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Research group of Geophysics

In geophysics, the main activity is primarily related to seismic processing methods for structural imaging of the subsurface.

Contact person

Research areas

  • Geophysical monitoring of CO2 storage and well integrity / leakage
  • Fibre-optic sensors for cost-efficient seismic measurements
Detection of CO2 (purple area) injected at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab using seismic data
3D view of two seismic sections from 2008 Sleipner data set (layered CO2 plume visible).

Research approarch

  • Seismic and electromagnetic modelling and inversion, combined geophysical inversion / interpretation, tools for uncertainty quantification, value-of-information assessment, and survey optimization


  • Seismology Passive Monitoring




Geophysical mapping and monitoring of natural hazards using multi-purpose UAVs.

Tophole monitoring of permanently plugged wells

Tophole monitoring of permanently plugged wells


The primary objective of the project is to develop a novel cost-efficient method for tophole/non-invasive monitoring of permanently plugged wells that are cut below surface/seafloor.


TIGER - FD modelling and inversion

TIGER - FD modelling and inversion

TIGER is a fully featured 3D finite-difference modeling program. Through efficient parallelization, it can provide synthetic 3D data sets to optimize survey layouts, aid interpretation, test new processing techniques – all within days on industrial...

Contact info

  • The research group is located in S.P. Andersens vei 15 B, 7031 Trondheim
  • Employees in the research group for Geophysics (By clicking on an employee's name, you will find an overview of publications that the employee has submitted)