Liquefied hydrogen production from surplus wind/hydro power and fossil sources in Norway
Liquefied hydrogen production from surplus wind/hydro power and fossil sources in Norway
NoviCo will contribute to achieve EU’s ambitious objectives, by providing an innovative technological solution for the sustainable and socially acceptable conversion of low value lignocellulosic residues, such as thinnings, sawdust into biobased...
NCS C+ aims to develop four climate-positive technologies that will help increase the pace of the green transition and remove large volumes of carbon dioxide and methane from the atmosphere.
Ice formation and accretion present serious, sometimes catastrophic, safety issues in industrial applications where the use of composite components has already become common, e.g. wind turbine blades, aircrafts, UAVs, but also in the case of electric...
Concrete structures built in marine environment or exposed to de-icing salt represent a significant value for Norway.