- EnergyModelsX: Flexible Energy Systems Modelling with Multiple Dispatch - Academic article
- From generation to application: Exploring knowledge workers’ relations with GenAI - Academic lecture
- (Micro)plastic and aquaculture: from problems to potential solutions - Academic lecture
- ‘This job is not for a person’: Underwater robots take on tough tasks in aquaculture - Popular scientific article
- “Choose voice control before touchscreens” - Interview
- “Digital Twin and Asset Management” holds successful internal workshop - Interview
- “Good user pathways”: Towards more coherent and user-centred pathways - Academic lecture
- “New” resources in old waters - the governance of ungoverned mesopelagic organisms - Academic lecture
- “SINTEF-TriPOD” in underground design – A demonstration for two projects in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ”It should last long without harming the environment”: perspectives on sustainability in an environmental and historical IT-project - Academic article
- 2023 a record year for wind installations - Interview
- 2023 Was a Record Year for Wind Installations - Interview
- 24 People to Follow in 2024 for Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Norway - Interview
- 2nd life batteries - Challenges and opportunities - Lecture
- 3D obstacle avoidance and path planning for unmanned underwater vehicles using elastic bands - Multimedia product
- 3D Pointcloud Registration In-the-wild - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 3D printed Zn electrodes for Zn-air batteries - Lecture
- 3D-graded electrospun steam electrode architectures - Poster
- 4D FWI with Reflection Oriented Workflow: Application to CO2 Monitoring at Sleipner Field - Abstract
- 66 kV vs. 132 kV collection grids - Poster
- 6-DoF Closed-Loop Grasping with Reinforcement Learning - Academic lecture
- 6-DoF Closed-Loop Grasping with Reinforcement Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 8 years of HTHP research in HighEFF - Lecture
- 8 years of TES research in HighEFF - Lecture
- A 0,1 Linear Programming Approach to Deadlock Detection and Management in Railways - Academic article
- A 2-Parameters Weight Definition in Least-Squares Regression Towards Data Fitting with Uncertainty - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A 3D kinetic Monte Carlo study of streamer discharges in CO2 - Academic article
- A Case Study of Continuous Adoption in the Norwegian Public Sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Case Study on Meeting Practices - Academic lecture
- A Checklist for Supply Chain Security for Critical Infrastructure Operators - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A chemo-enzymatic method for preparation of saturated oligosaccharides from alginate and other uronic acid-containing polysaccharides - Academic article
- A comparative assessment of food chain emissions from Norway, UK, Germany and Italy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Comparative Assessment of the Inherent Safety of Hydrogen-Fuelled Power Systems - Academic article
- A comparison of vintage and modern X65 pipeline steel using hollow specimen technique for in-situ hydrogen testing - Academic article
- A competence set for sustainable urban development: framing a research agenda - Academic article
- A complete experimental study on hard granites: Microstructural characterization, mechanical response, and failure criterion - Academic article
- A Comprehensive Assessment of the Morphological Development of Inflorescence, Yield Potential, and Growth Attributes of Summer-Grown, Greenhouse Cherry Tomatoes - Academic article
- A comprehensive overview of industrial demand response status in Europe - Academic article
- A computer tool for optimisation and simulation of marine operations - Academic lecture
- A Conceptual Model for Automation of Small Ports - Academic article
- A Conceptual Model for Automation of Small Ports - Lecture
- A Coordinated Approach Using Hyperspectral Satellite and USV for Algae Bloom Monitoring in Norwegian Coastal Waters - Academic article
- A Coordinated Approach Using Hyperspectral Satellite and USV for Algae Bloom Monitoring in Norwegian Coastal Waters - Academic lecture
- A Design Perspective: What Distinguishes Floating Wind Farms With Conventional- and Shared Mooring Systems? - Academic lecture
- A Design Perspective: What Distinguishes Floating Wind Farms With Conventional- and Shared Mooring Systems? - Academic lecture
- A Design Perspective: What Distinguishes Floating Wind Farms With Conventional- and Shared Mooring Systems? - Academic lecture
- A digital lean world: from digital lean manufacturing to Lean 4.0 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Digital Twin of the Trondheim Fjord for Environmental Monitoring—A Pilot Case - Academic article
- A dynamic modelling approach to explore zero emission building stock opportunities towards 2050 – Case study of a university campus - Academic article
- A fast simulation method for thermal management in wire arc additive manufacturing repair of a thin-walled structure - Academic article
- A Framework Addressing Challenges in Cybersecurity Testing of IoT Ecosystems and Components - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A framework for integrated resource planning in surgical clinics - Academic article
- A framework for regional high-level technical screening ofpromising CCUS value chains - Academic lecture
- A Framework for Selection of Promising CCUS Value Chains in the Baltic and Mediterranean Regions: CCUS ZEN Project Study - Poster
- A Framework to Prevent Legionella in Service Lines and Premise Plumbing with Flushing - Lecture
- A fully kinetic phase diagram-coupled multicomponent columnar-to-equiaxed grain transition model with an application to additive manufacturing - Academic article
- A guided tour on error control, adaptive time stepping, stopping criteria, applied to DD, reservoir models, and mixed-dimensional systems - Academic lecture
- A hierarchical framework for minimising emissions in hybrid gas-renewable energy systems under forecast uncertainty - Academic article
- A holo-omics analysis shows how sugar kelp can boost gut health in Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- A journey through SPACE: Unpacking the Perceived Productivity of GitHub Copilot - Academic lecture
- A Lagrangian Model-Based Analysis of Protist Plankton Variability and Its Impact on Organic Matter Dynamics Along Transit Pathways Through the Fram Strait - Academic article
- A Light-Weight Tool-Supported Method for Cyber Risk Assessment in the Planning of Cyber-Physical Smart Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Light-Weight Tool-Supported Method for Cyber-Risk Assessment in the Planning of Cyber-Physical Smart Grids - Academic lecture
- A low-cost Si@C composite for lithium-ion batteries anode materials synthesized via freeze-drying process using kerf loss Si waste - Academic article
- A MaxSAT approach for solving a new Dynamic Discretization Discovery model for train rescheduling problems - Academic article
- A method for threat modelling of industrial control systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A methodology for optimal placement of energy hubs with electric vehicle charging stations and renewable generation - Academic article
- A Modelling Framework for Rapid Evaluation of Speed Limitations During Extrusion of Aluminium Profiles - Academic article
- A modified DC Hebb–Wagner polarization method for determining the partial protonic electrical conductivity in mixed-conducting BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6−δ - Academic article
- A modified derivative-free SQP-filter trust-region method for uncertainty handling: application in gas-lift optimization - Academic article
- A MOOC About MOOC Making - Academic lecture
- A multiscale modelling of 2-aminoethanol (MEA) within the Python-ecosystem - Masters thesis
- A Multi-Vessel Universal Shore-to-Ship Charging System: Configuration and Control Architecture - Academic article
- A New AI Literacy For The Algorithmic Age: Prompt Engineering Or Eductional Promptization? - Academic lecture
- A new cold cooling system using krypton for the future upgrade of the LHC after the long shutdown 4 (LS4) - Academic article
- A novel approach combining multiple model chains to estimate solar energy potential - Lecture
- A Novel Approach Combining Multiple Model Chains to Estimate Solar Energy Potential - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Novel Approach to Residential Load Modelling for Grid Planning Purposes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Novel Approach to Residential Load Modelling for Grid Planning Purposes - Academic lecture
- A novel biomonitoring platform with caged lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) eggs for of spreading of rubber- and plastic-associated chemicals from urban run-off into a harbour area in Central Norway - Poster
- A Novel Biosurfactant-Based Oil Spill Response Dispersant for Efficient Application under Temperate and Arctic Conditions - Academic article
- A novel circular manufacturing assessment method for the aluminium industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Novel Cross-Attention-Based Pedestrian Visual–Inertial Odometry With Analyses Demonstrating Challenges in Dense Optical Flow - Academic article
- A Novel Electrode Model for Søderberg Electrodes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A novel framework for assessing the fracture toughness through the wall thickness of hydrogen pipelines - Academic article
- A novel framework for assessing the smartness and the smart readiness level in highly electrified non-residential buildings: A Norwegian case study - Academic article
- A Novel generalization of sequential decision-theoretic rough set model and its application - Academic article
- A Novel Hybrid Physics/Data-Driven Model for Fractured Reservoir Simulation - Academic article
- A novel method for evaluating ship concept performance in transport systems - Academic lecture
- A novel method for evaluating ship concept performance in transport systems - Academic article
- A packed programme for AQUA 2024 - Interview
- A Passive Grid Impedance Estimation Method in Exploiting Variable Operating Conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Peridynamic Approach to Simulate Sea Ice Fracture with a Focus on Its Time-Dependent Material Behaviour - Academic lecture
- A Physics-Informed Scaling Method for Power Electronic Converters in Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Beds - Academic article
- A Pilot Trial Investigating Use of Carbonated Ores in HCFeMnProduction - Academic lecture
- A Platform for Development and Testing of WAMPAC Applications based on Kafka Streaming - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Pole Detection and Geospatial Localization Framework using LiDAR-GNSS Data Fusion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A portable dry film FTIR instrument for industrial food and bioprocess applications - Academic article
- A Practical Computational Model To Estimate PAH Emission From Furnaces - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A pragmatical physics-based model for predicting ladle lifetime - Academic article
- A qualitative approach to identify risk factors for reduced fish welfare and mortalities in Norwegian Atlantic salmon smolts - Academic lecture
- A qualitative study exploring how vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis can be integrated within existing healthcare services in the United Kingdom - Academic article
- A Reactor-Network Framework to Model Performance and Emissions of a Longitudinally Staged Combustion System for Carbon-Free Fuels - Academic article
- A Reactor-Network Framework to Model Performance and Emissions of a Longitudinally-Staged Combustion System for Carbon-Free Fuels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A RECIPE FOR PLASTIC: Expert insights on plastic additives in the marine environment - Poster
- A Research Agenda for Lean Management - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- A Review of Methods for Modelling Flooding, Its Progression and Outcome in Damaged Ships - Academic literature review
- A Review Of Overhead Power Line Component Degradation Models - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Review of Overhead Power Line Component Degradation Models - Academic lecture
- A Review of Overhead Power Line Component Degradation Models - Academic lecture
- A review of recent advances in additive manufacturing with polymer materials - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Rigorous Life Cycle Assessment Framework for Disruptive Manufacturing of Maritime Spare Parts – Comparing Additive Manufacturing and Conventional Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- A seawater field study of crude and fuel oil depletion in Northern Norway at two different seasons – Chemistry and bacterial communities - Academic article
- A Simple Protocol for Estimating the Acute Toxicity of Unresolved Polar Compounds from Field-weathered Oils - Academic article
- A sociotechnical approach to Workplace Innovation - Lets talk about participation and democracy! - Lecture
- A study of the fire performance of combustible thermal insulation through fire experiments - Poster
- A Study of the Long-Term Electrochemical Stability of Thin-Film Titanium–Platinum Microelectrodes and Their Comparison to Classic, Wire-Based Platinum Microelectrodes in Selected Inorganic Electrolytes - Academic article
- A Study on Bio-Coke Production—The Influence of Biochar Addition to the Coking Blend on Bio-Coke Quality Parameters - Academic article
- A study on the influence of impurity content on fatigue endurance in a 6082 Al-alloy - Academic article
- A Study on Usage of Formal Knowledge Sharing Systems in Project-Based Organizations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A supply-chain perspective on producing and upscaling bioplastic from cultivated brown seaweed - Academic article
- A survey-based mapping of the building and construction entrepreneurial ecosystem - Academic lecture
- A survey-based mapping of the building and construction entrepreneurial ecosystem - Academic article
- A systematic analysis of digital tools for citizen participation - Academic article
- A Systematic Mapping Study and a Review of the Optimization Methods of Structures in Architectural Design - Academic article
- A Taxonomy for Cloud Storage Cost - Academic article
- A technical-regulatory perspective on the realization of autonomous waterborne logistics - Lecture
- A time scale regard on percussion drilling - Academic article
- A translational framework to DELIVER nanomedicines to the clinic - Academic literature review
- A two-capillary viscometer for temperatures up to 473 K and pressures up to 100 MPa—operation and verification at low pressure - Academic article
- A Virtual Extrusion Test for Rapid Evaluation of Extrudability of 6xxx-Series Aluminum Profiles - Academic article
- A Virtual Extrusion Test for Rapid Evaluation of Extrudability of 6xxx-Series Aluminum Profiles - Academic lecture
- A Volume-of-Fluid method for multicomponent droplet evaporation with Robin boundary conditions - Academic article
- A Wave Drift Force Model for Semi-Submersible Types of Floating Wind Turbines in Large Waves and Current - Academic article
- A Way Forward for the MDCG 2019-16 Medical Device Security Guidance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Web-Based Intervention to Support a Growth Mindset and Well-Being in Unemployed Young Adults: Development Study - Academic article
- A whole-body transcriptome assembly of the annelid worm Hediste diversicolor - Academic article
- A willingness to sacrifice? Unpacking the un-tapped potential for transformative change in mobility transitions - Academic lecture
- Ab-initio calculations of anharmonicity in thermoelectric materials via the stochastic temperature-dependent effective potential (sTDEP) method - Poster
- Accelerating precipitation hardening by natural aging in a 6082 Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic article
- Accidents Review And Control Assessment For Reliable Operation Of PEM Water Electrolyzer Stacks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Accuracy of instrument tip position using fiber optic shape sensing for navigated bronchoscopy - Academic article
- Accurate space-group prediction from composition - Academic article
- Achieving Sector-Wide Sustainability Transitions: Insights from a National Transition Management process - Academic lecture
- Acid preservation of Laminaria hyperborea with formic and acetic acid and its effects on alginate - Academic article
- Acoustic response of patchy-saturated porous media: Coupling Biot's poroelasticity equations for mono- and biphasic pore fluids - Academic article
- ACT4 SPARSE monitoring concepts - Lecture
- Active Magnetic Ranging from Bottom Hole Assembly: Tool Performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active Magnetic Ranging in Geothermal Drilling: Identifying Ghost Targets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active Magnetic Ranging Solution While Drilling for Geothermal Loop: Test in Low-Conductive Formation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active Magnetic Ranging While Drilling: Tool Function and Tests Results - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active Pose - Autonomous Hole-Filling Techniques for 3D Surface Reconstruction in Underwater Exploration - Academic article
- Active Pose - Autonomous Hole-Filling Techniques for 3D Surface Reconstruction in Underwater Exploration - Academic lecture
- Adaptable Runtime Monitoring for Intermittent Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adaptive Kalman Filter-based Estimator with Sea Trail Data to Calculate Ship States in Complex Navigation Conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adaptive Tool Trajectory Generation for Robotic Deburring using Structured Light 3D Camera sensor - Academic article
- Additive Manufacturing of 7xxx Aluminium Alloys by Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Academic lecture
- Additive Manufacturing of 7xxx Aluminium Alloys by Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Academic article
- Additive manufacturing of duplex stainless steels with coaxial laser directed energy deposition - Doctoral dissertation
- Additive manufacturing of Proton-Conducting Ceramics by robocasting with integrated laser postprocessing - Academic article
- Address Social Injustices in Taxonomy: Implement Extended Revisions of Names with Ethical Issues and Persistent Identifiers for Tracing Name Changes - Short communication
- Addressing Health Disparities: Comparison of Predictors of Health among Adults Living with and without Physical or Psychological Disabilities - Academic lecture
- Addressing the Challenges of Underwater Motion Planning towards Enabling Autonomous Aquaculture Operations - Multimedia product
- Addressing the Challenges of Underwater Motion Planning towards Enabling Autonomous Aquaculture Operations - Poster
- Addressing the Challenges of Underwater Motion Planning towards Enabling Autonomous Aquaculture Operations - Abstract
- Addressing the Challenges of Underwater Motion Planning Towards Enabling Autonomous Aquaculture Operations - Poster
- Adolescents' views on oral health care and promotion in Norway: everyday practices, recommendations, and future visions - Academic article
- Adoption, acceptability and sustained use of digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: a mixed-method study - Academic article
- Adsorption and Reaction Mechanism of Inert Carriers (Al2O3 and TiO2) Loaded with Fe2O3 in Chemical Looping Gasification Based on Density Functional Theory - Academic article
- Advance in Diffuse Dust Emission Monitoring - Academic article
- Advanced data cluster analyses in digital twin development for marine engines towards ship performance quantification - Academic article
- Advanced digital lab infrastructure for the development of smart power grid - Popular scientific lecture
- Advanced Digital Lab Infrastructure for the Development of Smart Power Grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Advanced electron microscopy – SPED and HAADF-STEM – of age hardenable aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Advanced Simulations of Impacts from Large Oil Spills on Commercially Important Fish Stocks in the North Atlantic - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Advanced sorting technologies in the waste sector : Case studies compilation, IEA Bioenergy: Task 3 - Report
- Advanced TEM studies of precipitation in aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Advanced, efficient and green intermodal systems - Roadmap for automated waterborne transport. - Popular scientific lecture
- Advances in Secure IoT Data Sharing - Academic article
- Advancing life cycle assessment of bioenergy crops with global land use models - Academic article
- Advancing research through the education of master’s students at FME CINELDI - Website (informational material)
- AeroPath: An airway segmentation benchmark dataset with challenging pathology and baseline method - Academic article
- Ageing of Solid Insulation in Transformer and Reactor Windings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Agency in green path development: Circular bioeconomy in the wastewater sector - Academic article
- Agile Approaches in Critical Infrastructures - Academic lecture
- Agile Maneuvers for Push-Broom Imaging Satellites - Academic article
- AgriPV in Norway: Evaluating the initial performance and lessons learned - Poster
- AI and Climate - Popular scientific lecture
- AI and Functional safety – Pain or gain or both? - Lecture
- AI for green transition - Lecture
- AI guided Point-of-care ultrasound in rural areas – equal access to healthcare services - Lecture
- AI-Dentify: deep learning for proximal caries detection on bitewing x-ray - HUNT4 Oral Health Study - Academic article
- AI-driven Analysis: Image based qualification of Scale Loss in Fish using Machine Learning and Computer Vision - Masters thesis
- AI-driven security orchestration for digital twins-based critical infrastructures - Academic lecture
- AI-driven sustainable cities: A Nordic-inspired requirement framework - Academic article
- Air quality for various ventilation solutions in a Norwegian Zero Emission Building office - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- AIR Study - Digital Safety Twin - Deep dive - Lecture
- AIR Study - Digital Safety twin - High level - Lecture
- Al-Cu intermetallic phase growth in hybrid metal extrusion & bonding welds exposed to isothermal annealing or direct current cycling - Academic article
- Algal biotechnology - Seaweed farming for carbon removal - Lecture
- AlgalBBB: In-process epimerisation of alginates from Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and Laminaria hyperborea - Academic lecture
- Algorithmic Governance for Food Supply Chain Transparency: an Umbrella Review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aligning interoperability architectures for digital agri-food platforms - Academic article
- Alkalis Released from Aggregates – Significance for Concrete Performance Testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Alkalis Released from Aggregates – Significance for Concrete Performance Testing - Academic lecture
- Alpiq contributes to two hydropower innovation projects - Interview
- Alpiq contributes to two hydropower innovation projects - Interview
- Alpiq trägt in drei Projekten zu Innovation der Wasserkraft bei - Interview
- Alpiq trägt in zwei Projekten zu Innovation der Wasserkraft bei - Interview
- Alterations of river flow caused by three types of hydropower plants in Slovenia and Croatia - Academic article
- Aluminium Carbide and Carbon Dust in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells—A Conceptual Model for Loss in Current Efficiency - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aluminium Reinforced Concrete in a Resource Utilization and Recycling Perspective - Academic lecture
- Aluminium Reinforced Concrete in a Resource Utilization and Recycling Perspective - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Ammonia as maritime fuel - Newsletter #3 - Briefs
- Ammonia combustion for gas turbine power applications - Academic lecture
- Ammonia cracking and interaction with Pd membranes - Academic lecture
- An Adaptive Special Protection Scheme Coordinating Multiple Generation Units for Damping Power System Natural Oscillations - Academic article
- An agent-based model for controlling pandemic infectious diseases transmission dynamics with the use of face masks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An AI pipeline for garment price projection using computer vision - Academic article
- An aquaculture risk model to understand the causes and consequences of Atlantic Salmon mass mortality events: A review - Academic literature review
- An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Biomarker-Based Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder - Academic article
- An efficient and easy-to-implement recovery-based a posteriori error estimator for isogeometric analysis of the Stokes equation - Academic article
- An engine emergency stop and alert system in case of MOB events - Poster
- An Improved Dual Grid-Forming MMC with Port-Hamiltonian Structure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Improved Dual Grid-Forming MMC with Port-Hamiltonian Structure - Popular scientific lecture
- An Improved Interface Coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics With Potential Theory-Based Wave Descriptions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Improved Interface Coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics With Potential Theory-Based Wave Descriptions - Academic lecture
- An ocean of opportunities: Norway as a driver of wave energy development - Website (informational material)
- An open fireplace is cosy, but not very useful - Interview
- An Open-Innovation Platform for knowledge-based management of materials modelling workflows for industrial data - Academic lecture
- An overview of the EU-funded ACCSESS project, providing access to cost-efficient, replicable, safe and flexible CCS - Popular scientific lecture
- An XPS Study of Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries in Full Cell LNMO vs Si/Graphite - Academic article
- Analysing a grid-forming storage hub for an offshore platform cluster supplied by wind energy - Academic article
- Analysing the impact of different precipitation characteristics on hydrological performances of infiltration swales - Academic lecture
- Analysis of a high temperature heat pump integration in an amine-based CO2 capture process - Poster
- Analysis of Concrete Air Voids: Comparing OpenAI-Generated Python Code with MATLAB Scripts and Enhancing 2D Image Processing Using 3D CT Scan Data - Academic article
- Analysis of Different Modality of Data to Diagnose Parkinson's Disease Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches: A Review - Academic literature review
- Analysis of flow-based parameters in IPN Vannfly - Project results - Report
- Analysis of Inception Sites of Vented Water Trees in a Laboratory Aged High Voltage XLPE Subsea Cable - Academic lecture
- Analysis of spatial and design factors for users' acceptance of rescue rooms in road tunnels: An exploratory study using Virtual Reality - Academic article
- Analysis of visual and acoustic measures for self-evacuations in road tunnels using virtual reality - Academic article
- Analytical Computation of the Maximum Power Point of Solar Cells Using Perturbation Theory - Academic article
- Analytical Considerations - Workshop: Therapeutic Genome Editing Tools, Delivery Systems, Prospects and Challenges 8th July - Academic lecture
- Analytical Framework for Coordinated Planning and Operation of Multicarrier Energy Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analytical modelling of piezoMEMS transducers - Poster
- Analytical orthogonality and advanced separation techniques for LNPs - Academic lecture
- Analytical tools for monitoring glycol degradation - Academic article
- Analyzing a grid-forming storage hub for an offshore platform cluster supplied by wind energy - Academic lecture
- Angular velocity changes in Valhall - Academic lecture
- Anisotropy and heterogeneity of velocity changes in Valhall overburden - Academic lecture
- ANITA2 – Multicomponent Air Analyser for ISS – 2 Years of Operation, Hardware Behaviour and Possible Improvements for Future Versions. - Lecture
- ANITA2 – the Multicomponent Air Analyser on ISS – Gas Measurement Results From the ISS Air in 2023 - Lecture
- ANN-Based Robust Current Controller for Single-Stage Grid-Connected PV With Embedded Improved MPPT Scheme - Academic article
- Anomaly detection in multivariate time series of drilling data - Academic article
- Aortic roadmapping during EVAR: a combined FEM–EM tracking feasibility study - Academic article
- Application of a data-driven approach for maximum fatigue damage prediction of an unbonded flexible riser - Academic article
- Application of blockchain in seafood supply chains - Lecture
- Application of Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Analysing Result of Numerical Ship Manoeuvring Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of Dual-Grid-Forming MMC for Seamless Transition between Grid Connected and Islanded Operation in Microgrids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of Dual-Grid-Forming MMC for Seamless Transition between Grid Connected and Islanded Operation in Microgrids - Poster
- Application of modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller and Observer (MRACO) for speed control of an unmanned underwater vehicle - Academic article
- Application of Modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller and Observer (MRACO) for Speed Control of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle - Academic lecture
- Application of suspended inter-array power cables in floating offshore wind farms - Academic article
- Application of Three-Dimensional CFD Model to Determination of the Capacity of Existing Tyrolean Intake - Academic article
- Applied optimization with JuMP at SINTEF - Academic lecture
- Applying Bayesian optimization to predict parameters in a time-domain model for cross-flow vortex-induced vibrations - Academic article
- Approaches Enabling Underwater Autonomy and Sensing in Sea-Based Aquaculture Settings - Multimedia product
- Approaches Enabling Underwater Autonomy and Sensing in Sea-Based Aquaculture Settings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Approaches Enabling Underwater Autonomy and Sensing in Sea-Based Aquaculture Settings - Academic lecture
- Approaches to handle disruption effects in transport infrastructure and logistics networks - Academic lecture
- Approaching a mechanistic understanding of PCEC electrodics - Academic lecture
- Approaching network-embedded business modelling in strategic nets: the case of circular reuse of large building parts in Norway - Academic lecture
- Approximating hydropower systems by feasibility spaces in stochastic dual dynamic programming - Academic article
- Approximating Hydropower Systems by Feasibility Spaces in Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming - Academic lecture
- AQUA 2024 - Copenhagen is the place to be end August - Interview
- Aqua 2024 26-30 August, Copenhagen - Interview
- AQUA 2024 taking shape - Interview
- Aquaculture field robotics: Applications, lessons learned and future prospects - Academic article
- Aquaculture field robotics: Applications, lessons learned and future prospects - Poster
- Aquaculture Risk: Good Practices for Data Pipelines - Lecture
- Aquaculture Robotics Research at SINTEF Ocean - Autonomy, navigation, and motion planning dedicated to improve efficiency, safety and fish welfare - Academic lecture
- Aquaculture Robotics Research at SINTEF Ocean - Autonomy, navigation, and motion planning dedicated to improve efficiency, safety and fish welfare - Academic lecture
- Aquaculture sludge as feed for black soldier fly: Transfer of chemical and biological contaminants and nutrients - Academic article
- Arctic imaginations and Arctic realities - plastics governance in the high north - Lecture
- Arct-Risk Final Report. Main results from the research project “Risk governance of climate-related systemic risk in the Arctic” (Arct-Risk) - Report
- Are architectural approaches holding water? - Interview
- Are architectural approaches holding water? - Interview
- Are century-old timber beams as serviceable as new ones? - Interview
- Are century-old timber beams as serviceable as new ones? - Interview
- Are century-old timber beams as serviceable as new ones? - Interview
- Are rigid sorting devices necessary to control size selectivity in demersal trawl fisheries? - Academic article
- Are salmon farms a source for rare earth elements in the Norwegian marine environment? Findings from an active biomonitoring - Lecture
- Are you looking to test new AI tools? Make sure you avoid the ‘Tesla trap’ - Feature article
- Arguments for Keeping Uniform Alumina Concentration and Anode-Cathode Distance in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells - Academic lecture
- Artificial Intelligence and Logistics - Lecture
- Artificial intelligence capabilities for circular business models: Research synthesis and future agenda - Academic article
- Artificial intelligence implementation in manufacturing SMEs: A resource orchestration approach - Academic article
- Artificial intelligence in lean manufacturing: digitalization with a human touch? - Academic literature review
- Artificial Intelligence in Safety Systems — Is it a pain or is it a gain (or both)? - Feature article
- As above, so below: studying above-ground rock masses to better understand underground fractures - Website (informational material)
- As our energy demands increase, so the planet continues to overheat. But there is still hope - Interview
- As our energy demands increase, the planet continues to overheat. But there is hope. - Interview
- As our energy demands increase, the planet continues to overheat. But there is hope. - Interview
- Assembly Line Design for Industrialized Electrolyser Production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessing fracture toughness of vintage and modern X65 pipeline steels under in situ electrochemical hydrogen charging using advanced testing methodology - Academic article
- Assessing Hydrate Formation Risk in Infill CCS Wells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessing multigenerational effects of exposure to crude oil on the arctic keystone species Boreogadus saida and the model Danio rerio. - Poster
- Assessing potential impacts on biofuel innovation on regional sustainability transition: A case-study in Innlandet, Norway - Academic lecture
- Assessing Re-Identification Capabilities of Salmon Body Parts Using AI-Based Computer Vision Methods - Masters thesis
- Assessing the cognitive demand of In-Vehicle Infotainment System functions - Poster
- Assessing the Impact of New Emerging Nanomaterials in the Mussel Mytilus edulis - Poster
- Assessing the Impact of New Emerging Nanomaterials in the Mussel Mytilus edulis - Poster
- Assessing the toxicity of a multi-polymer and multi-size microplastic mixture on early life stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Academic lecture
- Assessment and Validation of Small-Scale Tropospheric Delay Estimations Based on NWP Data - Academic article
- Assessment of activity and heart rate as indicators for acute stress in Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- Assessment of Anisotropic Elastic Parameters Using Laboratory Triaxial and In-Situ Pressuremeter Tests in Opalinus Clay - Academic article
- Assessment of Breakwater as a Protection System against Aerodynamic Loads Acting on the Floating PV System - Academic article
- Assessment of Cementitious Composites for High-Temperature Geothermal Wells - Academic article
- Assessment of fire safety design solutions and best practice for battery rooms in buildings in Norway - Academic lecture
- Assessment of microplastic release from cleaning of aquaculture ne - Academic lecture
- Assessment of microplastic release from cleaning of aquaculture nets - Academic lecture
- Assessment of microplastics in the sediments around Hywind Scotland Offshore Wind Farm. - Academic article
- Assessment of microplastics in the sediments around Hywind Scotland OWF - Academic lecture
- Assessment of microplastics in the sediments around the Hywind Scotland offshore wind farm - Poster
- Assessment of Norwegian Bridges Affected by ASR - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of Norwegian Bridges Affected by ASR - Academic lecture
- Assessment of resilience in a maritime autonomous transport system - Academic lecture
- Assessment of resilience in a maritime autonomous transport system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of risk and reliability challenges in hydrogen systems - Academic lecture
- Assessment of risk and reliability challenges in hydrogen systems - Academic article
- Assessment of the volatility of amine degradation compounds in aqueous MEA and blend of 1-(2HE)PRLD and 3A1P - Academic article
- Assessment of Three Critically ASR-Deteriorated Bridges - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of Three Critically ASR-Deteriorated Bridges - Academic lecture
- Assessment of turbulence models for evaporation and stratification in cryogenic storage tanks - Academic lecture
- At what temperature should the tire rolling resistance be measured? - Academic article
- Atomic resolution transmission electron microscopy visualisation of channel occupancy in beryl in different crystallographic directions - Academic article
- Atomic structure of clusters and GP-zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic article
- Atomistic modelling of functional materials - Academic lecture
- Auditism: Symptoms, Safety Consequences, Causes, and Cure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Augmented reality (AR) marketing and consumer responses: A study of cue-utilization and habituation - Academic article
- Aumenta energia limpa e 2023 foi ano recorde para instalações eólicas - Interview
- Auroral Zone Disturbance Impacts: Time- and Distance-dependent Degradations of Network RTK Performance - Academic lecture
- Author Correction: Effect of model methanogens on the electrochemical activity, stability, and microbial community structure of Geobacter spp. dominated biofilm anodes (npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, (2024), 10, 1, (17), 10.1038/s41522-024-00490-z) - Errata
- Automated Aquaculture Operations With Vessel-Mounted Robotic Arm: An Experimental Feasibility Study - Academic lecture
- Automated Aquaculture Operations With Vessel-Mounted Robotic Arm: An Experimental Feasibility Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Automated Behavior Labeling for IIoT Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Automated computer vision based individual salmon (Salmo salar) breathing rate estimation (SaBRE) for improved state observability - Academic article
- Automated Data Retrieval and Analysis for Enhanced Product Production - Poster
- Automated measurement method for assessing thermal-dependent electronic characteristics of thin boron-doped diamond-graphene nanowall structures - Academic article
