and verification of an off-the-shelf automated avian radar tracking system - Academic article
- Performance test methodology for the LCCP determination of supermarket and other integrated systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance test procedures for LCCP supermarket analysis - Poster
- Performance-based regulation of HSE and the role of regulatory guidance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Persistence of produced water compounds in seawater determined by two biodegradation method - Academic lecture
- Perspectives on the Effect of Water in Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis - Academic article
- Phase angles of the vibrations and hydrodynamic forces of the flexible risers undergoing vortex-induced vibration - Academic article
- Phase change material thermal energy storage for a large ammonia chiller/heat pump system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Phase Change Materials for Application in Energy-Efficient Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Phase change materials for thermal energy storage in low- and high-temperature applications: a state-of-the-art - Report
- Phase scintillation decorrelation impact on multi-frequency users - Academic lecture
- Phase scintillation decorrelation impact on multi-frequency users - Academic article
- PhD to Gabriel Guerrero Haredia on Novel hybrid membranes for post-combustion CO2 capture - Website (informational material)
- Photocatalytic degradation of imidazolium ionic liquids using dye sensitized TiO2/SiO2 composites - Academic article
- Physiological and perceptual strain of firefighters during graded exercise to exhaustion at 40 and 10°C - Academic article
- Piezoelectric MEMS development in SINTEF - Lecture
- Piezoelectric MEMS development in SINTEF - Academic lecture
- PiezoMEMS in realistic environments - Poster
- PiezoMEMS in Realistic Environments - Poster
- Pilot Building Powerhouse Kjørbo. As Built Report - Report
- Pilot Scale Production of Manganese Ferroalloys Using Heat-Treated Mn-Nodules - Academic article
- Pilot testing on fixed-site-carrier membranes for CO2 capture from flue gas - Academic article
- Pipeline transport of CO2: Mechanistic modelling of dynamics related to safety and operation - Academic lecture
- Planning for charters: A stochastic maritime fleet composition and deployment problem - Academic article
- Planning instruments for smart energy communities. Report 2.2: A preliminary toolkit of municipalplanning instruments - Report
- Planning of an Offshore Well Plugging Campaign: A Vehicle Routing Approach - Academic article
- Plasmonic properties of aluminium nanowires in amorphous silicon and inverted silicon nanowires - Academic lecture
- Plastic degradation - Lecture
- PLASTOX and MICROFIBRE: Microplastic research projects - Lecture
- PLASTOX WP 3: MPs uptake and food web transfer - Poster
- PLASTOX WP1: Adsorption and Desorption of Pollutants on Microplastics - Poster
- PLASTOX WP2: Evaluation of Toxic Effects of Ingested and Accumulated MPs - Poster
- PLASTOX WP4: Microplastic-associated POPs - Effects and Foodweb Transfer - Poster
- PLASTOX: Direct and indirect ecotoxicological impacts of microplastics on marine organisms - Academic lecture
- Playing an experimental game to assess the adaptive capacity of commercial fishers to changing marine environments in Senja, Norway - Lecture
- Policies for biosimilar uptake in Europe: An overview - Academic literature review
- Poly(vinylbenzyl chloride)-based poly(ionic liquids) as membranes for CO<sub>2</sub> capture from flue gas - Academic article
- Polycrystalline silicon films obtained by crystallization of amorphous silicon on aluminium based substrates for photovoltaic applications - Academic article
- Polymer flooding simulation with MRST - Academic lecture
- Pore pressure predicition from seismic velocities: a novel approach based on Skempton and Biot theories - Lecture
- Pore pressure prediction from seismic velocities: a novel approach based on Skempton and Biot theories - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pore pressure prediction from seismics velocities - A novel approach based on Skempton and Biot theories - Poster
- Porosity Changes in Mud-affected Rock and Cement upon Reaction with CO2 - Academic article
- Portable qEEG and HD-tCS device for point-of-injury traumatic brain injury diagnostics - Academic lecture
- Portable qEEG and HD-tCS device for point-of-injury traumatic brain injury diagnostics - Academic article
- Positive third mode streamers in insulating oil - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Possibilities for energy recovery by steam compression cycles - Report
- Post-abandoment pressure modelling - Poster
- Post-primary voltage control using optimal power flow for loss minimization within web-of-cells concept - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Potassium adsorption behavior on hcp cobalt as model systems for the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: a density functional theory study - Academic article
- Potential CO2 leakage along drilling-induced formation damage in wells - Poster
- Potential tube configurations design for 3D printing – status from 2017 FDM 3D printing activities - Report
- Potential working fluids and power cycles - Report
- Power hardware-in-the-loop validation of post-primary voltage control scheme - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Power swithching Components : theory, Applications and future trends - Textbook
- Power-hardware-in-the-loop approach for emulating an offshore wind farm connected with a VSC-based HVDC - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Practical application of the SmartResilience methodology for assessing resilience of multiple critical infrastructures - Academic lecture
- Practice diffusion in global factory networks: Making sense of a corporate standard - Academic lecture
- Precipitate Free Zones in Deformed Al-Mg-Si Alloys - Academic lecture
- Precipitates in age hardenable Al alloys studied by (S)TEM techniques - Academic lecture
- precipitates in age hardenable aluminium alloys studied by advanced TEM - Academic lecture
- Precision fish farming: A new framework to improve production in aquaculture - Academic article
- Predicted figure-of-merit of half-Heusler alloys - importance of scattering mechanisms - Academic lecture
- Predicting Chemical Flame Lengths and Lift-off Heights in Enclosed, Oxy-Methane Diffusion Flames at Varying O2/CO2 Oxidizer Dilution Ratios - Academic article
- Predicting crystal growth via a unified kinetic three-dimensional partition model - Academic article
- Predicting Gas loading Capability in Oil-based Drilling Fluids - Lecture
- Predicting Gas Loading Capability in Oil-Based Drilling Fluids - Chapter
- Predicting the effect of seine rope layout pattern and haul-in procedure on the effectiveness of demersal seine fishing: a computer simulation-based approach - Academic article
- Predicting thrust loss of ship propellers due to ventilation and out-of-water effect - Academic article
- Prediction of Combined IL and CF VIV Response of Deepwater Risers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of the water/oil interfacial tension from molecular simulations using the coarse-grained SAFT-γ Mie force field - Academic article
- Preface - Editorial
- Preface - Editorial
- Preface - Editorial
- Preface - Editorial
- Preface: logistics, optimization and transportation — in memory of the late Arne Løkketangen - Editorial
- Preliminary Evaluation of the Relationship between IAQ and Demand Controlled Ventilation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Preliminary results from PROMAC - Energy efficient Processing of Macroalgae in blue-green value chain - Poster
- Preliminary results from PROMAC: a Project on energy efficient Processing of macroalgae in blue-green value chain - Poster
- Preliminary toolkit for goals and KPIs - Report
- Preparation and evaluation of new sorbent materials for the Sorption Enhanced Water-Gas Shift (SEWGS) reaction - Academic lecture
- Preparation of well-shaped MOF spheres using alginates - an optimization study - Poster
- Preparing for human spaceflight to the Moon 2020-2030. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Presentasjon: Cyber Security in Critical Infrastructure Domains - Lecture
- Presentasjon: DevOps for Better Software Security in the Cloud - Academic lecture
- Presentasjon: Threat Modeling - Lecture
- Presentation of our research group: Electrolysis and high temperature materials - Lecture
- Presentation of our research group: Electrolysis and high temperature materials - Lecture
- Presentation of the CAxMan Project - Lecture
- Pressure Control for Managing and Optimizing Adjacent Subsurface Operations in Large Scale CCS - Academic article
- Pressure drop measurements in low liquid loading three-phase flows - Academic lecture
- Pressure drop measurements in low liquid loading three-phase flows - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pressurized Biocarbon Production: Constant-Volume Carbonization of Biomass - Academic lecture
- Pressurized steam electrolysis with proton ceramic electrolysis cells - Lecture
- Prevalence of HIV infection among people with disabilities: a population-based observational study in Yaoundé, Cameroon (HandiVIH). - Academic article
- Prevalence of Noise Induced Annoyance and Its Dependency on Number of Aircraft Movements - Academic article
- Previous CFD modelling - Lecture
- Primary Porcine Brain Endothelial Cells as In Vitro Model to Study Effects of Ultrasound and Microbubbles on Blood-Brain Barrier Function - Academic article
- Primary production for Nordic and Arctic Seas: future projections and model uncertainties - Academic lecture
- Privacy scorecard—refined design and results of a trial on a mobility as a service example - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Proactive geosteering workflow for enhanced oil recovery - Poster
- Probabilistic Flow Modelling Approach for Kick Tolerance Calculations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Probabilistic prosumer node modeling for estimating planning parameters in distribution networks with renewable energy sources - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Probing domain dynamics in epitaxial micromagnets with sub-nanosecond resolution - Academic lecture
- Probing the Spin Dynamics in Epitaxial Micromagnets using Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy - Poster
- Problematizing Agile in the Large: New Directions for Research and Practice - Academic lecture
- Proceedings of The Eleventh High Performance Concrete (11th HPC) & The Second Concrete Innovation Conference (2nd CIC) Tromsø, Norway 2017 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Process architecture enabling object orientation and dynamic configuration for small embedded devices. Dynamic control of processes and communication channels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Process modeling and optimization for torrefaction of forest residues - Academic article
- Process modeling for torrefaction of birch branches - Academic lecture
- Process modeling for torrefaction of birch branches - Academic article
