Foundry and recycling laboratory
In our foundry and recycling laboratory we work with casting, recycling and melt treatment of metals such as aluminium, iron, steel, titanium, magnesium and copper-based alloys.
In our foundry and recycling laboratory we work with casting, recycling and melt treatment of metals such as aluminium, iron, steel, titanium, magnesium and copper-based alloys.
A fully instrumented 800 tonnes laboratory press, equipped with advanced tools for extrusion and forging, together with our skilled research staff, constitutes the backbone of our forming activity.
Additive manufacturing is a growing competence field for the research group. The group already contributes to several national and international projects within this emerging and exciting field.
In the metallographic laboratory we do extraction, preparation and characterization of metallic samples.
In our unique wetting laboratory, we have competence on investigating interactions between liquid and solid materials at high temperatures. It is vital for the progress of metallurgical processes to further improve the understanding of reactions...