Universiteit Gent
Ghent University offers high-quality, research-based education in all academic disciplines. The mission of open and democratic education is realized by the availability of social facilities and professional guidance concerning the study career.

Pursuing cooperation in research and scientific service, numerous research groups, centers and institutes have been founded over the years. Several of them are renowned worldwide, in various scientific disciplines. Ghent University invests an annual amount of more than 175 million euro in research projects on behalf of public and private partners.
The Laboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT) integrates chemical science and engineering in its research on catalysis, polymerization, kinetics, reactor design and process design. LCT is part of the Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering within the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University in Belgium and member of the Centre for Sustainable Chemistry (CSC) of Ghent University.
The Research Group Sustainable Systems Engineering (STEN) is part of the Department Green Chemistry and Technology. It aims at evaluating and improving the environmental sustainability of processes and products with a focus on resources and resource efficiency, life cycle thinking and thermodynamics.
The LCT leads the work package on the Oxidative Conversion of Methane (OCoM) and actively contributes to it with intrinsic kinetic measurements and the construction of an in-depth kinetic model comprising all reactions involved in OCoM. Via model construction hydroformylation (HF) is assessed and an overall, integrated C123 process can be simulated. The STEN group is deeply involved in work package 5 of C123, i.e. analyzing the potential environmental sustainability benefits of the C123 process.
Prof. dr. ir. Joris W. Thybaut acts the project’s scientific manager and dr. ir. Jeroen Poissonnier is the dissemination and communication manager within C123.
Joris Thybaut: (WP2 leader, scientific manager)
Jeroen Poissonnier: (WP6 leader, dissemination and communication manager)
Jo Dewulf:
Pedro Mendes:
Jordy Motte:
Sébastien Siradze:
Yonggang Cheng:
Alejandro Romero Limones:
web: https://www.lct.ugent.be/
web: https://www.ugent.be/bw/gct/en/research/envoc/research2