- Automated monitoring of early life-stage development in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) embryos exposed to a reference toxicant - Academic article
- Automated Segmentation and Quantification of the Right Ventricle in 2-D Echocardiography - Academic article
- Automated segmentation of the median nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome - Academic article
- Automated toolpath planning with 3D implementation of a parabolic weld bead deposition model for wire arc additive manufacturing repair - Academic article
- Automatic Catch Registration as a tool for ensuring data from fisheries for biodiversity protection in line with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity framework and SDG14 - Lecture
- Automatic Segmentation of Mediastinal Lymph Nodes and Blood Vessels in Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) Images Using Deep Learning - Academic article
- Automatic standard building category classification from smart meter data – A supervised learning approach - Academic article
- Automating global landslide detection with heterogeneous ensemble deep-learning classification - Academic article
- Automation and standardization of bioinformatics pipelines at SINTEF - Lecture
- Automation in the Maritime Transport System – A Framework for Planning Resilient Operations - Academic article
- Autonomous Battery Optimization by Deploying Distributed Experiments and Simulations - Academic article
- Autonomous Inspection and Maintenance Operations employing Multi-Robots: Preliminary Results - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Inspection and Maintenance Operations employing Multi-Robots: Preliminary Results - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous Marine Biodiversity Mapping and Bioprospecting Platform - Poster
- Autonomous Mobile Robots for Material Handling in Intralogistics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous Navigation for Inspection and Maintenance Ground Robotics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture: Research Challenges and Industry Needs - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Ship Developments in Horizon Europe - Lecture
- Autonomous ships are on the horizon: Is AI ready to take command? - https://norwegianscitechnews.com/2024/05/autonomous-ships-are-on-the-horizon-is-ai-ready-to-take-command/ - Feature article
- AUTOSHIP: the project video - Multimedia product
- Available data and knowledge gaps of the CESAR1 solvent system - Academic literature review
- AVO-based Reservoir Parameter Updates for Efficient Conformance of CO2 Storage Monitoring - Abstract
- Bacterial growth potential as a diagnostic tool for quantifying drinking water biostability - Academic lecture
- Balancing the Norwegian regulated power market anno 2016 to 2022 - Academic article
- Balder case: first pass predictions - Academic lecture
- Band alignment in Zn(1−x)MgxO:Al/SiOx/Si heterostructures for photovoltaic applications realized by atomic layer deposition: Effects of Al doping and Mg alloying - Academic article
- Barriers and strategies to medication adherence amongst people with multiple sclerosis and cognitive problems - Academic article
- Barriers in achieving sustainability in seafood value chains: Is consumer preference a barrier too? - Lecture
- Barriers to Data Analytics for Energy Efficiency in the Maritime Industry - Academic article
- Basic design of an ORC demonstrator system for implementation in an Iron & Steel plant through the DECAGONE project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Basic Networking concepts for IT/OT security course - Academic lecture
- Basin-Scale Modeling of the Baia Mare geothermal and Ore-Forming System - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Basis for engineering of pretreatment unit at Eramet Norway Porsgrunn - Report
- Battery simulation with Julia - Lecture
- Bayesian Fault Detection and Localization Through Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Plants - Academic article
- Bayesian Optimisation for Offshore Wind Farm Optimisation - Poster
- BC-GAN: A threshold-free framework for unsupervised early fault detection in rotating machinery - Academic article
- Beach litter deposition and turnover, effects of tides and weather, and implications for cleanup strategies: A case study in the Lofoten archipelago, Norway - Academic article
- Beam–plasma dynamics in finite-length, collisionless inhomogeneous systems - Academic article
- Behavioral Aspects of Agile Software Development: A Case Study on Meeting Practices - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Behaviour of retrofitted industrial gas turbine burners to ammonia blends - Academic lecture
- Behind the Scenes at the CO2 Mix Rig - Multimedia product
- Behind the Scenes at the Eccsel Depressurization Facility - Multimedia product
- Behind the Scenes at the ECCSEL FA-Safe (Flow Assurance Safety) pipe setup - Part 2 - Multimedia product
- Behind the Scenes at the ECCSEL Two-phase steady-state core flooding rig - Multimedia product
- Behind the Scenes from ECCSEL test tank for studies of trapping mechanisms (Convection tank) - Multimedia product
- Behind the Scenes from the Cold CO2 Capture Pilot Rig - Multimedia product
- Behind the Scenes from the DeFACTO rig - Multimedia product
- Behind the Scenes from the HPC-PE Rig - Multimedia product
- Behind the Scenes from the Viscosity rig - Multimedia product
- Beneficial use of recycled aggregates from concrete sludge using a new dry washing technology - Academic article
- Beyond Years: Is Artificial Intelligence Ready to Predict Biological Age and Cardiovascular Risk Using Echocardiography? - Editorial
- Big data. Big potential. Big problems? - Editorial
- Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and stimulants in macrobenthic food web in the European Arctic as determined using stable isotope approach - Academic article
- Biocarbon as a Reductant in FeMn Processes - Expanding Process Simulation Using HSC Sim - Academic lecture
- Biocarbon pelletisation - Lecture
- BioCarbUpgrade - Overview and first results - Lecture
- BioCarbUpgrade - Project overview - Lecture
- BioCarbUpgrade Newsletter 1-2024 - Briefs
- BioCarbUpgrade Newsletter 2-2024 - Briefs
- Bio-derivable crosslinked polyesters as sustainable replacements for oil-based polyester resins - Poster
- Biology and Technology Interaction: Study identifying the impact of robotic systems on fish behaviour change in industrial scale fish farms - Academic lecture
- Biology and Technology Interaction: Study identifying the impact of robotic systems on fish behaviour change in industrial scale fish farms - Poster
- Biomass estimations of cultivated kelp using underwater RGB images from a mini-ROV and computer vision approaches - Academic article
- Biomass Torrefaction for Renewable Energy: From Physicochemical, Bulk Properties, and Flowability to Future Perspectives and Applications - Academic literature review
- BioMet: Overview and first results - Lecture
- Biosafety in Norwegian Aquaculture—Risks and Measures in RAS Facilities and Well-Boats - Academic literature review
- Biotech solutions to sustainable food for the future - Lecture
- Black-boxing of Converter State-Space Models for Power System Eigenvalue Analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Blockchain as a Driver of Vertical and Horizontal Information Sharing for Sustainable Innovations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bloom’s taxonomy and development of Artificial Intelligence literacies - Academic lecture
- Borehole Guided Waves Sensitivity to Well Integrity and CO2 Saturation Changes Beyond the Casing - Lecture
- Breakdown Performance of CO2, Technical Air, and Technical Air with 7.5% C5-Fluoroketone in a Weakly Nonuniform Field - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bridge between immersion cooling and TES - Lecture
- Bridging the Gap Between Labour Unions and the Management Through Leadership Development Programs? - Academic article
- Brief introduction to ontologies and semantic standards - Lecture
- Bringing companies and researchers together for workplace innovation – Action Research in practice - Academic lecture
- Bringing old brickwork back to life in heritage buildings - Interview
- Bringing old brickwork back to life in heritage buildings - Interview
- Bringing old brickwork back to life in heritage buildings - Interview
- Brown seaweed as a food ingredient contributing to an adequate but not excessive amount of iodine in the European diet. A case study with bread - Academic article
- Bubble flow in fractures - Investigation of CO2 flow in fractures with bubble flow experiments in SINTEF's tilted Hele-Shaw cell - Academic lecture
- Building a Cost-Effective Ammonia Value Chain for Maritime Applications - Lecture
- Building greenhouses on the moon out of moon dust - Interview
- Building greenhouses on the moon out of moon dust - Interview
- Building towards a healthier future - Interview Journal
- Building with Nature: Nature-based solutions in the built environment - Academic lecture
- Bulk and interfacial thermodynamics of ammonia, water and their mixtures - Academic article
- cAIge : AI and Computer Vision for Salmon Re Identification and Welfare Assessment - Lecture
- Calanus (C. finmarchicus) hydrolysate and silage improves feed intake, growth, health, and quality of Atlantic salmon (salmo salar) after seawater transfer - Poster
- Calanus finmarchicus as an alternative feed ingredient for Norwegian salmon aquaculture: environmental sustainability and future challenges and barriers - Academic lecture
- Calcium zincate and multi-layer architecture of zinc pasted electrodes - Lecture
- Calibrating an archetype model for predicting space heating energy consumption in older residential buildings: a case study of a building in Oslo and Trondheim - Masters thesis
- Calibration and validation of physics-based data-driven models for simulating the thermal behavior of indoor spaces in an assisted living facility - Academic article
- CALiSol-23: Experimental electrolyte conductivity data for various Li-salts and solvent combinations - Academic article
- Calypso – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - Report
- Can automatic measuring replace humans when evaluating a shrimp fishery? - Academic article
- Can higher resource utilization be achieved in demersal fish supply chains? Status and challenges from Iceland and Norway - Academic article
- Can pots be an alternative fishing gear to gillnets? A Mediterranean case study - Academic article
- Can subsea shuttles be a cost-competitive solution for CO2 transport? - Academic article
- Can time-resolved synchrotron μ-CT imaging capture interacting deformation, mineral reactions and fluid release? – it’s complicated - Academic lecture
- CAPTIV8: A Comprehensive Large Scale Capsule Endoscopy Dataset For Integrated Diagnosis - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Capturing the future? A socio-technical perspective on CCS - Lecture
- Carbon capture and storage in the waste to energy sector: four cases from Norway - Academic lecture
- Carbon Capture Summit EUROPE 2024 - Lecture
- Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) in Norway and Northern Europe - Academic lecture
- Carbonation and corrosion of steel in fly ash concrete, concluding investigation of five-year-old laboratory specimens and preliminary field data - Academic article
- Cardiac Valve Event Timing in Echocardiography Using Deep Learning and Triplane Recordings - Academic article
- CardioSIM, The right treatment, to the right time - Academic lecture
- Case Studies of Elastic Closed Fish Cage Concepts in Waves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Case study: Challenges and possible measures in the future Norwegian distribution grid (CINELDI report 05:2024) - Report
- Case study: World Health Organization's guidelines for environmental noise revisited - Academic article
- Catalysis effect of rare earth element Ce on paste boriding treatment of AISI 410 steel - Academic article
- Catalytic low temperature ammonia decomposition for COx free hydrogen production - Poster
- Catch my drift? Between-farm dispersal of biofouling waste from salmon pen net cleaning: Potential risks for fish health - Academic article
- Cathodic protection of aluminium in seawater - Academic article
- CCS Haugalandet : Evaluation of CO2 logistics scenarios in the Haugalandet region - Report
- CCS technological innovation system dynamics in Norway - Academic article
- CCS Well Control Impact of CO2 on Drilling Fluid Performance - Lecture
- CCS Well Control Impact of CO2 on Drilling Fluid Performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CCUS educational materials - Report
- CCUS SET Plan 2024 Update of Targets and R&I actions - Lecture
- Cell factories in the making - Lecture
- Cellulose Nanofibrils/Alginates Double-Network Composites: Effects of Interfibrillar Interaction and G/M Ratio of Alginates on Mechanical Performance - Academic article
- Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) Conference: The FMEs as enablers in mitigating climate and energy challenges - Programme management
- CESAR1 degradation - Academic lecture
- CESAR1 solvent degradation in pilot and laboratory scale - Academic article
- CESAR1 solvent degradation in pilot and laboratory scale - Academic lecture
- CFD modeling for predicting imperfections in laser welding and additive manufacturing of aluminum alloys - Academic article
- CFD validation of optimized compact heat exchanger designs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CFD Validation of Optimized Compact Heat Exchanger Designs - Academic lecture
- Challenges and Measures for Improved Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in Salmon Farming - Lecture
- Challenges in quantifying Pt concentrations in Pd alloys by using secondary ion mass spectrometry: Strong grain orientation effects - Academic article
- Changes in cement paste during accelerated mortar bar testing for pyrrhotite containing aggregate - Academic article
- Changes in food quality attributes of Saccharina latissima following pre-treatments, frozen storage and subsequent thawing - Academic article
- Changes in the cement paste due to pyrrhotite reaction during accelerated mortar bar testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Changes in the cement paste due to pyrrhotite reaction during accelerated mortar bar testing - Academic lecture
- Chapter 14 Composition and Calories - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chapter 2. Peptides and Proteins - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chapter 8: Data management and quality control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Characterisation and Performance Evaluation of Elastomers for Carbon Capture and Storage Infrastructure: A Focus on CO2 Transportation - Academic lecture
- Characterisation of manganese ores and slags for production of ferromanganese and Al-Mn master alloys - Academic lecture
- Characterisation of the microstructure in Al/Cu joints welded using hybrid metal extrusion & bonding - Academic lecture
- Characterising the transdisciplinary challenge in the development of Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods – what do emerging innovations tell us? - Academic article
- Characteristics and Range of Reviews About Technologies for Aging in Place: Scoping Review of Reviews - Academic literature review
- Characterization of fine geographic scale population genetics in sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) using genome-wide markers - Academic article
- Characterization of nucleic acids using Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AF4) - Poster
- Characterization of nutrients and contaminants in fish sludge from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) production sites - A future resource - Academic article
- Characterization of pure and admixed brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations of high conservation value in the upper Danubian contact zone using ddRADseq genotyping - Academic article
- Characterizing street trees in three metropolises of central China by using Street View data: From individual trees to landscape mapping - Academic article
- Charge-Inhomogeneity-Mediated Low-Frequency Noise in One-Dimensional Edge-Contacted Graphene Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors - Academic article
- Chatbot Research and Design: 7th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2023, Oslo, Norway, November 22–23, 2023, Revised Selected Papers - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- ChatGPT: mediating complex design processes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chemical leaching from OWF turbine coatings into seawater - Poster
- Chemicals in OWF Coatings and their Leaching into the Marine Environment - Academic lecture
- Chitin synthesis inhibition in non-model species Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Chlorophyll Estimation on Hypso-1 Using Ensemble Machine Learning - Academic article
- Choosing Eco-Friendly Refrigerants for Appliances - Website (informational material)
- CINELDI Memo - 5G Performance for Smart grid Communications - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Overview of Case Studies Involving Techno-Economical Power System Analysis Related to CINELDI - Report
- CINELDI Memo - The value of flexibility in EV chargers for an office building - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Utilization of PMU and Heimdall Power sensor for DLR: Increasing overview and complimentary - Report
- CINELDI strategy and roadmap for transitioning to a flexible, intelligent power grid (CINELDI report 04:2024) - Report
- Circular recycling concept for silver recovery from photovoltaic cells in Ethaline deep eutectic solvent - Academic article
- Circularity & MSW treatment in a systems perspective - Lecture
- Circularity index and benchmarks for buildings - Academic lecture
- CircWtE Take-home messages + way forward, future project opportunities - Lecture
- Clamping Pressure Behavior of Pressboard under Thermal Cycling: Experimental and Numerical results - Academic article
- Clamping pressure during step loading of power transformer with and without prior energisation - Academic article
- Classification of Concrete Bridges Based on Material Usage for Sustainable Decision-Making - Lecture
- Classifying and characterizing power system flexibility solutions - Academic lecture
- CLC technology development in LOUISE - Academic lecture
- Clean energy demand must secure sustainable nickel supply - Academic literature review
- Clean Energy Export from Norway - Website (informational material)
- Clean Harbors, Clear Future: Decarbonising Norway’s Maritime Hubs - Popular scientific article
- Climate Change Action Can’t Wait For Perfect Solutions - Feature article
- Climate change adaptation in Norwegian businesses - Awareness, integration and barriers - Academic article
- Climate Change and Health in the Arctic - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Climate changes hydropower - Interview
- Cloud storage cost: a taxonomy and survey - Academic article
- Cloud storage tier optimization through storage object classification - Academic article
- Clouds of bubbles and droplets; formation and distribution under breaking waves - Poster
- CO adsorption on PdAg alloys: Exploring the use of genetic algorithms and universal potentials - Poster
- CO2 Abscheidung - Mögliche Technologien und Quellen - Popular scientific lecture
- CO2 Capture and Enhanced Hydrogen Production Enabled by Low-Temperature Separation of PSA Tail Gas: A Detailed Exergy Analysis - Academic article
- CO2 Capture From An Integrated Biorefinery: A Carbon-Negative Path - Poster
- CO2 capture from offshore oil installations: An evaluation of alternative methods for deposition with emphasis on carbonated water injection - Academic article
- CO2 from industry-smoke in microalgae production - Lecture
- CO2 from industry-smoke in microalgae production: From factory fume to fish feed - Lecture
- CO2 impact of alloying elements in Aluminium - Report
- CO2 Monitoring Design using Value-of-Information Analysis with Applications to the Sleipner Project - Academic article
- CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 - Lecture
- CO2-removal through seaweed farming - Academic lecture
- Co-creation and critical factors for the development of an efficient public e-tourism system - Academic article
- Co-Designing a Conversational Agent With Older Adults With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Who Age in Place: Qualitative Study - Academic article
- Coexistence between fishery and offshore wind industries: an analysis of concerns and knowledge gaps with Norway as a case study - Academic lecture
- COGNIMAN - COGNitive Industries for smart MANufacturing - Academic lecture
- Cold thermal energy storage in the food cold chain - Lecture
- Collaboration or competition? Interactions between floating and fixed-bottom offshore wind in Norway - Academic article
- Combination of potential theory and morison-like viscous drag terms in the hydrodynamic model of a 12 mw semi-submersible floating wind turbine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Combined silicon refining for boron removal and Si-Kerf recycling using K2O-CaO-SiO2 slags - Academic article
- Combining barotropic and baroclinic simplified models for drift trajectory predictions - Academic article
- Combustion Optimization and Burnout of Ammonia-Based Gaseous Fuels in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System Operated in Rich-Quench-Lean Mode - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comment on “Modeling AMP Degradation Product Formation” - Letter to the editor
- Common Data Dictionary (CDD) and ontologies - Academic lecture
- Cómo comprar salmón sostenible - Popular scientific article
- Compact OTSG: Demo Pilot JIP for Offshore applications - Lecture
- Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning co-located with 20th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2024) and 16th DecisionCAMP 2024 as part of Declarative AI 2024 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Solar Irradiance Decomposition Models for High Latitude Regions - Poster
- Comparative analysis of the sound conditions at the neonatal intensive care units of two Norwegian hospitals - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative Assessments of At-Sea and Inland Low- and Medium-Pressure CO2 Transport - Academic article
- Comparative evaluation of CEN standard test methods for the determination of the total sulfur content in concrete aggregates - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative evaluation of CEN standard test methods for the determination of the total sulfur content in concrete aggregates - Academic lecture
- Comparative Study of High Voltage Spinel∥Lithium Titanate Lithium-ion Batteries in Ethylene Carbonate Free Electrolytes - Academic article
- Comparative Study on Hydrothermal Gasification and Thermal Gasification via Hydrothermal Carbonization of Digestate Residues from Anaerobic Digestion - Academic article
- Comparative study on the composition of condensates, the liquid by-products of biomass torrefaction - Academic lecture
- Comparative techno-economic analysis of distribution network reinforcement and LEC flexibility for overvoltage regulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative validation of global and climate-specific decomposition models at high latitudes - Academic article
- Comparing assisting technologies for proficiency in cardiac morphology: 3D printing and mixed reality versus CT slice images for morphological understanding of congenital heart defects by medical students - Academic article
- Comparing Inspection Strategies For Hydrogen Refuelling Stations: Time Based And Risk Based Approaches - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparing the size selectivity and exploitation patterns of two T0 codends with T90 codends in demersal trawl fishery targeting white croaker (Pennahia argentata) of the northern South China Sea - Academic article
- Comparison of 16 national methods in the life cycle assessment of carbon storage in wood products in a reference building - Academic article
- Comparison of quasi-static and dynamic mooring line models for shared mooring floating wind farms - Lecture
- Comparison of the effect of thermal and hygrothermal sub-Tg aging on the durability and appearance of multilayered filament wound composite structure - Academic article
- Comparison of the heavy metal leaching properties from crushed shotcrete and concrete waste - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison of time-invariant and adaptive linear grey-box models for model predictive control of residential buildings - Academic article
- Comparison of two field systems for determination of crude oil biodegradation in cold seawater - Academic article
- Compatibility of Different Aluminium with a New Environmental-Friendly Concrete - Academic article
- Compatibility of hydrophilic PEG-modified silicone oils in PDMS and epoxy-PDMS hybrid binder systems - Poster
- Complementarity formation mechanisms in value chains for decarbonization in the Norwegian metal industry - Academic lecture
- Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems - Academic article
- Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems - Lecture
- Completion Performance Evaluation in Multilateral Wells Incorporating Single and Multiple Types of Flow Control Devices Using Grey Wolf Optimizer - Academic article
- Compositional Simulation for Carbon Storage in Porous Media Using an Electrolyte Association Equation of State - Academic article
- Compositionally graded structures of zirconia toughened alumina using extrusion-based 3D printing - Academic article
- Comprehensive Analysis of Bifurcation and Frequency Splitting Phenomena in Inductive Battery Charging Systems - Academic article
- Computational Modelling of Electric Arc Behaviour in Direct-Current Smelting Furnaces Using Hydrogen as a Reductant - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Computational Rhinology: Unraveling Discrepancies between In Silico and In Vivo Nasal Airflow Assessments for Enhanced Clinical Decision Support - Academic article
- Computationally and Memory-Efficient Robust Predictive Analytics Using Big Data - Poster
- Computing Continuum Collaborative Advancements - Lecture
- Conceptual Design of Experimental Test Rig for Research on Thermo-Flow Processes During Direct Contact Condensation in the Two-Phase Spray-Ejector Condenser - Academic article
- Conceptualization of the Norwegian feed system - Report
- Conceptualization of the Norwegian feed system of farmed Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- Conceptualizing, simulating and optimizing the integrated operation of a multi-component UTES system - Academic lecture
- Conceptualizing, Simulating and Optimizing the Integrated Operation of a Multi-Component UTES System - Academic article
- Conduction and Electric Fields in Dielectric Liquids in Needle-to-Plane Gaps - Academic article
- Connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon quota prices: Time and frequency dynamics - Academic article
- Connecting data consumers with data sources - Website (informational material)
- Consensus-Based Guidelines for Communicating a Misdiagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis to Reduce Psychological Distress - Academic article
- Considerations When Designing Inclusive Digital Health Solutions for Older Adults Living With Frailty or Impairments - Academic literature review
- Constructing Si@CN@MXene from silicon waste as high-performance lithium-ion battery anodes - Academic article
- Contemporary research on hybrid threats: Status and future avenues - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Contribution of Waves to Horizontal Low Frequency Motions of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Controllable Generation of Porous Microstructures Through Generative Adversarial Networks - Academic lecture
- Conventional fishing gear, marine littering and recycling aspects - Academic lecture
- Conversation agent in a SMILE system - Lecture
- Conversational Breakdown in a Customer Service Chatbot: Impact of Task Order and Criticality on User Trust and Emotion - Academic article
- Cooling AI: How Phase Change Materials Make a Difference - Popular scientific article
- Cooling AI: How Phase Change Materials Make a Difference - Website (informational material)
- Coordinate Transformation Techniques for Improved Co-Simulation in the Maritime Industry - Academic article
- Coordinate Transformation Techniques for Improved Co-Simulation in the Maritime Industry - Lecture
- Coordinated Control of a Dual Grid Forming Unit Connecting an Offshore Wind Farm and an E-STATCOM for Damping and Inertia Provision - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Coordinated Voltage-Frequency Control for High-Efficiency Full-Range Operation of Inductive Battery Charging Systems with Large Coupling Variations - Academic article
- Coordination in Agile Product Areas: A Case Study from a Large FinTech Organization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Coordination in Agile Product Areas: A Case Study from a Large FinTech Organization - Academic lecture
- COP29: A Call for a Global North-South R&D Program - Website (informational material)
- COP29: An energy efficient industry is key to decarbonisation - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Batteries are essential to the green shift - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Carbon Dioxide Removal is needed to reach net zero by 2050 - Website (informational material)
- COP29: CCS is essential to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Cutting Global Methane Emission - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Hydropower can help integrate other renewable energy sources into the grid - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Lessons Learned From The UN Climate Change Conference - Feature article
- COP29: Make the power grid smarter and more efficient - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Maritime sector needs various emission-free concepts - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Offshore wind will be a pillar of the future energy system - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Reduce SF6 Emissions - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Smart cities help maintain balance in the power system - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Strict emission requirements will ensure balanced hydrogen development - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Sustainable cooling is crucial for managing climate change - Website (informational material)
- COP29’s First Week Exposes Urgent Need For Climate Financing - Feature article
- Copépodos: pequeñas criaturas que pueden ayudar a reducir la necesidad de importar soja - Popular scientific article
- Copepods—tiny creatures that can help reduce the need for soya imports - Popular scientific article
- Copilot's Island of Joy - Balancing Individual Satisfaction with Team Interaction in Agile Development - Academic lecture
- Co-processing potential for the Vietnamese cement industry - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- CORDIScovery podcast- Episode #33 - Fisheries of the future - Programme participation
- Corporate sustainability in practice – a case - Lecture
- Correction to: A Comparative Investigation of Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steels Processed through Laser Powder Bed Fusion (Metals, (2023), 13, 11, (1897), 10.3390/met13111897) - Errata
- Correction: Socioeconomic determinants of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in Norway: a registry study (BMC Public Health, (2024), 24, 1, (1296), 10.1186/s12889-024-18757-7) - Errata
- Corrigendum to “Assessment of nylon versus polyester ropes for mooring of floating wind turbines” [Ocean Engineering, 278 (June 2023)] (Ocean Engineering (2023) 278, (S0029801823007230), (10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114339)) - Errata
- Corrigendum to “Digitalization and real-time control to mitigate environmental impacts along rivers: Focus on artificial barriers, hydropower systems and European priorities” [Sci. Total Environ. 875 (2023) 162489] (Science of the Total Environment (2023) 875, (S0048969723011051), (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162489)) - Errata
- Corrosion challenges in recirculated Aluminium for offshore wind - Lecture
- Corrosion Investigation by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy of AISI 446 and Ti-Coated AISI 446 Ferritic Stainless Steel as Potential Material for Bipolar Plate in PEMWE - Academic article
- Corrosion performance of different alloys exposed to HTL conditions—A screening study - Academic article
- Corrosion, Impact Toughness and Tensile Properties of Duplex Stainless Steels Manufactured by Directed Energy Deposition - Academic article
- Cost modelling and optimisation for cloud: a graph-based approach - Academic article
- Cost Of Climate Change: Why Saving Our Planet Now Is Cheaper - Feature article
- Cost-effective preparation of high-performance Si@C anode for lithium-ion batteries - Academic article
- Coupled Thermoelasticity and Non-Local Radiation Modelling for Cryogenic Storage Vessels - Academic lecture
- Coupling Coefficient and Load Estimation for Model Predictive Control of Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Constant Voltage Load - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Creation of a toolbox for the implementation of restoration actions in coastal marine areas: the CLIMAREST project - Poster
- Cristobalite Formation in Fused Quartz Crucibles for Czochralski Silicon Production in Different Conditions - Academic lecture
- Cristobalite Formation in Fused Quartz Crucibles for Czochralski Silicon Production in Different Conditions - Academic article
- Critical Infrastructures in the Cloud - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Critical raw materials for Net-Zero: The influence of technological and societal paths to meet global material demand - Academic lecture
- Critical review of potential technologies for a wearable benzene sensor system - Academic literature review
- Cross-disciplinary approach to restoration of a hydropower regulated river in Norway - Academic lecture
- CSEM Monitoring of CO2 Storage with Wellbores as Antennas - Abstract
- Cultivated kelp can now be as good as wild kelp - Popular scientific article
- Cultivated seaweed, current challenges and R&D demands - Lecture
- Current state of the art of traceable liquid CO2 flow measurement and liquid CO2 primary standard requirements - report A1.3.3 - Report
- Current Status of Multi-carrier Energy Systems in Europe with Main Limitations and Shortcomings to the Optimal Use of Local Energy Resources - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Curve Fitting-Based Deformation Tracking for Vision-Based Robotic Applications - Academic article
- Custom quadrature at runtime in FEniCSx - Lecture
- Custom quadrature at runtime in FEniCSx - Academic lecture
- Customer journeys and process mining – challenges and opportunities - Academic lecture
- Customer journeys and process mining – challenges and opportunities - Academic article
- Cyber-incident Response in Industrial Control Systems: Practices and Challenges in the Petroleum Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyber-Physical Distribution Power System for Assessing Voltage Regulation with State Estimator and Topology Identification in the Loop - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyber-physical metropolitan area digital substations test bench for evaluating intrusion detection systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyclic loading in compression – Comparison between a thermoplastic vulcanizate elastomer (TPV), a liquid silicon rubber (LSR) and two ethylene-propylene-diene rubbers (EPDM) - Poster
- Cycling versus e-scooters – what are the health impacts? - Interview
- D12.6 Neutral solution packages for CCUS implementation in smart, sustainable cities - Report
- D2.3: Concept of Operations and requirements for SEAMLESS Building blocks - Report
- D6.4 - 3MWth CLC demonstration unit testing - Report
- D7.3 Innovative approaches for rig testing in wave energy report - Report
- Data documentation and storage for advanced materials development - Academic lecture
- Data sharing for cross-disciplinary green solutions - Academic lecture
- Data Soveriegnty in Occupational Health Research - Academic lecture
- Data visualization techniques for the identification of missing values in dairy farming - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Data-driven construction of maritime traffic networks for AI-based route prediction - Academic article
- Data-driven continuous management of technical debts for sustainable software development - Popular scientific lecture
- Data-driven Modeling of Higher-Order Transfer Functions - Academic lecture
- Data-driven modeling of low-frequency hydrodynamic loads - Academic article
- Dataset for Power System Reliability Analysis Using a 6-bus Network - Database
- DAVAMS – Requirements and Plans for Demonstrators -II Springless lip seal gasket and Gate valve - Report
- De nouvelles générations de CCS pour passer à l’échelle - Interview
- Decarbonization of Metallurgical Industries – Research Approaches and Opportunities in Norway - Lecture
- Decarbonizing industrial development paths in the Humber and Teesside - Academic lecture
- Deciphering the Impact of Current, Composition, and Potential on the Lithiation Behavior of Graphite in Silicon-Graphite Anodes - Academic lecture
- Decision Making in Service Shops Supported by Mining Enterprise Resource Planning Data - Academic article
- Decontamination of Listeria monocytogenes in Atlantic salmon production targeting process water - Academic lecture
- Decontamination of Listeria monocytogenes in Atlantic salmon production targeting process water and salmon products - Poster
- Decreasing the Global Warming Potenal for Concrete Blocks by C&D Waste - Academic lecture
- Deep learning based hybrid POD-LSTM framework for laminar natural convection flow in a rectangular enclosure - Academic article
- Deep Learning for Automatic Segmentation of Trophoblast Tissue and Gestational Sac in Early Pregnancy 3D Ultrasound - Poster
- Deep learning improves test–retest reproducibility of regional strain in echocardiography - Academic article
- Deep learning-driven optimization design for the configuration of lazy-wave umbilical cables - Academic article
- Defending and expanding industrial democracy and worker cooperatives in an age of neoliberal globalisation - Academic article
- DeGas – 2D modelling of supersaturated water transport using a finite difference method - Report
- Degradation mechanisms and toxicity of microplastic pollution - Academic lecture
- Demonstratiing Open Ocean Multi-Use - OLAMUR, Marine Co-Operation - MARCO - Academic lecture
- Demonstrating Olen Ocean Multi-use - OLAMUR (Offshore Low-trophic Aquaculture in Multi-Use Scenario Realisation - Poster
- Demonstrating probabilistic operational planning on the full Norwegian power system model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Flushing for Reducing the Levels of Legionella in Service Lines and Premise Plumbing - Report
