C123 14M progress meeting
On February 12th and 13th, 2020, the C123 project held its 14-months progress meeting at PDC, Breda.

The hosts from Process Design Center welcomed 30 participants from the 11 consortium partners and started off by discussing the practicalities of the meeting. Thereafter, the complete consortium had an afternoon filled with thorough scientific discussions on the technical work packages WP2 – WP5. In this way optimal interaction with all work packages was ensured. After a day of science the consortium discussed the key performance indicators of the project over dinner.
The second day consisted of status update of all work packages by the work packages leaders. The coordinator acknowledged the progress and pointed out the reporting deadlines once more.
After lunch the general assembly and executive board members discussed the management aspects of the C123 project with the aim to, amongst all others, ensure a productive C123 midterm review and workshop. After another intense, yet very productive, consortium meeting the participants started travelling homewards!
Looking forward to start valorizing the C123 results, within and beyond each WP, during the coming months and aiming for an as productive 21M meeting in Lyon, France, next September!