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CO2 storage

SINTEF was among the first to propose underground CO2 storage for climate change mitigation, and has carried out research on the behaviour of CO2 in the subsurface and the ways that the subsurface responds to CO2 injection for more than 30 years. This knowledge aids the design of safe, long-term CO2 storage.

Storing CO2 in geologic formations on land or under the seabed is an established method for preventing large amounts of CO2 from being emitted to the atmosphere for long periods of time.

SINTEF conducts research along the full range of topics related to CO2 storage, from characterising storage resources and legacy wells to efficient, low-cost monitoring of injected CO2.

SINTEF has advanced laboratories for investigating reservoir technology, rock mechanics, well integrity and pore imaging. In addition, we operate a small-scale field lab for CO2 monitoring, and we employ in-house and commercial software in our research. 

We work within these areas:

  • Simulation of storage capacity and pressure 
  • Geomechanics for CCS
  • Monitoring methods for reservoir and wells
  • Models and tools for rock behaviour
  • Numerical simulation of reservoir processes
  • Well integrity for legacy and new wells
  • Injectivity 
  • Reservoir characterization and monitoring
  • Reservoir fluid analysis
  • Risk analysis for CO2 storage

Available infrastructure: 

Typical assignments for us:

  • International research projects 
  • Industry assignments and innovation projects with suppliers
  • Networking projects across the EU 
  • Third-party assessment of CO2 storage projects, feasibility studies

We do this for:

  • Norwegian and international industry, suppliers
  • Norwegian authorities
  • Research Council of Norway

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