- Demonstrating the load-shifting potential of a schedule-based control in a real-life educational building - Academic article
- Demonstration of a low-cost solution for implementing MPC in commercial buildings with legacy equipment - Academic article
- Demonstration of cold thermal energy storage for air-conditioning in a CO2 supermarket refrigeration system - Academic lecture
- Demonstration of the Gaia Projection Mapping System prototype v2 (L7.5 & L5.3) - Museum exhibition
- Demonstration of the Gaia Projection Mapping System prototype v3 (L7.7 & L5.3) - Museum exhibition
- Demonstration of the Gaia Projection Mapping System prototype v3.1 (L7.8 & L5.3) - Museum exhibition
- Der tödliche Unfall in Sandvika: Ich denke, zwei Hypothesen stechen hervor - Interview
- Derivative-free discrete gradient methods - Academic article
- Derivative-free search approaches for optimization of well inflow control valves and controls - Academic article
- Derivative-Free Well Control Optimization under Uncertainty - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design and Control of Hybrid Electric Light Rail Vehicles With Open Ended Winding Machines - Academic article
- Design and development of underwater robotic arm for automated camera calibration for aquatic environment - Academic lecture
- Design and development of underwater robotic arm for automated camera calibration for aquatic environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design and Dynamic Analysis of a Co-Existence Solution Between a Semi-Submersible Offshore Fish Cage and a Spar-Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Academic article
- Design and freezing performance study of a CO2 plate freezer at -50°C evaporation temperature - Academic lecture
- Design and freezing performance study of a CO2 plate freezer at -50°C evaporation temperature - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design Exploration Study with Counter-Rotating Propellers for a Zero-Emission Coaster Vessel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design for Disassembly: A systematic scoping review and analysis of built structures Designed for Disassembly - Academic literature review
- Design of Floating Wind Farms With Shared Mooring - Poster
- Design of PEM fuel cell systems for stationary and mobile applications using VirtualFCS - Academic lecture
- Design of ultrahigh strength Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys through a hybrid approach of high-throughput precipitation simulation and decisive experiment - Academic article
- Design, fabrication, and preliminary test results of a new inverse-LGAD for soft X-ray detection - Academic literature review
- Design, research and development of pressure ulcer preventing clothing for persons with spinal cord injury - Poster
- Designing automated vehicle and traffic systems towards meaningful human control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Designing for Co-designing: The Case of Oral Health Promotion in Adolescents - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Detecting anomalies in fisheries data - Website (informational material)
- Detection of a stress related acoustic signature by passive acoustic monitoring in Atlantic salmon farming - Academic article
- Detection of quasicrystalline symmetries in electron diffraction data - Poster
- Determination of zooplankton absorption spectra and their potential contribution to ocean color - Academic article
- Determining Moisture Content of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - Academic lecture
- Determining Moisture Content of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - Other
- Determining Moisture Content of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - Academic article
- Developing CCUS in Mediterranean Region – Technical Evaluation of Promising Value Chains - Poster
- Developing Deep Learning based Intelligent Perception Algorithm for Thickener Equipment Monitoring - Academic lecture
- Developing Deep Learning based Intelligent Perception Algorithm for Thickener Equipment Monitoring - Academic article
- Developing hydrogen energy hubs: The role of H2 prices, wind power and infrastructure investments in Northern Norway - Academic article
- Developing the industrial capacity for energy transitions: Resource formation for offshore wind in Europe - Academic article
- Development of a hybrid timber and aluminum based unitized façade system resilient to the future weather conditions in Europe via monitoring campaigns and computational models - Academic article
- Development of a Job Retention Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention for People with Multiple Sclerosis Following the Person-Based Approach - Academic article
- Development of a test method for adhesive tapes certification and application - Academic article
- Development of a vocational rehabilitation intervention to support return-to-work and well-being following major trauma: a person-based approach - Academic article
- Development of alginate and eggshell membrane microcarriers for cultivated meat production - Poster
- Development of CO2 dry ice heat pump system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of Cost-Efficient CO2 Monitoring for Medium-Scale Injection Projects - Academic lecture
- Development of coupled offshore and onshore grids - Website (informational material)
- Development of Electrolysis Technologies in FME HYDROGENi - Academic lecture
- Development of smart control system for leakage warning in compact roofs - Academic article
- Development of toxicity test protocols for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) – a relevant test species for the Northern Atlantic Ocean - Poster
- Development, experimental testing, and performance analysis of a two-stage steam turbo compressor HTHP for solar assisted heat supply - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development, implementation and outcomes of the Reducing Coercion in Norway intervention for primary mental health services - Academic lecture
- Developments and applications of the OPTIMADE API for materials discovery, design, and data exchange - Academic article
- Diagnostic Digital Twin for Anomaly Detection in Floating Offshore Wind Energy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Different countries, same goal: hydrogen research in Norway and Japan - Website (informational material)
- Diffraction modeling for scattering objects with non-rigid surfaces - Academic article
- Digital Energy Service Platform - EEA grant project between KOOR and Sintef - Lecture
- Digital health: from pilotitis to pilotanic - Academic lecture
- Digital Safety Twin - Academic lecture
- Digital Technologies at the Energy, Health and Well-being Nexus - Academic lecture
- Digital Transformations Through the Lens of the Collaborative, Co-Generative and Domesticative - Academic article
- Digital Twin for Wind Energy: Latest Updates From the NorthWind Project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital Twin Project: Optimal Design and Operation of Compact Combined Cycles in Offshore Oil and Gas Installations - Lecture
- Digital Twin supported Structural Health Monitoring of Test Rigs for Wave Energy Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital Twin-based Security Orchestration, Automation and Response for IoT and CPS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital Twins for Industry 5.0: Unlocking the Human Potential - Academic article
- Digital Twins in aquaculture: Taking Precision Farming to the next level - Popular scientific article
- Digital Twins in intensive aquaculture — Challenges, opportunities and future prospects - Academic literature review
- Digital Twins in Wind Energy - Academic lecture
- Digitalising Coordination Information in Long-Term Care: Experiences from an Innovation Project - Academic article
- Digitalization and Sustainable Manufacturing: Twin Transition in Norway - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Digitalization in lean manufacturing firms: a cumulative capability development perspective - Academic article
- Digitalization in the Norwegian fishing industry - Effects on the reporting frequency of fixed fishing gear - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Direct Air capture (DAC) deployment: A review of the industrial deployment - Academic article
- Direct Multiple Prediction Intervals Construction of Wind Power Generation Based on LSTM and Differential Evolution Algorithm - Academic lecture
- Direct numerical simulation of low-emission ammonia rich-quench-lean combustion - Academic article
- Direct Tungsten Extraction from Scheelite in a Molten Salt Media - Academic article
- Directing SEI formation on Si-based electrodes using atomic layer deposition - Academic article
- Disaggregated electronic health record data. Constructing and comparing levels of municipal long-term care from disaggregated electronic health record data. - Academic lecture
- Disinfection in a salmon processing plant: Impact on bacterial communities and efficacy towards foodborne bacteria and biofilms - Academic article
- Disinfection in the salmon industry: impact on bacterial communities and efficacy towards foodborne bacteria and biofilms - Academic lecture
- Disorder-induced non-linear growth of fingers in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media - Academic article
- Disorganised responsibilities: transition management at the national level - Academic lecture
- Dissecting the infodemic: An in-depth analysis of COVID-19 misinformation detection on X (formerly Twitter) utilizing machine learning and deep learning techniques - Academic article
- Dissolution of quartz in Mn-slags during production of SiMn alloy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dissolution of Quartz in Mn-slags during Production of SiMn Alloy - Academic lecture
- Dissolution Rates of Various Manganese Alloying Elements in Aluminium - Academic lecture
- Dissolution Rates of Various Manganese Alloying Elements in Aluminium - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing of Underwater Acoustic Communication Packets: Effects of Frequency and Incident Angle - Academic lecture
- Distributed Field-Scale Parallel Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Solver - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Do citizens value climate change mitigation over biodiversity protection? Exploring citizen support for salt marsh management - Academic article
- Domain ontology for sharing data related to sustainable metallurgical and manufacturing industry - Academic lecture
- Down-scale wave hydrodynamic analysis for marine structures - the NORA-SARAH approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Downstream fish passage evaluation using barotrauma detection sensors at the Kongsvinger and Funnefoss power plants - Report
- Dragit sig för diskussioner om risktagande - Interview
- Drifting vessel statistics and emergency towing cases - Academic article
- Drivers and barriers for a common CCS value chain in Mid-Norway - Masters thesis
- Drone GPR and remote sensing for snow and ice applications in Norway - Lecture
- Drowsiness Detection Using Federated Learning: Lessons Learnt from Dealing with Non-IID Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Drowsiness Detection Using Federated Learning: Lessons Learnt from Dealing with Non-IID Data - Academic lecture
- Drug detection in oral fluid and urine after single therapeutic doses of dexamphetamine, lisdexamphetamine, and methylphenidate in healthy volunteers - Academic article
- DSO and LEC Collaboration Strategies for Voltage Regulation - Report
- Dual Effects of Hybrid Working on Performance: More Work Hours or More Work Time? - Academic lecture
- Dual Shear Gun for Efficient Fluid Mixing and Dispersion: Effect of Design Parameters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dual-perspective Modeling of Patient Pathways: A Case Study on Kidney Cancer - Academic lecture
- Dual-Perspective Modeling of Patient Pathways: A Case Study on Kidney Cancer - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic Boolean modeling of molecular and cellular interactions in psoriasis predicts drug target candidates - Academic article
- Dynamic Cyber Risk Assessment for Connected Medical Devices: the NEMECYS Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic Cyber Risk Assessment for Connected Medical Devices: the NEMECYS Approach - Academic lecture
- Dynamic Improvement of Sub-Resonant Frequency Control for Inductive Power Transfer Systems by Coupling Estimation and Sending-Side Gain-Scheduled Control - Academic article
- Dynamic line rating in HV distribution grid – experiences and initial hosting capacity analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- DYNAPORT - DYnamic NAvigation and Port call Optimization in Real Time - Lecture
- Early and mid-term results after endovascular repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms using the off-the-shelf multibranched t-Branch device: a national multi-center study - Academic article
- Early vocational rehabilitation and psychological support for trauma patients to improve return to work (the ROWTATE trial): study protocol for an individually randomised controlled multicentre pragmatic trial - Academic article
- Early warning through video monitoring: Dissolved hydrogen sulphide (H2S) affects Atlantic salmon swimming behavior in recirculating aquaculture systems - Academic article
- Easier access to metocean weather data - Website (informational material)
- Easy-MODA: Simplifying standardised registration of scientific simulation workflows through MODA template guidelines powered by the Enalos Cloud Platform - Academic article
- Eccellenze umbre, la generazione di energia dalle onde del mare passa per lo Sweet lab della Vga di Deruta - Interview
- EchoTracker: Advancing Myocardial Point Tracking in Echocardiography - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Economic assessment and grid impact of different sharing keys in collective self-consumption - Academic lecture
- Economic assessment and grid impact of different sharing keys in collective self-consumption - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Economies of scope in the Norwegian public hospital sector - Academic article
- Ecotoxicological effects of Gadolinium - Academic lecture
- Edge AI Concepts and Challenges - Lecture
- Edge AI Technologies - Lecture
- Edge AI trends and engineering principles applied to micro, meta, and end-to-end AI system verification, validation, and testing - Lecture
- Edge IoT Industrial Immersive Technologies and Spatial Computing Continuum - Report
- Edge-based Data Profiling and Repair as a Service for IoT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Editorial: special issue on “Hydropower Scheduling” - Editorial
- Editorial: Special Issue on Software Engineering and AI for Data Quality - Editorial
- Editorial: The special issue on integrating e-commerce in urban mobility planning - Editorial
- eDNA-SUSTAIN: Implementing eDNA as a tool for assessing sustainable operation of hydropower production - Briefs
- Education and body mass index before and after the obesity epidemic – the HUNT Study - Academic lecture
- EERA DeepWind Conference - Interview
- EERA DeepWind offshore wind R&I conference holds successful 21st edition - Website (informational material)
- EF gasification of seaweed - Lecture
- Effect of a vapor barrier in combination with active external rewarming for cold-stressed patients in a prehospital setting: a randomized, crossover field study - Academic article
- Effect of Additives on Rheological Properties and Fluid Loss of Oil Based Drilling Fluids - Academic article
- Effect of alloy composition on cathodic current density for cathodic protection of aluminium - Academic lecture
- Effect of Atmospheric Stability on Meandering and Wake Characteristics in Wind Turbine Fluid Dynamics - Academic article
- Effect of Calcium Nitrate on the Performance of Slag Blended Cement - Academic article
- Effect of Cu2+ on deposition mechanism and structure of ZrO2-based conversion coatings on AA6060 aluminium alloys and their susceptibility to filiform corrosion - Academic article
- Effect of cubicle hood system on methane concentrations around the lying area in cold climate dairy cattle buildings - Academic article
- Effect of cyclic mechanical stress on the material properties of silicone rubber for HV subsea cable applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of diel light cycles on vertical migration patterns of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) copepodids measured in an in situ mesocosm - Academic article
- Effect of Forced Gas Flow During Lightning Impulse Testing of CO2 in a Weakly Inhomogeneous Field - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of gillnet mesh size on the capture probability and capture patterns in the Asian paddle crab (Charybdis japonica) fishery - Academic article
- Effect of increased Fe levels in AlSi10MnMg - Academic lecture
- Effect of Load Variation on Power Transformer Clamping Pressure in a Test Rig - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of mesh size in monofilament and multifilament gillnets on catch efficiency in the Black Sea whiting (Merlangius merlangus) fishery - Academic article
- Effect of model methanogens on the electrochemical activity, stability, and microbial community structure of Geobacter spp. dominated biofilm anodes - Academic article
- Effect of moderate heating during alkaline extraction on composition and functional properties of brewer's spent grain protein concentrates - Academic article
- Effect of Moisture and Load Change on Clamping Pressure in a Transformer Test Rig - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of Ni/SiO2 catalyst preparation method on methane decomposition and CO2 gasification cycles - Academic article
- Effect of nickle on cerium oxide support to develop cyclic catalytic methane decomposition followed by CO2 gasification - Academic article
- Effect of partial saturation on seismic and ultrasonic properties during imbibition and drainage - Academic lecture
- Effect of Phosphorus in hypo-eutectic Al-Si alloys - Report
- Effect of physical properties of biocarbon in Si and Mn-alloy production - Academic lecture
- Effect of Physical properties of biocarbon on Si and Mn-alloys production - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Effect of Pre-Deformation on Precipitation in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu Alloy - Academic article
- Effect of preheat in DED-LB/wire of Ni-base, Cu-base and Fe-base alloys - Academic article
- Effect of pretreatment on Mn-alloy production at Eramet Norway Porsgrunn (ENP) – Simulation of industrial cases with HSC Sim - Report
- Effect of ultrasound and microbubbles on nanoparticle delivery and functional vasculature in three tumor models - Poster
- Effect of UV laser texturization on hydrophobic and anti-icing properties of waterborne polyurethane nanocomposite coatings - Academic article
- Effect of wet clothing removal on skin temperature in subjects exposed to cold and wrapped in a vapor barrier: a human, randomized, crossover field study - Academic article
- Effect on catch efficiency and bycatch by introducing an Excluder device in the trawl fishery for lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) - Academic article
- Effectiveness of Subsea Mechanical Dispersion (SSMD) as a Function of Oil Properties - Academic article
- Effects of Different Doping Strategies on Cubic Li7La3Zr2O12 Solid-State Li-Ion Battery Electrolytes - Academic article
- Effects of Fish Protein Hydrolysate on the Nutritional, Rheological, Sensorial, and Textural Characteristics of Bread - Academic article
- Effects of grain boundary chemistry and precipitate structure on intergranular corrosion in Al-Mg-Si alloys doped with Cu and Zn - Academic article
- Effects of humic acid, nitrate and sulfate on hexavalent chromium removal by abiotic and biotic zero-valent iron - Academic article
- Effects of Motion, Waves, and Current on Heave Plate Hydrodynamics in Floating Wind Turbines - Academic lecture
- Efficient and sustainable: innovative pot design for a Mediterranean small-scale fishery - Academic article
- Efficient hydrogen infrastructure design using JuMP and convex approximations - Academic lecture
- Egalitarian governance and the green energy transition: an empirical test of 46 industrial economies, 1990–2020 - Academic article
- Elbilar: Därfor leder Norge elektrifiseringen - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Electric vehicle charging dataset with 35,000 charging sessions from 12 residential locations in Norway - Academic article
- Electrical aging of fluoropolymer cable insulation materials induced by partial discharge - Academic article
- Electrical Conductivity of Binary, Ternary, Quaternary and Quinary Molten Salt Mixtures Based on NaCl-CaCl2 - Academic article
- Electrical Treeing in Fluoropolymer Cable Insulation - Academic article
- Electrically tunable topological phase transition in non-Hermitian optical MEMS metasurfaces - Academic article
- Electricity demand flexibility estimation in warehouses using machine learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrification of airports and air transport: Airports becoming integrated energy systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrification of offshore O&G platforms through large offshore wind farms - Poster
- Electrifying the shelf will not happen without research - Interview
- Electrifying the shelf will not happen without research - Interview
- Electrochemical Characterization of Ba0.95La0.05(Fe1−x−yMxZny)O3−δ (M = Ni, Cu) as Air/Steam Electrode in Proton Ceramic Electrochemical Cells - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Characterization of Silver and Iron Ions in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Academic article
- Electrochemical Characterization of Silver and Iron Ions in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Abstract
- Electrochemical Characterization of Silver and Iron Ions in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Recovery of Sb, Te, and In in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Recovery of Sb, Te, and In in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrochemical Study of Zr from Anodic Dissolution using a Consumable Zirconium Nitride Anode - Academic article
- Electrochemical Study of Zr from Anodic Dissolution using a Consumable Zirconium Nitride Anode - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Study of Zr from Anodic Dissolution using a Consumable Zirconium Nitride Anode - Abstract
- Electrolysis waste heat utilization for district heating – a Norwegian case study - Academic lecture
- Electromagnetic fields from subsea power cables: A risk driver for biodiversity changes of offshore wind? - Poster
- Electromagnetic fields from subsea power cables: A risk driver for biodiversity changes of offshore wind? - Poster
- Electron scattering in materials with extended Fermi surfaces - Academic lecture
- Electrons and ions –use cases like FIB-SEM tomography and TEM lamellae - Academic lecture
- Embrittlement, degradation, and loss prevention of hydrogen pipelines - Academic article
- Embryos of lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) are robust to crude oil exposure - Poster
- Emergency preparedness in Norwegian aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Emission levels and emission factors for modern wood stoves - Academic lecture
- Emission levels and emission factors for modern wood stoves - Lecture
- Emission levels and emission factors for modern wood stoves - Academic lecture
- Emission levels from modern wood stoves - Academic lecture
- Emissions measurement techniques for solid fuel heaters in the context of the revision of Ecodesign requirements for solid fuel local space heaters & Emission levels and emission factors for modern wood stoves - Lecture
- EMMC: Modelling the Materials World - Academic lecture
- Empirical analysis of bifacial photovoltaic modules in high-latitude regions: Performance insights from a field laboratory in Norway - Academic article
- Empowering citizens for climate adaptation in Norway: leveraging (AI-driven) emerging technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enabling a Water-Tolerant Dual-Carbon Lithium-Ion Capacitor by Use of the Salt LiFSI - Poster
- Enabling Operator-Agnostic Complex Processing of Massive Graphs through Higher-Order Pipeline Architectures - Academic lecture
- Enabling production of the rare carotenoid diatoxantin at industrial level using CRISPR/Cas9 gene edited microalgae - Academic lecture
- Enabling the use of lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide as electrolyte salt for Li-ion batteries based on silicon anodes and Li(Ni0.4Co0.4Mn0.2)O2 cathodes by salt additives - Academic article
- Enabling transition thinking on complex issues (wicked problems): A framework for future circular economic transitions of plastic management in the Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture sectors. - Academic article
- Endovascular navigation in patients: vessel-based registration of electromagnetic tracking to preoperative images - Academic article
- Énergie : 2023, année record pour les installations éoliennes - Interview
- Energy and Exergy Performance Analysis of Dual-Effect CO2 Heat Pump Chiller in Hot Climates - Lecture
- Energy communities as a tool for accelerated connection of new industrial demand - Lecture
- Energy conservation and co-simulation: Background and challenges - Academic article
- Energy Conservation and Co-simulation: Background and Challenges - Academic lecture
- Energy Harvesting from Natural and Anthropogenic Vibrations - Poster
- Energy Hub and Micro-Energy Hub Architecture in Integrated Local Energy Communities: Enabling Technologies and Energy Planning Tools - Academic article
- Energy production and storage in buildings. Fire safety challenges with Photovoltaics and Li-ion battery systems. - Other
- Energy profiles and electricity flexibility potential in apartment buildings with electric vehicles – A Norwegian case study - Academic article
- Energy profiles and electricity flexibility potential in Norwegian apartment buildings with electric vehicle charging - Doctoral dissertation
- Energy Recovery research through the HighEFF Centre - Lecture
- Energy scenarios Policy Options and Insights - Academic lecture
- Energy storage systems for services provision in offshore wind farms - Academic literature review
- Energy system modelling - Multimedia product
- Energy systems integration and sector coupling in future ports: A qualitative study of Norwegian ports - Academic article
- Energy-efficient route planning for optimizing underwater pipeline inspections using Resident Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - Academic article
- EnergyModelsX launch webinar Part 1 - Using the model for analyses - Lecture
- EnergyModelsX launch webinar Part 2 - Developing components for the model - Lecture
- Engineering Carbon Emission-aware Machine Learning Pipelines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Engineering Carbon Emission-aware Machine Learning Pipelines - Academic lecture
- Engineering tool for designing a ventilation strategy for small school fires based on the comfort ventilation - Lecture
- Enhanced oxygen evolution reaction by controlled assembly of Co3O4 nanorods on TiB2 nanosheets - Academic article
- Enhancing bargaining power for energy communities in renewable power purchase agreements using Gaussian learning and fixed price bargaining - Academic article
- Enhancing climate resilience in buildings using Collective Intelligence: A pilot study on a Norwegian elderly care center - Academic article
- Enhancing ECU identification security in CAN networks using distortion modeling and neural networks - Academic article
- Enhancing elasticity models with deep learning: A novel corrective source term approach for accurate predictions - Academic article
- Enhancing Ferroalloy Processing through Machine Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice - Academic lecture
- Enhancing grid hosting capacity with coordinated non-firm connections in industrial energy communities - Academic article
- Enhancing human activity recognition for the elderly and individuals with disabilities through optimized Internet-of-Things and artificial intelligence integration with advanced neural networks - Academic article
- Enhancing Indoor Temperature Forecasting through Synthetic Data in Low-Data Regime - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enhancing performance of complex reservoir models via convergence monitors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enhancing Safety in Airport Ground Operations through Human-AI Teaming, Insights from the FLAIT Project - Academic lecture
- Enhancing Situational Awareness for Remote Control of Ship Cranes - Academic article
- Enhancing Situational Awareness for Remote Control of Ship Cranes - Academic lecture
- Enhancing the agency of transition scholars - Academic lecture
- Enhancing the potential of Calanus finmarchicus as raw material for sustainable aquaculture feed ingredients - Lecture
- Enhancing the Resolution of Large-Scale Sea-Ice Models Through Synthesising Satellite Imagery and Discrete-Element Modelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enhancing the Resolution of Large-Scale Sea-Ice Models Through Synthesising Satellite Imagery and Discrete-Element Modelling - Academic lecture
- Ensuring ambitious goals: Barrier and good practices in the planning and building process - Report
- Ensuring Data Quality for the Quality of Product, Process towards Zero-Defect Manufacturing - Popular scientific lecture
- Environmental and societal effects and impacts of hydro floating solar power plants - Report
- Environmental Fate of Nano- and Small Microplastics in Aqueous Environments - Academic lecture
- Environmental Impact of Enhanced Geothermal Systems with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: A Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of Polish and Norwegian Cases - Academic article
- Environmental impact of Norwegian food and beverages: compilation of a life cycle assessment food database - Academic article
- Environmental impact of Norwegian self-selected diets: comparing current intake with national dietary guidelines and EAT-Lancet targets - Academic article
- Environmental impacts of carbon capture, transport, and storage supply chains: Status and the way forward - Academic article
- Environmental impacts of emerging salmon aquaculture technologies - Report
- Environmental risk assessment of accidental ammonia spills to the marine environment - Academic lecture
- Environmental risk for leakage of ammonia to sea - Lecture
- Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants for Stern Tube Application: Shear Stability and Friction Factor - Academic article
- EP01.13: A new method for placental volume measurements using tracked two-dimensional ultrasound and automatic image segmentation - Abstract
- Equal, normalized and included? Experiences with buying your own home for the mentally disabled - Academic article
- Equation of state for solid argon for prediction of hydrogen-argon mixtures. - Academic lecture
- Equation of State for Solid Argon Valid for Temperatures up to 300 K and Pressures up to 16 GPa - Academic article
- Equivalent CO2 emissions assessment of an integrated biorefinery - Lecture
- ERG-AI: enhancing occupational ergonomics with uncertainty-aware ML and LLM feedback - Academic article
- Erratum: Electrical Conductivity of Binary, Ternary, Quaternary and Quinary Molten Salt Mixtures Based on NaCl–CaCl2 - Errata
- ESN Tools as Catalysts for Alignment? - Academic lecture
- Estimating metastable thermodynamic properties by isochoric extrapolation from stable states - Academic article
- Estimating the employment effects of climate policies using Green Jobs Assement Models (GJAMs) - Academic lecture
- Estimation and Experimental Validation of Extreme Waves and Loads on a Large Monopile - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Estimation of Long-term Power Demand of Oil and Gas Installations using Hybrid Models - Academic article
- Ethical Design for Data Privacy and User Privacy Awareness in the Metaverse - Academic article
- European Energy Vision 2060 Scenarios - Academic lecture
- European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in aquaculture – Nutritional, chemical, and physicochemical quality compared to wild stocks - Academic article
- European wind energy community launches new research programme - Interview
- EVALMIT impact case "Zero emission and energy efficient buildings" - Lecture
- Evaluating grid development strategies for a regional distribution grid using dynamic line rating data - Academic lecture
- Evaluating grid development strategies for a regional grid using dynamic line rating sensors - Academic lecture
- Evaluating grid development strategies for a regional grid using dynamic line rating sensors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluating LLMs on Entity Disambiguation in Tables - Academic article
- Evaluating Speech Enhancement Systems Through Listening Effort - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluating the generalizability and transferability of water distribution deterioration models - Academic article
- Evaluating the Reaction Kinetics on the H2 Reduction of a Manganese Ore at Elevated Temperatures - Academic article
- Evaluation of Casing - Cement Debonding: Correlation Between Acoustic Logging, X-ray Imaging and Leakage Rate - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of heat pump solutions for offshore platforms – a case study - Lecture
- Evaluation of high temperature corrosion in wet ammonia-containing atmospheres - Poster
- Evaluation of Mmen-Mg2(dobpdc)-MOF and Lewatit Adsorbents for Direct Air Capture by a Modular Vacuum Temperature Swing Adsorption (VTSA) Process - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of novel PCR-based method to assess gill injuries in fish caused by the cnidarian Ectopleura larynx - Academic article
- Evaluation of the tensile properties of X65 pipeline steel in compressed gaseous hydrogen using hollow specimens - Academic article
- Evaluation of Thermal Conductivities of Molten SiO2-Al2O3-CaO Slags - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of Thermal Conductivities of Molten SiO2-Al2O3-CaO Slags - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of Thermal Network Modelling and Finite Element Analysis for Ampacity Rating Calculation of Wind Farm Export Cable - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of turbo compressor performance for a water based High Temperature Heat Pump - Lecture
- Evaluation of turbo compressor performance for a water based HTHP to be utilized in solar assisted heat supply - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of two CaMn1−x−yTixFeyO3−δ-based granules oxygen carriers for chemical looping applications - Academic article
- Evaluation of Wind Farm Control Strategies - Coupling with Drivetrain Degradation - Report
- Evaluation outcome. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D6.3. - Report
- Event Ethnography in Practice: Following global environmental treaty negotiations - Academic lecture
- Event Ethnography to study the global negotiations on the treaty to end plastic pollution: dataset from the first session of negotiations (INC-1) - Academic article
- EVERYFISH and OPTIFISH – Cross-European collaborations for the digitalization of catch registration on all fishing vessels - Lecture
- Evidence of charge multiplication in thin 25 μm × 25 μm pitch 3D silicon sensors - Academic article
- Evolution of Precipitates in a Mechanical Vibration-Assisted Metal Inert Gas Welded Joint of 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy Made with an ER5356 Filler Wire - Academic article
- Ex Vivo Demonstration of a Novel Dual-Frequency Ultrasound Method for Quantitative Measurements of Liver Fat Content - Academic article
- Examples of data-driven services in a smart building - Lecture
- EXIOBASE energy accounts: Improving precision in an open-sourced procedure applicable to any MRIO database - Academic article
- Existing and Upcoming Challenges for Extending Electric Vehicle Battery Lifetime Through 2nd Life Applications - Academic article
- Experience from the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab - Lecture
- Experiences and recommendations from the ECoDiS project - Report
- Experiences from the introduction of a hybrid energy and capacity-based distribution grid tariff in Norway - Poster
- Experiences from the introduction of a hybrid energy and capacity-based distribution grid tariff in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiences Of Safety And Reliability In Remote Control Of Safety Critical Operations From Oil And Gas, Automated Transport - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiences with design, installation and operation of an exposed seaweed farm off the Norwegian coast - Lecture
- Experimental and numerical study on hydrogen-induced failure of X65 pipeline steel - Academic article
- Experimental and simulation studies of oxygen-blown, steam-injected, entrained flow gasification of lignin - Academic article
- Experimental characterization of elastomers for the CO2 transport applications - Poster
- Experimental determination of equivalent hydrogen gas pressure from electrochemical hydrogen charging - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of a transcritical CO2 refrigeration system incorporating rotary gas pressure exchanger and low lift ejectors - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ pellets as oxygen carriers in a counter-current packed-bed reactor for efficient chemical looping CO2 splitting - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of simultaneous nitrification-denitrification and phosphorus removal in pilot-scale sequencing batch moving bed biofilm reactors (SB-MBBRs) - Academic article
- Experimental Investigation of Solid Formation under CO2 Liquefaction Conditions for Ship Transport at 7 and 16 Bar with Water Content up to 300 ppm - Academic article
- Experimental Investigation of Towing of a Semi-submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Academic article
- Experimental reproduction of inhomogeneous fjord waves - Academic article
- Experimental Setup to Investigate the Permeability of Annular Cement to Fluid Flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental studies of convection-enhanced dissolution at metre-scale - Academic lecture
- Experimental Study of Clamping Pressure during Step Loading of Power Transformer with and without Prior Energisation - Academic article
- Experimental study of fire exposed expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation protected by selected coverings - Academic article
- Experimental study of volumetric sand production with gas flow - Academic article
- Experimental study on erosion of clays during rapid flows - Academic article
- Experimental study on the effect of pressure on single and two stage combustion of decomposed ammonia (NH3-H2-N2) blends over a swirl stabilized burner - Academic article
- Experimentation and Evaluation of the Usability of an AR-Driven Zero Defect Manufacturing Solution in a Real Life Complex Assembly Setting - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiments to Study Weathering of Surface Oil Slicks Resulting from Sub Sea Dispersant Injection (SSDI) Operation - Academic article