- Processes for protein utilisation and evaluation of product combinations in a seaweed biorefinery. - Academic lecture
- ProDataMarket: A data marketplace for monetizing linked data - Academic article
- Productivity growth, case mix and optimal size of hospitals. A 16-year study of the Norwegian hospital sector - Academic article
- Professional football tournament scheduling – in Norway - Academic lecture
- Professional football tournament scheduling in Norway - Academic lecture
- Progress in Applied CFD – CFD2017 Selected papers from 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Project control by using the NTNU model methodology: The new Ulriken Tunnel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Project memo - User manual for multimarket functionality prototype in ProdRisk - Report
- Project Recommendations for Response to Oil Spills from Condensates and Light Crude Oils - Thin Oil Film (TOF) Project - OC2017 A-205 - Report
- Project: SusAquaBrazil - Lecture
- Promoted Strong Bicarbonate Forming Solvents for CO2 Capture - Academic article
- Properties of Deluge Water Spray in Offshore Installations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Proposal for basic metadata schema to support interoperability - Academic lecture
- Prospective techno-economic and environmental assessment of carbon capture at a refinery and CO2 utilisation in polyol synthesis - Academic article
- Protecting Future Maritime Communication - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Protonic conduction in porous oxides - Academic lecture
- Psychiatric readmission in Norway - Academic lecture
- Psychomotor skills assessment by motion analysis in minimally invasive surgery on an animal organ - Academic article
- Publishable Executive Summary of D3.1 Technical Suitability of EVs for Logistics - Report
- Publishing socio-economic territory indices as linked data and their visualization for real estate valuation - Academic article
- Pyrolysis kinetics of wet-torrefied forest residues - Poster
- Pyrolysis kinetics of wet-torrefied forest residues - Academic article
- QualiFish - Market adapted production concepts for fresh and frozen/thawed cod - Academic lecture
- QualiFish Film - Project Results - Programme management
- Qualitative and quantitative experimental study of convective mixing process during storage of CO2 in homogeneous saline aquifers - Academic article
- Quality & safety of frozen-thawed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fillets during chilled storage - Poster
- Quality & safety of frozen-thawed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fillets during chilled storage. - Poster
- Quality changes in mackerel during cold storage, freezing, chilling and super-chilling temperatures. - Academic lecture
- Quality of gillnetted coastal cod - effects of hauling procedure and net material - Poster
- Quality Ranking of the Best CO2 Storage Aquifers in the Nordic Countries - Academic article
- Quantification and qualitative effects of different PEGylations on poly(butyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles - Academic article
- Quantitative seismic characterisation of CO2 at the Sleipner storage site, North Sea - Academic article
- Quantitative strain analysis of InAs/GaAs quantum dot materials - Academic article
- Quantitative texture analysis in the prediction of IDH status in low-grade gliomas - Academic article
- Quartz properties in the FeSi/Si process - Lecture
- Quasi-Static & Dynamic Numerical Modeling of Full Scale NREL 5MW Wind Turbine - Lecture
- Quasi-Static & Dynamic Numerical Modeling of Full Scale NREL 5MW Wind Turbine - Academic article
- R&D in teacher education milieus. A descriptive mapping of research and development in milieus that educate teachers for primary and lower secondary schools in Norway (GLU). - Report
- Radiographic Atlas of Dominant Tumor Growth Pattern in Glioblastoma - Academic lecture
- Railway Rolling Stock Maintenance - Academic article
- Ranking and categorizing large-scale saline aquifer formations based on optimized CO2 storage potentials and economic factors - Academic article
- Rational Development of Neutral Aqueous Electrolytes for Zinc–Air Batteries - Academic article
- Rational fitting techniques for the modeling of Electric Power Components and systems using MATLAB environment - Academic monograph
- Rational Tambara functors - Doctoral dissertation
- RDF production and utilisation in India - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Real greenhouse gas footprints of reservoirs revealed - Interview
- Real-time hybrid model (ReaTHM®) testing of the hybrid power plant: Concept and feasibility test - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of Moored Floating Structures Using Nonlinear Finite Element Simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-Time Implementation and Experimental Validation of a DL FBMC System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-Time Measurements and Characterization of Airborne Particulate Matter from a Primary Silicon Carbide Production Plant - Academic article
- Real-time train dispatching on the iron ore line - Academic lecture
- Recent success stories on integrated optimization of railway systems - Academic article
- Recombination strength of dislocations in high-performance multicrystalline/quasi-mono hybrid wafers during solar cell processing - Academic article
- Recommendations for Wind and Solar Integration Studies - Chapter
- Recommendations to leverage game-based learning to attract young talent to manufacturing education - Academic article
- Recommendations to leverage Game-based learning to attract Young Talent to Manufacturing Education - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Recommended Practice for the Use of Strength Anisotropy Factors in Stability Calculations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Recommended practices for wind farm data collection and reliability assessment for O&M optimization - Academic article
- Recommended Revisions of Norwegian Emission Factors for Wood Stoves - Academic article
- Recovery of resources from wastewater wastewater. Sustainable balanced solutions for treatment, energy, and fertilizers - Academic lecture
- Recycling experiences and with mobile crushing facility - Lecture
- Recycling of rock materials as part of sustainable aggregate production in Norway and Italy - Academic article
- Reducing uncertainty in climate change scenario Development through transdisciplinary integration of qualitative stakeholder data in decision support systems - Academic lecture
- Reduction of road traffic noise by source measures - present and future strategies - Academic article
- Reference case and test case for benchmarking of HiPerCap technologies - Academic article
- Reference data set of volcanic ash physicochemical and optical properties - Academic article
- Reflection Continuum Model for Supporting Reflection and Game-based Learning at the Workplace - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Reflection Continuum Model for Supporting Reflection and Game-based Learning at the Workplace - Academic lecture
- Reflection on how to utilize Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in our current workflow - Popular scientific lecture
- Reflection techniques for agile retrospective meetings in distributed teams - Lecture
- Reforming Municipal Healthcare Services - Academic lecture
- Refractories and insulation in electrolysis cell Properties, test-methods and degradation - Academic lecture
- Refractories in the aluminium industry General review - Academic lecture
- Reframing the Outsourcing Process - Academic lecture
- Reframing the Outsourcing Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Regulating the intangible. Searching for safety culture in the Norwegian petroleum industry - Academic article
- Rejuvenation of Fuel Cells - Poster
- Relationship between agglomeration and productivity in a Norwegian context: Estimates for cost benefit analysis - Academic article
- Relationship between Agglomeration and Productivty in a Norwegian Context - Academic lecture
- Relationship between polarities of antibiotic and polymer matrix on nanoparticle formulations based on aliphatic polyesters - Academic article
- Relative humidity measurements in concrete - Masters thesis
- Release of Potassium during Devolatilization of Spruce Bark - Academic article
- Reliability Analysis of the Nordic44 Model and modelling of corrective Actions in OPAL - Masters thesis
- Reliable insulators - Website (informational material)
- ReliPE - Website (informational material)
- REMES - a regional equilibrium model for Norway with focus on the energy system - Report
- Repair coatings for TSA - Academic article
- Reproductive performance of immobilized cryopreserved bovine semen used for timed artificial insemination - Academic article
- Requirements for future control room and visualization features in the web-of-cells framework defined in the Electra project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rescue and survival in arctic sea regions - Academic lecture
- Research cooperation possibilities between Brazil and Norway in marine aquaculture - Lecture
- Research pays off and is vital to the fast implementation of full-scale CCS technologies - Website (informational material)
- Research Results at the halfway point - WP2 - Regimes project - Lecture
- Research status on seaweed cultivation in Brazil - Lecture
- Research Working Plan 2017-2018 Revised 23rd February - Report
- Resilience and safety in agile development (through SafeScrum) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Resilience in Distribution Grids - Lecture
- Respiratory health status among Norwegian fish production workers on board fishing trawlers - Poster
- Results from MEA degradation and reclaiming processes at the CO2 Technology Centre Mongstad - Academic article
- Results of a Ka Band Campaign for the Characterisation of Propagation Conditions for SatCom Systems at High Latitudes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Retail Supply Chain: Transport Dashboard - Report
- REtroSpective Evaluation of Cerebral Tumors (RESECT): A clinical database of pre-operative MRI and intra-operative ultrasound in low-grade glioma surgeries - Academic article
- ReValue project - improved resource utilization in the Indo-European fish value chains. - Lecture
- Review of analytics methods supporting Anomaly detection and Condition Based Maintenance – MonitorX - Website (informational material)
- Review of investment model cost parameters for VSC HVDC transmission infrastructure - Academic literature review
- Review of Partial Discharge and Dielectric Loss Tests for Hydropower Generator Bars - Academic article
- Review of stormwater management practices - Report
- Review of Vapour Compression Heat Pumps for High Temperature Heating using Natural Working Fluids - Academic literature review
- Reviewing the Learning Process through Creative Puzzle Solving - Academic article
- Rheology of CO2 - CH4 hydrates measured in a concentric pressure cell - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rheology of CO2 – CH4 hydrates measured in a concentric pressure cell - Academic lecture
- Rise of the machines: Aquaculture’s robotic revolution - Interview
