SINTEF Industry Expertise
- Additive manufacturing (AM) – Materials and material properties
- Additive manufacturing (AM) of spare parts and additive repair processes
- Advanced materials characterization and modeling
- Advanced reactor concepts for low cost CO2 capture
- Aerodynamic analysis of wind turbines and windfarms
- Alloy development and related heat treatments
- Aluminium
- Automation and robotization
- Battery Materials Characterization
- Battery materials development
- Biopharmaceuticals, medical technology and nanomedicine
- Biorefinery
- Borehole stability
- Business economics
- Carbon negative solutions
- Casting and forming
- Catalysis
- Ceramic materials
- Characterization of silicon for solar cells and microelectronics
- Chemical engineering unit operations and process plants
- Circular value chain optimisation
- Clean water research
- CO2 capture – Absorption Processes
- CO2 capture and transport
- CO2 capture plant emission measurements
- CO2 capture using solid adsorbents at low temperatures
- CO2 capture with membranes
- CO2 storage simulation
- CO2-capture: Process modelling and simulation
- Corrosion
- Data science
- Decision support systems
- Design Research
- Digitalisation in the process industry
- Downstream processing – Product isolation, purification and characterization
- Eco-design of PV components
- Electrolysis
- Emissions and Environment
- Environmental and system analyses/LCA
- Environmental Biotechnology and Microbiology
- Failure investigations
- Fate and effects of pollutants
- Fatigue and fracture
- Ferroalloys
- Field studies
- Flow assurance
- Fluid and surface chemistry
- Fluidized bed reactor technology
- Food and Feed Microbiology and Biochemistry
- Formation as a self-sealing barrier
- Formation Physics
- Fuel cells
- Functional metagenomics and enzyme technology
- High temperature materials
- High throughput screening
- Hydraulic fracturing
- Hydrogen purification by adsorption processes
- Hydrogen technology and energy storage
- Industrial Biotechnology - Efficient strains and processes
- Industrial scale flow loop services
- Injectivity
- Inorganic membranes, membrane modules and membrane reactors
- Iron and steel
- Lifecycle and decommissioning
- Light harvesting and alternative solar technologies
- Li-ion batteries
- Logging through casing
- Marine Biotechnology and bioprospecting
- Mass spectrometry and separation science in Biotechnology
- Materials and drilling technology
- Materials for wind energy
- Materials integrity
- Metal-air batteries
- Metallurgy
- Minerals and raw materials
- Modelling of sustainable energy systems
- Models and tools for rock behaviour
- Multiphase flow
- Multiscale Electrochemical Modelling and Simulation
- Nanomedicine
- Nanotechnology and functional materials
- Nanotechnology for EOR
- Numerical simulation of reservoir processes
- Paleo-residual oil
- Photocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry
- Piezoelectric materials for sensors, actuators and ultrasound transducers
- Plastics in the ocean
- Plastics, rubbers and composites
- Plugging materials
- Polymer particles and capsules
- Porous Materials
- Primary metals production
- Process and flow technology
- Process modelling
- Process Safety – Subsea gas release
- Products and product performance
- Recycling / Urban mining
- Recycling during solar processing
- Renewable energy
- Reservoir characterization and monitoring
- Reservoir fluid analyses
- Risers and pipelines
- Sand and chalk production
- Shale rock physics
- Shallow drilling database
- Silicon
- Simulation tools for additive manufacturing (AM)
- Solar cells
- Solidification of Silicon for Solar Cells
- Sub sea factory
- Subsea release of CO2
- Sustainability assessment
- Sustainable polymer technolgies
- Synthesis and characterization of inorganic powder materials
- Synthesis of inorganic materials
- Systems and synthetic biology