- Expert Answers - Interview Journal
- Explainable AI for delivery route optimization using Reinforcement Learning - Poster
- Exploring a Gaming-Based Intervention for Unemployed Young Adults: Thematic Analysis - Academic article
- Exploring citizens' stances on AI in public services: A social contract perspective - Academic article
- Exploring Electrochemical Charging: A Potential Substitute for Hydrogen Gas in Hydrogen Embrittlement Testing? - Academic lecture
- Exploring Growth Patterns of Maurolicus muelleri across Three Northeast Atlantic Regions - Academic article
- Exploring How AI Can Fill Data Gaps for Better Decision Making on Plastics Governance - Poster
- Exploring new solid electrolyte support matrix materials for molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) - Academic article
- Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in cancer patients: A study on oncologists' perspectives - Poster
- Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in patients with cancer: A study on oncologists' perspectives - Academic article
- Exploring the complementary effects of business analytics capabilities and π-shaped skills on innovation outcomes - Academic article
- Exploring the impact of information and communication technologies on loneliness and social isolation in community-dwelling older adults: a scoping review of reviews - Academic literature review
- Exploring the Organizational Models for Data Science in Agile Software Development: Challenges and Strategies from a Multi-Case Study - Academic lecture
- Exploring the Organizational Models for Data Science in Agile Software Development: Challenges and Strategies from a Multi-Case Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Exploring the Potential of Atlantic Mesopelagic Species Processed on Board Commercial Fishing Vessels as a Source of Dietary Lipids - Academic article
- Exploring the potential of borehole seismic monitoring techniques for assessing well Integrity and leakage in CO2 injection projects at field scale - Academic lecture
- Exploring the potential of microbial biomass and microbial extracted oils in tribology: a sustainable frontier for environmentally acceptable lubricants - Academic article
- Exploring the technical feasibility of carbon capture onboard ships - Academic article
- Exposed Aquaculture Operations: Strategies for Safety and Fish Welfare - Academic literature review
- Exposure to cooking emitted volatile organic compounds with recirculating and extracting ventilation solutions - Academic article
- Extended environmental design - Academic lecture
- Extended environmental design - Lecture
- Extending the frequency range of ISO 717-2 - a look at options and issue - Academic article
- Extracellular Matrix Sulfation in the Tumor Microenvironment Stimulates Cancer Stemness and Invasiveness - Academic article
- Extrapolating into no man's land enables accurate estimation of surface properties with multiparameter equations of state - Academic article
- Extreme mismatch between phytoplankton and grazers during Arctic spring blooms and consequences for the pelagic food-web - Academic article
- Factors affecting driving performance in patients with Multiple Sclerosis – still an open question - Academic article
- Factsheet: Emissions from modern wood stoves - Briefs
- Failure Consequence Cost Analysis of Wave Energy Converters—Component Failures, Site Impacts, and Maintenance Interval Scenarios - Academic article
- Fair investment strategies in large energy communities: A scalable Shapley value approach - Academic article
- Farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) avoid intrusive objects in cages: The influence of object shape, size and colour, and fish length - Academic article
- Fast light alloy stamping technology (FAST) for manufacturing lightweight pressings from dissimilar aluminium alloy-tailor welded blanks - Academic article
- Fast mass spectrometry-based screening and complementary analysis for enzyme discovery and characterization of xylan debranching enzymes - Academic lecture
- Faster decarbonization of heavy industries in low-carbon power grids: using process flexibility for handling grid congestions - Academic article
- Faster simulations of floating wind turbines with shared mooring - Website (informational material)
- Fatigue assessment of suspended inter-array power cables for floating offshore wind turbines - Academic article
- Fe/Zr binary MOF-based separator for highly efficient polysulfide adsorption and conversion in Li-S batteries - Academic article
- Feasibility of Biochar from Seaweed for Ferroalloy Production - Academic article
- Feasibility of conducting a cohort randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of a nurse-led package of care for knee pain - Academic article
- Feasibility of Waste Materials from Metal Industry for Thermal Energy Storage Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Feature/vector entity retrieval and disambiguation techniques to create a supervised and unsupervised semantic table interpretation approach - Academic article
- Federated Learning and Unlearning as Enablers of Wind Turbine Digital Twins - Academic article
- Federating cross-domain BIM-based knowledge graph - Academic article
- Fertilizer quality of anaerobic digestate produced from marine residual resources - Poster
- Film drainage and critical velocity of fluid particles in power-law fluids - Academic article
- Final exploitation strategy and roadmap. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D7.3. - Report
- Final PMA for multimodal traffic management. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D3.3. - Report
- Fines Generation and Strength of Various Carbon Materials Used in the Ferroalloy Industries - Academic article
- Fines Generation and Strength of Various Carbon Materials Used in the Ferroalloy Industries - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fire resistance upgrade of cultural heritage doors - Academic lecture
- Fire safety challenges with photovoltaics and Li-ion battery system installations in buildings - Academic article
- First hydrodynamic tests of a 3×3 floating wind park with shared mooring - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Fish Behavior Identification Based on Computer Vision - Academic lecture
- Fish eggs with a sticky surface experience prolonged exposures during an oil spill due to aggregation of oil droplets - Poster
- Fish Farming: How do Robotics Affect the Fish in Aquaculture? - Interview
- Fish residues can compensate for raw materials shortages and improve our health into the bargain - Popular scientific article
- Fishing gears from biodegradable plastics - Academic lecture
- Fish-Machine Interaction, Interview at NRK - Interview
- Fish-Machine Interaction, Interview at NRK Radio - Interview
- Fleet repositioning in the tramp ship routing and scheduling problem with bunker optimization: A matheuristic solution approach - Academic article
- Flexibility for increased electrification and utilization of the distribution grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flexibility through power-to-heat in local integrated energy systems with renewable electricity generation and seasonal thermal energy storage - Academic article
- Flexible and modular energy systems modelling with JuMP - A case study from the Arctic - Academic lecture
- Flexible Integration of Energy Communities in Distribution Grids - Lecture
- Flexible operation of heat pumps and TES as dispatchable loads – scientific fiction or reality? - Lecture
- Floating assembly & storageyards: model tests - Poster
- Flow-through imaging and automated analysis of oil-exposed early stage Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Academic article
- Fluid mechanics of Na-Zn liquid metal batteries - Academic literature review
- Flux-Assisted Sessile Drop Method on the Stability and Wettability of Al on TiC - Academic lecture
- Forced surge motion of a floating bridge pontoon to evaluate the hydrodynamic damping properties - Academic article
- Formation of dimethyldichlorosilane (M2) in the Müller-Rochow process at the molecular level - Academic article
- Formation of slag in Si an FeSi production - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Formation of slag in Si and FeSi production from SiO2 materials, limestone, and iron oxide - Academic article
- Former airport is now an ‘eco-town’ - Interview
- ForWind joins NorthWind as associate research partner - Interview
- Fostering alternative fuels in Norwegian ports: does public policy address the challenges? - Report
- Fostering circular value chains through twin transition? - Lecture
- Fostering quality of life in young adults living with multiple sclerosis: a pilot study of a co-created integrated intervention - Academic article
- Fracture network characterization through fractal dimension and Gutenberg–Richter parameter: Decatur open-source dataset as a study case - Academic article
- Framework for Automated Wound Detection and Tracking in Industrial Scale Fish Farms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Framework for Automated Wound Detection and Tracking in Industrial Scale Fish Farms - Academic lecture
- Framework for combined life cycle environmental, economic, and social assessment of reclaimed construction products - Academic lecture
- Framework for high-level CCUS value chain screening - Lecture
- Framework for life cycle assessment‑based circular business model development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Framework for Robust Localization of UUVs and Mapping of Net Pens - Academic lecture
- Freshwater management in an Arctic island settlement - Lecture
- Friction and Wear Performance of Composite SiC-YAG Thermal Spray Coatings in Water-Based Lubricants for Maritime Applications - Academic article
- FRIENDSHIP Webinar on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes Decarbonisation - WP3 Heat pump for solar thermal boost - Lecture
- From Barriers to Opportunities in Smart Cities: Creating Value Through Data and Digital Technologies - Academic lecture
- From bridges to beers: CCS can enable low-carbon products at low costs - Interview
- From generation to application: Exploring knowledge workers’ relations with GenAI - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note I: Conceptual process design and simulation - Academic article
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note I: Conceptual process design and simulation - Academic lecture
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note I: Conceptual process design and simulation - Lecture
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note II: Preliminary techno-economic assessment - Academic article
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note II: Preliminary techno-economic assessment - Academic lecture
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note II: Preliminary techno-economic Assessment - Lecture
- From laboratory to industrial use: Understanding process variation during enzymatic protein hydrolysis with dry film fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy - Academic article
- From Milk to Cow. Reflections on the data governance of Parmigiano Reggiano - Academic article
- From Ontology to Workflow Execution in OpenModel. Application: Environmentally friendly reinforced concrete. - Academic lecture
- From TRD to the USA: The value of long-term, on-site collaborations between research institutes - Website (informational material)
- From wires to waves, a novel sensor system for in vivo pressure monitoring - Academic article
- Frost-salt Testing Non-air Entrained High-performance Fly-ash Concrete Part II: Parameter Study of Effect of Internal Cracking on Glue Spall Stress - Academic article
- Frost-salt Testing Non-air Entrained High-Performance Fly-ash Concrete.Part I: Relations Liquid uptake - Internal Cracking – Scaling - Academic article
- Full conversion to natural refrigerants - Feasible and likely to happen? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Function, Structure and Organization of Light‐Harvesting Proteins in Diatoms - Non-fiction book
- Functional and Non-Functional Requirements in Edge AI Systems - Lecture
- Functional binders to tackle transition metal dissolution in LNMO cathode materials - Poster
- Functional requirements for inclusive transport - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Functional Requirements for Onshore Operation Centers to Support Remotely Operated Ships - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Functional resonance analysis method for emerging risks in hydrogen handling: An analysis of an experimental test - Academic article
- Fused quartz crucibles for Czochralski silicon production - Academic lecture
- Future Development of Underground Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fuzz Testing of a Wireless Residential Gateway - Academic article
- Fuzzing the ARM Cortex-M: A Survey - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Gard Hopsdal Hansen appointed new director of FME NorthWind - Interview
- Gas phase hydroformylation with the post-modified Metal-Organic Framework NU-1000. - Academic lecture
- Gas phase hydroformylation with the post-modified Metal-Organic Framework NU-1000. - Academic lecture
- Gas Sensing Properties of PLD Grown 2D SnS Film: Effect of Film Thickness, Metal Nanoparticle Decoration, and In Situ KPFM Investigation - Academic article
- General practitioners retiring or relocating and its association with healthcare use and mortality: a cohort study using Norwegian national data - Academic article
- Generalization strategies for improving bus travel time prediction across networks - Academic article
- Generating inputs for the calibration of oil spill effects models: Filling data gaps for marine and freshwater species of importance and application of oil spill biomonitoring system. - Poster
- Generative AI for Data and Knowledge Engineering - Lecture
- Generative AI in Software Engineering Must Be Human-Centered: The Copenhagen Manifesto - Short communication
- Genesis of column sprites: formation mechanisms and optical structures - Academic article
- Genetic Regulation of Diatom Photosynthesis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Geometrical and Physical Characterization of Solid Oxide Fuell Cell Electrodes - Academic lecture
- Georeferenced X (formerly twitter) data as a proxy of mobility behaviour: case study of Norway - Academic article
- Get to know your spectrometer, and how it compares to other spectrometers on the market - Academic lecture
- GHG emissions accounting. Recommendations for the methodology to follow in the zero emission neighbourhood definition - Report
- Ghost fishing by self-baited lost, abandoned or discarded pots in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery - Academic article
- Ghost fishing efficiency in swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) pot fishery - Academic article
- GIS for underground H2 storage - Poster
- Giving more value to alginates - Academic lecture
- Glioblastoma Segmentation from Early Post-operative MRI: Challenges and Clinical Impact - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- GNSS Anomaly Detection with Complex-Valued LSTM Networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- GNSS receivers successfully failed - Academic lecture
- Goa: GWMC secures patent for laterite-based concrete block - Interview
- GoNorth 2024: Exploring untouched depths - Website (informational material)
- GoNorth heads for Greenland - Website (informational material)
- GPU-accelerated Full-Waveform Inversion using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method - Abstract
- Grand challenges of wind energy science - meeting the needs and services of the power system - Academic literature review
- GraphMa: Towards new Models for Pipeline-Oriented Computation on Graphs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Green upscaling of an established path? The case of salmon farming in Norway - Academic article
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction from innovative sprayed concrete - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction opportunities for the Norwegian salmon farming sector - can they outweigh growth? - Academic article
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential in road tunnels – Can we reach the European Union goals with existing materials and technologies? - Academic article
- Greenhouse gas emissions in the Norwegian Food Sector using different approaches - Poster
- Greenhouse gas emissions in the Norwegian Food Sector using different approaches - Poster
- Greenhouse gas emissions of shipping with onboard carbon capture under the FuelEU Maritime regulation: A well-to-wake evaluation of different propulsion scenarios - Academic article
- Grid planning optimisation - Multimedia product
- Ground source heat in Norway – on the value gained by firm, renewable, carbon neutral, local and areal effective thermal resources by the Geothermal Energy Association of Norway - Lecture
- Growth of solitary slugs in long pipes - Academic article
- Guided Understanding and Assessment of Cybersecurity Risks with an LLM-enabled Navigator - Academic lecture
- H2 production by utilizing energy storage materials - Poster
- Hamiltonian neural networks for partially observed systems - Poster
- Handling of long-term storage in multi-horizon stochastic programs - Academic article
- Handook of Seafood and Seafood Product Analysis - Non-fiction book
- Hardware-Independent Deep Signal Processing: A Feasibility Study in Echocardiography - Academic article
- Hardware-in-the-Loop platform based on Smart Meters for Demonstrating Advanced Distribution Management Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Harnessing nature to combat climate change in cold regions - Interview
- Harvesting the riches of earth through bioprospecting and biotechnological exploitation of genomic data. - Academic lecture
- HAZOP study of a water electrolysis plant used in green hydrogen production - Academic lecture
- Health Risks and Health Effects of Firefighter Work: A Multidisciplinary Project using Register Data, Laboratory Studies and Real Fire Scenarios - Lecture
- Health service personnel's early experiences from the implementation of a large-scale Electronic Health Record. - Academic lecture
- Healthcare professionals' experience with nutritional care beyond formal quality systems — A qualitative study - Academic article
- Health-promoting housing and care concepts for elderly with dementia? - Academic lecture
- Health-Promoting Housing and Care Concepts for Older People with Dementia? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hearing loss and access to hearing screening and interventions services in Tanzania - Lecture
- Heat Exchanger modeling in the HighEFF centre - Lecture
- Heat exchangers for Decagone technology - Lecture
- Heat pump-driven adsorption CO2 capture for simple and cost-effective retrofits of coal power plants - Academic article
- Heat Recovery from Hydrogren Production with a PMR - Academic lecture
- Heat strain in professional firefighters: physiological responses to a simulated smoke dive in extremely hot environments and the subsequent recovery phase - Academic article
- Heidrun Åre – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - Report
- HeriTACE: Case-study selection at building and neighbourhood levels - Report
- Heterogenous Edge AI Solutions Across Industrial Sectors - Lecture
- High concentration of microplastics entering human food chain in Tamil Nadu - Interview
- High Frequency Dielectric Properties and Losses in Partial Discharge Resistant Rotating Machine Insulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High Latitude Ionospheric Gradient Observation Results from a Multi-Scale Network - Academic lecture
- High resolution depth profile scanning of plankton organisms—VERTILICE - Academic article
- High -Temperature Heat Pumps Task 2 – Integration Concepts - Report
- High voltage power electronic converters - Dielectric performance, stresses and testing - Academic lecture
- High yield and wide lateral size growth of α-Mo2C: exploring the boundaries of CVD growth of bare MXene analogues - Academic article
- HighEFF innovations - a summary of innovations in HighEFF from eight years of research - Lecture
- High-Fidelity Reconstruction of 3D Temperature Fields Using Attention-Augmented CNN Autoencoders With Optimized Latent Space - Academic article
- High-Frequency Modeling for Determination of Motor Voltage Stresses in a 6.6 kV Variable Speed Drive - Academic article
- High-frequency ultrasound in pressure ulcer assessment in persons with spinal cord injury: a pilot study - Academic lecture
- High-intensity Endurance and Strength Training in Rehabilitation for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis - Poster
- High-Performance Fluorine-Lean Thin Aromatic Hydrocarbon Membranes Based on Polyvinylidene Fluoride for Hydrogen Fuel Cells - Academic article
- High-Performance Porous pSi/Ag@C Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries - Academic article
- High-Speed Optical Characterization of Protein-and-Nanoparticle–Stabilized Microbubbles for Ultrasound-Triggered Drug Release - Academic article
- High-throughput morphological profiling for immunology and nanomedicineHigh-throughput morphological profiling for immunology and nanomedicine - Academic lecture
- High-Voltage Circuit Breaker Condition-Dependent Failure Rate with Covariates - Academic article
- Histomolecular Validation of [18F]-FACBC in Gliomas Using Image-Localized Biopsies - Academic article
- Hole Cleaning in Deviated Weels - Lecture
- Holistic risk perspectives and new production systems - Lecture
- Host-gut microbiota interactions shape parasite infections in farmed Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- Housing Qualities, Spaces and Dispositions for Low-Income Families: Effects on Experiences of Wellbeing, Home and Belonging - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Housing qualities, spaces and dispositions for low-income families: Effects on experiences of wellbeing, home and belonging. - Academic lecture
- How a fundamental understanding can make more robust spectroscopic solutions for real-world applications - Academic lecture
- How a fundamental understanding of spectroscopic sensors makes robust solutions for real-world applications - Poster
- How aligned are industry strategy and government policy for the decarbonization of energy-intensive process industries? - Academic article
- How can we increase the security awareness of seafarers? - Academic lecture
- How Do Cancer Patients Keep Track of Their Patient Journeys? - Academic lecture
- How Do Cancer Patients Keep Track of Their Patient Journeys? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How Do Stakeholders in Norway's Private and Public Sectors Perceive the Prospects and Feasibility of Commercializing Positioning and Navigation Technologies for Autonomous Driving? - Academic lecture
- How does artificial intelligence impact employees’ engagement in lean organisations? - Academic article
- How hydropower plants influence fish migration: insights from the Glomma River - Website (informational material)
- How industries can track their impact on nature – and why they should - Website (informational material)
- How robots affect fish surprises researchers - Interview
- How to build multi-sector value chains for the net-zero transition: Insights from carbon capture and storage in Norway - Academic lecture
- How to build multi-sector value chains for the net-zero transition: Insights from carbon capture and storage in Norway - Academic lecture
- How to preserve the biomass and factors affecting the stability and quality - Lecture
- How to put a stop to energy waste? - Website (informational material)
- How to refurbish and modernise existing hydropower plants across Europe? - Interview
- HS3 as a novel solvent for carbon capture: Model validation and an industrial case study with comparison against 30 wt% MEA - Academic article
- Human and Organizational Risk Modelling in Cybersecurity - Academic lecture
- Human pharmaceuticals in the arctic – A review - Academic literature review
- Human Smart Cities, Data Visualisation and Citizen Engagement - Lecture
- Hybrid AI for industrial systems - Lecture
- Hybrid AI for industrial systems - Lecture
- Hybrid AI for industrial systems - Lecture
- Hybrid greenhouses: Combining traditional greenhouse and vertical farming - Website (informational material)
- Hybrid meetings - Academic lecture
- Hybrid real time LCA for performance monitoring in mineral extraction and processing facilities - Poster
- HybriGrowth - Hybrid, energy-efficient farming by combined greenhouse and vertical growth - Academic lecture
- Hydration of Composite Cements Containing Novel SCMs - Academic article
- Hydrodynamic Coefficients of Generic Subsea Modules in Forced Oscillation Tests—Importance of Structural Elements - Academic article
- Hydrodynamic Forces on a Near-Bottom Pipeline Subject to Wave-Induced Boundary Layer - Academic article
- Hydrodynamic modelling of floating seaweed farms - Poster
- Hydrogen adsorption in clay minerals and shale - Lecture
- Hydrogen and Cushion Gas Adsorption–Desorption Dynamics on Clay Minerals - Academic article
- Hydrogen and NH3 co-adsorption on Pd–Ag membranes - Academic article
- Hydrogen bunkering from a fuel island onto fishing vessels - Academic article
- Hydrogen can remove harmful emissions from energy-demanding industries - Interview
- Hydrogen diffusivity in X65 pipeline steel: Desorption and permeation studies - Academic article
- Hydrogen embrittlement testing: electrochemical versus hydrogen gas charging - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen in Glass Sector: A Comparison between Risk-Based Maintenance and Time-Based Maintenance Approaches - Academic article
- Hydrogen production by steam methane reforming in a protonic membrane reformer - Lecture
- Hydrogen production from methane in a protonic membrane reformer - Lecture
- Hydrogen Production with a Protonic Ceramic Membrane Reactor on Porous Fe-Cr Alloy - Academic article
- Hydrogen reactivity of Nchwaning ore - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen sampling systems adapted to heavy-duty refuelling stations' current and future specifications – A review - Academic literature review
- Hydrogen use for silicon production - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen, renewable electricity, and natural gas with CCS: How can economically efficient and sustainable energy export value chains be developed? - Academic lecture
- Hydrological simulation of infiltration swales based on historical and futures climates data in cold climate regions - Academic lecture
- Hydrolytic Degradation of Monofilaments Used for Fishing Gear – A Comparison Between PA 6 (nylon) and Biodegradable Materials (PBSAT and PBSA) - Poster
- Hydropower investment decisions. The ProdRisk-Shop simulator: decision support tool for revenue calculations - Report
- HyPeak: a science-policy network to promote sustainable hydropeaking - Poster
- I4.0 AAS – for Safety Life Cycle – APOS 2.0 & IEC61511 SRS interoperability exchange through AML model - Lecture
- I4.0 AAS for safety lifecycle - Lecture
- IAQ and ventilation measurements at the “ZEB Laboratory” office building in Norway - Academic article
- ICT-Architecture applied on pilot building - Report
- ICUE - Illuminating the path to cure endometriosis - Lecture
- Identification of cyber threats and vulnerabilities in Norwegian distribution networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- IDTA Submodel “Safety instrumented functions (SIF) for the process industries“ - Academic lecture
- IEA Wind Task 49: Reference Site Conditions for Floating Wind Arrays - Academic article
- IEA Wind Task 49: WP1 - Reference Site Conditions for Floating Wind Arrays - Poster
- IFC Properties Validation Using Deep Graph Neural Network - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- IIR at COP29 in Baku: Week 1 in review [1/2] - Interview
- Immiscible Displacement of Oil by Water : An Experimental Investigation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Immune digital twins for complex human pathologies: applications, limitations, and challenges - Academic article
- IMO Compendium and ISO-28005 - Lecture
- IMPACT holds successful workshop on rig testing as a bridge between research and deployment - Interview
- Impact of automation and zero-emission propulsion on design of small inland cargo vessels - Academic article
- Impact of biobased packaging materials on quality changes of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) during frozen storage - Academic lecture
- Impact of biobased packaging materials on quality changes of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) during frozen storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Chemical Leachates from Car Tire Rubber on Marine Microalgae: Toxic Mechanisms and Ecosystem Implications - Poster
- Impact of Correlation between Hydro Inflow and Solar Availability on Production Schedules of Hybrid Plants in Western Africa, Eastern Asia, and Northern Europe - Academic lecture
- Impact of external factors on bus speed profile: insights from continuous GPS data analysis - Academic lecture
- Impact of Hydrogen Integration and Implementation on Costs in Glass Production - Academic article
- Impact of Integration of Hydrogen Electrolysers in the Operation of Coastal Power Grid - Academic lecture
- Impact of Integration of Hydrogen Electrolysers in the Operation of Coastal Power Grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Microplastics and Additives in Marine Ecosystems - Academic lecture
- Impact of practical challenges on the implementation of data-driven services for building operation: Insights from a real-life case study - Academic article
- Impact of seawater temperature and physical-chemical properties on sorption of pharmaceuticals, stimulants, and biocides to marine particles - Academic article
- Impact of the flow-field distribution channel cross-section geometry on PEM fuel cell performance: Stamped vs. milled channel - Academic article
- Impact of the Offshore Wind Development Plans in the North Sea on the Decarbonization of the European Energy System - Academic article
- Impact of unmanaged PV development on hosting capacity in coupled MV-LV distribution networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impacts of Sample Storage and Reference Compounds in the OECD 309 Surface Water Mineralisation Test - Academic lecture
- Implementation of a hybrid grid tariff in Norway: distributional effects, metered consumer response and design trade-offs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Implementation of mRNA–Lipid Nanoparticle Technology in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) - Academic article
- Implementing decarbonisation measures in Norwegian ports - Academic article
- Implementing Pre-Reduction in Mn-Alloy Production: A Case Study at Eramet Porsgrunn - Academic lecture
- Implementing vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the UK National Health Service: a mixed-methods feasibility study - Academic article
- Improved anti-icing coatings using functionalized hybrid additives - Academic lecture
- Improved hydrological modelling of infiltration swales in cold climates using underground water levels - Academic lecture
- Improved Pole Placement and Compaction of MIMO Vector Fitting Applied to System Identification - Academic article
- Improved prediction of stress and pore-pressure changes in the overburden for infill drilling - Academic lecture
- Improved Synthetic Methodology, Substrate Scope and X-ray Crystal Structure for N, N’-disubstituted Guanidines - Academic article
- Improvement in Precision Forging of an Aluminium Pump Body for Automobile Exhaust Gas Treatment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improvement in Precision Forging of an Aluminium Pump Body for Automobile Exhaust Gas Treatment - Poster
- Improvement of the 2007–2015 Earthquake Catalog Along the 300 km Long Postglacial Merasjärvi–Stuoragurra Fault Complex in Northern Fennoscandia Using Automatic Event Detection - Academic article
- Improvements in postharvest apple handling from a pathology perspective - Abstract
- Improving energy efficiency in seafood freezing with brine technology - Academic lecture
- Improving energy efficiency in seafood freezing with brine technology - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improving Last-Mile Maritime Communication Using Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improving value chain data lifecycle management utilising design for Lean Six Sigma methods - Academic article
- In a 1st, state dept's invention of bricks from waste gets patent - Interview
- In a presentation, Ted once said I’d like my epitaph to be “I simplified.” - Short communication
- In Reply: Noninvasive Assessment of Intracranial Pressure: Deformability Index as an Adjunct to Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter to Increase Diagnostic Ability - Letter to the editor
- In Reply: Possible Factors Missed While Assessing Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter and Deformability Index in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury - Letter to the editor
- In situ and operando (S)TEM investigations of MXene-based anodes for Li-ion all-solid-state batteries - Academic lecture
- In situ fabricated ZnO nanostructures within carboxymethyl cellulose-based ternary hydrogels for wound healing applications - Academic article
- Inception of vented water trees in high voltage XLPE cable insulation: Effect of inorganic contaminations inside the semiconductive material - Academic article
- Incidence, risk factors, and clinical implications of postoperative blood in or near the resection cavity after glioma surgery - Academic article
- Including Lifetime Hydraulic Turbine Cost into Short-Term Hybrid Scheduling of Hydro and Solar - Academic article
- Inclusive Architecture – a user-centred strategy - Lecture
- Inclusive Architecture, from Theory to Practice: Illustrated Through a Case Study of the Center for Cancer and Health in Copenhagen - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Inclusive Education through Open and Distance Learning in the Digital Age - Lecture
- Incorporating Objective Weights in the Risk Assessment of Wave Energy Converters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Increased Understanding of Building Operational Performance Through Occupant-Centric Key Performance Indicators - Academic article
- Increasing citizen engagement in sustainable architecture using augmented reality: A pilot study - Academic article
- Increasing maritime cybersecurity awareness through game-based learning - Academic article
- Increasing the energy efficiency of a dairy by implementing a high temperature heat pump – a theoretical evaluation. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Incremental approach for active passenger guidance during cruise ship emergencies - Academic lecture
- Industrial adaptation of polymeric membranes in humid high H2S natural gas feed streams - Academic lecture
- Industrial biotechnology in Norway Status and opportunities - Academic lecture
- Industrial biotechnology in Norway, status and opportunities - Academic lecture
- Industrial Carbon Management Strategy and SET Plan update - Lecture
- Industrial cold storage of fruit and berries – specific energy use and operational processes - Academic lecture
- Industrial cold storage of fruit and berries - specific energy use and operational processes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Industrial data marketplace - Website (informational material)
- Industrial energy communities: Energy storage investment, grid impact and cost distribution - Academic article
- Industry as a flexibility provider in the energy system - Lecture
- Influence of aluminium doping on high purity quartz glass properties - Academic article
- Influence of ammonia-water fog formation on ammonia dispersion from a liquid spill - Academic article
- Influence of Digital Communication Configuration in Virtual Teams: A Faultline Perspective - Academic article
- Influence of hot-dip galvanization on the fatigue performance of high-strength bolted connections - Academic article
- Influence of Metal Support Interaction on Product Selectivity during Anisole Hydrogenation - Academic lecture
- Influence of partial saturation on seismic and ultrasonic responses during imbibition and drainage - Academic lecture
- Influence of prior corrosion on the fatigue behavior in a simulated recycled 6082 Al-alloy - Academic lecture
- Influence of wind farm fault current control strategies on distance protection during unsymmetrical faults - Academic article
- Information package for assessment of new amine solvents - Brochure
- Infrastructuring data for green organizing: The case of the maritime industry - Academic lecture
- Inkjet-Printed Planar Silver/Silver Chloride Pseudo Reference Electrode for Microfluidic Potentiometric Sensor Applications - Academic article
- In-lab receiver testing based on live captured RFI events - Academic lecture
- In-lab receiver testing based on live captured RFI events from the ARFIDAAS project - Academic lecture
- Innovation : à la chasse au CO2 au sud d'Oslo - Interview
- Innovation across the edge-AI computing continuum - Lecture
- Innovations and technological opportunities in SMILE - Lecture
- Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Manganese Ferroalloy Production: Carbon-Free Technologies and Energy Efficiency - Lecture
- Innovative heat exchanger design using extruded aluminium profiles for PCM-based TES systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Innovative MSA-based flowsheet to produce Made-in-Europe NMC cathodes - CICERO - Academic lecture
- Innovative Road Safety Education Program - Poster
- Innovative vanillin yielding from lignin: process modelling and assessment - Academic article
- In-process epimerisation of alginates from Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and Laminaria hyperborea - Academic article
- Input data for moisture profiles in multi-family residential buildings: how much extract is needed? - Academic lecture
- Insights from an extensive triaxial testing campaign on a shale for comparative site characterization of a deep geological repository - Academic article
- Insights from the field: implementing schedule-based control strategies for load shifting in educational buildings - Academic lecture
- Insights from the Field: Implementing Schedule-Based Control Strategies for Load Shifting in Educational Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Insights into ZEN pilot projects: An overview and experience summary - Report
- Inspection and maintenance robotics: Status and trends - Lecture
- Inspection of hydrogen transport equipment: A data-driven approach to predict fatigue degradation - Academic article
- Integrated Analyses of Mooring Lines, Soil and Anchors for Floating Wind Turbines - Poster
- Integrated designs for future floating offshore wind farm technology – Towards nature inclusive innovations - Academic lecture
