The Scoop Scheduler is a tool for solving generalized resource constrained scheduling problems. A rich set of real world problems can be modeled, including aspects such as min/max delays, multiple projects, multiple resource modes per activity, intra-project mode consistency constraints, "project discuntions", and stretchable activities. A number of common real world objectives are supported.
The tool is a member of SINTEF's Scoop software suite for optimisation. It can be integrated into third party software to efficiently solve complex planning and scheduling problems. While originally developed for detailed activity scheduling in hospitals, the software's generic model, and the associated optimisation algorithms, make it applicable to a wide range of production or activity scheduling applications. E.g., it has been applied to problems in airport runway- and surface scheduling and train scheduling.
Scoop Scheduler is developed by the Department of applied mathematics, and the optimisation group.
See below for a further description of this software.