- visualize application of the various filters used to discern image textures in segmentation (compile and run app/filter2DTests.C)
This small program will take an image as input, convert it to greyscale, and compute and visualize some filtered versions of it that are useful for texture discrimination when segmenting images. These are: structure tensor, anisotropically smoothed image (total variation variant) and scale measure.
- generate a stack of 2D images that the library can read as a 3D volume (compile and run app/generate_stack.C)
This small utility program takes a list of image filenames, read the corresponding image files and generates a "stack" of images that it writes to file in its own format. A stack can be read into an Image as a 3D image, where each of the images in the stack constitutes one "z-slice" of the 3D volume.
- see the development of an image as TV-flow (total-variation-diminishing flow) is applied to it (compile and run app/tvfilter.C)
This program will demonstrate the effect of total-variation-diminishing flow on an image. Note the segmentation-like effect obtained.
- see the effect of line integral convolution on a 2D image
(compile and run app/LIC_test.C)
This small program demonstrates the effect of applying line integral convolution of a vector field and a Gaussian kernel function on an image consisting of random noise. Note how this leads to an intuitive visualization of the vector field.
- see the effect of line integral convolution on a 3D image
(compile and run app/field_smooth.C)
This small program demonstrates the effect of applying line integral convolution of a Gaussian kernel function and a 3D vector field generated by a dipole on a 3D volume consisting of random noise. Note how this leads to an intuitive visualization of the vector field.
- random partitioning of a rectangular domain into a given number of fragmented regions (compile and run app/randomVoronoiTest.C)
Small program demonstrating how the function random_scattered_voronoi() can be used to generate a random partitioning of a region into a given number of fragmented subregions. This is potentially useful for initializing an automatic segmentation process with multiple regions.
- 2D segmentation with 2 or more regions regions (compile and run app/segmentation2D.C) This program carries out segmentation on a user-specified image according to various options that the user can define on the command line. Run the program without arguments to get a list of arguments to use. The result from a segmentation can be saved afterwards. Masks can also be used, defining which part(s) of the image that should participate in the segmentation process.
Generated on Tue Nov 28 18:35:47 2006 for lsseg by