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Research group of Material and Structural Mechanics

Our competence in Finite Element Analysis, material modelling, software development and advanced mechanical testing constitutes a generic platform that enables us to work on a large variety of mechanical problems.

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Research areas

Mechanics of materials

  • Constitutive-and fracture modelling of a wide range of materials, e.g. aluminium, steel, polymers, composite, rock, concrete and additively manufactured materials
  • Formability of sheet metals, hot-stamping processes and through process modelling

Structural mechanics

  • Impact mechanics; e.g. crashworthiness of car components, rock-drill bit impact, dropped objects
  • Ultimate load calculations of structures and bolted, riveted and welded connections
  • Fluid-structure interaction in e.g. containers, valves,  floating structures and wind turbines
  • Structural dynamics; e.g. monitoring of railway tracks, bridges and heat exchangers

Research approach

  • Application and development of commercial and in-house software for Finite Element Analysis
  • Mechanical testing at a wide range of temperatures and deformation-rates through close collaboration with laboratories in SINTEF and NTNU
  • Development and use of Digital Image Correlation for mechanical testing
  • Systematic verification and validation of numerical models for predictive design
  • Digital/IT solutions to build apps and numerical toolboxes

Employees in the research group  Material- and Structural Mechanics.

See publications from the research group Material- and Structural Mechanics





Improved lifetime estimation of mooring chains.

Strategic Research Centres

The research group Material- and Structural Mechanics is represented in the national research centers for environmentally friendly energy (FME) and research-based Innovation (SFI).


See the image gallery in the research group for Material- and Structural Mechanics.