- Risk assessment and risk-driven quality assurance: 4th international workshop, RISK 2016 held in conjunction with ICTSS 2016 Graz, Austria, October 18, 2016 revised selected papers - Editorial
- Risk Centric Activities in Secure Software Development in Public Organisations - Academic article
- Risk in the Age of Software Security - Editorial
- Risk of violence among patients in psychiatric treatment: results from a national census - Academic article
- Risk reduction of large wooden roofs - Lecture
- Risk-based labour inspection by means of machine learning - Academic lecture
- Road-map for gas in the Norwegian metallurgical industry: greater value creation and reduced emissions - Report
- Robotics in Food Processing Applications- Challenges and Trends - Lecture
- Robust classification approach for segmentation of blood defects in cod fillets based on deep convolutional neural networks and support vector machines and calculation of gripper vectors for robotic processing - Academic article
- Robust Dynamic Positioning of offshore vessels using mixed-μ synthesis modeling, design, and practice - Academic article
- Rock breaking under the disc cutters of a TBM - A part of the reasearch project FAST-Tunn - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rock physics inversion for CO2 characterization at Sleipner - Masters thesis
- Rock physics inversion for CO2 injection at Sleipner - Abstract
- Rock physics inversion for CO2 injection at Sleipner - Poster
- Rock physics inversion for CO2 saturation estimation at Sleipner - Sensitivity tests and baseline application - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rock physics inversion for CO2 saturation estimation at Sleipner: sensitivity tests and baseline application - Poster
- Rock physics inversion: towards quantitative geophysical imaging - Academic lecture
- Role of calcium on chloride binding in hydrated Portland cement–metakaolin–limestone blends - Academic article
- Romanian Standardized Noise Reaction Questions for Community Noise Surveys - Academic article
- Rules and Reasoning International Joint Conference, RuleML+RR 2017, London, UK, July 12–15, 2017, Proceedings - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Safe CO2 transport pipes is part of the climate solution – We make the design tools - Website (informational material)
- Safe Communication for Autonomous Ships - Lecture
- Safe human interaction in autonomous shipping - Lecture
- Safe length of cement Barriers in CO2 wells - Academic lecture
- Safe Maritime Communication - Academic lecture
- Safe plugging of wells penetrating CO2 storage sites - Academic lecture
- Safety criteria of steels for cold climate applications - Lecture
- Safety impacts of internationalisation in the Norwegian railway sector - Academic lecture
- Safety impacts of internationalisation in the Norwegian railway sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Safety, security and resilience of critical software ecosystems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Salt clogging during supercritical CO2 injection - Lecture
- SAMBA - Website (informational material)
- Sámi Identity and Visions of Preferred Futures: Experiences among Youth in Finnmark and Trøndelag, Norway - Academic article
- SAPO-37 microporous catalysts: revealing the structural transformations during template removal - Academic article
- Saving lives and creating value - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Scalability Analysis of Cloud Software Services - Academic lecture
- Scalability Analysis of Cloud Software Services - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ScaleDL - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scale-up and demonstration of inorganic membranes for gas separation and membrane reactors - Lecture
- Scaling in Heat Recovery Systems for Aluminium Production Off-Gas - Academic lecture
- Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction Study of Hybrid Precipitates in a 6xxx Series Aluminium Alloy - Academic article
- Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction Study of Hybrid Precipitates in a 6xxx Series Aluminium Alloy - Academic lecture
- Scenario approaches as a means of handling emerging risks in society - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities - Lecture
- Scenario calculator for planning Smart Energy Communities. - Lecture
- Scenarios of energy demand and uptake of renovation activities in the EU commercial building sector - Report
- Screening of child and adolescent mental health in residential youth care institutions – a pilot project - Poster
- Screening of strong bicarbonate forming solvents for CO2 capture - Academic article
- Seasonal variations in infiltration in cold climate raingardens - Lecture
- Seasonal variations in infiltration in cold climate raingardens - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Seasonal Variations in Infiltration in Cold Climate Raingardens. A Case Study from Norway - Masters thesis
- Seasonally variant deployment of Electric battery Storage systems in active distribution networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Seaweed CULTIVATION vessel 2020 - Development of concept vessel with deck equipment and quality preserving technology for industrial seaweed cultivation - Lecture
- Seaweed vessel 2020 - Development of concept vessel with deck equipment and quality preserving technology for industrial seaweed cultivation - Lecture
- Secure software development in Agile - Lecture
- Secure software engineering in devops and agile development - Editorial
- Secure Software Engineering is not about Security Features - Editorial
- Security and Agile Methods - Lecture
- Security Requirements for SATCOM Datalink Systems for Future Air Traffic Management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Security Risk Analysis in Agile/DevOps - Praktisk risikovurdering for utviklingsprosjekter – med noen pokertriks - Lecture
- Security Risk Analysis in Agile/DevOps - Lecture
- Seismic Wave Attenuation in Partially Saturated Sandstone and AVO Analysis for Carbon Dioxide Quantification at Sleipner - Masters thesis
- Selective Charging Behavior in an Ionic Mixture Electrolyte- Supercapacitor System for Higher Energy and Power - Academic article
- Self-assembled aluminium nanowires in silicon - Academic lecture
- Self-assembly of Al-nanowires in silicon - Poster
- Self-Healing and Self-Assembling Ceramic Electrolytes and Membranes - Academic lecture
- Self-healing ceramic membranes with increased lifetime for CO2 capture in industrial processes and power production - Lecture
- Semantic data containers for realizing the full potential of system wide information management - Academic article
- Semantic Enabled Federated Catalogue Services for Open Data - Academic lecture
- Sensitivity Analysis of Limited Actuation for Real-time Hybrid Model Testing of 5MW Bottom-fixed Offshore Wind Turbine - Academic article
- Sensors embedded in surface coatings in injection moulding dies - Academic article
- Separation of CO2/CH4 using carbon molecualr sieve (CMS) at low and high pressure - Academic article
- Serious Games. Third Joint International Conference, JCSG 2017, Valencia, Spain, November 23-24, 2017, Proceedings - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Sexual and reproductive health and rights of girls with disabilities: A review of the literature - Report
- SFI Klima 2050 | Researcher Training - Report
- SFI Metal Production - Popular scientific lecture
- SFI Metal Production - Autumn Meeting - Lecture
- SFI Metal Production - EIT Raw Materials Stakeholder Meeting - Lecture
- SFI Metal Production Spring meeting - Popular scientific lecture
- SFI RD 2 Pilot experiment-Two zone furnace- Mn experiments - Lecture
- SFI Smart Maritime Annual Report 2016 - Report
- SFI-MOVE Case study: Numerical Simulations of Johan Sverdrup ITS Installation - Academic lecture
- Shale Creep as Leakage Healing Mechanism in CO2 Sequestration - Academic article
- Shallow electrical resistivity tomography monitoring at the SvelvikField Lab, Norway - Academic lecture
- Shape tunable synthesis of anisotropic gold nanostructures through binary surfactant mixtures - Academic article
- Shelf life extension for organic meat and Fish Product by Applied super-chilling methods - Academic lecture
- Shielding skirt for prevention of salmon lice (lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestation on Atlantic salmon (salmo salar) in cages – a scaled model experimental study on different skirts and cage nets in currents and waves - Academic lecture
- Shipping 4.0 and Autonomous ships in Norway - Lecture
- Shipping 4.0: Leveraging Industry 4.0 at Sea - Academic lecture
- Shipping can make 75% GHG cuts by 2050 using existing tech - Interview
- Shipping needs 85% GHG cuts by 2050 if seen as a nation - Short communication
- SHOP in a nutshell - Lecture
- Short Course: CO2 storage modeling: challenges, tools and workflows - Academic lecture
- Short term leaching test for products in contact with drinking water - proposal of revised Pb leaching criteria for NKB test method - Academic article
- Should we wait for a breach to worry about software security ? - Lecture
- Significance of geological parameters for predicting water leakage and challenging pregrouting in the Mælefjell tunnel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Significance of geological parameters for water inflow predictions and pregrouting challenges in the Mælefjell tunnel. - Academic lecture
- Sigyn condensate - properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - OC2017 A-137 - Report
- SikkerhetsLøypa-Knowledge Toward Sustainable and Secure Paths of Creative and Critical Digital Skills - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Silicon anodes for Li-ion batteries produced from recovered kerf powders - Poster
- Silver Nanoparticles as Low-Emissivity Coating Materials - Academic article
- Similarity detection of rational space curves - Academic article
- SiMn pilot scale experiments - Lecture
- Simple Technologies for Converting Rest Raw Materials of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) into High-Quality, Valuable, and Tasty Feed Ingredients - Academic article
- Simplified model description of a CLOP reactor for system simulation and analysis - Academic article
- Simplified models for numerical simulation of geological CO2 storage - Doctoral dissertation
- Simplified models for thermal effects of CO2 injection at different conditions and scales - Academic lecture
- Simplified space-heating distribution using radiators in super-insulated terraced houses - Academic article
- Simulating Single turbine and associated wake development - comparison of computational methods (Actuator Line Vs Sliding Mesh Interface Vs Multiple Reference Frame) for an industrial scale wind turbine - Poster
- Simulation and energy evaluation of two novel solvents developed in the EU project HiPerCap - Academic article
- Simulation and inversion of ultrasonic pitch-catch through-tubing well logging with an array of receivers - Academic article
- Simulation and testing of thin silicon microdosimeters realized with 3D technology - Lecture
- Simulation of a highly underexpanded CO2 jet using a fifth-order WENO scheme - Academic lecture
