FME ZeMe developes the fundamental knowledge and technologies needed by the Norwegian metallurgical industry to become climate neutral by 2050.
The centres selected for funding must demonstrate the potential for innovation and value creation.
Research activities are carried out in close collaboration between research groups, trade and industry, and the public administration, and key tasks include international cooperation and researcher training.
The centres are established for a period of maximum eight years (5 + 3).
More information about the centres at the Research Council of Norway
FME ZeMe developes the fundamental knowledge and technologies needed by the Norwegian metallurgical industry to become climate neutral by 2050.
InterPlay aims to contribute to the holistic and long-term planning of the energy system, in order to meet our climate goals while conserving nature and biodiversity.
SecurEL facilitates a secure, resilient, and sustainable electricity distribution grid that ensures both the security of electricity supply and a path to a net-zero emissions society.
Accelerate the maritime energy transition and reduce emissions from ships through R&D for innovation and value creation within the Norwegian maritime and energy industries.
FME NorthWind (Norwegian Research Centre on Wind Energy) will bring forward outstanding research and innovation to create jobs and grow exports, and to facilitate the sustainable development of wind power.
HYDROGENi is a centre for environment-friendly energy research (FME) dedicated to the research and innovations within hydrogen and ammonia needed to meet the 2030 and 2050 goals of the Norwegian hydrogen road map.
Centre for intelligent electricity distribution - to empower the future Smart Grid.
By increasing energy efficiency, HighEFF will help ensure that Norway has the world’s greenest industries.
The main objective of MoZEES, a research center for environmentally friendly energy (FME), is to contribute to the development of new materials, components, and systems for battery and hydrogen technology for existing and future applications in the...
NCCS will help Norway meet its obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement.
SUSOLTECH (Research Center for Sustainable Solar Cell Technology) is a Research Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research. SUSOLTECH joins the leading Norwegian research groups in solar cell technologies with leading companies in the solar cell...
- Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods (ZEN) in Smart Cities
The main objective of HydroCen is to enable the Norwegian hydropower sector to meet complex challenges and exploit new opportunities through innovative technological solutions.
NTRANS Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies (Norwegian)
MoZEES Mobility Zero Emission Energy Systems (Norwegian)
Bio4Fuels Research Centre for Sustainable Bio-Based Fuels and Chemicals (Norwegian)
Enabling sustainable power generation from fossil fuels based on cost-effektive CO2 capture, and safe transport and underground storage of CO2
Interdisciplinary research centre for technical and environmental development of hydro power, wind power, power line rights-of-way and implementation of environment and energy policy.
CenBio addresses the entire value chains of virgin biomass and biodegradable waste fractions, including their production, harvesting and transportation, the conversion to heat and power, and the upgrade of residues to valuable products.
Read about the project on our Norwegian pages.
Since 2009 NOWITECH has developed 40 innovations in Offshore wind. NOWITECH was concluded as an FME by the end og 2017. NOWITECH is now continued as a research network.
The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings
CREE Oslo Centre for Research on Environmentally Friendly Energy
The Norwegian Research Centre for Solar Cell Technology
The Norwegian Research Centre for Solar Cell Technology joins scientific and industrial players in the field of photovoltaic technology with the aim of further developing the strong, Norwegian photovoltaic industry and substantially contributing towards making solar energy a significant renewable energy source.