C123 Winter School
First C123 Winter School ‘I2CM’ was a big success!

The first C123 winter school was held at the premises of Eurotel Victoria, Villars-sur-Ollon from February 3rd till 6th, 2020. This interactive course entitled ‘I2CM: From Idea to Innovation in Chemistry: Multiscale assessment of kinetics and reactors’ brought together 26 participants, with a total of 13 different nationalities, from 16 institutes and companies from 8 countries all across Europe.
The course, aimed at micro-kinetic modelling, consisted of theory and applied tutorials on ideal reactors, intrinsic kinetics, bench scale reactors, derivation of rate equations and regression analysis tutored by Prof. Joris Thybaut and Dr. Jeroen Poissonnier from Ghent University. Additionally micro-kinetics were coupled with CFD in a theory and tutorial session tutored by Prof. Matteo Maestri and Dr. Mauro Bracconi from Politecnico di Milano.
With technical sessions organized during mornings and evenings, the afternoons were free for exploring the surroundings and networking. Even the weather was in our favor with some snow fall after arrival followed by a lot of sun during the break times!
A final word of thanks goes to all the participants for their confidence in our expertise, sharing their expertise and their interaction during the course. Best of luck and hopefully you can benefit from it in your upcoming activities. Also the Eurotel Victoria deserves some special acknowledgement for their friendly staff, flexibility in hosting the meals and organization of the very nice lecture room!
More information about the course, the program and a retrospective can be found on https://i2cm.ugent.be/.