Slag to replace cement in concrete? Yes, please!
The addition of slag has been shown to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from concrete manufacture by more than 95 per cent. Researchers have now discovered that the concrete delivers.
SINTEF Helgeland aims to establish itself as a robust technological research institute for business and industry, based on the region's advantages and national and international cooperation. We will also help public actors to strengthen their services and offerings.
The business idea is to promote development in business and public administration at Helgeland, in Norway and through international cooperation on research for technological innovation.
This will take place in particular through
The company collaborates closely with other research and development environments in Nordland, and the SINTEF Group, thus meeting our partners' and clients' needs for technological research, development and innovation.
The addition of slag has been shown to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from concrete manufacture by more than 95 per cent. Researchers have now discovered that the concrete delivers.
According to researchers, so-called ‘industrial symbioses’ and ‘green hubs’ are offering answers to the challenge of meeting Europe’s climate change mitigation targets.
The fishing and aquaculture industry in Norway has larger CO2 emissions than civil aviation, according to a new report (link in Norwegian) presented by ZeroKyst at Nor-Fishing 2022.
The project aims to develop and demonstrate methods for robust online sampling, modelling and prediction of heavy metal emissions associated with dust from the aluminium industry.
The FUMO project aims to find solutions for a sustainable and growing transport system in arctic urban and industrial conditions.
H4C Europe aims to accelerate the transition to industrial symbiosis, industrial-urban symbiosis, and circular economy by promoting what is called Hubs4Circularities.
SINTEF Helgeland AS
Halvor Heyerdahls vei 33
8626 Mo i Rana
SINTEF Helgeland AS
P.O. Box 1364
NO-8602 Mo i Rana
SINTEF Helgeland AS: 917 468 044