
THE BYGDIN NETWORK is a joint industry and R&D initiative for manufacturing and industrialization in the Norwegian construction industry. The network (2016-2019) is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and coordinated by SINTEF Building and Infrastructure. The network members are leading R&D environments and companies/organizations such as clients and users, architects and engineers, contractors, manufacturers and producers.

The network focuses on "industrialized building processes" and the transition to a future construction industry characterised by digitization and an interconnection of products, value chains and business models (the so-called 4th industrial revolution). New technologies, green thinking, the need for better productivity and quality, and more global and competitive markets require new knowledge among the actors in Norwegian construction projects. Automation, prefabrication, robotizing, customized mass-production, BIM, Big Data and 3D printing - the technological possibilities seem endless from the design and production of small-piece components up to modules and full-scale buildings and infrastructure.

In order to prepare the Norwegian construction industry for the future, we need innovative solutions and new thinking about value chains, business models, logistics, practices, processes and work-places. Expected effects are on the one hand increased efficiency and profitability. International industrialization initiatives operate with ambitious goals such as 50% reduced costs in construction. On the other hand, we expect new industrialized building processes to result in a built environment of high architectural quality, customized to the end-users needs and to local conditions.

The Bygdin network shall stimulate collaboration, new thinking, knowledge exchange and to new R&D and innovation projects. Network activities will for instance be state-of-the-art reviews, feasibility and foresight studies, dissemination, workshops and meetings.