New renewable electricity is a scare resource which gives the largest GHG reduction when it replaces coal fired power plants.
Shipping largest contribution to reaching net zero will be on improving energy efficiency through technical, design and operational measures.
Of all Zero-carbon fuels and propulsion solutions, Wind is the most promising and comes at the lowest cost.
We need to Stop creating legislation which makes marginal or no impact and in Worst case boost global warming. Contrary there is an urgent need to minimize BC and Sot emissions
Utilizing the Geo-engineering effect of shipping, through more differentiated Sulphur and NOx rules (abolish the General Sulphur cap) might be shipping’s best contribution to keeping global temperature rise bellow 2 degrees.
Shipping largest contribution to reaching net zero will be on improving energy efficiency through technical, design and operational measures.
Of all Zero-carbon fuels and propulsion solutions, Wind is the most promising and comes at the lowest cost.
We need to Stop creating legislation which makes marginal or no impact and in Worst case boost global warming. Contrary there is an urgent need to minimize BC and Sot emissions
Utilizing the Geo-engineering effect of shipping, through more differentiated Sulphur and NOx rules (abolish the General Sulphur cap) might be shipping’s best contribution to keeping global temperature rise bellow 2 degrees.