MBA Member List

This is the complete list of members for MBA, including all inherited members.

checkError() const (defined in MBA)MBA
checkSparsity() const (defined in MBA)MBA
cleanup(int type=0)MBA
getData() constMBA [inline]
getIndexDomain(int &m, int &n) const MBA [inline]
getSplineSurface() constMBA [inline]
init(boost::shared_ptr< dVec > U, boost::shared_ptr< dVec > V, boost::shared_ptr< dVec > Z)MBA [inline]
init(UCBspl::SplineSurface &surf)MBA
MBA() (defined in MBA)MBA [inline]
MBA(boost::shared_ptr< dVec > U, boost::shared_ptr< dVec > V, boost::shared_ptr< dVec > Z)MBA [inline]
MBAalg(int m0, int n0, int h=0, int smoothing_steps=0)MBA
PHI() constMBA [inline]
readScatteredData(char filename[])MBA [inline]
setBaseType(MBAbaseType baseType)MBA [inline]
setBaseValue(double base)MBA [inline]
setDomain(double umin, double vmin, double umax, double vmax)MBA [inline]
smoothMatrix(GenMatrixType &matrix, int no_iter) (defined in MBA)MBA [static]
smoothZeros(int no_iter)MBA
~MBA() (defined in MBA)MBA [inline]

Generated on Wed Nov 28 12:27:19 2007 for MBA by  doxygen 1.5.1