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Research group of Material Physics, Oslo

We aim to deliver world-class understanding of processes and materials properties: from the atomic to the macro scale, with electron microscopy and spectroscopy, surface analysis, atomic scale modelling and data analysis and by using solid state physics competence within SINTEF's prioritised socio-economic markets.

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Research areas

  • Advanced materials and nanotechnology
  • Metal processing
  • Hydrogen
  • Batteries
  • Solar cells
  • Biotechnology
  • Environmental technologies
Person working at a datacentre
FEG-S(T)EM - EBSD, in situ tensile holder high throughput EDS. Photo: Werner Juvik/SINTEF
First principles modelling

Research approach

  • Establish and use advanced experimental facilities, develop and maintain research methodologies for in-situ and ex-situ electron microscopy/spectroscopy and surface analysis techniques.
  • Use advanced modelling frameworks to develop and maintain methodologies based on atomistic and molecular modelling.
  • Develop and utilise algorithms for high-throughput data processing.
  • Determine the structure, chemistry & materials response from the atomic to macro scale to study fundamental physical materials properties.
  • Use the developed competence to support industry and address future materials challenges.
  • Drive thermoelectric materials basic research and industrial innovation nationally and expand the activities internationally.

  • Promote enabling technologies by driving research on innovative exotic materials systems with potential hybrid applications:

    • metastable Al-Si alloys

    • high entropy alloys

    • Non-equilibrium alloy films

    • 2D materials

Employees in the research group for Material Physics, Oslo

XPS parallel angle resolved (ultra-thin films), imaging. Photo: Werner Juvik/SINTEF

HR-AFM temperature control, nanomechanics, conducitivity
(S)TEM atomic resolution, 0.8Å imaging, atomic EDS, EELS