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Offshore wind

Making offshore wind power the cornerstone of the future energy system

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Offshore wind energy is identified as crucial to reach climate goals, and can help meet the world's growing energy needs. The Norwegian offshore wind technology export market is currently valued at NOK 10 billion, and this figure can increase markedly depending on future investments.

Offshore wind power is currently more expensive than onshore wind power, but costs are dropping thanks to research and innovation. Floating offshore wind is still in its infancy, but Norway is at the forefront in the field, with regards to both research and to technology development.

SINTEF has world-leading research communities within offshore wind power and is building bridges to the international market. We collaborate with leading industries to reduce the levelised cost of electricity for offshore wind power, and to accelerate innovation and value creation. In addition, we carry out analytical studies, create numerical models, run simulations, conduct laboratory experiments, take field measurements, and consider environmental designs.

Expertise on offshore wind

Laboratories on offshore wind (in alphabetical order)

News on offshore wind

SKARV will work on making wind turbines more bird-friendly

SKARV will work on making wind turbines more bird-friendly

SINTEF Energy Research-led project SKARV kicked off yesterday, aiming at reducing bird collisions with wind turbines while maintaining power production. The project is a spin-off of FME NorthWind and will run from 2024 to 2027.

Projects on offshore wind

Software on offshore wind

FME NorthWind – New industry, green jobs, and wind power that respects nature and people

Offshore Wind

NorthWind is a research centre for wind power. The centre's main objective is to bring forward outstanding research and innovation to contribute to a Norwegian offshore wind export industry, create new green jobs, and realise wind power that respects nature and people.

FME NorthWind is a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research, partly funded by the Research Council of Norway.