Bjørn Henrik Hansen
Position: Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Materials & Chemistry, Environmental Technology
Research interests:The relationships between contaminants in the environment and biological responses is the main field of interest. Particularly, molecular responses in organisms exposed to contaminants from oil industry e.g. cod larvae (Gadus morhua) and the copepod Calanus finmarchicus. Current activities: Project leader for several finished and ongoing projects related to ecotoxicology focussing on molecular alterations induced by oil and produced water and the interlinkage between molecular effects, modes of toxicity and long-term effects (reproduction and development). Initiated the internal SINTEF project "Calanomics" together with Trond Størseth in 2008, which funded development of state-of-the-art analytical tools for transcriptomics and metabolomics on C. finmarchicus. |
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