The combustion of four torrefied wood samples and their feedstocks (birch and spruce) was studied at slow heating programs, under well-defined conditions by thermogravimetry (TGA). Particularly low sample masses were employed to avoid the self-heating of the samples due to the huge reaction heat of the combustion. Linear, modulated and constant-reaction rate (CRR) temperature programs were employed in the TGA experiments in gas flows of 5 and 20% O2. In this way the kinetics was based on a wide range of experimental conditions. The ratio of the highest and lowest peak maxima was around 50 in the experiments used for the kinetic evaluation. A recent kinetic model of Várhegyi et al. [Energy & Fuels 2012, 26, 1323-1335] was employed with modifications. This model consists of two devolatilization reactions and a successive char burn-off reaction. The cellulose decomposition in the presence of oxygen has a self-accelerating (autocatalytic) kinetics. The decomposition of the non-cellulosic parts of the biomass was described by a distributed activation model. The char burn-off was approximated by power-law (n-order) kinetics. Each of these reactions has its own dependence on the oxygen concentration that was expressed by power-law kinetics, too. The complexity of the applied model reflects the complexity of the studied materials. The model contained 15 unknown parameters for a given biomass. Part of these parameters could be assumed common for the six samples without a substantial worsening of the fit quality. This approach increased the average experimental information for an unknown parameter by a factor of 2 and revealed the similarities in the behavior of the different samples. Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society