The main objectives of the study were to (a) assess the effect of perimortem stress on blood drainage, (b) compare the efficiency of gill cutting and direct gutting as bleeding methods, and (c) compare pre- and postrigor filleting strategies for presence of residual blood in Atlantic cod fillets. Anesthetized cod had significantly higher drainage of blood compared to stressed fish. Nevertheless, the visual assessments of residual blood were not affected by stress or bleeding method. Some minor, but significant, differences between pre- and postrigor fillets were found. Stressed fish were initially less light in color than those unstressed, but after ice storage there was no noticeable difference. However, initially, the largest difference in fillet color was due to different bleeding methods. Fillets cut from fish subjected to gill cutting were lighter and less red in color than those bled by direct gutting. After 7 and 21 days of storage, the color differences observed in fresh and salted fillets, respectively, were mainly due to the different rigor status when they were filleted, indicating that fillets cut postrigor were superior to fillets cut prerigor. Prerigor filleting resulted in lower water holding capacity after ice storage in anesthetized, direct gutted cod.