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Gemini Centre for Indoor Vertical Farming in Norway


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The Centre for indoor vertical farming in Norway brings together six SINTEF institutes, two NTNU departments, and NTNU Social Research to develop sustainable solutions for future vegetable factories, and to ensure that Norway can actively develop agricultural innovation.

By bridging the gap between biology and technology, the centre seeks to optimise production processes, ensuring that both plant biology and technological needs are fully integrated for large-scale farming innovation.

Feel free to reach out if you're interested in vertical farming. A list of relevant expertise and contact persons can be found below on this page.



SINTEF Digital, SINTEF Industry, SINTEF Energy, SINTEF Community, SINTEF Nord, SINTEF Ocean

NTNU Department of engineering Cybernetics, NTNU Department of Biotechnology and Food Science

CIRiS at NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS 


Expertise and contact persons 

Giulia Robbiani, : Centre Leader

Industrial automation, process control, intermittent lighting for energy cost reduction.

Tore Kolas,

Optics and light engineering, material development, waste heat utilisation, resources use, computation fluid dynamics. 

Sigurd Sannan,

Hybrid greenhouse, waste heat integration.

Katrin Knoth,

Landscape architecture, soil chemistry, climate adaptation, circular economy, life cycle assessment and sustainability assessment.

Didrik Ulleberg,  

Plant physiology, hydroponic fertilizers, organic nutrient production.

Aleksander Lillienskiold,

Robotics for food processing, machine vision, ML, robotic food handling. 

Akhil S Anand,

Optimisation, reinforcement learning, robotics, energy systems. 

David Weissbrodt,

Circular economy, resource reuse in hydroponics, food safety in hydroponics, human waste-based nutrients, sustainable food production, hygienic design, and packaging. 

Ann-Iren Kittang Jost,

Space-based farming, technology and biology bridging, closed-loop systems, crop yield optimisation.