The most critical section in a cable termination or a subsea
connector is the interface between the cable surface and
the inner surface of the termination body, including the
semiconductive geometric field grading. Partial discharge
(PD) measurements were performed on a commercial 24
kV slip-on termination installed on a 12-kV XLPE cable,
including two different lubricants and two additional
external radial pressures, using an insulating vulcanization
(IV) rubber tape. The results indicated that increasing the
total radial pressure above the nominal level obtained when
expanding the termination on the cable core resulted in a
higher PD inception voltage independent of the lubricant
type. It is also likely that the higher viscosity of the lubricant
increased the PD inception voltage of the termination at the
same interfacial stress and surface roughness.
Cable termination, inception, interfacial pressure,
insulating liquid, lubricant, partial discharge.
connector is the interface between the cable surface and
the inner surface of the termination body, including the
semiconductive geometric field grading. Partial discharge
(PD) measurements were performed on a commercial 24
kV slip-on termination installed on a 12-kV XLPE cable,
including two different lubricants and two additional
external radial pressures, using an insulating vulcanization
(IV) rubber tape. The results indicated that increasing the
total radial pressure above the nominal level obtained when
expanding the termination on the cable core resulted in a
higher PD inception voltage independent of the lubricant
type. It is also likely that the higher viscosity of the lubricant
increased the PD inception voltage of the termination at the
same interfacial stress and surface roughness.
Cable termination, inception, interfacial pressure,
insulating liquid, lubricant, partial discharge.