Kick-off meeting
The C123 project kick-off meeting was held in ‘het Pand’, the congress center at Ghent University, on March 4th and 5th, 2019.

30 participants from the 11 consortium partners as well as the project officer from the European Commission were present. The coordinator and the scientific manager started the meeting by sketching a brief history of previous projects leading to the present one. This background nicely demonstrated the logic behind the development of the C123 concept. Thereafter, the project objectives were presented followed by the partner introductions. The day was ended with some brief information from the Project Officer about Horizon 2020 and the Commision's expections, and a presentation on the project management and administrative obligations.
The second day started with dedicated breakout sessions for each technical work package, followed by the presentation of the first year planning of each work package by the work package leaders. The meeting ended by summarizing the main action points to be performed in the first year of the C123 project. The consortium looks forward towards a fruitful collaboration in the period 2019-2023 and beyond!