Work in software development companies has become increasingly hybrid with employees altering days of working in the office with days of working remotely from home. Yet, little is know about the efficiency of such way of working because the current scale of remote working is unprecedented. In this paper, we present our findings from a company-wide survey at Storebrand - a large-scale Norwegian fintech company, focusing on perceived performance. Our analysis of 192 responses shows that most employees report being able to perform the planned tasks. Further, half of respondents perceive to have increased work hours. Through qualitative analysis of open-ended commentaries of respondents we learned that remote working has dual effects on the perceived work hours - some employees report working longer hours and others report having more work time due to efficient use of the time throughout the day. Finally, we recommend managers to discuss and address the concerning habits of employees caused by increased connectivity and inability to stop working, before these lead to burnout and disturbances in the work/life balance.