- Simulation of breaking focused waves over a slope with a CFD based numerical wave tank - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simulation of chemical looping combustion process in a double looping fluidized bed reactor with cu‐based oxygen carriers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simulation of gas-liquid flows in separators. A Lagrangian approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Simulation-Based Evaluation of Upstream Logistics System Concepts for Offshore Operations in Remote Areas - Academic lecture
- Simulation-based validation of smart grids – Status quo and future research trends - Academic article
- Simultaneously boosting the mass and fixed-carbon yields of charcoal from forest residue via atmospheric carbonization - Academic article
- SINTEF and Service Innovation - Lecture
- SINTEF Energy research 2016 - Multimedia product
- SINTEF Webinar: Multiphase Flows - Bridging the gap between lab and field - Academic lecture
- SINTEF wins competition on prediction of fluid properties - Website (informational material)
- Size selection of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Norwegian bottom trawl fishery with a newly developed double grid system - Academic article
- Small-Scale Plasticity under Hydrogen Environment - Doctoral dissertation
- Small-Signal Model Analysis of Droop-controlled Modular Multilevel Converters with Circulating Current Suppresion Controller - Academic lecture
- Small-signal model analysis of droop-controlled modular multilevel converters with circulating current suppressing controller - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smart Communities of Intelligent Software Agents for Collaborating and Semantically Interoperable Micro-Grids - Academic lecture
- Smart fault handling in medium voltage distribution grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smart Fault Location on Subsea Cables - Website (informational material)
- Smart home technologies that support independent living: challenges and opportunities for the building industry – a systematic mapping study - Academic literature review
- Smart Maritime Brochure 2017 - Brochure
- Smart shipping: Towards Shipping 4.0 - Lecture
- Smart Tags that are exactly Reliable Enough - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smart Tags that are exactly Reliable Enough - Lecture
- SmartCitys - Brochure
- Smartness at the edge – People Co-creating the Digital World On-line - Lecture
- Smeaheia baseline models - Academic lecture
- Snake robots - astronaut's best friend? - Popular scientific lecture
- Snake Robots for Space Applications - Report
- Snake Robots For Space Applications - Academic lecture
- Snake robots in space - Interview
- Snake robots, other robotic technology and autonomy - Popular scientific lecture
- Snow for the future - Website (informational material)
- Social participation and recovery orientation in a "low threshold" community mental health service: An ethnographic study - Academic article
- Socio-environmental integration of hydropower facilities - Academic article
- Sodium in Aluminium as a Cell Performance Indicator: A Quantitative Framework - Academic article
- Sodium reduction in process cheese spreads - Poster
- Soft particles assisted grain refinement and strengthening of an Al-Bi-Zn alloy subjected to ECAP - Academic article
- Software Teams and Their Knowledge Networks in Large-Scale Software Development - Academic article
- Software testing strategy and collaboration practices in global software development projects - Lecture
- Solar Shading in Low Energy Office Buildings - Design Strategy and User Perception - Academic article
- Soldering of components onto a smart tag - an evaluation of the process window - Academic lecture
- Soldering of components onto a smart tag - an evaluation of the process window - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Solid State Micro- and MiniDosimetry in Particle Therapy - Lecture
- Solid-state photoelectrochemical Cell with Tantalum Nitride Nanotubes as Photoanode - Poster
- Solid-state photoelectrochemical water splitting: Application and properties of TiO2 nanotubes. - Lecture
- Solvent Technology - environmental issues - Poster
- Solvent-Controlled Charge Storage Mechanisms of Spinel Oxide Electrodes in Mg Organohaloaluminate Electrolytes - Academic article
- SOVN Model Implementation : method, functionality and details - Report
- Space-time variability of climate variables and intermittent renewable electricity production – A review - Academic literature review
- Spatiotemporal Dispersal and Deposition of Fish Farm Wastes: A Model Study from Central Norway - Academic article
- SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 20-22 February, Montgomery, Texas, USA - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Speech Enhancement with Deep Learning - Poster
- Speed Optimization for Crude Oil tankers as a function of Cargo Inventory Cost, Demurrage, Freight Market and Real Sea Conditions - Academic lecture
- Spin pumping, spin transfer, and spin Hall effects in magnetic insulator-normal metal systems - Doctoral dissertation
- Sports scheduling – Eliteserien and non-professional leagues in Norway - Academic lecture
- Stability and mobility? What do survey data, qualitative interviews and anecdotic material tell us about the contemporary employment system in the Norwegian fishing fleet? - Academic lecture
- Stability of film boiling on inclined plates and spheres - Academic lecture
- Stabilization of pyrolysis oils - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Standardization and digitalization. Changes in work as imagined and what this means for safety science. - Academic lecture
- Standardization and Modularization of Prisons - Academic lecture
- Standardization and Modularization of Prisons - Academic article
- Start-up costs in ProdRisk : Mathematical formulation and user's guide - Report
- Start-up processes in large Construction Projects - a requirement for a happy end? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- State diagrams in low temperature and atmospheric freeze drying of organic fruid products - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- State of the art gas engines - Lecture
- State of the art technologies, measures,and potential for reducing GHG emissions from shipping - The way forward - Academic lecture
- State-of-the-Art for the use of Phase-Change Materials in Tanks Coupled with Heat Pumps - Academic literature review
- State-of-the-art technologies, measures, and potential for reducing GHG emissions from shipping – A review - Academic article
- State-space modelling with steady-state time invariant representation of energy based controllers for modular multilevel converters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Static Analysis Tools for Security Analysis in Mobile Applications (Android as a case study) - Lecture
- Static and Dynamic Stiffness of Rocks: Frequency and Stress Magnitude Effects - Academic lecture
- Static, Seismic and Ultrasonic Anisotropy from Laboratory Measurements - Academic lecture
- Statistical Method for Error Prediction in Decision Support and Control Systems - Chapter
- Statistical Method for Error Prediction in Decision Support and Control Systems - Lecture
- Statistical tool to detect small hearing threshold shifts - Academic article
- Status and Future of Manufacturing Execution Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Status on surplus heat database - Report
- Steam turbocompressors for cost efficient high-temperature heat pumping - Lecture
- Steel pipe removal by controlled corrosion reaction - Academic lecture
- Step-wise stochastic optimisation of transmission grid for offshore wind farm clusters - Poster
- Sterkere sammen - Gemini sentrene på konferanse - Briefs
- Stiff cement, soft cement: Nonlinearity, arching effect, hysteresis, and irreversibility in CO2-well integrity - Academic lecture
- Stochastic energy market equilibrium modeling with multiple agents - Academic article
- Stormwater management - Steps towards a roadmap for urban small catchments under Nordic Conditions - Report
- Stormwater management in small catchments – recent results from Klima 2050 - Lecture
- Stormwater management in urban small catchments under Nordic climate conditions - Lecture
- Stormwater-related databases – Review and Recommendations - Report
- Strain localization and ductile fracture in advanced high-strength steel sheets - Academic article
- Strategies for agile software testing in a large global company - Lecture
- Strategies for the electric regulation of pressure control valves - Academic article
- Strategy for reliable strain measurement in InAs/GaAs materials from high-resolution Z-contrast STEM images - Academic article
- Strength and filtration stability of cement grouts at room and true tunnelling temperatures - Academic article
- Strengthening customer relationships through customer journey analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Stress and saturation dependent properties of shales - Laboratory measurements at seismic and ultrasonic frequencies - Lecture
- Stress Path and Hysteresis effects on Integrity of CO2Storage Sites (SPHINCSS) - Poster
- Stress Path Dependent Stress & Strain Sensitivity as seen by Overburden Shale - Lecture
- Striving to be resilient: What concepts, approaches and practices should be incorporated in resilience management guidelines? - Academic article
- Strong will to increase share of renewable energy in Indonesia - Website (informational material)
- Study claims shipping can make 75% GHG cuts by 2050 using existing technology - Interview
- Study Exposes Real Greenhouse Gas Footprints of Hydropower Reservoirs - Interview
- Study of CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon produced at different conditions - Academic article
- Study of CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon produced at different conditions - Academic lecture
- Study of degradation and heat of dissolution of solids in aqueous blend of AMP and KSAR loaded with CO2 - Academic article
- Study of the effect of heat treatment on fatigue crack growth behaviour of 316L stainless steel produced by selective laser melting - Academic article
- Study on High Efficiency and High Response of Regeneration for Wireless In-wheel Motor - Academic article
- Study on the pyrolysis products of two different hardwood lignins in the presence of NiO contained-zeolites - Academic article
- Study targets potential for gas loading in drilling fluids to improve influx detection, management - Academic article
- Studying moving fluid Interfaces during cementing of CCS wells (FLUCCS) - Poster
- Subjective intelligibility of deep neural network-based speech enhancement - Poster
- Subjective intelligibility of deep neural network-based speech enhancement - Academic article
- Subjective Intelligibility of Deep Neural Network-Based Speech Enhancement - Academic article
- Sub-unit cell structural transformations during template-removal and hydration of SAPO-37 microporous catalysts - Lecture
- Successful application of multiscale methods in a real reservoir simulator environment - Academic article
- Sulfated alginates as heparin analogues: A review of chemical and functional properties - Academic literature review
