DipLab - Mobile short circuit laboratory
This laboratory will be used both in research and development to identify and improve manufacturing unit properties during network failures.
Dept. of Electric Power Engineering at NTNU and departments Energy Systems and Electric Power Technology at SINTEF Energy has a strategic partnership.
The Gemini Centre covers the following areas:
The purpose is to further develop joint research groups with high quality to meet industrial needs in research and development of the future sustainable energy system. Through shared strategy processes and a close working partnership, the parties will create results that contribute to innovative solutions for the future electrical energy system.
The research groups have already major research activities in the following areas:
The Gemini Center will strengthen the cooperation between the parties, e.g. through contributing to increased research activity in the following areas:
Overall focus
The joint electric power research groups at NTNU and SINTEF Energi are of considerable size, also on an international scale, and publish and contribute to international research and societal development.
The Gemini Center support NTNU and SINTEF's core areas:
This laboratory will be used both in research and development to identify and improve manufacturing unit properties during network failures.
SINTEF Energy Research operates laboratories for high voltage, high power and climatic testing. Customers are manufacturers, suppliers and users of electric power equipment.
ElpowerLab is a national facility for developing technology for electrification and the future power grid infrastructure.
Scandinavian Association for Testing of Electric Power Equipment. Member of Short-Circuit Testing Liaison (STL).
– a vital tool for energy research in Norway
NTNU and SINTEF have built a new National Smart Grid Laboratory in Trondheim with funding from the Research Council of Norway in cooperation with the Artic University of Norway and Smart Innovation Østfold.