- Integrated designs for future floating offshore wind farm technology – Towards nature inclusive innovations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated energy system planning under short-term and long-term uncertainty: Modelling and algorithms - Academic lecture
- Integrated energy system planning under multi-timescale uncertainty: Modelling and algorithms - Academic lecture
- Integrated heating and cooling system with borehole thermal energy storage for a greenhouse in Romania - Academic article
- Integrated port energy systems for decarbonized maritime industry - Academic lecture
- Integrated process design Latest results and discussion - Lecture
- Integrating Cold Thermal Energy Storage for Air Conditioning Demand in a CO2 Refrigeration System at a Supermarket - Academic article
- Integrating direct air capture with small modular nuclear reactors: understanding performance, cost, and potential - Academic article
- Integrating liquid hydrogen infrastructure at airports: Conclusions from an ecosystem approach at Rotterdam The Hague Airport - Academic article
- Integrating Machine Learning for Real-Time Structural Monitoring of Net Cages - Academic lecture
- Integrating Machine Learning for Real-Time Structural Monitoring of Net Cages - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrating nature-based solutions within the built environment to address societal challenges - Academic lecture
- Integrating Power-to-Heat Services in Geographically Distributed Multi-Energy Systems: A Case Study from the ERIGrid 2.0 Project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrating Process Simulation and Life Cycle Assessment for Enhanced Process Efficiency and Reduced Environmental Impact in Ferromanganese Production - Academic article
- Integration assessment of turquoise hydrogen in the European energy sector - Academic article
- Integration of Chemical Looping Combustion in the Graz Power Cycle - Academic article
- Integration of CO2 liquefaction with catalytic membrane reactors for efficient decarbonization - Academic lecture
- Integration of Energy Flexible Technologies – Solar and Heat Pump assisted Carbon Capture, Utilisation and/or Storage - Lecture
- Integration of Local Energy Communities in Electricity Distribution Grids: FINE project deliverable - Report
- Integriertes CO2-Kälteanlagensystem einer Molkerei - Energieflussanalyse und Potenzial für einen kalten thermischen Energiespeicher - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Integrity of Drilling Fluid As Primary Barrier for CCS Wells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Intelligent Ship Transport System - Introduction to the Maritime ICT Reference Architecture - Report
- Intelligent Ship Transport System - Onboard Maritime ICT Architecture and Standards - Report
- Intelligent Ship Transport System - Overview of Standardization Activities - Report
- Intelligent Ship Transport System - User-Centric Development of International Maritime ITS - Report
- INTEND: Cognitive Computing Continuum for Intent-Based Data Operations - Academic lecture
- INTEND: Human-Like Intelligence for Intent-Based Data Operations in the Cognitive Computing Continuum - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Inter seasonal validation of non-contact NIR spectroscopy for measurement of total soluble solids in high tunnel strawberries - Academic article
- Intercomparison of Global Wave Reanalysis Products. Revisited - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interest in Working Remotely: Is Gender a Factor? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Intermittent Light Scheduling for Energy Cost Reduction in Vertical Farming - Academic article
- International Aircraft Noise Regulations - Lecture
- International experience on rainwater harvesting and stormwater utilisation – a literature review - Academic literature review
- Interorganizational accidents in Norwegian Salmon farming - Lecture
- Into the deep: Exploring the molecular mechanisms of hyperactive behaviour induced by three rare earth elements in early life-stages of the deep-sea scavenging amphipod Tmetonyx cicada (Lysianassidae) - Academic article
- Intra-arm Balancing Control for Modular Multilevel Converter with Cell Loading Operated under High Power Imbalances - Academic article
- Intro to variational quantum algorithms: QAOA theory and hands-on - Lecture
- Introduction of hydrogen technologies to mitigate the impact of thermal consumption in a university campus - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Introduction to ADRF2024 workshop on Generative AI in inspection and maintenance (I&M): Learnings across sectors, low-hanging industry use cases, and future challenges and opportunities - Lecture
- Introduction to ERF2024 workshop on Actionable data with AI-based analytics in I&M robotics – Success stories from the industry and future R&D challenges - Lecture
- Introduction to the OTEAPI-DLite framework - Lecture
- Introduction: On the need for A Research Agenda for Lean - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Introduction: OpenModel Exploitation Workshop - Lecture
- Investigadores noruegos estudian cómo mejorar la explotación de las especies mesopelágicas para obtener productos de mayor valor añadido - Popular scientific article
- Investigating hope in oral health promotion for adolescents: an exploratory study based on observations at the dental clinic - Academic article
- Investigating Load Arches and the Uplift Capacity of Rock Anchors: A Numerical Approach - Academic article
- Investigating macroscopic geometrical and physical properties of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electrodes - Academic lecture
- Investigating Microplastic Leaching in Marine Environments Part 1: Microplastic Characterisation - Academic lecture
- Investigating Statistical Modelling of Excitation Forces in Inhomogeneous Waves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigating the performance of Robust Daily Production Optimization against a combined well–reservoir model - Academic article
- Investigating the pH buffering effects of PAA as a binder for aqueous processing of LNMO - Poster
- Investigating the photoprotective properties of marine microalgal pigments in skin - Masters thesis
- Investigating the Role of Plastics in Transmitting Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens from Wastewater to the Marine Environment - Poster
- Investigating the socio-political acceptance of negative emission technologies: A group model building approach - Academic article
- Investigating the use of marine microalgal pigments for the prevention of skin cancer. - Academic lecture
- Investigating toxicity pathways of crumb rubber-derived particles and leachates on blue mussels Mytilus edulis - Poster
- Investigation of Biomarkers of Sexual Maturity in Boars using Targeted Metabolomics - Poster
- Investigation of Pressure Drop on Agglomerates from H2Si project - Report
- Investigation Of Safety Barrier Role In Hydrogen Related Undesired Events - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of the areas with high D07-band emission in multicrystalline silicon wafers using electron microscopy and hyperspectral photoluminescence imaging - Academic article
- Investigation of the Importance of Frame Height Compared to Test Specimen Height During Laboratory Sound Absorption Measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of uniformity in fused quartz crucibles for Czochralski silicon ingots - Academic article
- Investigations into Ageing of Monofilaments Under Various Test Conditions in the Sea - Poster
- Investigations of gas flow in charge materials with biocarbon - Lecture
- Investigations of SiO2 + C agglomerates: Characterization and reactions during heating - Report
- IoT and Edge Computing Intelligent Connectivity Advancements - Lecture
- IoT-Edge-Cloud Continuum for Manufacturing - Lecture
- iPuma: High-Performance Sequence Alignment on the Graphcore IPU - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Is access to data a barrier to achieving sustainability in the plastic value chain? - Website (informational material)
- Is AM nice or niche? The concerning gap between value proposals of additive manufacturing of spare parts and prospective customers’ perceived benefits - Academic lecture
- Is there a new deep-sea fishery on the horizon? - Popular scientific article
- ISO 28005 Electronic Port Clearance (EPC) Part 3 Data Elements for Ship and Port Operation - Lecture
- ISO 28005 Electronic Port Clearance (EPC) Part 3 Data Elements for Ship and Port Operation - Lecture
- It takes two to tango: the second session of negotiations (INC-2) for a global treaty to end plastic pollution - Academic article
- It’s the cold water too: Thermal contamination contributes to Legionella in building water systems - Academic lecture
- IWG9 Working Group 2 CO2 Capture Update of Targets and R&I actions - Lecture
- JutulDarcy.jl - a Fully Differentiable High-Performance Reservoir Simulator based on Automatic Differentiation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Kaizen as Engineering Change and Follow-Up - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Key Factors To Integrate Hydrogen For The Glass Manufacturing Industry - Academic lecture
- Key Factors To Integrate Hydrogen For The Glass Manufacturing Industry - Academic article
- Key findings from the Norwegian MaritimeNH3 project - Briefs
- Keynote: Artificial Intelligence with knowledge - Lecture
- KI-drevet sikkerhetsorkestrering, automatisering og respons for digitale tvillingbaserte kritiske systemer - Academic lecture
- Kinetic study of novel oxygen carriers for chemical looping for hydrogen production: Ca0.6La0.4Ti0.1CrxMn0.9-xO3-δ (x = 0, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6 & 0.9) - Academic lecture
- Kinetic study of novel oxygen carriers for chemical looping for hydrogen production: Ca0.6La0.4Ti0.1CrxMn0.9-xO3-δ (x = 0.3, 0.45 & 0.6) - Academic lecture
- Kinetic study of the SiC producing reactions - Report
- Kinetics of SiO oxidation and implications for circumstellar dust formation - Poster
- Kinetics study on the H2 reduction of Nchwaning manganese ore at elevated temperatures - Academic lecture
- Knowledge acquisition about what consequences and effects the development of offshore wind will have for the seafood industry - Lecture
- Knowledge sharing and learning in projects - Focusing on time restriction - Academic article
- Knowledge-based strategy for optimized operation of nanofiltration plants for removal of natural organic matter in drinking water production - Academic lecture
- Koala-UI: An Interactive User Interface for Tabular Data Linking - Academic lecture
- Koala-UI: An Interactive User Interface for Tabular Data Linking - Academic article
- KSP-K CHARISMA - Research project awarded by NRC: Offical kick-off - Lecture
- Laboratory and field investigations of alkali-silica reaction prevention by supplementary cementitious materials: Influence of the free alkali loading - Academic article
- Laboratory Estimations of Dry Dynamic Normal Fracture Compliances Using Seismic and Ultrasonic Frequencies - Abstract
- Laboratory method for investigating the influence of industrial process conditions on the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from carbonaceous materials - Academic article
- Laboratory Middleware for the Cyber-Physical Integration of Energy Research Infrastructures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laboratory vs field performance of AARaffected concrete. State of the art and paths moving forward using European and North American guidelines - Academic lecture
- Langfjellet – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - Report
- Language models and human-AI teaming for safety and quality in ground operations on airports – experiences from the FLAIT project - Lecture
- Large-scale fire experiments in a cross-laminated timber compartment with an adjacent corridor – Partly and fully protected with a water sprinkler system - Academic article
- Laser Sintering as a Tool for Densification of LLZO Films for Solid-State Batteries - Poster
- Last year noted as record-setting for wind power - Interview
- Latency-Aware Node Selection in Federated Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Latency-Aware Node Selection in Federated Learning - Academic lecture
- LCA as a tool for understanding environmental impacts and benefits of CCUS and alternative fuels: insights from the second LCA to CCUS & alternative fuels workshop - Website (informational material)
- LCA for iclimabuilt Pilot Line 2: Thermoelectric generators - Academic lecture
- Lean and the green economy: the promise of a waste-free society? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Lean as a compensatory tool for neurodiverse employees - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Learning active manipulation to target shapes using model-free, long-horizon deep reinforcement learning - Academic lecture
- Learning active manipulation to target shapes with model-free, long-horizon deep reinforcement learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Learning by doing - collaboration between researchers and stakeholders in developing an integrated oral health model for older people with frailty - Academic lecture
- Learning dynamical systems from noisy data with inverse-explicit integrators - Academic article
- Learning from and overcoming transition failures in urban transport? - Academic lecture
- Learning from mistakes in project-based organizations - Academic article
- Learning from partially observed Hamiltonian systems - Academic lecture
- Learning PDEs with pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks - Academic lecture
- Learning separable PDE models with pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks - Academic lecture
- Lecture: Thermal energy storage technologies for flexibility in buildings - Lecture
- LedaFlow for CO2 - Adapting the multiphase flow simulator LedaFlow to CO2 injection simulations - Academic lecture
- LedaFlow model improvements for three-phase gas dominated flows - Lecture
- Leder: Engageret forskning og demokrati på arbejdspladsen - Editorial
- Lesion Frequency Distribution Maps of Traumatic Axonal Injury on Early Magnetic Resonance Imaging After Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Associations to 12 Months Outcome - Academic article
- Lessons learned – Operating with two energy system optimization models - Academic lecture
- Lessons learned from innovative energy solutions to enable zero emissions areas - Academic article
- Level Up your Cell Factories with ELISER: A Database with Thousands of Metabolic Engineering Designs. - Academic lecture
- Leveraging Boundary Spanning for Enhanced Collaborative Capacity in Innovative Procurement Projects - Academic lecture
- Leveraging Boundary Spanning for Enhanced Collaborative Capacity in Innovative Procurement Projects - Academic lecture
- Life cycle assessment of Calanus finmarchicus products - Lecture
- Life cycle inventory library for embodied emissions in ventilation components - Academic article
- Light transport in turbid water for 3D underwater imaging - Academic article
- Lighten the Load: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Safety Boots - Academic lecture
- Lightning Impulse Testing in Short Air-Gaps and Memory Effect of Previous Discharges - Academic article
- Limit(less): A choreographic score for human and robot - Academic article
- Limits for the Current Efficiency in Hall-Héroult Cells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Line protection systems with 5G communication - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Linking chemical disruption of molting processes to reduced survival of crustaceans - Academic lecture
- Linking chemical disruption of molting processes to reduced survival of crustaceans - Academic lecture
- Lipid droplet distribution in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) oocytes is related to the fertilisation and developmental outcome - Academic article
- Lipid nanoparticles – the key to the RNAvolution in medicine - Lecture
- Lipidome Plasticity Enables Unusual Photosynthetic Flexibility in Arctic vs. Temperate Diatoms - Academic article
- Liposomal nor-NOHA: A Promising Strategy for Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy - Poster
- Liquid hydrogen spill and evaporation modelling - Academic lecture
- Liquid Hydrogen Transport Landscape - Poster
- Local Drift Forecasting with Simplified Ocean Models and Multi-Level Data Assimilation - Doctoral dissertation
- Local Structural Response of Concrete Shells due to Wave Impact: Calculated Responses From Measured Slamming Pressures Vs. Hydroelastic Measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Local Structural Response of Stiffened Steel Panels due to Wave Impact: Calculated Responses From Measured Slamming Pressures Vs. Hydroelastic Measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Localized advanced ship predictor for maritime situation awareness with ship close encounter - Academic article
- Logical X Operations for Constrained Problems - Academic lecture
- Long term fate and behaviour of oil in an Arctic shoreline - Part 2, activities in 2024 - Report
- Long-term operational planning for flexible residential buildings with seasonal storage and capacity-based grid tariffs - Academic article
- Long-term stability investigation of capric acid as potential phase change material - Academic lecture
- Low Energy Anodes for Sustainable Electrowinning (LEAn) - Academic lecture
- Low Molecular Weight Alginate Oligosaccharides as Alternatives to PEG for Enhancement of the Diffusion of Cationic Nanoparticles Through Cystic Fibrosis Mucus - Academic article
- Low-cost monitoring - Lecture
- Low-Cost Sensor Technologies for Underwater Vehicle Navigation in Aquaculture Net Pens - Academic lecture
- Low-Cost Sensor Technologies for Underwater Vehicle Navigation in Aquaculture Net Pens - Academic article
- LowEmission - OG21 workshop on low-emission technologies for 2030 and 2050 targets - Lecture
- LowEmission 2023 Annual Report - Report
- LowEmission Research Centre - R&D for reducing emissions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Lecture
- Low-Temperature Phase Separation of CO2 from Syngas Mixtures─Experimental Results - Academic article
- Low-Viscosity Nonaqueous Sulfolane-Amine-Methanol Solvent Blend for Reversible CO2 Capture: Part II. Blend Optimization, Water Effect, and Speciation - Academic article
- LURAD: Design study of a comprehensive radiation monitor package for the gateway and the lunar surface - Academic article
- LX-mixers for QAOA: Optimal mixers restricted to subspaces and the stabilizer formalism - Academic article
- Machine learning and hybrid modelling as a means to transform the geoscience industry - Lecture
- Machine Learning based Pointing Corrections for Radio/Sub-millimeter Telescopes - Academic article
- Machine Learning Methods for Structure Loss Classification in Czochralski Silicon Ingots - Academic article
- Machine learning on faults – how can ML be used towards derisking of CO2 storage? - Academic lecture
- Machine learning-aided risk-based inspection strategy for hydrogen technologies - Academic article
- Macroscopic properties of solid oxide fuel cell electrodes via microstructure-based numeri- cal homogenization - Academic lecture
- Macroscopic properties of solid oxide fuel cell electrodes via microstructure-based numerical homogenization - Academic article
- Main findings from T4.2: General requirements for PDI and CCAM services for SAE4 driving on public roads - Lecture
- Mainstreaming the neighbourhood approach into EU building policies - Report
- Making paradoxes visible: lessons learned from a cross-industrial collaboration project addressing circular economy - Academic lecture
- Making Research Accessible Using a Digital Tool: Communicating Research Results Related to Norwegian Salmon Farming Using a Lightweight Web Application - Popular scientific article
- MaksGrid project aims to increase utilization of Norwegian power grid by 25% - Interview
- Man0EUvRE - Energy System Modelling for Transition to a net-Zero 2050 for EU via REPowerEU - Lecture
- Man0EUvRE Data Management Plan V1.1 - Report
- Management of Solid Insulation in Transformer and Reactor Windings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Managing pore pressure for regional CO2 storage resources - SINTEF experience and tools - Academic lecture
- ManEUvRE Project Management Plan V1.0 - Report
- Manganese- and Nitrogen-Doped Biomass-Based Carbons as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction - Academic article
- Manifestation of Negative Microfracture Compressibility Due to Capillarity in Tight Rocks at Partial Saturation with Free Gas - Academic article
- Manual Dexterity in Open-Water Wetsuited Swimmers: A Cohort Crossover Study - Academic article
- Many spectrometer users; not enough instrument knowledge - Academic lecture
- Mapping the Microbiome of Two Drinking Water Distribution Systems in Norway - Academic lecture
- Mapping to IEC 61508 software developed to ISO 26262 - Academic article
- Mapping to IEC 61508 the hardware safety integrity of elements developed to ISO 26262 - Academic article
- Marine ecotoxicity of amines used as solvents in carbon capture processes: Species sensitivity distributions and additive toxicity aspects. - Poster
- Maritime cybersecurity - Academic lecture
- Maritime cybersecurity threat modelling - attacker-centric and system-centric threats - Lecture
- Maritime Energy Transition, FME MarTrans - Popular scientific lecture
- Maritime fleet composition under future greenhouse gas emission restrictions and uncertain fuel prices - Academic article
- Maritime hydrogen infrastructure and value chains in the decarbonization governance of shipping in Norway - Academic lecture
- Maritime transition in the Nordics: State-of-the-art overview and innovation system analysis - Report
- Material failures on offshore wind turbines - Report
- Material flows analysis can guide policy makers to a more circular economy - Website (informational material)
- Material integration study and modelling of a MgCl2:alumina water-sorption thermochemical energy storage system - Poster
- Material use and energy consumption of new production systems for salmon aquaculture - Report
- Materials Acceleration Platforms (MAPs) Accelerating Materials Research and Development to Meet Urgent Societal Challenges - Academic article
- Materials science and ontologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Maximising Value: how to utilize biproduct from hydrogen production? - Lecture
- Measurement of SO3 in Flue Gas from Anode Baking Furnace - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Measurement of Streamer Radii in SF6 Alternatives: Mixtures of CO2/O2 and C4F7N in CO2/O2 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Measurements of the Viscosity of Hydrogen and a (Hydrogen + Methane) Mixture with a Two-Capillary Viscometer - Academic article
- Measuring Community Response to Noise—Factors Affecting the Results of Annoyance Surveys - Academic literature review
- Measuring environmental concentrations of hydrogen peroxide following bath treatment - Academic article
- Measuring mRNA-LNPs - Lecture
- Mechanical response of cement and shale admixtures under cyclic triaxial loading monitored by in-situ synchrotron micro-computed tomography - Academic article
- Mechanism of fatigue failure in a simulated recycled 6082 Al-alloy - Academic lecture
- MeDORA - Membrane-assisted Dissolved O2 Removal from Amine solutions for CO2 capture - Academic article
- MeDORA – Membrane-assisted Dissolved Oxygen Removal from Amine solution for CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Melt viscosity of light alloys: Progress and challenges - Academic literature review
- Membranes and membrane processes for CO2 separation: MEMFO's long-term effort in reducing carbon emissions - Academic article
- Membranes and membrane reactors for blue H2 production - Poster
- Membranes for CO2 capture and blue H2 production – Overview of activities at SINTEF - Lecture
- Membranes for removal of micro- and nanoplastics from wastewater. (MEMNOPLAST) - Academic lecture
- MEMS Fiber Optic Sensors for Environmental Monitoring - Academic lecture
- MEMS-integrated metasurfaces for dynamic linear polarizers - Academic article
- MEMS-metasurface–enabled mode-switchable vortex lasers - Academic article
- MEMS-tunable topological bilayer metasurfaces for reconfigurable dual-state phase control - Academic article
- Mental Health and Parenting Practices and Styles Among Parents Receiving Child Welfare Services in Norway: A Cross-Sectional Study - Academic article
- Merging Worklife Organizational Innovation and Educational Programs: Promoting Continuous Adaptations to the Global Economy - Academic article
- Metagovernance of co-creation in city–university partnerships: How to avoid being stuck in the middle? - Academic article
- Metallic Additives Leaching and Extractions from Biodegradable Plastics Used in Fishing Gears and Potential Materials: Are They Truly More Environmentally Friendly? - Poster
- Metallic Additives Leaching and Extractions from Biodegradable Plastics Used in Fishing Gears and Potential Materials: Are They Truly More Environmentally Friendly? - Poster
- Metasurfaces for Miniature, Low-Cost and Light-Weight Adaptive Optics. - Academic lecture
- Metatranscriptome analysis reveals the putative venom toxin repertoire of the biofouling hydroid Ectopleura larynx - Academic article
- Metering and AI technologies for improved energy use in buildings - Lecture
- Methodological considerations for increasing realism in hazard assessment of plastic and rubber leachates - Academic lecture
- Methodology for activation of flexible resources and BESSs for optimal voltage support in medium voltage distribution grid - Academic lecture
- Methodology for activation of flexible resources and BESSs for optimal voltage support in medium voltage distribution grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Methods and concepts for OR for autonomy in small ports - Report
- MgB2-Based MVDC Superconducting Power Cable in Liquid Hydrogen for Hybrid Energy Distribution - Academic article
- Microbiome in marble- and biofilters in ozone water treatment - Poster
- Microencapsulation of fish oil with brewer's spent grain proteins: Effect of citric acid and emulsion pH - Academic article
- Microstructural characterisation of Al/Cu joints welded using hybrid metal extrusion & bonding - Academic lecture
- Microstructural Evolution in a 6060 Extrudable Al-Alloy: Integrated Modeling and Experimental Validation - Academic article
- Microstructure Development in Duplex Stainless Steels from Additive Manufacturing with Coaxial Directed Energy Deposition and Heat Treatment - Academic article
- Mie–FH: A quantum corrected pair potential in the LAMMPS simulation package for hydrogen mixtures - Academic article
- Mikroalger i industrielle symbioser - Popular scientific lecture
- Miniaturized nanoelectrospray interface for coupling capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry detection - Academic article
- Mirrors in space: can geoengineering help fix the climate problem? - Website (informational material)
- Mitigating health impairment from emotional work in the teacher profession: Intervening through education? The development of an occupational health psychology course for employees in Primary education - Poster
- M-Lab: developing the sustainable maritime energy systems of the future - Website (informational material)
- Mode of Action of AlgE1 - A modular mannurnate C-5 Epimerase - Lecture
- Mode of Action of AlgE1: A Modular Mannuronate C-5 Epimerase - Poster
- Mode of Action of AlgE1: A Modular Mannuronate C-5 Epimerase - Poster
- Mode of Action of AlgE1: A Modular Mannuronate C-5 Epimerase - Poster
- Mode of action of AvAlgE1 - Academic lecture
- Model based performance analysis of a transcritical combined heating and cooling CO2 cycle for a school cantina in India - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Model Building for Rock Physics-Guided Seismic Survey Optimization for CO2 Injection Monitoring - Academic article
- Modeling and Control of an Underwater Calibration Arm - Academic lecture
- Modeling and Control of an Underwater Calibration Arm - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling and Predicting Welfare of Farmed Atlantic Salmon: Integrative Domain Representation and Reasoning Strategies - Academic article
- Modeling and Predicting Welfare of Farmed Atlantic Salmon: Integrative Domain Representation and Reasoning Strategies - Presentation - Academic lecture
- Modeling CSF circulation and the glymphatic system during infusion using subject specific intracranial pressures and brain geometries - Academic article
- Modeling of Creep in Refractory Lining in Anode Baking Furnaces - Academic article
- Modeling the Effect of Composition and Billet Temperature on Extrudability and Properties of AlMgSi Alloys - Academic article
- Modelling and analysis of multi-timescale uncertainty in energy system planning - Academic lecture
- Modelling and validation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emissions from offshore oil production facilities - Academic article
- Modelling heat ingress in LH2 containment systems – thermal resistance networks vs. the finite element method - Poster
- Modelling of an onboard R290 refrigerated sea water (RSW) system for ice production on small fishing vessels in India - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of Biomass-to-X: Challenges and Strategies - Academic article
- Modelling of Biomass-to-X: Challenges and Strategies. - Lecture
- Modelling of electrode surface chemistry and kinetics on the atomic scale - Academic lecture
- Modelling of factors affecting fault stability - Poster
- Modelling of failure in aluminium high-pressure die castings - Academic lecture
- Modelling of Ferro-Silicon-Magnesium dissolution in iron melt - Lecture
- Modelling of gas entrainment in near-horizontal stratified flows with LedaFlow - Academic lecture
- Modelling of multiyear variability of oceanographic variables in the area surrounding South Georgia, Southern Ocean - Poster
- Modelling the atom clustering kinetics under the influence of excess vacancies during natural ageing in 6xxx alloys - Academic lecture
- Modelling the effect of acoustic streaming and ultrasound-enhanced diffusion on nanoparticle transport in a soft porous media - Doctoral dissertation
- Modelling the fate of brine releases during Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) operations and the extend of the effects in the marine environment - Lecture
- Modelling the Impact of Chemical Injection Using LedaFlow Slug Capturing - Academic lecture
- Modelling the Laminaria ochroleuca reforestation potential in Portugal - Academic lecture
- Modelling the spatial evolution of vacancies across grains in multicomponent aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Modelling tool for Legionella growth potential assessment in premise plumbing systems - Poster
- Moderator: 3rd Conference on Digitalisation for Sustainable Process Industries - Popular scientific lecture
- Modular control architecture for safe marine navigation: Reinforcement learning with predictive safety filters - Academic article
- Moisture in Transformers and Reactors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Molting inhibition in Calanus finmarchicus from exposure to the chitin synthesis inhibitor teflubenzuron - Masters thesis
- MOMEC - Mapping of Energy Consumers - Report
- Monitoring chemical emissions from offshore wind farms: assessing impacts, gaps and opportunities - Academic lecture
- Monitoring Clamping Pressure in 40 MVA Power Transformer: A Study of Short and Long-Term Trends - Poster
- Monitoring Clamping Pressure in 40 MVA Power Transformer: A Study of Short and Long-Term Trends - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Monitoring CO2 storage sites (the SPARSE project) - Poster
- Monitoring principles for CCS wells - Poster
- Monitoring Principles for CCS Wells - Academic article
- Monitoring State of Charge in a Latent Thermal Energy Storage System with a Salt Hydrate as Phase Change Material - Academic lecture
- Monitoring State of Charge in a Latent Thermal Energy Storage System with a Salt Hydrate as Phase Change Material - Lecture
- Monitoring State of Charge in a Latent Thermal Energy Storage System with a Salt Hydrate as Phase Change Material - Academic lecture
- Monte Carlo-based rendering of 3D echocardiography for mixed reality-guided atrial septal puncture positioning - Academic article
- MOOC Entrepreneurs - An Institutional Entrepreneurship Perspective on Massive Open Online Courses in Higher Education - Academic lecture
- Mouth Opening Frequency of Salmon from Underwater Video Exploiting Computer Vision - Academic article
- Mouth Opening Frequency of Salmon from Underwater Video Exploiting Computer Vision - Presentation - Academic lecture
- Moving sterile Crispr salmon from the tank to sea cages - regulatory barriers and social impacts - Academic lecture
- MPC-based control structure for high-power charging stations capable of providing ancillary services - Academic article
- MSW for Energy Recovery – 2020-2035 Scenarios for a Large City - Website (informational material)
- MTAD: Multiobjective Transformer Network for Unsupervised Multisensor Anomaly Detection - Academic article
- Multi-billet extrusion of aluminium for large section panels (MultiBE) - Academic lecture
- Multi-criteria assessment of inland and offshore carbon dioxide transport options - Academic article
- Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods: A Case of Software Vendor Selection - Academic article
- Multifidelity Multilevel Monte Carlo Method for Rapid Uncertainty Quantification in CO2 Storage Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multi-Hardware-in-the-Loop Laboratory Testing of Power Converters and Intelligent Electronic Devices for Large-Scale Power System Applications - Academic article
- Multi-material additive manufacturing through electrostatic metal powder attraction and laser-induced forward transfer - Academic article
- Multimodal 2D and 3D microscopic mapping of growth cartilage by computational imaging techniques - a short review including new research - Academic literature review
- Multimode Froth Flotation Process Operating Performance Assessment Based on Deep Embedded Graph Clustering Network - Academic article
- Multi-omics assessment of gametogenesis in polar cod exposed to crude oil - Poster
- Multi-omics assessment of gametogenesis in polar cod exposed to crude oil - Poster
- Multi-Resolution Learning of Partial Differential Equations with Deep Operators and Long Short-Term Memory Networks - Academic lecture
- Multi-resolution learning with deep operator- and recurrent neural networks - Poster
- Multi-resolution learning with deep operator- and recurrent neural networks - Poster
- Multi-scale modelling of redox-mediated hybrid zinc-air flow batteries for more resilient integrated power systems - Academic lecture
- Multiscale simulation of directed energy deposition (DED) for duplex stainless steel - Lecture
- Multi-sectoral interactions in sustainability transitions: a socio-technical system perspective - Academic lecture
- Multi-system interactions and institutional work: Actor interactions at the interface of residential storage systems and electric vehicles in Germany - Academic article
- Multi-Target Tracking for Autonomous Surface Vessels Using LiDAR and AIS Data Integration - Academic article
- Multi-use realisation of low-trophic aquaculture with offshore wind farming or fish farming in the North Sea and Baltic Sea - Academic lecture
- Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection via Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition - Academic article
- Multivariate Time-Series Methods with Uncertainty Estimation for Correcting Physics-Based Model: Comparisons and Generalization for Industrial Drilling Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Myocardial contraction patterns in heart failure – opportunities for new diagnostic markers - Poster
- Nanoenabled Immunomodulatory Scaffolds for Cartilage Tissue Engineering - Academic article
- Nanoparticle-loaded microbubbles for treatment of lung cancer - Academic article
- Nanoscale silicate melt textures determine volcanic ash surface chemistry - Academic article
- Natural refrigerants - Website (informational material)
- Nature Crisis – how can we contribute? - Lecture
- Nature-Based Solutions to Address Climate Change and Combat Biodiversity Loss - Academic lecture
- Navigated ultrasound bronchoscopy with integrated positron emission tomography—A human feasibility study - Academic article
- Navigating quality, health and environmental risk: A novel framework for wastewater resource recovery products - Academic article
- Navigating Quality, Health and Environmental Risk: A Novel Framework for Wastewater Resource Recovery Products (Case study: Soil Improver) - Academic lecture
- Navigating the Future: Innovations and Advancements in Smart, Autonomous Inland and Short-Sea Shipping - Popular scientific lecture
- Navigating Trust in Virtual Worlds - Academic lecture
- Navigating Waves: A financial analysis of Norway’s seafood sector (2005-2020) - Report
- Navigational support framework for maritime autonomous surface ships under onshore operation centers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Negative CO2 Emission Gas Power Plant As Technology for Utilization of Sewage Sludge, Production of Electrical Energy, and CO2 Capture - Case of Chamber Under Transpiration Cooling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- NEMECYS: Addressing Challenges to Building Security Into Connected Medical Devices - Academic article
- Nepal’s hydropower boom comes at the cost of its fish - Interview
- Networked Federated Meta-Learning Over Extending Graphs - Academic article
- Neural Fields for Inversion Problems - Academic lecture
- Neural Network for IFC class recognition - Academic article
- Neural Operator Learning for Long-Time Integration in Dynamical Systems with Recurrent Neural Networks - Academic lecture
- Neural Operator Learning for Long-Time Integration in Dynamical Systems with Recurrent Neural Networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New and accurate thermodynamic property data of CO2-EGS relevant working fluids with data fitted to existing thermodynamic models - Academic article
- New conference dedicated to hydrogen research successfully launches in Trondheim, Norway - Interview
- New dienelactone hydrolase from microalgae bacterial community-Antibiofilm activity against fish pathogens and potential applications for aquaculture - Academic article
- New EU project will demonstrate key technologies in carbon capture and storage - Interview
- New EU project will remove potent climate gas from power grid components - Interview
- New Executive Committee set to lead low-carbon energy research community amid a pivotal year for ... - Interview
- New Executive Committee set to lead low-carbon energy research community amid a pivotal year for Europe’s political landscape - Interview
- New guidelines for green roofs - Interview
- New guidelines for green roofs - Interview
- New guidelines for green roofs - Interview
- New guidelines for green roofs - Interview
- New industries: Kelp cultivation and the developing industry on greens from the ocean - Lecture