- Sulphur abatement globally in maritime shipping - Academic article
- Sulphur Abatement Globally in Maritime Shipping - Report
- Summary report - Petromaks 2 Thin Oil Films - Report
- Superchilling of organic food Part 2: Storage test with superchilled organic salmon and pork chops - Non-fiction book
- Superlyophobic surfaces for increased heat transfer during condensation of CO₂ - Academic lecture
- Supported catalyst particles for PEM fuel cells by one-step flame synthesis - Academic lecture
- Supporting collaboration in Crisis Management Networks - Popular scientific article
- Supporting Operational Data Exchanges in Shipping with the Common Maritime Data Structure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Supporting resilience management through useful guidelines - Academic lecture
- Surface charging of dielectric barriers under positive lightning impulse stress - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Surface chemistry of BaZr0.9Y0.1O3-δ and its effect on the electrochemical properties of a Ni/BaZr0.9Y0.1O3-δ interface for proton ceramic electrochemical cells - Academic lecture
- Surface tension of alkanolamine solutions: An experimentally based review - Academic article
- Sustainability and the social construction of technology: The case of RWH as source of water supply in Greater Accra - Academic lecture
- Sustainability and the Social Construction of Technology: The Case of RWH as Source of Water Supply in Greater Accra - Academic article
- Sustainability Strategies in Industrial Practice - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sustainable small-scale district heating and cooling grids - Lecture
- Sustainable urban development by use of underground space - Academic article
- Sustainable water management for resilience to climate change impact on society in South Africa (SUWAM) - Report
- SUSTRANS - WP presentations - kick-off seminar - Lecture
- Svalbard's snow crabs: a pincered Proxy for Arctic oil - Interview
- Svalbard's Snow Crabs: A Pincered Proxy for Arctic Oil - Interview
- Symbols and exact regularity of symmetric pseudo-splines of any arity - Academic article
- Symmetries of canal surfaces and Dupin cyclides - Academic article
- Synchronised funding streams for a CO2 infrastructure - Lecture
- Synchrotron Study of Cement Hydration: Towards Computed Tomography Analysis of Interfacial Transition Zone - Academic article
- Synergy of 3D printing and injection molding: A new prototyping method for rapid design optimization and manufacturing of microfluidic devices - Poster
- Synthesis of chromite for subsequent carburization by methane-hydrogen gas mixture - Academic lecture
- Synthesis of gadolinium oxide nanodisks and gadolinium doped iron oxide nanoparticles for MR contrast agents - Academic article
- Synthesis of Hollow Silica Nanospheres - Nano Insulation Material for Energy-Efficient Buildings - Masters thesis
- Synthesis of Nanosized Cobalt Oxides and Application in a Bio-hybrid Photoelectrochemical Cell for CO2 Utilization - Poster
- Synthesis of NIPAm nanogels and L-tartaric acid based zwitterionic amphiphiles - Poster
- Synthesis of Silica-Based Nano Insulation Materials for Potential Application in Low-Energy or Zero Emission Buildings - Academic lecture
- Synthesis of Silica-Based Nano Insulation Materials for Potential Application in Low-Energy or Zero Emission Buildings - Academic article
- Synthetic and systems biology in discovery and production of biopharmaceuticals - Lecture
- System model derivation of the CO2 two-phase ejector based on the CFD-based reduced-order model - Academic article
- Systematic work on solvent deradation - importance and challenges - Academic lecture
- Systemic solution-sets - Report
- SYSTERACT - Systematic Rebuilding of Actinomycetes for Natural Product Formation - Poster
- T3.1 Future market structures and prices : workshop summary - Report
- Tabular Data Anomaly Patterns - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tailoring Agile Methods for Large Projects - Masters thesis
- Take it to the limits! Exploring the hidden, dynamic and emergent vulnerabilities of society. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tangential AC Breakdown Strength of Solid-Solid Interfaces Considering Surface Roughness - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- TaNX coatings deposited by HPPMS on SS316L bipolar plates for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: Correlation between corrosion current, contact resistance and barrier oxide film formation - Academic article
- Tapping process. Litterature review- Influence of furnace operation and its geometry on tapping process - Lecture
- Task 12, activity 2: maximize use of geophysical information - Academic lecture
- TCCS-9: Two days of CCS research and innovation in 750 words - Website (informational material)
- TEAM CLP - Decision Support System for Near Future Pelagic Catch Planning - Academic lecture
- Teamwork in software development: From self-managing agile teams to multi-team projects - Academic lecture
- Technical and Economic Feasibility of Combusting Biocarbon in Small Scale Pellet Boilers - Academic lecture
- Technical and Economic Feasibility of Combusting Biocarbon in Small Scale Pellet Boilers - Academic article
- Technical documentation of version 3.3 of the NOWIcob tool - Report
- Technical impacts of high penetration levels of wind power on power system stability - Academic article
- Techno economics of the IGCC based COMPOSITE Process - Poster
- Techno-economic analysis of MEA CO2 capture from a cement kiln – impact of steam supply scenario - Academic article
- Techno-economic assessment of integrated hydrochar and high-grade activated carbon production for electricity generation and storage - Poster
- Techno-economic assessment of integrated hydrochar and high-grade activated carbon production for electricity generation and storage - Academic article
- Techno-economic assessment of thermal co-pretreatment and co-digestion of food wastes and sewage sludge for heat, power and biochar production - Academic article
- Techno-economic evaluation of CO2 transport from a lignite-fired IGCC plant in the Czech Republic - Academic article
- Technologies for medium-temperature heat-to-power conversion - Report
- Technology and production in sea cages - Lecture
- Technology for improved catch handling - Lecture
- Telemedicine Services for the Arctic: A systematic review - Academic literature review
- Temperature independent snow production - Report
- Ternary cement blends with Fly ash-Calcined clay-OPC: An evaluation on their early age and mechanical properties as binders - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Testing the robustness of optimal access vessel fleet selection for operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms - Academic article
- Texture of Al films for wafer-level thermocompression bonding - Academic article
- The "Orchestrator" approach to multimodal continental trip planning. - Academic article
- The Activator Mechanism of Piperazine in Aqueous Methyldiethanolamine Solutions - Academic article
- The Adaptive Fitting Room - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Advancement of Device Packaging – A Resume on IMAPS DPC 2017 - Popular scientific article
- The Agile Hazard Log approach. - Academic lecture
- The Agile Safety Case using normal prose. Generic/IEC 61508, Railway and Automotive. - Lecture
- The atomic simulation environment - A Python library for working with atoms - Academic literature review
- The BBNJ and Implications for the High North under climate change - Lecture
- The BioCarb+ project - Academic lecture
- The Biological Pump and STakeholder Adaptive Capacity - Academic lecture
- The building envelope. It is not only about insulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Building Security in Maturity Model as a Research Tool - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The clear and present danger to the Norwegian sovereignty of the Svalbard Fisheries Protection Zone: Enter the snow crab - Academic article
- The CloudFlow Infrastructure for Multi-Vendor Engineering Workflows: Concept and Validation - Academic article
- The CloudScale Method - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The CloudScale Method for Managers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The complexity of planning for goods delivery in a shared urban space: a case study involving cyclists and trucks - Academic article
- The contributions of Prof. Thorvald Engh and Christian Simensen to the science and technology of melt refining and oxidation - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- The Contributions of Prof. Thorvald Engh and Christian Simensen to the Science and Technology of Melt Refining and Oxidation - Academic lecture
- The COPRO project - Lecture
- The Debate Over Norway’s Ability to Become a Hydro Battery for Europe Is Surprisingly Robust - Interview
- The deformation and work hardening behaviour of a SPD processed Al-5Cu alloy - Academic article
- The digital Toolbolx - Lecture
- The Direction of Glioblastoma Tumor Growth - Academic lecture
- The Direction of Tumor Growth in Glioblastoma Patients - Academic lecture
- The effect of alloying elements on the ductility of Al-Mg-Si alloys - Academic article
- The Effect of Different Drilling Fluids on Mechanical Friction - Academic article
- The Effect of Heating Rate on the Density and Spatial Distribution of Dispersoids during Homogenisation of 6xxx Aluminium Alloys - Academic article
- The effect of poly(ethylene glycol) coating and monomer type on poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticle interactions with lipid monolayers and cells - Academic article
- The effect of semi-pelagic trawling on american plaice (hippoglossoides platessoides) by-catch reduction in the northeast arctic shrimp fishery - Academic article
- The effect of temporary speed restrictions, analyzed by using real train traffic data - Academic article
- The effect of turbulence on mass transfer rates of small inertial particles with surface reactions - Academic article
- The effect of turbulent clustering on particle reactivity - Academic article
- The Effect of Varying Mixing Temperatures and Baking Level on the Quality of Pilot Scale Anodes - A Factorial Design Analysis - Academic article
- The efficacy of sound regulations on the listening levels of pop concerts - Academic article
- The epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorder in Norway: trauma characteristics and pre-existing psychiatric disorders - Academic article
- The EU and the US projects in the area of resilience assessment: How far are we from a common global approach? - Academic lecture
- The EU-FP7 Project SUCCESS – Scale-up of Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion using Environmentally Sustainable Materials - Academic article
- The failure of knowledge-based task performance- a study of the police emergency response during the 22/7 terror attacks in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The FlexNett Project - Lecture
- The fragmented hospital, A study of the internal independence in an acute somatic hospital - Lecture
- The harsh challenges of well plugging - Academic lecture
