The Service oriented architecture Modeling Language (SoaML) is a new specification from the Object Management Group (OMG) that intends to bridge the gap between business and IT models. Nevertheless, the specification is very vague on the methodology aspects and practical means for integration with OMG business level languages - Business Motivation Model (BMM) and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). SHAPE FP7 EU project addressed these issues by means of a dedicated Model Driven Architecture (MDA) based methodology and tool support. The results were validated with industrial case studies by Statoil and Saarstahl. In this paper we focus on our experience with SoaML obtained with Statoil case study, briefly describe the developed Model Driven Architecture (MDA) based methodology for modeling enterprise architectures with BMM, BPMN and SoaML, which we illustrate with a “Discount Voyages” example. Finally, we present Statoil case study and outline the future research directions.