- New Insight into Toughness Enhancement in a Lath Martensitic Steel - Academic article
- New insights on the production, biodegradation and characterization of dissolved organic carbon from cultivated Saccharina latissima in Norway - Lecture
- New materials with very low lattice conductivity from first principles and machine learning - Academic lecture
- New Medical Cybersecurity and Design Solutions (NEMECYS) - Academic lecture
- New project will map out realistic pathways to zero-emissions - Website (informational material)
- New Project Will Revolutionise Industrial Water Management - Interview
- New project will revolutionise industrial water management - Interview
- New Public Management and hospital efficiency: the case of Norwegian public hospital trusts - Academic article
- New research centre announced dedicated to the realisation of Gigatonne CCS - Interview
- New Research Centre Announced Dedicated to the Realisation of Gigatonne CCS - Interview
- Next-Generation Battery Manufacturing - Website (informational material)
- Nickel silicide for protecting metal dusting - Academic lecture
- Non-destructive condition assessment methodology for generator bars - Report
- Non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers in high reynolds number flow at incompressible conditions: effects of streamline curvature and three dimensionality - Academic article
- Noninvasive Assessment of Intracranial Pressure: Deformability Index as an Adjunct to Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter to Increase Diagnostic Ability - Academic article
- Nonlinear interpolated Variational Autoencoder for generalized fluid content estimation - Academic article
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Bird Strike Prevention in Wind Turbines - Poster
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Enhanced Navigation of Autonomous Surface Vessels - Poster
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Enhanced Navigation of Autonomous Surface Vessels - Academic article
- NORCICS Demonstrators on Future Secure Cyber-Physical Electricity System - Lecture
- Nordic Hydrogen Hubs – Roadmaps Towards 2030 and 2040 (NordicH2ubs) - Poster
- Nordic perspectives on the emerging biochar business - Academic article
- NordiCoats - Jotun workshop - Lecture
- Nor-Fishing 2024: Episode 3 - Where is the fish: Migrating species! - Programme participation
- NorthWind at Arendalsuka: AI and offshore wind - Interview
- NorthWind director John Olav Tande to step down – New leadership opportunity at Centre - Interview
- NorthWind partners awarded EU funding - Interview
- NorthWind partners receive funding for five offshore wind research projects - Interview
- Noruega estuda armazenamento de CO2 em escala de gigatoneladas - Interview
- Norway and Europe: Securing future energy and welfare - Report
- Norway’s CCS Partnership between the State, Industries, Academia, and NGO’s - Lecture
- Norway’s offshore wind industry launches new strategy - Interview
- Norway's Position on Global Hydrogen Value Chains: A Dual Model Approach - Lecture
- Norway's Role in the Hydrogen Value Chain: A Dual- Model Approach - Lecture
- Norwegian boys dislike school the most - Interview
- Norwegian CCS Research Centre Looks to the Future after Eight Years of Pioneering Research and Collaboration - Interview
- Norwegian schools are not adequately accessible to all their users - Interview
- Norwegian schools are not adequately accessible to all their users - Interview
- Norwegian Seaweed Center – Landfarms - Lecture
- Norwegian Seaweed Center - Simulations and monitoring - Lecture
- Not Inevitable: Navigating Labor Displacement and Reinstatement in the Pursuit of AI for Social Good - Academic article
- Novel Numerical Method for Studying Water Freezing on Surfaces Texturized by Laser - Academic article
- Novel Recuperated Power Cycles for Cost-Effective Integration of Variable Renewable Energy - Academic article
- NTNU Campus Gløshaugen: Presentation of a selection of ZEN KPIs in a pilot project - Report
- NTNU Energy Transition Podcast. #63 Unlocking the Potential of Floating Wind Farms (with Synne Nybø, SINTEF Ocean) - Programme participation
- Numerical and experimental study of a series of contrarotating propellers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Assessment of a Rich-Quench-Lean Staging Strategy for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Partially Decomposed Ammonia in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System - Academic article
- Numerical investigation of hydrogen- fired prechamber ignition of the ammonia main charge in reciprocating engines - Lecture
- Numerical Investigation of Premixed and Non-premixed Ammonia Main Charge Configurations Ignited by a Hydrogen-Fired Prechamber - Academic article
- Numerical Investigation of Reheat Hydrogen Flames in the Sequential-Combustion Stage of a Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical modeling of a potential CO2-supplied enhanced geothermal system (CO2-EGS) in the Åsgard field, Norway - Academic article
- Numerical modelling of the solid- and fluid dynamic phenomena controlling the ring plate valve motion and tumbling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical simulation of lignin gasification: The role of gasifying agents in entrained-flow reactors - Academic article
- Numerical studies of viscous flow around straight and curved tandem cylinders - Doctoral dissertation
- Nutrient upcycling and flows of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) (Annelida: Nereididae) fed aquaculture sludge - Academic article
- Nutrients availability in liquids from HT processing - Lecture
- Nutritional quality and climate impact of Norwegian adults’ diet classified according to the NOVA system - Academic article
- NW at NTNU’s FME conference - Interview
- Objective Analysis of Melanin Spots as Welfare Signals in Atlantic Salmon Using AI-Based Computer Vision - Masters thesis
- Observing fish behavior in towed fishing gear—is there an influence of artificial light? - Academic article
- Observing Upper-Ocean and Surface Properties, Currents and their Gradients from Meso to Submesoscales - Lecture
- Occupational accidents in Norwegian aquaculture - Lecture
- Occupational health and safety (OHS) in Norwegian Salmon farming - an employee survey - Lecture
- Occupational health and safety survey in Norwegian fish farming - Lecture
- Offshore wind farm site selection in Norway: Using a fuzzy trigonometric weighted assessment model - Academic article
- Offshore wind: multinational R&I cooperation necessary - Interview
- Oil droplet fouling on lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) eggshells does not enhance the crude oil induced developmental toxicity - Academic article
- Oil field drainage with variable low-emission energy supply - Academic lecture
- Oil spill risk assessment based on ocean model ensemble prediction system - Poster
- Oil-Based vs Water-Based Fluids Behavior with Experimental Cuttings-Bed Erosion in Horizontal Wells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Old brickwork can be brought back to life in old heritage buildings - Interview
- On efficient modelling of radical production in cavitation assisted reactors - Academic article
- On the cost competitiveness of blue and green hydrogen - Academic article
- On the Evolution of Stress and Microstructure in Radio Frequency-Sputtered Lead-Free (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3 Thin Films - Academic article
- On the fundamental principles of metabolite release rates - Poster
- On the inaccuracies of point-particle approach for char conversion modeling - Academic article
- On the partial oxidation of methanol and its sub-reactions over silver - Poster
- On the performance of modern wood stoves – Results from the knowledge building project SusWoodStoves - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- On the potential role of flexible Norwegian hydropower in managing challenging renewable energy variability events in Europe - Lecture
- On the visibility of GP-zones in 6xxx Al alloys in atomic LAADF-STEM - Academic article
- Onboard carbon capture and storage (OCCS) for fossil fuel-based shipping: A sustainability assessment - Academic article
- One mesh does not fit all: A dual compartment codend provides flexible selectivity opportunities to manage mixed fisheries - Academic article
- One-step CO2 hydrogenation to hydrocarbons on K promoted, carbon supported Fe catalysts. - Poster
- On-line condition monitoring of EHV XLPE oil-filled terminations by using a new sensing system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Online measurement of impurities in CO2 by using electrical permittivity - Abstract
- Online measurement of impurities in CO2 by using electrical permittivity - Poster
- Ontologies for Advanced Materials - Lecture
- Ontologies for FAIR Data Documentation: Enabling Data Accessibility - Lecture
- OntoTrans: Ontology-driven translation of innovation challenges - Academic lecture
- Open access segmentations of intraoperative brain tumor ultrasound images - Academic article
- Open Database of Simulated Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Well Integrity Log Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OpenMod4Africa - Lecture
- Operando and in situ transmission electron microscopy: exploring real-time nanoscale phenomena of battery materials - Academic lecture
- Operation and control of compact offshore combined cycles for power generation - Academic article
- Operation of an EV Parking Lot Subject to Capacity-Based Grid Tariffs Offering Demand Response - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operation track record and repair of direct electrical heating system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operational cycles for maritime transportation: Consolidated methodology and assessments - Academic article
- Operational integration of uncrewed aerial vehicles into roadway agencies' snow avalanche risk assessment process - Academic article
- Operational support framework for maritime autonomous surface ships under onshore operation centers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operationalising materials modelling workflows in industrial R&D – a benefits analysis - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Operations Research in Maritime Logistics - Editorial
- Operator- and recurrent neural network learning for partial differential equations - Academic lecture
- Opportunities and challenges in new production systems for salmon farming in Norway—Industry perspective - Academic article
- Optical 3D imaging for subsea and space applications - Doctoral dissertation
- Optical measurement instrument for detection of powdery mildew and grey mould in protected crops - Academic article
- Optimal capacity design of amine-based onboard CO2 capture systems under variable marine engine loads - Academic article
- Optimal Clustered, Multi-modal CO2 Transport Considering Non-linear Costs - a Path-planning Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimal experimental design for identification of hydrodynamic loading models - Academic article
- Optimal Experimental Design for System Identification of Hydrodynamic Models - Poster
- Optimal Industrial Clusters: Flex4Fact Summer Research Report - Report
- Optimisation and Macroeconomic models in Circular Economy analyses - Lecture
- Optimisation of a Production Chain for Active Corrosion Protection via Digitalisation - Academic article
- Optimising Nurse Staffing at the Emergency Department of Ålesund Sykehus - Report
- Optimization and parameterization of electrochemical systems in BattMo, the battery modeling toolbox - Academic lecture
- Optimization approach of DED process to fulfil the requirements on material properties and component performance of waterjet impeller - Academic article
- Optimization of Geometric Design of Extruded Products Incorporating Properties, Cost and CO2 Footprint - Academic article
- Optimization of Offshore FPV Modules in Early Design Phase - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing Aluminum Alloys for Dynamic Cables in Floating Wind Energy Transmission - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing Feeding Strategies in Aquaculture Using Machine Learning: Ensuring Sustainable and Economically Viable Fish Farming Practices - Academic lecture
- Optimizing Feeding Strategies in Aquaculture Using Machine Learning: Ensuring Sustainable and Economically Viable Fish Farming Practices - Academic article
- Optimizing Ni–Cr patterned boron-doped diamond band electrodes: Doping effects on electrochemical efficiency and posaconazole sensing performance - Academic article
- Optimizing the gasification characteristics of bio-oil distillation sludge by obtaining co-pyrolysis char with walnut shells - Academic article
- Optimizing the tapping process based on a predictive model accounting for human factors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing ventilation systems considering operational and embodied emissions with life cycle based method - Academic article
- Organising social sector: employees and tasks - good practices from Norway - Lecture
- Organs grown on microchips may offer a quantum leap for women’s health - Interview
- Orientation of reduced graphene oxide in composite coatings - Academic article
- Origins and Importance of Intragranular Cracking in Layered Lithium Transition Metal Oxide Cathodes - Academic article
- Out of balance, out of sight: Issues with the design and accessibility of a corpus of fake and real news - Academic lecture
- Outlier Detection in Bayesian Neural Networks: Exploring Pre-activations and Predictive Entropy - Academic article
- Overeating land - Dilemmas and opportunities at the intersection of land and nature dependent societal systems - Academic lecture
- Overview of maritime ICT standards for communication between ships and between ship and shore - Report
- Overview underground CO2 storage seen from Norway - examples using ML on faults, and simulations of caprock properties - Lecture
- Oxidative degradation of triethylene glycol - Academic article
- Oxygen Exchange Kinetics of BaGd0.3La0.7Co26-d Air/Steam Electrode for Proton Ceramic Electrochemical Cells - Academic lecture
- Oxygen Exchange Kinetics of BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6-d Air/Steam Electrode for Proton Ceramic Electrochemical Cells - Academic lecture
- PAH emission from individual carbonaceous materials in a laboratory-scale and its relationship with PAH emission from a mixture of carbonaceous materials in pilot-scale experiments producing MG-Si - Academic article
- PALLAMONIA: High purity hydrogen recovery from ammonia with Palladium membrane technology - Academic lecture
- Panel discussion: Blue AI: Aquaculture and biodiversity in the digital age. - Lecture
- Parallel Session: Explainable AI - Academic lecture
- Parameters affecting the reliability of sampling during the assessment of the purity of hydrogen used as a vehicle fuel - Short communication
- Parametric investigation, formulation, and benchmarking of energy consumption for the powder bed fusion process - Academic article
- Parametric modeling and rock stress data integration for enhanced rock mechanics applications - Lecture
- Parametric simulation to optimize moisture removal from urban apartment blocks - Academic lecture
- Pardon my trench: reflections on the uptake of trenchless technologies in the Norwegian water sector - Academic article
- Parenting sense of competence and associated factors among parents facing adversity in Norway: a cross-sectional study - Academic article
- Part 2 ─ Tailoring of Pyrolytic Char Properties with a Single Particle CFD Model with a Focus on the Impact of Shrinking, Vapor Cracking, and Char Permeability - Academic article
- Partial Discharge Inception in Ceramic Substrates Embedded in Silicone Liquid, Silicone Gel, and Mineral Oil at Fast Voltage Rise and Sinusoidal Voltage - Academic article
- Partial Discharge Inception Voltage of Pigtail Samples with Type II Insulation and Sinusoidal vs Switched Voltage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Partial Discharges with Fast Switched Voltage on Impregnated Pressboard in a Mineral Oil and a Synthetic Ester - Academic article
- Partial-Distributed Architecture for Multisensor Fault Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation in Hydrogen-Blended Natural Gas Pipelines - Academic article
- Partial-Distributed Filtering for Fault Detection, Isolation and Accommodation in Natural-Gas Pipelines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Participants’ experiences after using the EPIO pain self-management program – a qualitative study EAPM European association of psychosomatic medicine - Academic lecture
- Passivity-based Screening to Identify Critical Nodes for Converter Interoperability in Power System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Past, Present, Future -- Planetary Boundaries, Sustainable Development, and Post-Growth - Lecture
- Pathogen-specific patterns of milking traits in automatic milking systems - Academic article
- Patient experiences with Helsenorge during cancer pathways. - Lecture
- Patient Perspectives on Coercion Reduction in Mental Health Care – Insights from Qualitative Studies - Academic lecture
- Paving the way for a sustainable European energy future - Interview
- Paving the way for sustainable decarbonization of the European cement industry - Academic article
- Peculiarities of the run-off-river hydropower potential in Romania - Academic article
- Perceptions of customer-facing digital technology: a qualitative interview study from grocery retail - Academic article
- Perceptions of decarbonisation challenges for the process industry in Sweden and Norway - Academic article
- Performance analysis of an active on-board refrigeration system using propane for improved fish preservation in small fishing boats - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance and stability of cellulose triacetate membranes in humid high H2S natural gas feed streams - Academic article
- Performance comparison of a lab and industrial scale propane-butane cascade heat pump - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance development of modern wood stoves - Lecture
- Performance Evaluation of an Open Source Implementation of a 5G Standalone Platform - Academic article
- Performance of a Cable-Driven Robot Used for Cyber–Physical Testing of Floating Wind Turbines - Academic article
- Performance of Calcium Nitrate as Accelerator for Cement Blended with Blast Furnace Slag - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance testing of CO2-NH3 cascade freezer for seafood processing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance variability of solar irradiance model chains applied to building-integrated photovoltaic systems at high latitudes - Academic article
- Peroxodicarbonate – a renaissance of an electrochemically generated green oxidizer - Academic literature review
- Perspectives on ambitious goals and collaboration - Report
- Perspectives on hydrogen export from Norway to Europe - Academic lecture
- Phase behavior and black-oil simulations of Hydrogen storage in saline aquifers - Academic article
- Phase Behavior and Black-Oil Simulations of Hydrogen Storage in Saline Aquifers - Lecture
- Phasing the barriers to Industry 4.0: Enhancing the understanding of the challenges of digitalization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Phonon lifetime studies in thermoelectric materials by combining inelastic neutron scattering and ab-initio calculations - Poster
- Photogrammetry and LiDAR from UAS in steep terrain - Report
- Physicochemical- and bioactive properties of acid preserved Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima during storage - Academic article
- Physicochemical properties of La0.5Ba0.5Co1-xFexO3-δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) as positrode for proton ceramic electrochemical cells - Academic article
- Physics-based and data-driven modelling and simulation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - Academic article
- Physics-guided federated learning as an enabler for digital twins - Academic article
- PiecewiseAffineApprox.jl - Academic lecture
- PiezoMOEMS: A playground for light manipulation - Academic lecture
- Pilot Scale Electrolysis of Peroxodicarbonate as an Oxidizer for Lignin Valorization - Academic article
- Pilot tests with waste and biomass in a 150 kW auto-thermal CLC unit - Academic lecture
- Pilot-Scale Aluminothermic Production of Silicon Alloy and Alumina-Rich Slag - Academic article
- Pioneering Sustainable CO2 Conversion to C3 Chemicals and High-Value Lipids for Feed and Food Applications - Lecture
- Pioneering the Future of EDGE AI - Lecture
- Pipe wall thickness estimation by frequency–wavenumber analysis of circumferential guided waves - Academic article
- Pitting Detection and Characterization From Ultrasound Timelapse Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks - Academic article
- Plane Prior for RGB-D based Visual Odometry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Plasma Levels of Organic Acids Associated with the Gut Microbiome Display Significant Alterations in Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients - Academic article
- Plasma polymerized coatings on elastomers - Academic lecture
- Plasma tryptophan pathway metabolites quantified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry as biomarkers in neuroendocrine tumor patients - Academic article
- Plasma-enabled multifunctional platform for gram-scale production of graphene and derivatives - Academic article
- Plasmonic electro-optic modulators on lead zirconate titanate platform - Academic article
- Plastics as a Potential Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens From Wastewater Discharge in the Marine Environment – the PlastiSpread Project - Poster
- Plastics as a Potential Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens from Wastewater Discharge to the Marine Environment and Human Food Value Chain - Academic lecture
- PlastiSpread: Exploring Plastics as a Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance from Wastewater in the Marine Environment - Poster
- Plenary speakers announced for AQUA 2024 - Interview
- Podkast: Smart forklart: 85. Wave Energy (bølgeenergi) - Interview
- Policies matter in creating climate resilient societies in cold regions - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) and additives detected in non-target analysis of organic content from fishing gears material - Poster
- Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a broad applicability marker for LC–MS/MS-based biodistribution analysis of nanomedicines - Academic article
- Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a broad applicability marker for LC–MS/MS-based biodistribution analysis of nanomedicines and advanced therapeutics - Poster
- Polymer membranes stability under sour-humid natural gas mixtures and their role towards de-carbonization - Academic lecture
- Polystyrene nanoplastics affected the nutritional quality of Chlamys farreri through disturbing the function of gills and physiological metabolism: Comparison with microplastics - Academic article
- Ports as intermediary transition workers - Academic lecture
- Positive results from SusWoodStoves - Lecture
- Possibilities and challenges of using robot manipulators in additive manufacturing (AM) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Post-consumer recycling plastics (PCR), a safe alternative to pristine plastic bags? A case study: Degradation and toxicity of PCR vs pristine plastic bags. - Academic lecture
- Poster: Lessons learned from innovative energy solutions to enable zero emissions areas - Poster
- Potential for surplus-heat-to-power conversion in current and future aluminium production process with off-gas recycling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Power demand on zero emission constructions sites - Lecture
- Power Fluctuations caused by Wind Turbulence on a 15MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Report
- Power of Flexibility - Facilitating the Energy Transition with Hybrid Hydropower Solutions : Technical Report - Report
- Power purchase agreements for plus energy neighbourhoods: Financial risk mitigation through predictive modelling and bargaining theory - Academic article
- Power system flexibility solutions: Classifications, planning frameworks, and barriers - Academic lecture
- Power system impacts of new environmental constraints for hydropower in Norway - Report
- Power system instability prediction from the solution pattern of differential Riccati equations - Academic article
- Powering Coastal Fishing Vessels with Electricity and Hydrogen in Norway - Academic lecture
- Practical and Ethical Considerations for Generative AI in Medical Imaging - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Practical Experiences from Application of a Comprehensive Simulator for Pumped Storage Hydropower Investment Decisions on a Real Investment Case - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pragmatism in industrial modelling: An application to ladle lifetime in the steel industry - Academic article
- Preclinical Efficacy of Cabazitaxel Loaded Poly(2-alkyl cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticle Variants - Academic article
- Predicted 4D seismic response in Valhall for 2003-2019 - Academic lecture
- Predicted effects of impurity elements on Al alloy microstructure and properties from thermodynamic simulations - Report
- Predicting ignitability of oil slicks for in-situ burning operations as a function of weathering and oil properties - Academic article
- Predicting prevalence of noise annoyance using the CTL method - Academic article
- Prediction of ammonia ignition/quenching and emissions of NOx, NH3 and H2 in a non-premixed swirl combustor using the EDC model - Academic article
- Prediction of Galvanic Corrosion in Aluminium-Stainless Steel Bolted Connection in Offshore Environment: Advanced Modelling and Simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of galvanic corrosion in aluminium-stainless steel bolted connection in offshore environment: advanced modelling and simulation - Lecture
- Predictive Digital Twin for Condition Monitoring Using Thermal Imaging - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Predictive Heating Control and Perceived Thermal Comfort in a Norwegian Office Building - Academic article
- Preface - Foreword
- Preliminary developments and insights of the Smart Building Hub: A Norwegian e-infrastructure for energy-flexible and healthy buildings - Academic article
- Preliminary Experimental Results of a Temporal Planning-based System for Autonomous Inspection using UGV - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Preliminary studies of acoustic emission for in-situ detection of instabilities in keyhole laser welding - Poster
- Preliminary Testing and Simulations of Pot Integrated Abart (PIA) at Alcoa Mosjøen - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- PreMa_Energy efficient primary production of managnaese alloys through application of novel energy systems in drying and preheating of furnace feed materials - Lecture
- Preparation and Investigation of High Surface Area Aerogels from Crosslinked Polypropylenes - Academic article
- Preparing buildings for data-driven operation. Examples from the ZEB Laboratory - Report
- Presentation at the IndustryUKA 2024 - Lecture
- Presentation: NoRSTRESS Research Project - Lecture
- Preservation of brown algae by added acids or fermentation - Lecture
- Pressurized combustion of decomposed ammonia fuels - Academic lecture
- Preventing explosive mixture formation in PEM electrolysers’ water recovery tanks - Academic lecture
- Prevention of explosive mixtures in electrolyser plants' water recovery tanks - Academic lecture
- Pricing Mechanisms' Impact on Welfare Distribution in Energy Communities with Energy Storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- PriMA-Care: Privacy-Preserving Multi-modal Dataset for Human Activity Recognition in Care Robots - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Privacy: Regulatory principles, technologies, and consumer awareness - Academic lecture
- Probing Phonon Lifetimes in Strongly Anharmonic SrTiO3 - Academic lecture
- Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Autonomous Systems Safety - Report
- Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors - smp'24 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Process design and environmental assessment of an integrated biorefinery for Bioethanol and Bio-Oil production - Lecture
- Process Modeling and Optimization of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-Enhanced Geothermal Systems in Poland - Academic article
- Processing machine-learning fault scores from 3-D seismic to map fault density in the overburden of CO2-reservoirs - Academic lecture
- Processing of cultivated seaweed for enhanced food safety and nutritional properties - Masters thesis
- Production and Analysis Methods for more Environmentally Relevant Small Microplastic and Nanoplastic Test materials - Poster
- Production and characterization of biocarbon from slow pyrolysis of different woody biomasses - Academic lecture
- Production and characterization of biocarbon from woody biomasses produced at 1000 °C - Academic article
- Production and characterization of biocarbon under different conditions - Academic lecture
- Professional Digital Development among Teachers in 1:1 Schools – Skills, Collaboration, and Needs. - Academic lecture
- Profilometry: a non-intrusive active stereo-vision technique for wave-profile measurements in large hydrodynamic laboratories - Academic article
- Progressive Weakening of Granite by Piezoelectric Excitation of Quartz with Alternating Current - Academic article
- Project ACCSESS: Addressing drastic CO2 emissions cuts and removal in four key industries - Academic lecture
- Propagation of flow noise in multilayered oil pipeline systems subject to water and gas injection - Lecture
- Properties of Fused Quartz Crucibles for Czochralski Silicon Production - Academic lecture
- Propulsion Systems and Fuel Supply Infrastructure for Zero-Emission Costal Fishing Vessels - Academic lecture
- Prospective LCA of brown seaweed-based bioplastic: Upscaling from pilot to industrial scale - Academic article
- Protective factors for suicidal ideation: a prospective study from adolescence to adulthood - Academic article
- Prototyping in Polymethylpentene to Enable Oxygen-Permeable On-a-Chip Cell Culture and Organ-on-a-Chip Devices Suitable for Microscopy - Academic article
- Proud seafarers have strong doubts about the safety of autonomous ships - Interview
- Providing automatic formative feedback along surgical skill assessment - Academic article
- Providing Emotional Support During the Process of Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis (PrEliMS): A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial - Academic article
- Proxy Models for Rapid Simulation of Underground Thermal Energy Storage - Academic lecture
- Pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks for learning partial differential equations - Academic article
- Pseudo-Hamiltonian system identification - Academic article
- Psychological interventions for mood and cognition after stroke and transient ischaemic attack: A protocol for an umbrella review - Academic article
- Psychological safety in hybrid work - Lecture
- PULSE SPRAY DRYING - energy-efficient production of food ingredients - Popular scientific article
- Pulse Spray Drying: Energy-Efficient Production of Food Ingredients - Website (informational material)
- Pulse-Echo Ultrasound for Quantitative Measurements of Two Uncorrelated Elastic Parameters - Academic article
- Pumped Hydropower Storage for Balancing High Shares of Variable Renewable Generation in Europe - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Putting the costs and benefits of carbon capture and storage into perspective: a multi-sector to multi-product analysis - Academic article
- Pyintegrity: An Open-Source Toolbox for Processing Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Well Integrity Log Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Q&A: Can we capture CO₂ from the ocean? - Website (informational material)
- Q&A: Investigating Direct Air Capture (DAC) - Website (informational material)
- Q&A: Using non-traditional bioresources for Bio-CCS - Website (informational material)
- Quality assessment of LNP-RNA therapeutics with orthogonal analytical techniques - Academic article
- Quality of Lipids During Frozen Storage of Polychaete (Alitta virens) - a Low Trophic Marine Resource Relevant for Aquaculture Feed - Academic article
- Quality of photogrammetry and LiDAR from UAS - Report
- Quantification and Characterisation of Microplastic Release from Different Aquaculture Nets Towards Emission Reduction - Poster
- Quantification of climate change impact on rainfall-induced shallow landslide susceptibility: a case study in central Norway - Academic article
- Quantifying Anisotropic Viscoelastic Parameters Using In-Situ Pressuremeter Testing in Shale - Poster
- Quantifying the short-term asymmetric effects of renewable energy on the electricity merit-order curve - Academic article
- Quantum Error correction - theory and hands-on - Academic lecture
- Raft Protocol for Fault Tolerance and Self-Recovery in Federated Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Raft Protocol for Fault Tolerance and Self-Recovery in Federated Learning - Academic lecture
- Raising the Bar: Why an Industrial Standard for Testing Hydraulic Sealability of Well Abandonment Materials in Laboratory is Essential for Well Integrity - Academic lecture
- Raising the Bar: Why an Industrial Standard for Testing Hydraulic Sealability of Well Abandonment Materials in Laboratory is Essential for Well Integrity - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rapid and non-destructive quantification of meat content in the legs of live red king crab (Camtschaticus paralithodes) by nearinfrared spectroscopy - Academic lecture
- Rapid and non-destructive quantification of meat content in the legs of live red king crab (Camtschaticus paralithodes) by near-infrared spectroscopy - Academic article
- Rapid and scalable detection of synthetic mRNA byproducts using polynucleotide phosphorylase and polythymidine oligonucleotides - Academic article
- Rapid pedestrian-level wind field prediction for early-stage design using Pareto-optimized convolutional neural networks - Academic article
- Rapid pulse drying of marine biomasses - Academic lecture
- Rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in fjord waters: Comparison between seawater in the Trondheimfjord (Norway), its local riverine REY sources and the North Atlantic - Academic article
- Rate-Dependent Evolution of Microstructure and Stress in Silicon Films Deposited by Electron Beam Evaporation - Academic article
- Reaction modelling of hydrogen evolution on nickel phosphide catalysts: density functional investigation - Academic article
- Real-time Automated Pore Pressure And Wellbore Stability Updates In A Digital Twin - Lecture
- Real-time Automated Pore Pressure And Wellbore Stability Updates in A Digital Twin, Using Smart Agents And Log Predictions Ahead of Bit, Example From Norwegian Continental Shelf" - Academic lecture
- Real-Time Exchange of IEC 61850 Sample Values over 5G for Grid Monitoring and Operation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-Time Person Re-Identification to Improve Human-Robot Interaction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-time segmentation of the aorta in 2D ultrasound images for detecting abdominal aorta aneurism - abstract - Lecture
- Real-world implementation of the Copenhagen Adduction Exercise: what do football teams modify and why? - Academic article
- Rebuilding the self through valued action and group connections after acquired brain injury: Participant perspectives of the VaLiANT group intervention - Academic article
- REBUS project (2020–2023). Final report - Report
- Recapturing sludge from Atlantic salmon production in closed containment systems in the sea - Academic article
- Recent Developments in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems: A Review - Academic literature review
- Recommendations for residential cooker hood solutions and airflow rates - Academic lecture
- Reconfiguring human-AI collaboration: integrating chatbots in welfare services - Chapter
- Recovery of Li and LiOH from Primary and Secondary Sources - Academic lecture
- Recovery of Li by Molten Salt Chlorination - Academic lecture
- Recovery of Li, Co, Cu and Ni by Molten Salt Chlorination - Academic article
- Recovery of LiOH by advanced electrodialysis - Academic lecture
- Recovery of Lithium for a European battery value chain - Academic lecture
- Recovery of lithium from oxalic acid leachate produced from black mass of spent electric vehicle Li-ion batteries - Academic article
- Recruitment of Volunteers with Immigrant Backgrounds: The Impact of Structural and Individual Aspects - Academic article
- Recycling of Metals Using Molten Salts - Academic lecture
- Reducing CO2 emissions, energy consumption, and decarbonization costs in manganese production by integrating fuel-assisted solid oxide electrolysis cells in two-stage oxide reduction - Academic article
- Reducing GHG emissions of food cold chain in Norway - Report
- Reducing the Angular Colour Dependence of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Modules Based on Optical Interference Coatings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Reducing the Angular Colour Dependence of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Modules Based on Optical Interference Coatings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Re-examination of PressPack test objects after seven years of storage - Report
- Reference Power Cable Models for Floating Offshore Wind Applications - Academic article
- Refractories for Hydrogen Use in Metal Production: A Review - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Refractory Materials in Chlorine-Containing Atmospheres - Poster
- Regional Capacity Expansion Planning of Electricity and Hydrogen Infrastructure: A Norwegian Case Study - Academic article
- Regional quality estimation for echocardiography using deep learning - Lecture
- Regional quality estimation for echocardiography using deep LEARNING - Poster
- Regression-Based Estimation of Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Loads on the INO WINDMOOR 12MW Semi-Submersible - Poster
- Regulations for the Digital Economy – Impact on Industry - Lecture
- Regulatory and legal frameworks recommendations for short sea shipping maritime autonomous surface ships - Academic article
- Regulatory Implications for considering flexible resources in network expansion planning: main lessons from regional cases in the H2020 FlexPlan project - Academic article
- Reinforcement learning based MPC with neural dynamical models - Academic article
- Relative-to-resident abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study - Academic article
- Relaxed Nonlinear Vector Fitting for Calculation of Rational Approximation of Systems Defined by Input/Output Responses in the Frequency Domain - Academic article
- Reliability Analysis of Distribution Grids with Local Backup Power Supply - Poster
