M-ERA.NET CARBCOATPRO: Stimuli responsive layered double hydroxide/CARBon nanotube based COATings with multi-level corrosion PROtection
The increasing needs for high-performance chromate-free coatings involve the development of new systems with active corrosion protection. The CARBCOATPRO project aims at developing innovative multi-level protective "smart"coatings. The coating will contain multi-functional additives with enhanced "self-healing" active protection properties and will contribute to improve the long-term performance of metallic substrates.
The key technology in focus is based on the functionalization of layered double hydroxide (LDH)/carbon nanotube (CNT) additives that will be incorporated into polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) based coatings.
The expected impacts are:
- improved products with respect to current existing technologies with acceptable costs;
- reduced usage of hazardous materials;
- sustainability of developed technology throughout the entire products life cycle. The environmentally-green products will bring significant economic benefits to the industries without harmful impacts on both the environment and the society.