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Gemini Centre for Trustworthy and Sustainable AI

This Gemini centre links and harmonises research and research-driven innovation activities within Trustworthy and Sustainable AI at SINTEF, UiO and NTNU.


The Gemini Centre for Trustworthy and Sustainable AI is established to address the growing concerns around Artificial Intelligence (AI) regarding societal impact, safety, security, ethics, environmental sustainability, and regulation. With increasing energy consumption of AI models and the need for transparent, secure, and privacy-preserving AI systems, the centre seeks to align AI development with sustainable and responsible practices. It supports the goals of the EU's AI Act, Data Act, and GDPR to ensure data interoperability, safety, security, and privacy.

This centre aims to create a collaborative environment that combines cutting-edge research, regulatory compliance, and ethical and secure AI practices while promoting environmental sustainability. The focus areas include reducing the carbon footprint of AI systems, ensuring that AI technologies are secure and respect user privacy and ethical standards, and fostering innovation that meets societal and regulatory expectations.

The centre is committed to advancing AI that is both responsible and sustainable by fostering interdisciplinary research and collaboration with industry to support green AI technologies and contribute to a national AI research infrastructure.


Associated projects

  • NorwAI - Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation (NTNU) 


  • Develop Trustworthy AI: Focus on ensuring that AI systems are secure, transparent, and ethical, aligned with user privacy and human oversight.
  • Promote Environmental Sustainability: Reduce the energy consumption of AI technologies and their carbon footprint through innovative and green computing methods.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure AI technologies comply with the EU AI Act, Data Act, and GDPR, safeguarding users' rights.
  • Interdisciplinary Research: Encourage collaboration between AI engineers, ethicists, legal experts, and sustainability researchers to create holistic AI solutions.
  • Public Awareness and Engagement: Host seminars, workshops, and public outreach activities to foster informed discussions about the role of AI in society.

Research focus areas

  • Energy-Efficient AI: Developing AI solutions that significantly reduce energy consumption during training and deployment.
  • Ethical AI: Exploring how to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI decision-making processes.
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy: Innovating AI solutions that enhance security in critical sectors like healthcare, telecommunications, and finance, while maintaining strong privacy protections.
  • AI and Societal Impact: Researching the broader societal implications of AI, including its impact on jobs, ethics, and societal inequality.


Doctoral schools

  • Info will be updated soon

Proposal workshops

  • Info will be updated soon

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