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Coastal Infrastructure

The sea can provide solutions to many of the global challenges we face. Today's and future coastal structures are promising technologies in the transition to a zero-emission society.

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With an ever-growing world population, the need for food increases. Sea-based aquaculture contributes with healthy food and will be an important food source in the future. The climate is changing, and there will be less land as most of it has already been utilized. This creates a need for new coastal structures for both transport and floating urban areas. Energy constructions such as offshore wind can, with green power, cover many times the current global energy needs.

There are many benefits to moving constructions at sea. Valuable land is freed up, we get a greener energy alternative to overcrowded cities and we get to use sea areas that are currently little used.

At SINTEF, we have extensive activity related to marine coastal structures. Our research activity focuses on the development of analysis methodology, the implementation of analyzes and studies, model experiments in hydrodynamic laboratories, and the development of numerical tools and commercial software.

We have extensive experience and recognized expertise in theoretical and experimental hydrodynamics. We base a large part of our business on SINTEF's hydrodynamic laboratories. We also have world-leading expertise in CFD and numerical hydrodynamics.







CLIMAREST is an EU-funded research project consisting of 18 partners from along the length of the European coastline. The project belongs to the EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters, and is a member of the Lighthouse for the Arctic and Atlantic...