Project overview
The overall theoretical approach of the AMBIOS project is to utilize our unique access to autonomous marine vessels and high-end analytical infrastructure, as well as the consortium's complementary high compe-tences in marine biology, biotechnology, marine technology, marine modelling, ICT, cybernetics, prototype development, and engineering to achieve the ambitious objectives of the AMBIOS project.
The AMBIOS project is implemented by a work plan comprising 8 work packages (WPs)
- WP1: Assembly and testing of a sensor package for multi-level data acquisition
- WP2: AI-based optical detection of marine species
- WP3: Marine ecology assessment
- WP4: Biodiversity model development
- WP5: Autonomous model-based navigation framework
- WP6: Technology validation and Case studies
- WP7: RRI, communication, and exploitation
- WP8: Project and data management