
  1. Barcelona, (CLABSA) 
    Acer, 16
    08038 Barcelona
    P. Malgrat +34 93 2896800 +34 93 2230233
  2. Brno (Brno University) 
    Brnenske vodarny a kanalizace, a.s.
    Hybesova 254/16
    657 33 Brno
    M. Novacek    
  3. Budapest (Budapest University) 
    Budapest Municipal Sewerage Company Limited
    1056 Budapest, Marcius 15.ter3
    Z. Altorjay    
  4. Dresden (Dresden University) 
    Stadtentwasserung Dresden (SEDD)
    Scharfenberger Strabe 152
    01139 Dresden
    F. Mannig +49 (0351)8220 +49 (0351)8221997
  5. Ferrara (Ferrara University) 
    via Marconi, 39/41
    44100 Ferrara 
    A. Bennici +39 0532 788311 +39 0532 54078
  6. Nantes
    M  Communaute' urbaine de Nantes
    44923 Nantes cedex 9  
    +33 024 0994848  +33 024 0994800
  7. Oeiras/Amadora (LNEC) 
    Servicos Municipalizados de Agua e Saneamento de Oeiras e Amadora
    Largo Marques de Pombal
    2780-288 Oeiras
    Helena Santos Silva J.M Marques +351 21 4408369 +351 21 4413753
  8. Oslo (SINTEF) 
    Oslo Kommune
    Water and Wastewater Department
    Pb 4704 Sofienberg, 0506 Oslo
    Siri Berget    
  9. Palermo (Palermo University) 
    AMAP S.p.A.
    via Volturno 2
    90138 Palermo
    Giuseppe Laudicina +39 091 279111 +39 091 279228
  10. Reggio Emilia (Bologna University) 
    Via Gastinelli 30
    42100 Reggio Emilia
    Pietro Pedrazzoli +39 0522 2971 +39 0522 286246
  11. Severn Trent (WRc) 
    Severn Trent Water Ltd
    Severn Trent Headquarters
    2297 Coventry Road
    Birmingham B26 3PU
    Richard Lowe +44 0121 7224636 +44 0121 7224462
  12. Siauliai 
    Siauliu Vandenys
    Vytauto g.103
    5400 Siauliai 
    Brone Jakiene +370 1 525550 +370 1 525575
  13. Trondheim (SINTEF) 
    Trondheim Kommune
    Holtermans veg 1
    7004 Trondheim
    Olav Nilssen +47 72546555 +47 72547682
  14. Aalborg (Aalborg University) 
    Aalborg Kommune
    Stigsborg Brygge 5 Postboks 222
    9100 Norresundby
    Bjarne Nielsen +45 98313131 +45 98114238
  15. Melbourne (CSIRO) 
    South East Water
    20 Corporate Drive, Moorabbin, 3190, Victoria,
    Keith Johnson +613 95523636 +613 95523625
  16. Newcastle (CSIRO) 
    Hunter Water Corporation
    P.O. Box 5171B
    Newcastle West, 2302
    NSW, Australia
    Peter Buckland +612 49799451 +612 49799471
  17. Baerum (SINTEF) 
    Bærum kommune
    1304 Sandvika
    Knut Bjarne Sætre
  18. Bergen (SINTEF) 
    FIB 4 Årstad Møllendalsveien 42
    5829 Bergen Norway 
    Ole Dan Lundekvam
  19. Stavanger (SINTEF) 
    Stavanger kommune
    Olav Kyrres gate 23N 
    4005 Stavanger Norway 
    Svein Håkon Høyvik +47 51507090
  20. Sandnes (SINTEF) 
    Sandnes kommune
    PO Box 583
    N - 4305 Sandnes Norway 
    Odd Arne Vagle +47 51975800  

Published January 14, 2008

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Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the Community, and the Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.