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Skagerak laboratory model benchmark

A laboratory model of the Skagerrak was built and tested for the European Commission MAST II project DYNOCS (DYNamics Of Connecting Seas) coordinated by the Danish Hydraulics Institute. The background for the model simulations is given in McClimans et al. (2000). The Skagerrak benchmark data set from this study, to be used in validating numerical models, contains a figure of the model domain, a table over the steady inflows and a list of the resulting surface velocities measured from trajectories of surface particles. There was no wind forcing. More results from the laboratory simulations are given in the reference.


McClimans, T.A., Pietrzak, J., Huess, V., Kliem, N. and Johannessen, B.O. (2000) A comparison of laboratory and numerical simulations of the ocean circulation in the Skagerrak. Cont. Shelf Res. 20:941-974.

Data set