closestPtSurfSurfPlane.h File Reference

Declaration file for an intersection function operating on object of class ParamCurve belonging to geometry. More...

#include "ParamSurface.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  Go


enum  Go::AlgorithmChoice
 This enumeration denotes whether the 'closestPtSurfSurfPlane' function should base itself upon a geometrical algorithm (marching on the surfaces) or a pure functional one (constrained minimization of a cost function). More...


void Go::closestPtSurfSurfPlane (const std::vector< Point > &epoint, const std::vector< Point > &epnt1, const std::vector< Point > &epnt2, const Point &epar1, const Point &epar2, const ParamSurface *psurf1, const ParamSurface *psurf2, double aepsge, std::vector< Point > &gpnt1, std::vector< Point > &gpnt2, Point &gpar1, Point &gpar2, int &jstat, AlgorithmChoice algo=FUNCTIONAL)
 Newton iteration on the distance function between two surfaces and a plane to find a closest point or an intersection point.
void Go::closestPtSurfSurfPlaneGeometrical (const std::vector< Point > &epoint, const std::vector< Point > &epnt1, const std::vector< Point > &epnt2, const Point &epar1, const Point &epar2, const ParamSurface *psurf1, const ParamSurface *psurf2, double aepsge, std::vector< Point > &gpnt1, std::vector< Point > &gpnt2, Point &gpar1, Point &gpar2, int &jstat)
 This is the geometrically-based implementation of closestPtSurfSurfPlane.
void Go::closestPtSurfSurfPlaneFunctional (const std::vector< Point > &epoint, const std::vector< Point > &epnt1, const std::vector< Point > &epnt2, const Point &epar1, const Point &epar2, const ParamSurface *psurf1, const ParamSurface *psurf2, double aepsge, std::vector< Point > &gpnt1, std::vector< Point > &gpnt2, Point &gpar1, Point &gpar2, int &jstat)
 This is the functional-based implementation of closestPtSurfSurfPlane.

Detailed Description

Declaration file for an intersection function operating on object of class ParamCurve belonging to geometry.

Ported from the sisl function s9iterate.

Definition in file closestPtSurfSurfPlane.h.

Generated on Mon Jun 11 14:48:18 2007 for GoTools Core Library by  doxygen 1.5.1