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Energy efficiency in the industry

The greenest energy is the type you never use.

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SINTEF creates future-oriented and innovative solutions for increasing energy efficiency in industry.

Every year, large amounts of energy are lost in industrial processes. In Norway, industry is responsible for a third of the national energy consumption. Therefore, measures that increase energy efficiency will have a significant impact. Reducing industry’s energy need and developing new ways to reuse leftover energy are some of the most important things we can do to enable industry to both use energy resources even more efficiently and reduce their carbon footprint, nationally and internationally.

Efficient energy production plays an important role in Norwegian industry’s use of valuable resources from hydropower, minerals, and oil and gas. It is now more important than ever that industry develops more efficient ways to use energy resources, and finds solutions for minimising their greenhouse gas emissions. In order to achieve this, new technology and solutions need to be developed.

SINTEF is researching methods to increase energy efficiency for our customers in industry, transport and construction. Making Norway’s energy-intensive industry more efficient and finding ways to make better use of excess heat are crucial research areas. There is large potential in excess heat as well as other types of energy that are not fully exploited by industrial processes.

A lot of Norwegian industry mainly uses clean energy from hydropower. Making these industrial processes more efficient can contribute to reducing the world’s overall greenhouse gas emissions, as it would release clean energy to be used for other purposes, e.g. in processes that are currently heavy polluters.

We are working together with our customers to develop solutions that enable the best possible use of excess energy from industrial processes: in internal processes, for external potential users, or to be reincorporated in the future integrated energy system.

What we do


Laboratories - in alphabetical order


World-leading maritime research centre opened

World-leading maritime research centre opened

Sustainable shipping and increased value creation in Norwegian industry are the goals for one of the world's largest maritime research centres. 60 of the project's partners met in Trondheim during the official launch.





FME ZeMe developes the fundamental knowledge and technologies needed by the Norwegian metallurgical industry to become climate neutral by 2050.

FME HighEFF - Centre for an Energy Efficient and Competitive Industry for the Future

HighEFF focuses on technologies and processes with potential for large reduction in specific energy use.

HIghEFF is a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research partly financed by the Research Council of Norway