About the project
This project will develop a knowledge-based model of software development to understand and improve distributed agile development, large-scale agile development and use of agile methods in developing safety-critical software.

Secondary objectives are:

  1. Establish an empirical foundation by synthesizing prior knowledge and extending this knowledge through case studies, action research and surveys. 
  2. Develop new theory to explain the fundamental mechanisms of agile software development in three critical areas.
  3. Improve efficiency and effectiveness of software development in the participating companies.
  4. Educate reflective software practitioners, through arenas such as social media, conferences, industry courses and university education.
  5. Collaborate actively with the international software engineering and information systems research communities.
  6. Disseminate knowledge to the research community and industry by publications in leading internationally recognized scientific journals and at international conferences.

The project is a competence-building research project funded by the Research Council of Norway, DNV GL, Equinor, Kantega, Kongsberg Defence&Aerospace, Sopra Steria and Sticos. The project will run from 2014-2020.



Published September 4, 2009

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