- The impact of design uncertainty in engineer-to-order project planning - Academic article
- The Impact of Isogeometric Analysis on Engineering Processes for Additive Manufacturing - Lecture
- The impact of resolution on load matching in a Norwegian context - Poster
- The Impact of the Panama Canal Expansion on Ship design and trade - Academic lecture
- The impact of Zero Energy Buildings on the Scandinavian energy system - Academic article
- The Importance of Choice Navigation in Starting Configurator Projects - Academic lecture
- The importance of drilling-induced damage for well integrity - Poster
- The Influence of Catalyst Layer Thickness on the Performance and Degradation of PEM Fuel Cell Cathodes with Constant Catalyst Loading - Academic article
- The Influence of Differently Shaped Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with NIPAM-Based Hydrogels on the Release of Cytochrome C - Academic article
- The influence of estimated service life on the embodied emissions of zero emission buildings (ZEBs) when choosing low-carbon building products - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Influence of User Behaviour on Energy Use in European Shopping Centres - Academic article
- The Influence of Water Vapour on the Fuming Rate in a Ferromanganese System - Academic lecture
- The InfraRisk Ontology: Enabling Semantic Interoperability for Critical Infrastructures at Risk from Natural Hazards - Academic article
- The Internally Circulating Reactor (ICR) Concept Applied to Pressurized Chemical Looping Processes - Academic article
- The Magical Reindeer Nose - Interview
- The Nasal Geometry of the Reindeer Gives Energy-Efficient Respiration - Academic article
- The Negotiation of Information Infrastructure Evolution: A Research Design - Academic lecture
- The New Era of Virtual Reality Locomotion: A Systematic Literature Review of Techniques and a Proposed Typology - Academic article
- The on-board live storage of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) caught by trawl: Fish behaviour, stress and fillet quality - Academic article
- The Organization Theories of the Industrial Democracy Experiments Meet Contemporary Organizational Realities - Academic article
- The Pan-European Reference Grid Developed in ELECTRA for Deriving Innovative Observability Concepts in the Web-of-Cells Framework - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Petro-HRA Guideline - Report
- The place of death among old people in Finland and in Norway - Academic lecture
- The potential for predicting purge in packaged meat using low field NMR - Academic article
- The potential of decision support systems for more sustainable and intelligent constructions: a short overview - Academic article
- The Pressure Influence on Biocarbon Yield and Quality - Academic lecture
- The ProDataMarket Ontology for Publishing and Integrating Cross-domain Real Property Data - Academic article
- The Quest for Nano Insulation Materials Applying Hollow Silica Nanospheres - Academic lecture
- The Quest for Nano Insulation Materials Applying Hollow Silica Nanospheres - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The REFINEMENT glossary of terms: an international terminology for mental health systems assessment - Academic article
- The relation between static and dynamic stiffness of rocks - Lecture
- The relation between static and dynamic stiffness of rocks - Lecture
- The Right Materials: More Important than Ever - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The RILEM Approach to Mitigate Alkali Aggregate Reactions (AAR)in Concrete - Lecture
- The RILEM approach to mitigate alkali aggregate reactions (AAR) in concrete - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Role and Opportunity of Energy/Electricity Storage in the Future Electricity System - Lecture
- The role of grain boundary scattering in reducing the thermal conductivity of polycrystalline XNiSn (X=Hf, Zr, Ti) half-Heusler alloys - Academic article
- The role of lighting in deep energy retrofitting in European shopping malls - Poster
- The role of lighting in deep energy retrofitting in European shopping malls - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Role of Marketing in Local Food Network - Academic article
- The role of primary care hospital as a place of death among old people - a cross-country comparison - Academic lecture
- The role of research organizations in SESAR 2020 - Popular scientific lecture
- The Rollout Stress Ribbon Bridge - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Rollout Stress Ribbon Bridge - Academic lecture
- The sensitivity of filtered Two Fluid Model to the underlying resolved simulation setup - Academic article
- The sexual and reproductive rights and benefit derived from sexual and reproductive health services of people with physical disabilities in South Africa: beliefs of non-disabled people - Academic article
- The sexual lives of people with disabilities within low- and middle-income countries: A scoping study of studies published in English - Academic literature review
- The small problem with tyres - Popular scientific lecture
- The Smartkuber Case Study: Lessons Learned from the Development of an Augmented Reality Serious Game for Cognitive Screening - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The status of risk assessments in Norwegian fish farming - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The status of risk assessments in Norwegian Fish farming - Academic lecture
- The techno-economics of biocarbon production processes under Norwegian conditions - Academic article
- The transition in settling velocity of surfactant-covered droplets from the Stokes to the Hadamard–Rybczynski solution - Academic article
- The ultimate wood stove - Academic lecture
- The Upgrade of the Large Cavitation Tunnel of the Marine Technology Centre in Trondheim - Academic lecture
- The use of flood and stormwater data in Norway: review and recommendations - Lecture
- The use of Knoop indentation for the assessment of the plastic properties of mortars and natural stones - Academic article
- The use of Reflection Continuum Model to support Digital Game-Based Learning for the development of Cognitive Skills - Academic lecture
- The use of Reflection Continuum Model to support Digital Game-Based Learning for the development of Cognitive Skills - Academic lecture
- The use of wide-band transmittance imaging to size and classify suspended particulate matter in seawater - Academic article
- The Visund office building, Haakonsvern, Bergen. As-built report - Report
- The Water Footprint of Hydropower Production—State of the Art and Methodological Challenges - Academic article
- The winner of the SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award 2017 is… - Website (informational material)
- The ZEB Test Cell Laboratory. A facility for characterization of building envelope systems under real outdoor conditions - Academic article
- Theoretical basis for prediction of drilling fluid removal in annuli - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Theoretical learning outcome of night driving. A comparison study of traditional real life training and simulator training - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Theoretical Prediction of Longitudinal Heat Conduction Effects on the Efficiency of the Heat Wheel Used for Ventilation in Powerhouse Building “Kjørbo” in Norway - Academic article
- Thermal comfort in buildings with advanced facade systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Thermal Conductivity of Cement Stabilized Earth Blocks - Academic article
- Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Wood and Bark and their Torrefied Products - Academic article
- Thermal Energy Systems in ZEN: Review of technologies relevant for ZEN pilots - Report
- Thermal insulation performance of reflective foils in floor cavities - Hot box measurements and calculations - Academic article
- Thermal Properties of organic Foods : DSC analysis of apple, carrot, pork, salmon and salmon oil - Report
- Thermal Radiation towards the Sideledge in Alumina Reduction Cells - Academic lecture
- Thermoanalytical characterisation of torrefied stem wood, stump and bark of Norway spruce - Academic lecture
- Thermodynamic assessment of an integrated MILD oxyfuel combustion power plant - Academic article
- Thermodynamic assessment of the swing adsorption reactor cluster (SARC) concept for post-combustion CO2 capture - Academic article
- Thermodynamic Behavior and Mass Transfer Kinetics of Boron Between Ferrosilicon and CaO-SiO2 Slag - Academic article
- Thermodynamic modeling with equations of state: present challenges with established methods - Academic literature review
- Thermodynamic models - Lecture
- Thermodynamic models to accurately describe the PVTxy-behavior of water / carbon dioxide mixtures - Academic article
- Thermodynamics for dummies - Lecture
- Thermoelectric module for high temperature application - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Thermoelectric transport calculations using the Landauer approach, ballistic quantum transport simulations, and the Buttiker approximation - Academic article
- Thermoelectrochemical Cell with Molten Carbonate Electrolyte - Academic article
- Thermogravimetric analysis – a viable method for screening materials for the SEWGS process - Poster
- Thermogravimetric Analysis – A Viable Method for Screening Novel Materials for the Sorbent Enhanced Water-gas Shift Process - Academic article
- Thermo-mechanical analysis of wire+arc additive manufacturing process - Academic lecture
- Thermomechanical behaviour of semi-crystalline polymers: experiments, modelling and simulation - Doctoral dissertation
- Thermophilic cell factories for efficient conversion of brown algae biomass to high-value chemicals - Poster
- Thin film functional materials for low carbon green energy - Poster
- Thin Oil Films – Properties and behaviour at sea - Laboratory studies and oil weathering predictions - Report
- Thin silicon microdosimeter utilizing 3D MEMS fabrication technology: Charge collection study and its application in mixed radiation fields - Academic article
- ThingML: A Generative Approach to Engineer Heterogeneous and Distributed Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ThingML: A Generative Approach to Engineer Heterogeneous and Distributed Systems - Academic lecture
- ThingML: High-level language for the Internet of Things - Academic lecture
- Third Joint International Conference, JCSG 2017 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- This is NTNU - Multimedia product
- THIS IS SINTEF - Lecture
- Threats to Validity in Empirical Software Security Research - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Three celebrations in one – new EU project, new laboratories, and the 100th anniversary of the NTNU Waterpower lab - Website (informational material)
- Three-dimensional analysis of dislocation multiplication during thermal process of grown silicon with different orientations - Academic article
- Three-dimensional Linear Eddy Modelling of a Turbulent Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-flow - Academic lecture
- Three-dimensional Linear Eddy Modelling of a Turbulent Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-flow - Academic lecture
