Geological models are becoming increasingly large and detailed to account for heterogeneous structures on different spatial scales. To obtain simulation models that are computationally tractable, it is common to remove spatial detail from the geological description by upscaling. Pressure and transport equations are different in nature and generally require different strategies for optimal upgridding. To optimize the accuracy of a transport calculation, the coarsened grid should generally be constructed based on a posteriori error estimates and adapt to the flow patterns predicted by the pressure equation. However, sharp and rigorous estimates are generally hard to obtain, and herein we therefore consider various ad hoc methods for generating flow-adapted grids. Common for all is that they start by solving a single-phase flow problem once and then continue to form a coarsened grid by amalgamating cells from an underlying fine-scale grid. We present several variations of the original method. First, we discuss how to include a priori information in the coarsening process, e.g. to adapt to special geological features or to obtain less irregular grids in regions where flow-adaption is not crucial. Second, we discuss the use of bi-directional versus net fluxes over the coarse blocks and show how the latter gives systems that better represent the causality in the flow equations, which can be exploited to develop very efficient nonlinear solvers. Finally, we demonstrate how to improve simulation accuracy by dynamically adding local resolution near strong saturation fronts.