Project list
TULIPS (2022 - 2025)
Integrate will be used in TULIPS to model a closed energy system (airport) that combines several energy carriers and a local power production from solar panels in order to meet future energy needs.
INTERPORT (2022 – 2025)
In WP4 of the KSP project INTERPORT (2022-2025) we will develop a novel investment planning methodology for ports. The Integrate model will be used to study value chains and investments for hydrogen, ammonia, electric-power, district heating systems and biomass.
Tofte Energihub (Enovaprosjekt 2022, Statkraft)
The goal of this project is to investigate an energy hub concept for Tofte industrial and business park in Norway that takes future energy needs and consumption patterns into account. The hope is for the area to become as self-sufficient as possible when it comes to energy.
Kildn (2021, Tertnes holding AS)
The project analysed investment alternatives for achieving the zero-emissions goal of Kildn, which is a port area for cruise ships and ferries. This feasibility study particularly focused on the impact of various grid connection sizes.
ZeroKyst (2021 - 2024)
Integrate will be used in the ZeroKyst project to model and develop an optimal configuration of multi-energy infrastructures that will be established in coastal areas in order to supply fishing vessels with hydrogen and electricity. The infrastructure will make use of new synergies, which will enable a more robust operation of the power system with a high proportion of renewable energy.
eneuron (2020 – 2024)
eNeuron develops innovative tools for the optimal design and operation of local energy communities integrating distributed energy resources and multiple energy carriers. Integrate is included as an important background to the project and is part of what will be the eNeuron tool.
ChiNoZEN (2020 – 2023)
ChiNoZEN is a collaborative project between Norway and China. It focuses on key technologies and demonstration of combined cooling, heating and power generation for low-carbon neighbourhoods/buildings with clean energy. It investigates for instance combined cooling heatingand power (CCHP), thermal energy storage and high temperature heat pumps. Specific technology modules for Integrate are developed in this project.
Hydrogen4EU (2020 – 2021)
The Hydrogen4EU project examines how we can attain a zero-emission society in Europe in 2050, and what role hydrogen will play during the transition. Integrate Europe was used to calculate the optimal learning effects and future costs in an energy system optimisation at the aggregate European level, while MIRET-EU (TIMES-type model) was used to calculate detailed results. Here is the report from the Hydrogen4EU pre-study and here is the final report.
openENTRANCE (2019-2022)
openENTRANCE develps and uses open, transparent and integrated modelling platforms to examine the transition to decarbonisation in Europe. The Integrate model will be used to analyse the use of seasonal storage for heat at Furuset.
FME ZEN (2017 – 2024)
FME ZEN is a centre for environmentally friendly energy that is developing solutions for future buildings and neighbourhoods – solutions that will contribute to a zero-emission society being possible.
The Integrate model is being further developed as part of FME ZEN, and used to analyse pilots and in case studies:
- Utilisation of waste heat in district heating system at Gardermoen (finished). Read memo here.
- The energy system at Furuset (ongoing). Read memo here.
- The energy supply for Risvollan housing association
Earlier projects
Here you will find a list of projects using the Integrate model (previously eTransport) before 2017