- Time to breakdown studies for liquids of different physico-chemical nature - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Time-indexed formulations for the Runway Scheduling Problem - Academic article
- Timing, duration, and causes for Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous anoxia in the Barents Sea - Academic article
- Tin Electroplating for BPPs in PEMFCs - Poster
- To what extent is patient-rated quality of life associated with continuity of care, therapeutic relationships and unmet need for services? - Academic lecture
- Tolman lengths and rigidity constants for multicomponent systems - Poster
- Toolbox of Effects of CO2 Impurities on CO2 Transport and Storage Systems - Academic article
- Torsion in Flexible Pipes, Umbilicals and Cables Under Loadout to Installation Vessels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards a big data platform for managing machine generated data in the cloud - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards a coupled multi-scale, multi-physics simulation framework for aluminium electrolysis - Academic article
- Towards a meaningful non-isothermal kinetics for biomass materials and other complex organic samples - Academic article
- Towards a Meaningful Non-isothermal Kinetics for Biomass Materials and Other Complex Organic Samples - Academic lecture
- Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems Service - Academic lecture
- Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems Service - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards a thorough Validation of Simulation Tools for CO2 Pipeline Transport - Academic article
- Towards and Beyond TOSCA Orchestrations - Academic lecture
- Towards Industry 4.0: Increased Need for Situational Awareness on the Shop Floor - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Meta-adaptation of Dynamic Adaptive Systems with Models@Runtime - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Shipping 4.0 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards the use of mathematical optimization for work and heat exchange networks - Academic article
- Towards Transparent Real-Time Privacy Risk Assessment of Intelligent Transport Systems - Academic article
- Towards Zero Emission Neighbourhoods: how smart do Norwegian city authorities integrate Citizen into the transition process? - Lecture
- Towards Zero Emission power systems - Academic lecture
- Toxicity of produced water from offshore oil production in Norway and corresponding polar and apolar fractions - Academic lecture
- Trace elements behavior during the oxidation of liquid SiMn alloy - Academic article
- Trace Elements in Aluminium Production. Report for SFI Metal Production - Report
- Traceability of Fish Products - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tracer diffusion of 96Zr and 134Ba in polycrystalline BaZrO3 - Academic article
- Tracking customer behaviour in fashion retail using RFID - Academic article
- Training Advanced Skills for Sustainable Manufacturing: A Digital Serious Game - Academic article
- Transient CFD simulations of wood log combustion in a wood stove - Poster
- trans-Mutation at Gold(III): A mechanistic study of a catalytic acetylene functionalization via a double insertion pathway - Academic article
- Transport of heat and mass across planar and curved vapor-liquid interfaces: From the Lennard Jones fluid to water and beyond - Poster
- Trapped by compliance? The voices of the regulator - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Treating nonconvex PQ-curves in ProdRisk final simulation - Report
- Treatment and Recycling of Construction and Demolition Waste in India. A Collaboration between India and Norway - Lecture
- Treatment and Recycling of Construction and Demolition Waste in India. A Collaboration between India and Norway - Other
- Trends in agile development of safety-critical software: A summary of the 3d international workshop on agile development of safety-critical software (ASCS 2017) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Trends in place of death: The role of demographic and epidemological shifts in end-of-life care policy - Academic article
- Trends in sourcing - Lecture
- Truly exposed Cage Farming – What are the unknowns or unspoken challenges? - Lecture
- Truly exposed Cage Farming – What are the unknowns or unspoken challenges? - Lecture
- Trust and distrust in online fact-checking services - Academic article
- Tumor volume assessment in low-grade gliomas: a comparison of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging to coregistered intraoperative 3-dimensional ultrasound recordings - Academic article
- Tuna farming - Lecture
- Tuning and partial saturation effects on reflection responses at Sleipner field - Lecture
- Tuning and Partial Saturation Effects on Reflection Responses at Sleipner Field - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Turbo-compressors: Prototype tests of mechanical vapour re-compression for steam driers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Turbulent Clustering of Particles and Radiation-Induced Mechanism of Dust Explosions - Academic lecture
- Turning European shopping malls into beacons of energy efficiency - Academic lecture
- Turning European shopping malls into beacons of energy efficiency - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Twinnability of Al–Mg alloys: A first-principles interpretation - Academic article
- Ultrasonic Properties of Creepy Shales - Academic lecture
- Ultrasonic Properties of Creepy Shales - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ultrasonic through-tubing well logging with an array of receivers - Academic lecture
- Ultrasound enhanced CO2 Stripping from Lean MEA Solution at Pressures from 1 to 2.5 bar(a) - Academic article
- Ultrasound Improves the Delivery and Therapeutic Effect of Nanoparticle-Stabilized Microbubbles in Breast Cancer Xenografts - Academic article
- Ultrasound-enhanced drug delivery using nanoparticle-stabilized microbubbles - Poster
- Uncertainty Evaluation in Waveform-based Imaging Methods - A Case Study at SleipnerNormal access - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Uncertainty in pore-pressure and mud-weight prediction ahead of bit - Lecture
- Uncertainty quantification for linear hyperbolic equations with stochastic process or random field coefficients - Academic article
- Uncertainty quantification in waveform-based imaging methods - a Sleipner CO2 monitoring study - Academic article
- Uncertainty Quantification in Waveform-based Monitoring Methods - A Case Study at Sleipner - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Understanding (organizational) Practices in Safety Research: Proximity versus Distance and some Research Implications - Academic lecture
- Understanding autonomous BizDev teams - Linking business strategy and software development - Academic lecture
- Understanding Effect of Sugar Composition on Growth Kinetics: Fermentation of Glucose and Xylose by Clostridium Acetobutylicum ATCC 824 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Understanding human-machine networks: A cross-disciplinary survey - Academic literature review
- Understanding nurses' strategies to handle (un)wanted Nurse calls: A resilience perspective - Academic article
- Understanding of Pd membrane stability during high temperature H2 separation - Poster
- Understanding the cost of retrofitting CO2 capture in an Integrated oil refinery : performance analysis of CO2 capture options - Report
- Understanding the cost of retrofitting CO2 capture in an integrated oil refinery : reference base case plants: Economic evaluation - Report
- Understanding the cost retrofitting CO2 capture in an Integrated oil refinery : cost estimation and economic evaluation of CO2 capture options for refineries - Report
- Understanding the physical phenomena that occur inside heat exchangers for liquefaction of hydrogen - Academic lecture
- Understanding the physical phenomena that occur inside heat exchangers for liquefaction of hydrogen - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Universities with the biggest corporate links - Interview
- Unmanned ship transport systems in Norway - Lecture
- Unmanned Vessels of the Future - Lecture
- Unstructured gridding and consistent discretizations for reservoirs with faults and complex wells - Academic lecture
- Unstructured Gridding and Consistent Discretizations for Reservoirs with Faults and Complex Wells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Upcycling of co-streams from the food supply chain – possibilities for new ingredients and food products - Popular scientific lecture
- Update from Mission Innovation - Lecture
- Updates Norwegian contribution - Lecture
- Uptake and effects of microplastic particles in selected marine microalgae species - Poster
- Uptake and effects of microplastic particles in selected marine microalgae species; Oxyrrhis marina and Rhodomonas baltica - Masters thesis
- Uptake and effects of microplastic particles in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Uptake and excretion of polystyrene microplastics in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Masters thesis
- Usability of visual data profiling in data cleaning and transformation - Academic article
- Use of biocarbon in ferroalloy production - Lecture
- Use of biocarbon in ferroalloy production R&D within metallurgy at SINTEF and NTNU - Lecture
- Use of flow models with sensitivities to study monitoring strategies - Academic lecture
- Use of multiple multiscale operators to accelerate simulation of complex geomodels - Academic article
- Use of optical sensors to identify, map and monitor phyto- and zooplankton. - Academic lecture
- User guide for Version 3.3 of the NOWIcob tool - Report
- User guides for the climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure in Norway – Characteristics and impact - Academic article
- User needs for resilience indicators in interconnected critical infrastructures - Academic lecture
- User needs for resilience indicators in interconnected critical infrastructures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- User-centered design for total protection - Lecture
- User-driven energy efficiency in historic buildings: a review - Academic literature review
- Users' design feedback in usability evaluation: A literature review. - Academic article
- Using a segmented dynamic dwelling stock model for scenario analysis of future energy demand: The dwelling stock of Norway 2016–2050 - Academic article
- Using a segmented dynamic stock mkodel for scenario analysis of future energy demand and GHG emissions from dwelling stocks - Academic lecture
- Using Big data to best todays models and create tomorrows solutions - Website (informational material)
- Using critical incidents in workshops to inform eHealth design - Academic article
- Using gaming and resilience engineering principles to energize a situated resilience training of front-end operators and managers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using GUTS to explain dynamic mortality patterns for a marine copepod exposed to dimethylnaphthalene - Poster
- Using nanotechnology to remove ice from structures - Popular scientific chapter/article