- Reliability and Security Challenges for Digital and Green Transitions: Unlocking the Potential of Data Spaces for More Reliable and Safer Energy Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Reliability assessment combining importance resampling and the cross entropy method - Academic lecture
- Reliability assessment combining importance resampling and the cross entropy method - Academic article
- Reliability engineering responses to technical failures in green H2 production for ammonia and other applications: insights from database analysis and literature review - Lecture
- Remote Inclusion of Vulnerable Users in mHealth Intervention Design: Retrospective Case Analysis - Academic article
- Remote sensing of currents from wave spectra with of horizontal shear - Poster
- Remote sensing of zooplankton surface patches - are we underestimating surface abundances? - Academic lecture
- Remote sensing of zooplankton surface patches - are we underestimating surface abundances? - Academic lecture
- Removing the bottleneck for common periwinkle (Littorina littorea) aquaculture - Poster
- Renewable Energy Assisted Carbon Capture, Utilization and/or Storage: Heat Pumps - Design, Construction, and Integration - Lecture
- Renewable Energy Complementarity (RECom) maps - a comprehensive visualisation tool to support spatial diversification - Academic article
- Report on methodological innovations of iterative FCM sessions - deliverable 2.1 COMPAREIT - Report
- Report+out from TMS 2024 - Lecture
- Reprogramming Yarrowia lipolytica metabolism for efficient synthesis of itaconic acid from flask to semipilot scale - Academic article
- REPTILE: a Tool for Replay-driven Continual Learning in IIoT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Research and Development Reduce Emissions from Wood Burning - Website (informational material)
- Research Challenges for Eco-Efficient and Circular Industrial Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Research Data: A Public Good and/or a Private Asset? - Academic article
- Research Data: A Public Good or a Private Asset? - Abstract
- Research in Architecture: Fortification or another termite in the foundation of creativity? - Academic lecture
- Research indicates that certain features in new cars may actually compromise safety - Interview
- Research summary of WP2 in HydroSun project - Academic lecture
- Researchers Use Machine Learning to Detect Pitting Corrosion - Interview
- Reservoir monitoring using Seismic, Electromagnetics, gravity, and surface deformation - Lecture
- Resilience Engineering 20 Years - Progress, challenges and opportunities - Report
- Resilient supply chains under pressure: Investigating how shocks impacted the environmental footprint of Norwegian seafood products - Academic lecture
- ResiVis: A Holistic Underwater Motion Planning Approach for Robust Active Perception Under Uncertainties - Academic article
- ResiVis: A Holistic Underwater Motion Planning Approach for Robust Active Perception Under Uncertainties - Multimedia product
- Responsible AI in Agile Software Engineering - An Industry Perspective - Academic lecture
- Rest in phase transition: Should charging habits in next generation EVs be adapted? - Academic article
- Retention of prions in the polychaete Hediste diversicolor and black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, larvae after short-term experimental immersion and feeding with brain homogenate from scrapie infected sheep - Academic article
- Rethinking Distribution Grid Operational Planning with Flexibility Resources - Poster
- Rethinking Distribution Grid Operational Planning with Flexibility Resources - Poster
- Rethinking distribution network operational planning with flexibility resources - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rethinking Independence in Safety Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Returning to work with long covid in the UK during lockdown and other COVID-19 restrictions: A qualitative study - Academic article
- Reuse of offshore assets and infrastructure for CO2 storage - Academic lecture
- Revenue assessment of damage aware wind farm control for secondary frequency regulation provision - Academic article
- Reverberation and background noise in three classrooms in the Kilimanjaro region - Lecture
- Reverberation and background noise in three classrooms in the Kilimanjaro region - Lecture
- Review of High Temperature Heat Pump Compressors and Calculation of their Working Range - Academic lecture
- Review of Metal Screw Extrusion: State of the Art and Beyond - Academic literature review
- Review on CO2 removal from ocean with an emphasis on direct ocean capture (DOC) technologies - Academic literature review
- Review: Urban Water Security and Safety - Academic literature review
- Revisiting The Comparison Of Low- Versus Mid-Pressure Transport Of CO2 Based On Industrial Considerations And Detailed Cost Evaluations - Lecture
- Revisiting the response of microstructure and performance to cold pre-strain and the early aging stage in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy - Academic article
- Revisiting the vacancy diffusion behavior under the influence of solute trapping in dilute alloys - Academic lecture
- Revisiting Tin Oxide anodes with a scalable nanoscale fabrication process - Poster
- Revolutionising Intelligence Edge AI Anywhere, Anytime - Lecture
- RFMO-BBNJ-GBF synergies: Nearing the dawn of ratification of the BBNJ treaty – how will the interplay with fisheries regimes play out in the global commons - Lecture
- RGD-alginate beads as a structure element for fibroblast culture - Poster
- RHC-ETIP HWG Buildings - Activity summary for 2019-2023 - Lecture
- Rheology and nanoparticle release characterization of an injectable hydrogel-based drug delivery device - Academic lecture
- Riding towards better athlete health - Editorial
- RISE Joins FME NorthWind as Associate Research Partner - Interview
- Risk Assessment from Unfavourable Moisture and Water in Innovative Timber Façade: A Participatory Approach - Academic lecture
- Risk Assessment from Unfavourable Moisture and Water in Innovative Timber Façade: A Participatory Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance of a Liquid Hydrogen Bunkering Facility - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risks of Environmental Impacts of Accidental Spills of Ammonia to the Marine Environment - Poster
- Risk-taking behaviour among Norwegian adolescents using private or rented e-scooters - Academic lecture
- Road user opinions and needs regarding small modular autonomous electric vehicles: Differences between elderly and non-elderly in Norway - Academic article
- Robot Vision for agri applications - Lecture
- Robotics and AI for Inspection and Maintenance at SINTEF - Lecture
- Robotics and drones for inspection and maintenance of offshore and onshore energy infrastructure - Lecture
- Robotics and drones for inspection and maintenance of offshore and onshore energy infrastructure - Academic lecture
- Robotics and Remote Operations - Lecture
- Robust Choice of Virtual Impedance for Virtual Synchronous Machines Accounting for Grid Impedance Uncertainty - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Robust Hole-Detection in Triangular Meshes Irrespective of the Presence of Singular Vertices - Academic article
- Robust In-situ Contact Angle Measurements with Confidence Estimation for X-ray Micro-CT Data - Lecture
- Robustness-Based Evaluation of GHG Emissions and Energy Use at Neighborhood Level - Academic article
- Rock Mechanics to Seismic 4D (RM2S4D) - Software
- Rock physics modelling and inversion for CO2storage monitoring - Lecture
- Rock Physics-Guided Seismic Survey Optimization for CO2 Injection Monitoring-Model Building - Abstract
- Role of Onshore Operation Centre and Operator in Remote Controlled Autonomous Vessels Operation - Academic article
- Role of Sound Construction and demolition Waste Management in Circular Economy - Editorial
- Rolling-out pioneering carbon dioxide capture and transport chains from inland European industrial facilities: A techno-economic, environmental, and regulatory evaluation - Academic article
- RR-256. Solubility of Light Hydrocarbons in Amine Treating Solutions - Report
- Rubbery organic frameworks (ROFs) toward ultrapermeable CO2-selective membranes - Academic article
- RUMP: Robust Underwater Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments of Fast-moving Obstacles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- RUMP: Robust Underwater Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments of Fast-moving Obstacles - Poster
- RUMP: Robust Underwater Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments of Fast-moving Obstacles - Multimedia product
- Ruthenium-based pyrochlores as anodic electroctalysts for PEM water electrolysis - Lecture
- S7 E12 Innovative Nature-Based Solutions In Cold Regions - Lecture
- S7 E13 NBS Policies And Strong Collaboration Are Closing The Gaps On Climate Resilience In Arctic Regions - Lecture
- Safe delivery of goods and services with smart door locks: Unlocking potential use - Academic article
- Safe housing for a meaningful everyday life. Development of housing for people with drug addiction, psychiatric disorders and violence risk - Academic article
- Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport - Academic article
- Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport - Academic lecture
- Safe pipelines for Hydrogen Transport - Academic lecture
- Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport - results from the HyLINE project - Academic lecture
- Safe, robust, and productive Exposed Aquaculture Operations - Challenges and solutions - Report
- Safe, robust, and productive Exposed Aquaculture Operations - Challenges and solutions - Report
- SAFESUB: Safe and Autonomous Subsea Intervention - Academic lecture
- SAFESUB: Safe and Autonomous Subsea Intervention - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Safety Aspects of Introducing Hydrogen For Power Supply of Electric Construction Machinery - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) for the Process Industries - Lecture
- Safety research must be an enabler of the hydrogen industry, not a hinderance - Website (informational material)
- Safetycage: A general procedure to flag wrong classifications. - Poster
- SafetyCage: A misclassification detector for feed-forward neural networks - Academic article
- Salmon trade duration: The application of firm-level trade transaction data from the Norwegian salmon industry - Academic article
- Sammendrag om det PCCH-Arctic prosjektet - Popular scientific lecture
- Sandstone Hydrogen Exposure Experiment under in-Situ Reservoir Conditions from a Depleted and Decommissioned Gas Field - Academic lecture
- Scalar orientation of policies and technology legitimacy: The case of decarbonization in Norway - Academic article
- Scalar orientation of policies and technology legitimacy: the case of decarbonization in Norway - Academic lecture
- Scale Resolving CFD Simulations of Aerodynamic Performance of Wind Turbines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scaling CCS - Non-technical challenges and solutions for carbon capture in Norway and beyond - Interview
- Scaling up 3D printed hybrid sorbents towards (cost) effective post-combustion CO2 capture: A multiscale study - Academic article
- Scanning precession electron diffraction (SPED) at NTNU - Academic lecture
- Scenario analysis tool for estimating future waste composition and amounts toward a circular economy - Academic article
- Scenario reduction framework to support efficient and accurate power system reliability analysis - Academic lecture
- Scenario reduction framework to support efficient and accurate power system reliability analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- School absence policy and health care use – a difference-in-difference cohort analysis - Academic lecture
- School absence policy and healthcare use: a difference-in-difference cohort analysis - Academic article
- School climate during the COVID-19 pandemic in three European countries: A cross-sectional pre-post quasi experimental study - Academic article
- Scientists Unite! Improving hazard assessment of microplastics - Popular scientific lecture
- Screening kinetic models for CO2-to-methanol over CuO–ZnO–ZrO2–Al2O3 (CZZA) and CuO–ZnO–ZrO2 (CZZ): are they consistent with the experimental evidence? A critical review of the existing kinetic models and relevant literature on experimental characterization of copper-based catalysts for CO2-to-methanol process - Academic article
- Screening of nano-particles as grain-refiners for Additive Manufacturing of AA6061 - Academic lecture
- SDG 14.4 is four years late – is anything being done? - the EVERYFISH project - Popular scientific lecture
- SEA4DQ 2024 Workshop Summary - Academic article
- SeAgriculture 2024: In-process epimerisation of alginates from Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and Laminaria hyperborea - Poster
- Sealing Ability of Cement Plugs: Investigation of Critical Testing Parameters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Searching for slowly-biodegrading constituents using whole petroleum substance biodegradation testing with deconvolution and non-target analysis of GCxGC-FID/TOFMS data - Poster
- Seaweed challenges and solutions - Academic lecture
- Seaweed farming for carbon removal - Lecture
- SEC-AIRSPACE: Addressing Cyber Security Challenges in Future Air Traffic Management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Security Architecture for Distribution System Operators: A Norwegian Perspective - Academic article
- Security Orchestration with Explainability for Digital Twins-Based Smart Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Security Risk Assessment of Connected Medical Devices - Academic lecture
- Security-by-design challenges for medical device manufacturers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Seeing is believing: 3D-printed boundary objects for the additive manufacturing twin transition - Academic lecture
- Seeing is Believing: 3D-Printed Boundary Objects for the Additive Manufacturing Twin Transition - Academic article
- Seeing the Invisible: A Photovoice Exploration of Living With and Managing the Invisible Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis - Academic article
- Seeking decision-making performance: Examining the role of E-commerce capability, digital business intensity, and organizational agility - Academic article
- Seismic and ultrasonic monitoring of a shale seal exposed to CO2: a laboratory study - Poster
- Selected papers from the 15th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Trondheim, Norway, June 11–13, 2024 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Selectivity in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) pot fishery: Effect of escape gap shape and size for conservation of fishery resources - Academic article
- Self-separating core-shell spheres with a carboxymethyl chitosan/acrylic acid/Fe3O4 composite core for soil Cd removal - Academic article
- Self-Supervised Modular Architecture for Multi-Sensor Anomaly Detection and Localization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Semantic data and knowledge management for chemicals and materials-based industries - Lecture
- Semantic dataspace for battery production equipment - Poster
- Semantic Knowledge Management for Materials: the benefits of a FAIR data and model-based approach in industrial research and development - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Semi-pelagic trawling in the U.S. West Coast groundfish bottom trawl fishery: Effects on catch efficiency and seafloor interactions - Academic article
- Sensitivity analysis of parameters for carbon sequestration: Symbolic regression models based on open porous media reservoir simulators predictions - Academic article
- Sensitivity of CSEM Response to CO2 Plumes in Deep Storage Formation Utilizing Wellbore Infrastructure - Lecture
- Sensor-Fault Detection, Isolation and Accommodation for Natural-Gas Pipelines Under Transient Flow - Academic article
- Sensor‑guided motions for manipulators in manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sensors on UAVs for snow mapping - Report
- Sequencing the Production of Mass Customized Walls - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SERE Resilient Seas (episode 2: Diverse Innovation Drives Us) podcast - Interview
- Session Chair on "Activity Recognition, Human Tracking and Localization" - Academic lecture
- SET Plan IWG9 Update on CCUS R&I targets and actions - Lecture
- Settled Barite as a Potential Barrier Material: A Field Case Study - Academic lecture
- Sewer Network and Smart Water Meter Data for Modelling and Analysis of Water Distribution and Sewer Networks - Database
- SFI AutoShip webinar: Navigator experiences of periodically unmanned bridge – an empirical study - Academic lecture
- SFI BLUES Annual report 2023 - Report
- SFI BLUES spring event 2024 - Floating assembly and storage yards model tests - Poster
- SFI BLUES spring event 2024 - introduction - Lecture
- SFI BLUES spring event 2024 - Model Tests of floating assembly and storage yards - Lecture
- SFI PhysMet RA3: Sustainable and high performance materials development - Academic lecture
- SFI PhysMet RA3: Sustainable and high performance materials development - Academic lecture
- Shale Anisotropy Made Simple - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Shale Anisotropy Made Simple - Academic lecture
- Shale Anisotropy Made Simple - Poster
- Shared policies, datasets and standardization - Academic lecture
- Shared solutions for active, collective, and inclusive neighbourhoods - Academic lecture
- Shell case: Estimating velocity change from rock mechanical model - Academic lecture
- Ship Manoeuvring Study of a Vessel Transiting a Ship Tunnel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ship model-based route optimisation for decision support in deep sea shipping - Academic article
- Ship-model based route optimisation - Academic lecture
- SiC crust formation during pilot experiment at ELKEM for H2Si - Report
- SiC forming reaction during the smelting of Si - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SiC forming reaction during the smelting of Si. - Academic article
- SiH2- A new process for Si-production based on hydrogen - Academic article
- SiH2- A new process for Si-production based on hydrogen - Academic lecture
- Silicon kerf loss as a potential anode material for lithium-ion batteries - Academic article
- Silicon Solar Cells: Trends, Manufacturing Challenges, and AI Perspectives - Academic literature review
- Silver Catalysed Partial Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde and its Sub-reactions. - Academic lecture
- Silver Catalysed Partial Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde and its Sub-reactions. - Academic lecture
- Simplified / surrogate modelling and storage optimisation - Academic lecture
- Simplified coupling models using ANN for application in multimodular structures - Poster
- Simplified mathematical model of oxy-fuel combustion of municipal solid waste in the grate furnace: effect of different flue gas recirculation rates and comparison with conventional mode - Academic article
- Simulating Vortex-Induced Vibrations in Sheared Current by Using an Empirical Time-Domain Model with Adaptive Parameters - Academic article
- Simulating winter maintenance efforts: A multi-linear regression model - Academic article
- Simulation of emissions from salmon post-harvest steps: comparing the ENOUGH tool with a LCA study - Poster
- Simulation of freezing a sea water droplet moving in a cold air - Academic article
- Simulation study on preventing explosive mixture formation in PEM electrolysers’ water recovery tanks - Academic article
- Simultaneous Optimization of Work and Heat Exchange Networks - Academic article
- SINDIT: A Framework for Knowledge Graph-Based Digital Twins in Smart Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- SINDIT: A Framework for Knowledge Graph-Based Digital Twins in Smart Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Singular Value Decomposition-based Multiple Model Approach towards Developing Digital Twin Applications in Ship Performance Prediction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SINTEF at Hydrogen Week 2024: From research to market deployment - Interview
- SINTEF at Hydrogen Week 2024: From research to market deployment - Interview
- SINTEF at Hydrogen Week 2024: From Research to Market Deployment - Interview
- SINTEF launches Horizon Europe project COREu - Interview
- SINTEF plays key role in the development of new testing platform to accelerate Wave Energy Converter technology - Interview
- SINTEF project on advancing the use of ammonia as a maritime fuel presents findings at key maritime conference - Website (informational material)
- SINTEF Research Director is this year’s OG211 Technology Champion - Interview
- SINTEF Research Director wins international Green Award - Interview
- SINTEF to lead new research centre on carbon capture - Interview
- SINTEF to lead NOK 500M gigaCCS R&D&I centre - Interview
- SINTEF's CO2 Lab at Tiller: Inside Norway's Pioneering Carbon Capture Pilot Plant - Multimedia product
- SiO reduction using hydrogen - Poster
- SiO reduction using hydrogen - Poster
- SiOx Li-ion battery anodes produced from reduced diatom frustules - Poster
- Size selectivity of flatfish in trawl codends - Academic article
- Sizing and optimization of a cold thermal energy storage (CTES) for a dairy: A case study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Skeletonema marinoi ecotypes show specific habitat-related responses to fluctuating light supporting high potential for growth under photobioreactor light regime - Academic article
- Slack Use in Large-Scale Agile Organizations: ESN Tools as Catalysts for Alignment? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SLCP: Stochastic Latent Consistency Policy for closed loop 6-DOF Grasping - Masters thesis
- Sleep pathology and use of anabolic androgen steroids among male weightlifters in Norway - Academic article
- Small micro- and nanoplastic test and reference materials for research: Current status and future needs - Academic literature review
- SMARAGD: Data Interoperability for Decision Support in the Norwegian Agrifood Sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SMARAGD: Data Interoperability for Decision Support in the Norwegian Agrifood Sector - Academic lecture
- Smart buildings, nZEB concept and presentation of nZEB Laboratory - Lecture
- Smart choices when buying a fridge, heat-pump-dryer, or air-to-air heat pump can reduce global warming - Interview
- Smart Collaboration – Review of Human-Machine Collaboration in Lean Production, Zero Defect Manufacturing and Human Centered Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smart Grid Standardisation: Contributions and Opportunities of EU Horizon 2020 Projects - Academic article
- Snow measurements with UAV GPR tools - Abstract
- Snow Storage Information in Hydropower Scheduling - Report
- Social acceptance for salmon produced in new production systems - Report on willingness to pay for new production systems and social acceptance of salmon farming in general - Report
- Socioeconomic determinants of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in Norway: a registry study - Academic article
- Software bill of materials in critical infrastructure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Software Product Management in Large-Scale Agile - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Software: The Gaia System (projection mapping system development). Prototype versions 2, 3, 3.1 - Software
- Solubility of light hydrocarbons in amine treating solutions - Academic lecture
- Somatic coliphages - a new parameter for monitoring microbial drinking water quality - Lecture
- Sound and hearing loss - Lecture
- Sound and hearing loss - Lecture
- Sound insulation properties of hollow box timber floors: a summary - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sound insulation properties of single and double CLT walls - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SP3 results: A step closer to sustainable reuse of offshore assets and infrastructure - Interview
- Sparse low-cost CO2 monitoring using passive seismic data - Poster
- SPARSE monitoring concepts - Academic lecture
- Sparse Non-Linear Vector Autoregressive Networks for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection - Academic article
- SPARSE Outreach and dissemination - Lecture
- SPARSE Second workshop -Day 1 project overview - Lecture
- Sparse seismic data analysis at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab, Norway - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Sparse Seismic Data Analysis at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab, Norway - Abstract
- SPARSE SINTEF updates - Lecture
- Sparse Variational Bayesian Inversion for Subsurface Seismic Imaging - Academic article
- Sparsity-Induced Full Waveform Inversion: Variational Bayesian and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Methods - Abstract
- Spatial and temporal effects o kelp cultivation on nutrients, CO2, O2 and pH using and ocean model system - Poster
- Spatial dependency on flexibility value considering stacked transformer overload cost - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Spatiotemporal Elastic Bands for Motion Planning in Highly Dynamic Environments - Academic lecture
- Spatiotemporal Elastic Bands for Motion Planning in Highly Dynamic Environments - Academic article
- Speed of Sound measurements for CCS – Let’s hear it! - Website (informational material)
- Spontaneous ignition and flame propagation in hydrogen/methane wrinkled laminar flames at reheat conditions: Effect of pressure and hydrogen fraction - Academic article
- 'Spotting & Bonding' - A novel method for Multi stack, Wafer -level bonding of PiezoMEMS devices - Poster
- 'Spotting & Bonding' - A novel method for Multi stack, Wafer -level bonding of PiezoMEMS devices - Poster
- Spread of invasive species via biofouling of marine vessels: A brief assessment - Report
- Stabilitet av oljeemulsjoner - Effekt av temperatur og emulsjonsbryter - Report
- Stability of beryllium-tungsten coatings under annealing up to 1273 K - Academic article
- Staff shortage and rising care demands... Insights from Norway - Lecture
- Stagnation isn't going away: Are we stuck with Legionella? - Academic lecture
- Stakeholder Contributions to Developing a Hydrogen Economy. - Lecture
- Stakeholder Contributions to Developing a Hydrogen Economy. - Lecture
- Standardized evaluation of the extent of resection in glioblastoma with automated early post-operative segmentation - Academic article
- Standoff at the four-way stop sign: late-night diplomacy at the fourth session of negotiations (INC-4) on the global treaty to end plastic pollution - Academic article
- StasHH - Standard-Sized Heavy-duty Hydrogen - Lecture
- State of the art and pathways for maritime application of H2/NH3 - Poster
- State of the Art Review: Avalanche Hazard Assessment Supported by UAS - Report
- State-of-the-art report – NLFEA of deteriorated concrete structures - Report
- Status update on HEU IntelLiGent project - Academic lecture
- Steady State and Transient Modelling of A Three-Core Once-Through Steam Generator - Academic lecture
- Steady State and Transient Modelling of A Three-Core Once-Through Steam Generator - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Steam reforming of biomass gasification tar impurities with Ni-Co/Mg(Al)O catalysts: Experimental studies using model tar components - Doctoral dissertation
- Steam reforming of biomass gasification tar impurities with Ni-Co/Mg(Al)O catalysts: Experimental studies using model tar components - Academic lecture
- StereoYolo+DeepSORT: A Framework to Track Fish from Underwater Stereo Camera in Situ - Academic article
- Stochastic and self-consistent 3D modeling of streamer discharge trees with Kinetic Monte Carlo - Academic article
- Strain inversion based on directional velocity change - Academic lecture
- Strain inversion based on directional velocity change - Academic lecture
- Strain-induced multiferroic behavior in CuFeS2 - Academic lecture
- Strategic Client Management in the Construction Industry. A Report to the Norwegian and UK Construction Industries - Report
- Strategic Client Management in the Oil and Gas and Construction Industries. A Report on a Study into the Oil and Gas and Construction Industries in Norway and the UK - Report
- Strategic Client Management in the Oil and Gas Industry. A Report to the Norwegian and UK Oil and Gas Industries. - Report
- Strategic discussion on CCUS 2024 - Lecture
- Strategic guidelines for implementation of urban geofencing solutions - Report
- Strategies for circular economy in the Nordics: a comparative analysis of directionality - Academic article
- Strategies for improving resilience through participatory stakeholder practices – Delphi survey results - Report
- Streamer inception in technical air with and without C5-fluoroketone for a rod-plane gap - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Streamer inception probability in air at atmospheric pressure - An experimental and theoretical analysis - Academic article
- Stress path dependence of time-lapse seismic effects in shales: experimental comparison at seismic and ultrasonic frequencies - Academic article
- Stress responses in surgical trainees during simulation-based training courses in laparoscopy - Academic article
- Strong doubts about safety - Interview
- Structural characterization and immunomodulating assessment of ultra-purified water extracted fucoidans from Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and Laminaria hyperborea - Academic article
- Structural Connections Between Al-Mg-Zn Alloy Phases and a Quasicrystalline Phase in an Al-Mg-Cu-Ag Alloy - Academic lecture
- Study of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) Trustworthiness: Hardware Point of View - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Study on Drying of Seaweeds and Importance of Glass Transition and Stabilization - Academic article
- Study on Slow Pyrolysis of Spruce, Pine and Birch Bark - Academic lecture
- Study on various hot-gas defrosting configurations for CO2-NH3 cascade deep freezer - Academic article
- Studying the evolution of hypoxia/anoxia in Aitoliko lagoon, Greece, based on measured and modeled data - Academic article
- Sub-Supercritical Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Lignocellulose and Protein-Containing Biomass - Academic article
- Succeeding in Scandinavia - Popular scientific lecture
- Summary of project achievements. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D1.5. - Report
- Superstructure of Locally Disordered Na2Zn2TeO6 - Academic article
- Supplementary input data for accounting for component condition and preventive retirement in power system reliability of supply analyses - Database
- Surface Chemistry and Kinetics of Positrodes for Proton Conducting Ceramic Steam Electrolysis - Academic lecture
- Surface Examination of Structure Loss in N-Type Czochralski Silicon Ingots - Academic article
- Surplus heat generated from vertical greenhouse lighting - Academic lecture
- Sustainability and Circularity in Solar Energy Development - Website (informational material)
- Sustainability and Nutrition Recommendations: Evaluation of methods used for sustainability assessment in NNR2023 reports - Report
- Sustainability assessment of NBS in Norwegian municipalities - Poster
- Sustainability assessment of novel salmon production technologies in Norway - Lecture
- Sustainability design in industry and academia - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sustainability implications of COVID-19 related seafood supply chain disruptions in Norway - Academic article
- Sustainability is Norway's competitive advantage in the battery race - Interview
- Sustainability of Different Aluminium Production Technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 'Sustainability performance of Norwegian food systems: Current status and future perspectives' - Academic lecture
- Sustainability transitions and industrial change: a socio-technical perspective - Academic lecture
- Sustainable anchor lines for floating offshore wind - Website (informational material)
- Sustainable development of manufacturing SMEs through action learning development programs - Academic lecture
- Sustainable Drinking Water Distribution: The role of biofilms, water age, and premise plumbing - Academic lecture
- Sustainable food: perception and actions among Norwegian students - Lecture
- Sustainable offshore wind development - Lecture
- Sustainable Refrigeration Technology in the Food Chain within the INDEE+ project - Lecture
- SustainableTech – A Holistic Framework for Integrated Techno-Economic and Sustainability Assessments - Academic article
- SusWoodStoves Newsletter 1-2024 - Briefs
- SusWoodStoves Newsletter 2-2024 - Briefs
- SusWoodStoves Vision - Towards zero emission wood stoves - Briefs
- Svelvik CO2 Field Lab Site overview - Lecture
- SwAV-driven diagnostics: new perspectives on grading diabetic retinopathy from retinal photography - Academic article
- SWIPA – a scientifically-based approach for technology qualification - Lecture
- SWMMLIDopt: a tool for optimization of low-impact development (LID) measures using the SWMM model - Academic article
- SYMBIOSES: A Modular Framework to Assess Oil Spill Impacts on Commercial Fish Stocks - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Symplectic neural networks - Academic lecture
- Symplectic neural networks - Academic lecture
- Symplectic Neural Networks Based on Dynamical Systems - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Symplectic Neural Networks Based on Dynamical Systems - Lecture
- Synthesis of high-performance multifunctional electrode material using sweetwood lignin as a precursor - Academic article
- Synthetic and natural rubber associated chemicals drive functional and structural changes as well as adaptations to antibiotics in in vitro marine microbiomes - Academic article
- Synthetic Graphites as the Cathode Material for Aluminium-Carbon Batteries - Poster
- Synthetic Graphites as the Cathode Material for Aluminium-Carbon Batteries - Poster
- System optimization of hybrid processes for CO2 capture - Academic article
- System Theoretic Process Analysis Based Safety On Different Autonomy Levels Of Autonomous Ships For Short Sea Service - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Systematic review: Upscaling energy retrofitting to the multi-building level - Academic literature review
- Sørlige Nordsjø II auction: How long will 23 billion NOK last? - Website (informational material)
- Tackling Innovation Challenges in an Industry 5.0 context with an Ontology-based Open Translation Environment - Academic lecture
- TEAPOT: Summary of LiDAR related work in WP3 - Report
- Technical failures in green hydrogen production and reliability engineering responses: Insights from database analysis and a literature review - Academic literature review
- Technical report (H2Si) – Delivery D4 - 2024 WP1 – Catalytic COx methanation (Sicalo) - Report
- Techno-economic assessment of integrated NH3-power co-production with CCS and energy storage in an LNG regasification terminal - Academic article
- Technological Feasibility Study and Fish Welfare Considerations for Novel Structures in Open Ocean Aquaculture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Technological Feasibility Study and Fish Welfare Considerations for Novel Structures in Open Ocean Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Technological solutions for production of protein and lipid rich fractions from whitefish RRM - Deliverable 3.1 - Report
- Technologies for extraction of collagen/gelatine from fish skin and effect on yield and quality - Deliverable 3.3 - Report
- Technology Development for Offshore Emission Reductions in Order to Reach Emission Reduction Targets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Technology Enhanced Training at NSALK - Lecture
- Tensile Properties and Fracture Analysis of Duplex (2205) and Super Duplex (2507) Stainless Steels, Produced via Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing - Academic article
- TES-AC project: integration of a PCM-TES unit in a supermarket refrigeration system - Lecture
- Testing and Characterization of Tubular Na-ZnCl2 Battery Cells for Stationary Energy Storage - Poster
- Testing and Characterization of Tubular Na-ZnCl2 Battery Cells for Stationary Energy Storage - Abstract
- Testing and Characterization of Tubular Na-ZnCl2 Battery Cells for Stationary Energy Storage - Abstract
- Testing Topological Data Analysis for Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines - Academic article
- Testing Two Methods for Earth Fault Location in Closed-Ring Operated Distribution Networks: Lessons Learned From Field Tests - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The (warm) elephant in the room: Exploring the huge potential for power-to-heat synergy to unleash flexibility - Website (informational material)
- The “Water Smartness and Sustainability Index” for Assessment of Water Smartness and Sustainability of Wastewater Resource Recovery Solutions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The 10 commandments of wood burning stoves - And why you should exchange your old wood stove for a modern one - Website (informational material)
- The 11th Society of Petroleum Engineers Comparative Solution Project: Problem Definition - Academic article
- The Battery Modelling Toolbox (BattMo) - Poster
- The Battle of the Equations: A Systematic Review of Jump Height Calculations Using Force Platforms - Academic literature review
- The challenge of harvesting common sole (Solea solea) in highly selective trawl fisheries - Academic article
- The circular economy of products - MFA perspective - Academic lecture
- The CO2 Capture System with a Swing Temperature Moving Bed - Academic article
- The CO2 Reduction Potential of using Black Pellets for Energy Production in Romania - Academic article
- The CO2 Reduction Potential of Using Black Pellets for Energy Production in Romania - Academic lecture
- The Concept of Integrated Local Energy Communities: Key Features and Enabling Technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The current cybersecurity threats - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- The DeepWind 2024 papers are published - Interview
- The economic role of plastic – A Norwegian perspective - Report
- The Effect of Bismuth Plug Expansion on Cement Sheath Integrity - Popular scientific article
- The effect of BMI on labor force participation and productivity losses: an instrumental variable analysis - Academic lecture
- The Effect of Chloride and Fluoride Ions on IrO2-Ta2O5/Ti Anodes During Zinc Electrowinning - Masters thesis
- The Effect of Composition and Temperature on the Hydrogen Reduction Behavior of Sintered Pellets of Bauxite Residue-Lime Mixtures - Academic article
- The effect of COVID-19 on trade duration of Norwegian seafood products, application of firm-level data with discrete-time hazard model - Academic lecture
- The effect of COVID-19 on trade survival of Norwegian seafood products: Application of the firm-level data with Kaplan-Meier estimator - Academic lecture
