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Every day, biodiversity – our strongest natural defense against climate change, is threatened by different human activities. At the same time, we need to drive innovation further to develop new solutions to mitigate for climate change.

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Biodiversity is the variety of all life on Earth, from genes and bacteria to entire ecosystems such as forests or coral reefs or even deserts – and what we experience around us is influenced by humans. We depend on biodiversity at the same time as we are exploiting it – for food, water, livelihoods, absorption of more than half of all carbon emissions – and for economic growth.

All our use of nature, however, has led to more than a million species being threatened with extinction, within the lifetime of many of us, within decades. 85% of our wetlands, salt marshes, mangroves have disappeared entirely – and these are systems that absorb large amounts of carbon. And our use of nature is the largest driver of loss of biodiversity. Can we protect biodiversity and still develop technology for a better society? And how can this work be seen in connection with our obligations to the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)?

SINTEFs strategic work with Biodiversity and area use will put the spotlight on protection of biodiversity, at the complex intersection of society, technology and nature. Our goal is to develop technology and make positive changes, on nature’s own terms.

Sustainable development is central in SINTEFs work. Our vision is “Technology for a better society”. We make holistic solutions for a green future, within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, some of which are also critical for protection and sustainable use of biodiversity. To follow this up, it is crucial to collaborate with actors from outside SINTEF as well, with different and complementary expertise.

Expertises in biodiversity

News on biodiversity

Digitization for more sustainable fisheries in Europe

Digitization for more sustainable fisheries in Europe

By improving the reporting of catch volumes and fish health in European fisheries, the EU project OptiFish aims to contribute to more sustainable fishing and make it easier to meet current and future regulatory requirements.

Projects on biodiversity




Building the biodiversity component of the Digital Twin of the Ocean

ReAdapt - Adapting hydropower to future climate extremes

ReAdapt - Adapting hydropower to future climate extremes


Precipitation and temperature will change in future climates, presenting new challenges and opportunities for Norwegian hydropower. We anticipate an increase in the frequency, duration, and severity of extreme events such as floods, droughts, and...




CLIMAREST is an EU-funded research project consisting of 18 partners from along the length of the European coastline. The project belongs to the EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters, and is a member of the Lighthouse for the Arctic and Atlantic...

Laboratories relevant for biodiversity