- Using rules for assessing and improving data quality: A case study for the Norwegian State of Estate report - Academic article
- Using sensitivities and vertical-equilibrium models for parameter estimation of CO2 injection models with application to Sleipner data - Academic article
- Utilisation of CO2 from emitters in Poland for CO2-EOR - Academic article
- Utilisation of Naturally Occurring Materials and Slags in the Bio-Based Chemical Looping Combustion - Poster
- Utilising the Internet of Things for the Management of Through-life Engineering Services on Marine Auxiliaries - Academic article
- UTOFIA - an underwater time-of-flight imaging acquisition system - Academic article
- UTOFIA project - A new compact, cost-efficient concept for underwater range-gated imaging - Academic lecture
- Validation of results from Barracuda® CFD modelling to predict minimum fluidization velocity and pressure drop of Geldart A particles - Academic article
- Validation study of an approximate 2014 European power-flow model using PowerGAMA - Academic article
- Valorisation of woody biomass by combining enzymatic saccharification and pyrolysis - Academic article
- Value of multi-market trading for a hydropower producer - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Value of Multi-Market Trading for a Hydropower Producer - Academic lecture
- Vanadium Speciation in Petroleum Cokes for Anodes used in Aluminium Electrolysis - Academic article
- Variable Transmission Voltage for Loss Minimization in Long Offshore Wind Farm AC Export Cables - Academic article
- Variables Affecting Emission Measurements from Domestic Wood Combustion - Academic article
- Vehicle Routing with Space- and Time-Dependent Stochastic Travel Time - Academic lecture
- Velocity profiles in a 2D model of the left ventricular outflow tract, pathological case study using PIV and CFD modeling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ventilated wooden roofs. Influence of local weather conditions - measurements - Lecture
- Ventilated wooden roofs: Influence of local weather conditions-measurements - Academic article
- Vertical Equilibrium Flow Models with Fully Coupled Geomechanics for CO<sub>2</sub> Storage Modeling, Using Precomputed Mechanical Response Functions - Academic article
- VESSEL PERFORMANCE - Progress Update on Work in RA1 - Lecture
- Vinduer med brannmotstand - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Virtual Bodystorming: Utilizing Virtual Reality for Prototyping in Service Design - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Virtual element method for geomechanical simulations of reservoir models - Academic article
- Virtual IDP library - Report
- Virtual Laboratories and Modelling Tools for Designing Experiments in Aquaculture Research Facilities - Academic lecture
- Virtual Prototyping of Maritime Systems and Operations: Applications of Distributed Co-Simulations - Academic article
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Services - Lecture
- Viscoelastic properties of cells: Modeling and identification by atomic force microscopy - Academic article
- Viscoelastic properties of drilling fluids and their influence on cuttings transport - Academic article
- Viscosity measurement of unloaded and C=2-loaded aqueous monoethanolamine at higher cocentrations - Academic article
- VISUAL – a language for documentation and analysis of service processes - Lecture
- Visual analytics in ship performance and navigation information for sensor specific fault detection - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Visualisation of Train Punctuality - Illustrations and Cases - Academic lecture
- Visualisation of Train Punctuality – Illustrations and Cases - Academic article
- Visualization of relative wind profiles in relation to actual weather conditions of ship routes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- VLES turbulence model for an Eulerian–Lagrangian modeling concept for bubble plumes - Academic article
- Voice of Evidence: A Look Back - Academic article
- VR & AR RESEARCH @ SINTEF: VERY INTERESTING SEMINAR AT SINTEF - Website (informational material)
- Wafer level integration of epitaxial piezoelectric thin films for novel NEMS, MEMS and MOEMS applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Warning system during construction of Follobanen tunnels under the Ekeberg tunnels - Academic lecture
- Water transport models – decision support tools to battle disease spreading? - Lecture
- Water values in future power markets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Water-based synthesis of zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 for CO2capture - Academic article
- Wave forces and low frequency drift motions in extreme seas: Benchmark studies - Academic article
- Wave Forces and Low Frequency Drift Motions in Extreme Seas: Benchmark Studies - Academic lecture
- Wave response of closed flexible bags - Academic article
- Wave-Induced Response of Seabed around a Buried Pipeline in Silty Soil - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ways to Run a Successful Community -First Results from an Interview Study - Academic lecture
- We are developing new technology for converting power from surplus heat - Website (informational material)
- Wear of cemented tungsten carbide percussive drill?bit inserts: Laboratory and field study - Academic article
- Wearable and Mobile Technology for Safe and Active Living - Academic lecture
- Wearable and Mobile Technology for Safe and Active Living. - Academic article
- Wearable Technology for Smart Adaptive Selling - Academic lecture
- Welcome and "SusAquaBrazil"-project - Lecture
- Well integrity for CO2 injection from ships: Simulation of the effect of flow and material parameters on thermal stresses - Academic article
- Well integrity: The effect of material parameters and intermittent flow on thermal stresses - Academic lecture
- Wet expansion steam cycles for offshore industry - Academic article
- What are our greatest transformative infrastructure projects? - Website (informational material)
- What are the practical tools for planning and managing time in projects? - A study in Norwegian organizations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- What does it mean to be agile in a company with high organizational complexity? - Lecture
- What is the sealing ability of plugs? - Lecture
- When the answer is “gender balance”, what is the question? A policy discource analysis of a Norwegian Regional innovation program. - Academic lecture
- Which Mobile Health Toolkit Should a Service Provider Choose? A Comparative Evaluation of Apple HealthKit, Google Fit, and Samsung Digital Health Platform - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Whirl Simulation of Drill Collar and Estimation of Cumulative Fatigue Damage on Drill-Collar Connection - Academic article
- White box model: Aggregated load profiles. Guidelines for early design - Lecture
- Whose Hydropower?From Conflictual Management into an Era of Reconciling Environmental Concerns through Win-Win governance? - Briefs
- Why CCS in Norway? - Popular scientific lecture
- Why I <3 blog - Website (informational material)
- Why People Use Chatbots - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Why we find turbulent flight paths exciting ? - Popular scientific lecture
- Wideband modeling of a 45-MVA generator step-up transformer for network interaction studies - Academic article
- Wind farm modeling in a realistic environment using a multiscale approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Wind Farm Modeling in a Realistic Environment Using a Multiscale Approach. - Lecture
- Wind Power Plant Transmission System Modelling for Harmonic Propagation and Small-signal Stability Analysis - Chapter
- Winterization issues and measures related low temperatures, snow and icing for installations operating in the Barents sea - Academic lecture
- Wireless charging for ships : high-power inductive charging for battery electric and plug-in hybrid vessels - Academic article
- Wireless Communication Security - Lecture
- WiVind Report: Delivery L2, Demo and test of wireless sensor network - Report
- Women and computer games (workshops and tutorials) - Academic article
- Women in Data Science Oslo Conference - Lecture
- Wood stove material configurations for increased thermal comfort - Academic article
- Wood stove material configurations for increased thermal comfort - Academic lecture
- WoodCFD Newsletter 1-2017 - Briefs
- WoodCFD Newsletter 2-2017 - Briefs
- Work environment and health in the fishing fleet: Results from a survey amongst Norwegian fishers - Academic article
- Workflow for uncertainty modelling of pore pressure and mud weight window ahead of bit – Example of pre-drill results - Academic lecture
- Workflow for Uncertainty Modelling of Pore Pressure and Mud Weight Window ahead of Bit - Example of Pre-drill Results from the North Sea - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Workflows and design software for additive manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Work-shop 21. June: NCCS deployment cases – measures for directing, aligning and communicating research in NCCS - Website (informational material)
- Work-shop 21. June: NCCS deployment cases – measures for directing, aligning and communicating research in NCCS - Website (informational material)
- Workshop on more energy efficient Metals, Materials & Industry Clusters Sector - Website (informational material)
- Work-shop: How should we communicate CCS? - Website (informational material)
- World Food Gigant-Brazil aiming to be one of the Top Five aquaculture producers in 2020 - Lecture
- WP3: Refined Products - Processes and applications - Lecture
- WP5: Excess energy from industrial processes - Lecture
- XAS reveals structure-activity relationships for the Methane-to-Methanol conversion over Cu-zeolites - Popular scientific article
- Young Road Fatalities: Consequences for life quality and the role of transport authorities - Academic literature review
- Youth outside the labour force - Perceived barriers by service providers and service users: A mixed method approach - Academic article
- ZEB Final report 2009-2017 - Report
- ZEB Pilot Campus Evenstad. Administration and educational building. As-built report - Report
- ZEB pilot Heimdal high school and sports hall. Design phase report - Report
- ZEB pilot house Larvik. As Built Report - Report
- ZEN pilot survey: Initial plans for thermal and electrical use, generation, distribution and storage - Report
- ZenN. Nearly Zero Energy Neighborhoods. Local energy retrofitting replication plans and knowledge transfer. D 6.2 - Report
- ZenN. Nearly Zero energy Neighborhoods. Improvement proposals for replication actions. D 3.4 - Report
- Zero Emission Buildings - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Zero Emission Neighborhood - Lecture
- Zero emission office building in Bergen: Experiences from first year of operation - Academic lecture
- Zero emission office building in Bergen: Experiences from first year of operation - Academic article
- Zero Energy Neighbourhoods (ZEN) – nytt forskningssenter for nullutslippsområder i smarte byer (2016-2024) - Lecture
- Økosystemtjenester fra taredyrking i integrert havbruk med laks - Lecture