- The effect of deep learning guidance and automated measurements on the reproducibility of left ventricular ejection fraction and global longitudinal strain in breast cancer patients receiving trastuzumab - Academic lecture
- The Effect of Deformation and Isothermal Heat Treatment of a 5005 Aluminum Alloy - Academic article
- The Effect of Horizontal Shear on Extracting Water Currents from Surface Wave Data - Academic article
- The effect of hydrocarbon prices and CO2 emission taxes on drainage strategies - Academic article
- The Effect of Hydrogen on the Micro Mechanical Behavior of Alpha Titanium - Lecture
- The effect of oxygen on DVI starter cultures growth and metabolism for cheese production - Poster
- The effect of soak time on pot escape opening selectivity in swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) fishery - Academic article
- The Effect of Static Recrystallisation of Parent Austenite on the Lath Martensite Intervariant Boundary Network - Academic article
- The effect of two different thawing procedures on product quality of tusk (Brosme brosme) - Academic lecture
- The effect of two different thawing procedures on product quality of tusk (Brosme brosme) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The evolution of organizations and stakeholders for metaverse ecosystems: Editorial for the special issue on metaverse part 1 - Editorial
- The frame around a test specimen and its influence on the measured sound absorption coefficient - Academic article
- The future of marine plastic technology: Challenges and possible solutions - Academic lecture
- The grammar of fake news: Corpus linguistics meets machine learning - Academic lecture
- The Green Transition for Coastal Fishing Vessels: Institutional implications of green technology implementation - Lecture
- The growing challenge of reusing EV batteries - Website (informational material)
- The Hand Position Concept for Control of Underactuated Underwater Vehicles - Academic article
- The IEA Wind Task 49 Reference Floating Wind Array Design Basis - Report
- The impact of centrifugation on water quality and decontamination of Listeria spp. in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) processing water - Academic lecture
- The impact of chatbots on public service provision: A qualitative interview study with citizens and public service providers - Academic article
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Employment of People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Multiple Methods Study - Academic article
- The impact of fisheries management on fishers' health and safety: A case study from Norway - Academic lecture
- The impact of high-voltage circuit breaker condition on power system reliability indices - Academic article
- The impact of smoke extraction strategy on ventilation components and particle pollution - Lecture
- The impact of the hydrogen source on process conditions in ammonia production - Academic lecture
- The Importance of Electronic Relaxation Times in Complex Fermi Surfaces - Academic lecture
- The Importance of Local Hydroelastic Effects When Calculating Structural Response From Measured Wave Slamming Pressures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Influence of Alloying Elements on Mg Vapor Pressure in Liquid Ternary Aluminum Alloys Studied by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy - Academic article
- The Influence of bipolar plate wettability on performance and durability of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell - Academic article
- The Influence of Current Profile on On-Bottom Stability of Subsea Cable - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The Influence of Membrane Thickness and Catalyst Loading on Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells - Academic article
- The influence of race duration on oxygen demand, uptake and deficit in competitive cross-country skiers - Academic article
- The influence of thermal diffusion on water migration through a porous insulation material - Academic article
- The Lean Education System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The marine restoration digital toolbox - Lecture
- The marine restoration toolbox: democratizing best practices in the CLIMAREST project - Poster
- The micro-foundation of rural entrepreneurial ecosystem - the role of entrepreneurial support in promoting viable rural businesses - Academic lecture
- The microfoundations of lean leadership: Monozukuri, Hitozukuri, Kotozukuri - Academic article
- The Myanmar Norway Environmental Programme’s Capacity building achievements - Report
- The need for high-resolution gut microbiome characterization to design efficient strategies for sustainable aquaculture production - Academic article
- The NEIC project TES-AC: Demonstration of Thermal Energy Storage unit at Rema1000 - Lecture
- The New European Bauhaus: Beautiful-Sustainable-Together in STARHAUS - Academic article
- The next solar storm is on its way – and may cause more problems than you think - Interview
- The Norwegian Continental Shelf: A Driver for Climate-Positive Norway (NCS C+) - Multimedia product
- The Norwegian Seaweed Centre - Lecture
- The path to a smarter power grid - Website (informational material)
- The potential for sustainable biomass in the Romanian energy sector. Value chain analysis for potential black pellets investments - Academic article
- The potential of borehole seismic monitoring techniques at the field scale for leakage and well integrity assessment in CO2 injection projects - Lecture
- The potential of borehole seismic monitoring techniques at the field scale for leakage and well integrity assessment in CO2 injection projects - Abstract
- The Potential of Cast Stock for the Forging of Aluminum Components within the Automotive Industry - Academic article
- The potential of hydrogen-battery storage systems for a sustainable renewable-based electrification of remote islands in Norway - Academic article
- The process of achieving decarbonization in the maritime industry relies on tackling complex issues related to ship design. Designers require tools that can integrate the processes of providing relevant operational profile, configuring a target design, evaluating the design and exploring possibilities. Design Lab framework innovatively addresses this need by creating realistic operational profiles, simulating vessel performance and machinery systems, and providing comprehensive system evaluation - Popular scientific lecture
- The prognostic importance of glioblastoma size and shape - Academic article
- The promises and pitfalls of decarbonizing industrial clusters with CCS: four case studies from the UK and Norway - Academic lecture
- The quasi-harmonic approximation: Solid equation of state for the prediction of thermodynamic properties and solid formation in fluid mixtures - Academic lecture
- The quest for a cost-efficient offshore grid - Website (informational material)
- The Quest for the Comprehensive Customer Journey - A Case Study from a C2C Marketplace - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The relationship between the technical condition of components and the reliability of electricity supply - Website (informational material)
- The reliability of a resilient power system: Service restoration time in reliability analysis - Academic lecture
- The reliability of a resilient power system: Service restoration time in reliability analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The renaissance of reuse in Norway - the future is back - Academic lecture
- The renaissance of reuse in Norway - what's old is new again - Academic lecture
- The REPowerEU policy's impact on the Nordic power system - Academic article
- The representation of hydrogen in open-source capacity expansion models - Academic article
- The Role of a Port Operation Centre in Small Ports - Lecture
- The role of economic incentives and pricing policies in changing transport behaviour towards The Green Transition - Academic lecture
- The role of electrical current mode in calcium carbonate deposition on conductive carbon nanofiber–epoxy coating - Academic article
- The role of energy storage systems for a secure energy supply: A comprehensive review of system needs and technology solutions - Academic article
- The role of European Oil & Gas companies in the creation of a hydrogen market. A Global Production Network and Multi-Level Perspective analysis - Masters thesis
- The Role of Health Informatics Research: A Case of a Large-Scale Implementation in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- The role of integrating shared, demand-responsive transport services in mobility transitions - Academic lecture
- The role of Lagrangian drift in the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of surface waves - Academic lecture
- The role of nuclear energy and baseload demand in capacity expansion planning for low-carbon power systems - Academic article
- The role of parent austenite grain size on the variant selection and intervariant boundary network in a lath martensitic steel - Academic article
- The role of proximity in environmental upgrading: plastics recycling in Norwegian aquaculture - Academic article
- The Role of Rapid Changes in Weather on Phytoplankton Spring Bloom Dynamics Captured by an Autonomous Uncrewed Surface Vehicle - Academic article
- The Role of Rapid Changes in Weather on Phytoplankton Spring Bloom Dynamics From Mid-Norway Using Multiple Observational Platforms - Academic article
- The role of sectoral configurations for hydrogen innovation and value chains - Academic lecture
- The Role of Silicon Technology in Organ-On-Chip: Current Status and Future Perspective - Academic literature review
- The Rule of Three: the third session of negotiations (INC-3) on the global treaty to end plastic pollution - Academic article
- The significance of CCS in achieving net-zero emissions - Website (informational material)
- The social science of offshore aquaculture: uncertainties, challenges and solution-oriented governance needs - Academic article
- The StasHH Fuel-Cell Module Standard: Standard-sized Heavy-duty Hydrogen - Academic lecture
- The sugar kelp Saccharina latissima II: Recent advances in farming and applications - Academic literature review
- The time for ambitious action is now: Science-based recommendations for plastic chemicals to inform an effective global plastic treaty - Academic article
- The two first laboratories in the Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre are now open - Interview
- The urban microclimate in cold climate cities at high latitudes - Lecture
- The use of antenatal care services in Norway – before, during and after pregnancy - Academic lecture
- The use of assistive technology to promote practical skills in persons with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities: A systematic review - Academic literature review
- The worlds most exposed seaweed farm! Experience from installation and testing - Lecture
- The ZEB laboratory as innovation hub for energy flexible buildings - Lecture
- The ZEN definition – a guideline for the ZEN pilot areas. Version 4.0 - Report
- The AAS, platform I.0 technology and AAS building blocks - Academic lecture
- Theme 3: Prerequisites for change. How can we create change? Financing, research and innovation (session moderation) - Lecture
- Thermal and/or Microwave Treatment: Insight into the Preparation of Titania-Based Materials for CO2 Photoreduction to Green Chemicals - Academic article
- Thermal Performance Estimation Techniques for Liquid Hydrogen Containment Systems - Academic lecture
- Thermal reclamation chemistry of common amine solvents - Poster
- Thermal Reclamation Chemistry of Common Amine Solvents - Academic article
- Thermal storages in the power system - Poster
- Thermally conductive polymer composites With hexagonal boron nitride for medical device thermal management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Thermische Energiespeicher in der Lebensmittelindustrie: Dimensionierung und Technisch-wirtschaftliche Bewertung anhand von Energielastprofilen - Academic lecture
- Thermochemical Activation of Wood with NaOH, KOH and H3PO4 for the Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Nanoporous Carbon for Oxygen Reduction Reaction - Academic article
- Thermochemically Stable Novel Oxygen Carriers Based on CaMn1–x–yTixFeyO3−δ for Chemical Looping - Academic article
- Thermodynamic analysis of rotary pressure exchanger and ejectors for CO2 refrigeration system - Academic article
- Thermodynamically consistent modeling of gas flow and adsorption in porous media - Academic article
- Thermodynamics characterization of CO2 sorption in polymers for CO2 transport applications - Academic lecture
- Thermoelectric transport of strained CsK2Sb: Role of momentum-dependent scattering in low-dimensional Fermi surfaces - Academic article
- Thinking about underground storage - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Three-dimensional graphene with the decoration of elemental sulfur-based sulfur-nitrogen dots for CO2 capture - Academic article
- Three-dimensional obstacle avoidance and path planning for unmanned underwater vehicles using elastic bands - Academic article
- Three-dimensional simulation of geologic carbon dioxide sequestration using MRST - Academic article
- Tilting the Scale: A Theoretical Framework to re-direct Public Policy away from Economic Growth towards Sustainable and Inclusive Wellbeing - Academic article
- Time-lapse full-waveform permeability inversion: A feasibility study - Academic article
- Time-Sensitive Networking in Low Latency Cyber-Physical Systems - Academic article
- Timing the Electricity Markets in Hydropower Systems with Natural Time Delay - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tiny brains, hearts and lungs can help cure disease - Interview
- To Explain or Not To Explain: An Empirical Investigation of AI-based Recommendations on Social Media Platforms - Academic article
- Tool to model the potential risk of Legionella growth in premise plumbing - Academic lecture
- Tool to Model the Potential Risk of Legionella Growth in Premise Plumbing Systems - Academic article
- Top level ontologies: desirable characteristics in the context of materials science - Academic article
- TotalEnergies delegation visits NorthWind facilities - Interview
- Toward a collaborative circular ecosystem within the built environment - Academic article
- Toward Accessible Experiences in Tourism: A Transition Design Approach - Academic lecture
- Toward an international standardisation roadmap for nanomedicine - Academic article
- Toward Digitalization of Fishing Vessels to Achieve Higher Environmental and Economic Sustainability - Academic article
- Toward Robust Cardiac Segmentation Using Graph Convolutional Networks - Academic article
- Towards a common data-driven culture: A longitudinal study of the tensions and emerging solutions involved in becoming data-driven in a large public sector organization - Academic article
- Towards a Knowledge-based Simulation Platform for the design of SOFC anode material - Academic lecture
- Towards a reduced order model for EVAR planning and intra-operative navigation - Academic article
- Towards a Sustainable Digitalization Roadmap for SMEs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards an Open Energy Management System for Integrated Energy Storage and Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station - Academic lecture
- Towards an Open Energy Management System for Integrated Energy Storage and Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station - Academic article
- Towards automated energy flexibility deployment in buildings: a solution at the ZEB Laboratory - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards automated energy flexibility deployment in buildings: a solution at the ZEB Laboratory - Academic lecture
- Towards Community-Driven Generative AI - Popular scientific article
- Towards Cost Effective Inspection Strategies For Hydrogen Pipelines: Current Challenges And Potential Solutions - Academic lecture
- Towards Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Future ATM – First Steps - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Efficient Operation and Maintenance of Wind Farms: Leveraging AI for Minimizing Human Error - Academic article
- Towards eliminating PAH emissions from Søderberg electrode paste in Mn production - Academic article
- Towards improved understanding of the process parameters during dry processing of lithium-ion battery electrodes - Poster
- Towards improving customer journeys with automated, data-driven analysis - Academic lecture
- Towards inclusive social innovation arenas? Building capacity for decision- and policy making to curb transport demand - Academic lecture
- Towards Integrated Asset Modelling With Intermittent Green Power - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Jammer Fingerprinting: The Effect of the Environment and the Receiver to a Jammer Classification - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards local Large-Scale Production of UHPC in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards realism in hazard assessment of plastic and rubber leachates – Methodological considerations - Academic article
- Towards semantic standard and process ontology for additive manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards Smarter Security Orchestration and Automatic Response for CPS and IoT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Towards standardized measurement of CO2 transfer in the CCS chain - Academic article
- Towards the development of legislative framework for solar neighborhoods - Academic literature review
- Towards the use of temporal convolutional networks for guiding dynamic risk assessment methods - Academic lecture
- Towards the Use of Temporal Convolutional Networks for Guiding Dynamic Risk Assessment Methods - Lecture
- Towards Uncertainty-Aware Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Bird Strike Avoidance in Wind Turbines - Masters thesis
- Towards unified aleatory and epistemic uncertainty quantification for machinery health prognostic through sequential heteroscedastic Gaussian process regression - Academic article
- Tow-out of a Semi-submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Academic lecture
- Tracking down the cause of water tree issues in wet design high voltage subsea cables. - Multimedia product
- Trade-off between drag and catch performance when designing zooplankton trawls - Academic article
- Training catch analysis models with synthetic data - Lecture
- Training Modules. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D4.5. - Report
- Training trials for multimodal traffic management. ORCHESTRA Project Delverable 5.5. - Report
- Transfer and bioaccumulation of chemical and biological contaminants in the marine polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF müller 1776) when reared on salmon aquaculture sludge - Academic article
- Transformer outage duration model (t_odm) - Software
- Transforming a New-Build Factory into a Service Operations Workshop: A PDCA Approach to Change Management in Industrial Servitization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Transforming Software Development with Generative AI: Empirical Insights on Collaboration and Workflow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Transient Hole Cleaning Behaviour : What Can We Learn From Flow Loop Experiments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Transition Pathways for a Low-Carbon Norway: Bridging Socio-technical and Energy System Analyses - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Transitioning e-commerce: Perceived pathways for the Norwegian urban freight sector - Academic article
- Transitions of the Norwegian maritime sector. A quantitative case study. - Report
- Trash to treasure: innovative uses for food waste - Interview Journal
- Trends in Norwegian adolescents’ substance use between 2014 and 2022: socioeconomic and gender differences - Academic article
- Trial lecture: Opportunities and user acceptance challenges for smart-grid enabled buildings from an international perspective - Academic lecture
- T-Robust Method. Robustness-based multi-criteria decision-making methodology: Description and example of application - Report
- Trustworthy Edge AI Solutions in Autonomous Vehicle Perception and Sensor Fusion - Lecture
- Turbulent flow around convex curved tandem cylinders - Academic article
- Turning knowledge in gold nuggets: the alchemy of applying UX to Open Science digital tools - Short communication
- TWEL - M50 Electrification Module Installed on Troll C, Time domain set-down analysis (SIMA), Offshore decision support, A method to address uncertainties in spectral weather forecasts - Lecture
- Twin transition in the energy sector. In: Policy brief twin transitions - Report
- Two-capillary viscometer for temperatures and pressures relevant to CO2 capture, transport, and storage—operation and improved analysis at high pressure - Academic article
- Two-Dimensional Heterostructure Complementary Logic Enabled by Optical Writing - Academic article
- Tyre-driven ecotoxicity: differentiating the effects from particles and leachates to Mytilus edulis - Lecture
- UAV-borne ground penetrating radar for avalanche forecasting - Academic article
- Ultrasonic measurement of liquid carbon dioxide - Other
- Ultrasound and Microbubble-Induced Reduction of Functional Vasculature Depends on the Microbubble, Tumor Type and Time After Treatment - Academic article
- Ultrasound-Enhanced Diffusion in Hydrogels - Poster
- Ulva sp. activities at SINTEF Ocean - Lecture
- Una Aproximación Socio-Técnica a la Participación en la Empresa: la Democracia Industrial en Aker Solutions - Report
- UNaLab Project Actions and Outcomes: An Overview - Lecture
- Uncertainty in dynamic econometric input-output models: a Norwegian case study - Academic article
- Understanding ammonia gas behavior for safe handling and leak response - Lecture
- Understanding automation transparency and its adaptive design implications in safety–critical systems - Academic article
- Understanding data: Does one-size screening fit all? - Lecture
- Understanding heterogeneous nucleation and predicting grain size in wire and arc additive manufacturing of steels with inoculation - Academic article
- Understanding heterogeneous nucleation and predicting grain size in wire and arc additive manufacturing of steels with inoculation - Academic lecture
- Understanding how water moves in insulated systems - implications for corrosion under insulation - Lecture
- Understanding Model Power in Social AI - Academic article
- Understanding Ocean Data - Accessing Knowledge using Semantic Data Documentation - Academic lecture
- Understanding size selectivity of trawls using structural models: Methodology and a case study on fish sorting grids - Academic article
- Understanding the Difference between Office Presence and Co-presence in Team Member Interactions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Understanding the grain structure development during normal solidification and additive manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Understanding the hydrological performance of green and grey roofs during winter in cold climate regions - Academic article
- Understanding the hydrological performance of green roofs during winter in cold climate regions and the implications for rainwater harvesting - Academic lecture
- Understanding the Impact of Chemical Leachates from Car Tire Rubber on Marine Microalgae: Insights into Toxic Mechanisms and Ecosystem Implications - Academic lecture
- Understanding the Impact of Chemical Leachates from Car Tire Rubber on Marine Microalgae: Insights into Toxic Mechanisms and Ecosystem Implications - Poster
- Understanding the Potential and the Challenges of a NGCC Integrated With Hydrogen-Assisted EGR and CO2 Capture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Underwater robot guidance, navigation and control in fish net pens - Poster
- Underwater robot guidance, navigation and control in fish net pens - Academic lecture
- Underwater robot guidance, navigation and control in fish net pens - Poster
- Underwater robot guidance, navigation and control in fish net pens - Abstract
- Underwater Robotics Solutions for Autonomous IMR Operations in Fish Farms - Academic lecture
- Ungraying of the Fleet - More and younger - Poster
- Unlocking the Potential of 2D WTe2/ZrS2 van der Waals Heterostructures for Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors: Broken-Gap Band Alignment and Electric Field Effects - Academic article
- Unlocking the potential of industrial flexibility for grid deferral and renewable balancing - Academic lecture
- Unlocking the Potential of Value Stacking in Norwegian Distributions Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Unprocurable essentialities: Situational and relational knowledge in publicly procured security services - Academic article
- Unraveling the Impacts of Microplastics and their Additives in Marine Ecosystems - Lecture
- Unravelling degradation mechanisms and overpotential sources in aged and non-aged batteries: A non-invasive diagnosis - Academic article
- Unravelling the Proteomic Landscape of Imipenem Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A Comparative Investigation between Clinical and Control Strains - Academic article
- Untangling Safety Management: From Reasonable Regulation to Bullshit Tasks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Unwrapping influences on transition work - Academic lecture
- Upcoming natural refrigerant-driven heating and cooling systems in India - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Upcycling of Food Waste Through Bioconversion by Insect Larvae: Conceptual Model and Research Agenda for a Circular Food Supply Chain - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Updating well control models to handle influx of CO2 - Lecture
- Upgrading and Enhancement of Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate with Chain Extenders: In-Depth Material Characterization - Academic article
- Urban Environment Lab – Cutting-edge sensor network for research on liveable and healthy cities - Lecture
- Urban mobility transitions - Lecture
- Urea supplementation improves mRNA in vitro transcription by decreasing both shorter and longer RNA byproducts - Academic article
- Usage of bio-coke for ferromanganese production based on pilot scale experiments - Academic article
- Usage of bio-coke for ferromanganese production based on pilot scale experiments. - Academic lecture
- Usage of bio-coke for ferromanganese production based on pilot scale experiments. - Academic article
- Use of ANSI/HFES Human Readiness Level to ensure safety in automation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Use of carbon and biocarbon in production of Si, FeSi and Mn-alloys - Academic lecture
- Use of carbon and biocarbon in production of Si, FeSi and Mn-alloys – Dr. Eli Ringdalen (SINTEF) - Academic lecture
- Use of ensemble prediction systems in operational oil spill modelling - Poster
- Use of floated gillnet to reduce flatfish bycatch in a mixed-species gillnet fishery - Academic article
- Use of Passive Seismic Data for Sparse, Large-Scale, Long-Term, and Low-Cost Monitoring for Gt CO2 Storage - Lecture
- Use of TLM derived models to estimate toxicity of weathered MC252 oil based on conventional chemical data and the potential impact of unresolved polar components - Academic article
- Use of UAS for Overhead Powerline Inspection in Norway - Status and Challenges - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Use voice control rather than touchscreens - Interview
- Use voice control rather than touchscreens - Interview
- Use voice control rather than touchscreens - Interview
- Use voice control rather than touchscreens for vehicle navigation, say researchers - Interview
- User course for the Rock Mechanics to Seismic 4D (RM2S4D) software - Academic lecture
- User feedback in continuous software engineering - Lecture
- Using a board game to explain a concept model: Experience from multimodal traffic management - Academic article
- Using heart rate monitoring to discover pain and discomfort in non-verbal persons with severe intellectual disability: Caregivers’ experiences - Academic article
- Using LLMs in the context of security risk assessment - Academic lecture
- Using multi-actor labs as a tool to drive sustainability transitions in coastal-rural territories: Application in three European regions - Academic article
- Using nucleolytic toxins as restriction enzymes enables new RNA applications - Academic article
- Using ProdRisk–SHOP Simulator for Investment Decisions of Solar and Hydro Hybridization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Using social media in disaster management: The perceptions of emergency responders versus the public - Academic article
- Utilising reservoir behaviour in efforts to integrate renewable energy sources in oil and gas production - Academic lecture
- Utilization of alternative feedstocks in microbial cultivation to produce value-added compounds – The path to a circular bioeconomy - Poster
- Utilization of Micro-Annuli Characterization Techniques on Wellbore Samples; Visualization and Permeability Test - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Utilizing energy storage materials for H2/CO production - Academic lecture
- Utsira Offshore Wind Center AS joins NorthWind as Network Partner - Interview
- Valhall 4D (2003-2019) - Academic lecture
- Validation of the Energy Demand Load Profile Estimator “PROFet” for Trondheim Non-residential Buildings - Academic article
- Validation of two LC–HRMS methods for large-scale untargeted metabolomics of serum samples: Strategy to establish method fitness-for-purpose - Academic article
- Valorisation of salmon backbones: Extraction of gelatine and its applicability in biodegradable films - Academic article
- Valorization of fish processing by-products for protein hydrolysate recovery: Opportunities, challenges and regulatory issues - Academic article
- Valorization of Saithe (Pollachius virens) Residuals into Protein Hydrolysates—Silaging as Preservation Technology - Academic article
- Valorization of whitefish residuals generated onboard deep-sea vessels – from waste to value - Academic lecture
- Valorization of whitefish residuals generated onboard deep-sea vessels – from waste to value - Doctoral dissertation
- Variability in Antarctic krill transport pathways in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean - Academic lecture
- Variability in Antarctic krill transport pathways in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean: Results from high resolution model simulations. - Academic lecture
- Variability in Antarctic krill transport pathways in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean: Results from high resolution model simulations. - Lecture
- Variability in Antarctic krill transport patterns influences variability in fishing activity in the Southern Ocean - Poster
- Variational Bayesian AVO Inversion with Unknown Observation Error Covariance - Abstract
- Variational Structure-Preserving Neural Networks for Forced Lagrangian Systems - Poster
- Variations in the chemical composition of Norwegian cultivated brown algae Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta based on deployment and harvest times - Academic article
- Vehicle tyres – A key source of microplastics to the environment: An introduction to the fate, effects, and mitigation strategies - Briefs
- VERES3D Development in the IPIRiS Research Project on Added Resistance in Waves - Lecture
- Vessel-based CTA-image to spatial anatomy registration using tracked catheter position data: preclinical evaluation of in vivo accuracy - Academic article
- Vibration Sensors for Detecting Critical Events: A Case Study in Ferrosilicon Production - Academic article
- Video Friday: Cobot Proxie Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos - Popular scientific lecture
- Videoconferencing in mental health services for children and adolescents receiving child welfare services: a scoping review - Academic literature review
- Visual liquefaction process of biomass pyrolysis vapors during indirect heat exchange: Experimental description, prediction, and verification - Academic article
- Visual Modeling Languages in Patient Pathways: Scoping Review - Academic literature review
- Visual Modeling of Multiple Sclerosis Patient Pathways: The Healthcare Workers’ Perspectives - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Visualizing Operations and Impact on Fish Production through GraphDB - Lecture
- VIV fatigue assessment by scaling of model test results - Academic article
- VIV Responses of an Elastic Pipe With Staggered Buoyancy Elements: a Combine CFD and Empirical Time Domain VIV Analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Volatile matter characterization of birch biochar produced under pressurized conditions - Academic article
- Walking sideways? Management of the Norwegian snow crab fishery - Academic article
- Was ist Ariadne? "Ich mache mir los: von der Bildung, von der bisheringen Art der Gelehrten - Academic lecture
- Waste heat utilization and CCU for producing alternative fish feed in Norway - Academic lecture
- Water adsorption on surfaces of calcium aluminosilicate crystal phase of stone wool: a DFT study - Academic article
- Water transport and corrosion under insulation: Experimental investigations of drying in mineral wool - Academic article
- Water trees - Multimedia product
- Water-Break in Oil Wells, Controlled & Labelled DAS data with Acoustic Reference Measurements - Lecture
- Wave Basin Tests of a Multi-Body Floating PV System Sheltered by a Floating Breakwater - Academic article
- We can’t allow Google to waste its surplus heat - Feature article
- We can’t allow Google to waste its surplus heat - Interview
- We stand with the players: a call to action for the football community - Editorial
- Wear This AI Friend Around Your Neck - Interview
- Weathering data of Buzzard crude oils – Input to Oil database for OSCAR simulations - Report
- Webinar 2 High-level CCUS value chain screening - Lecture
- Webinar: Advancing research in well integrity and plugging and abandonment for decommissioning - Programme participation
- Welcome & Introduction to Revamping Hydropower Research Workshop - Lecture
- Welcome, capable, valuable? A salutogenic approach to social inclusion of immigrants through volunteering. - Doctoral dissertation
- Welding of dissimilar metals: a comparative study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Well integrity monitoring for large-scale CO2 storage: the LEGACY project - Poster
- Well integrity monitoring for large-scale CO2 storage: the LEGACY project - Lecture
- Wet Ageing of two High Voltage Cable Designs for Offshore Wind Inter Arrays - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- What are key drivers and sectors that are likely to affect future energy export from Norway to Europe? - Lecture
- What Attracts Employees to Work on Site in Times of Increased Remote Working? - Academic article
- What Does Open AI’s New Breakthrough Mean for Energy Consumption? - Interview
- What Emotion Regulation Strategies are Associated with a General Psychopathology Factor (p) in Adolescence? Identifying Possible Transdiagnostic Targets for Intervention - Academic article
- What influences the use of HR analytics in Human Resource management in Norwegian municipal health care services? - Academic article
- What is in the waste bin? - Website (informational material)
- What is the potential of bioCCS to deliver negative emissions in Norway? - Website (informational material)
- What is the potential of bioCCS to deliver negative emissions in Norway? From biomass mapping to a window of negative emissions potential - Academic article
- When AI Meets IT-OT Integration: Motivations, Challenges, and Applications - Lecture
- 'When the world's most meaningful job becomes a burden' - Poster
- Who should own the PV? Assessment of ownership structures for local energy production in zero emission neighbourhoods - Report
- Why advanced, orthogonal analytics is crucial in LNP development – and how we might get rid of TFF - Poster
- Why are there traffic jams, and what can we do to avoid them? - Interview
- Why are there traffic jams, and what can we do to avoid them? - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Why do people use ChatGPT? Exploring user motivations for generative conversational AI - Academic article
- Why documenting data - Lecture
- Why is project execution so challenging? - Academic lecture
- Why Norwegian oncologists do not use diagnosis codes for malnutrition - Poster
- Why We Need Rapid Deployment Of Carbon Capture Technologies - Feature article
- Why you should engage with policymakers! ...or... Why? Should you engage with policymakers? - Academic lecture
- Wind farm control part II: Model requirements to design and test wind farm flow control - Academic article
- Wind Turbines and Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage Hub Concept for Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- WindNet: A Mobile Base Station Infrastructure For Maritime Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Wood burning: Researcher's 10 tips for getting the most out of each log - Interview
- Wood burning: Researcher's 10 tips for getting the most out of each log Some wood burners are far more expensive to use than others. - Interview
- Workshop on innovations for PhD students focuses on knowledge sharing and collaboration - Interview
- Workshop on the cost of offshore wind - Interview
- XAI And Cyber Resilience – A Sociotechnical Perspective - Academic lecture
- X-ray Structure of Eleven New N,N′-Substituted Guanidines: Effect of Substituents on Tautomer Structure in the Solid State - Academic article
- XRD analysis of SiC samples from ELKEM for H2Si project - Report
- Yard Logistics: Framework and Classification of Yard Types - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Yaw misalignment in powertrain degradation modeling for wind farm control in curtailed conditions - Academic article
- You may soon be making coffee powered by your car battery - Interview
- You may soon be making coffee powered by your car battery - Interview
- Zeaxanthin epoxidase 3 Knockout Mutants of the Model Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Enable Commercial Production of the Bioactive Carotenoid Diatoxanthin - Academic article
- ZEB CERTIFICATES – Conceptual framework and guiding principles - Report
- ZEN and District heating: Tensions and opportunities - Report
- ZEN KPI tool manual - Report
- Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities Definition, Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria: Version 5.0 - Report
- Zero Emission Silicon and Manganese Production through Electrowinning - Poster
- Zero-Emission Rail in Czechia: Techno-economic analysis of lines R14, R21, R22, R25, R26, R27, SP14, U28 - Report
- Zero-emission trains on non-electrified Czech railways - Academic lecture
- Zero-emission trains on non-electrified Czech railways - Academic lecture
- ZeroKyst - Decarbonising the Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry in Norway - Academic lecture
- ZeroLog - Towards sustainable zero-emission offshore logistics - Website (informational material)
- μ-CT imaging of CO2-hydrate generation during cold core flooding - Report