The end users were municipal (local) (M) or regional (R) water companies, or private (P) water service companies:
Bristol (WRc) P Bristol water PO Box 218 Bridgewater road Bristol BS99 7 AU Graham S Firth +44 117 9665881 +44 117 9634576
Brno (Brno Univ.) M Mesto Brno Magistratu Mesta Brna Koupicova 67 60167 Brno Antonin Kremr +420 54217 4530 +420 54217 4508
Codigoro (Bologna Univ.) M Consorzio Acque Delta Ferrarese-Codigoro Via Alfieri 3 44021 Codigoro Mario Veronesi +39 0533 725111 - 725222 +39 0533 713617
Dresden (Dresden Univ.) M Drewag Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH, 01065 Dresden Dr. Peter Michalik +49 351860 4038 +49 351860 4545
Ferrara (Bologna Univ.) R Acosea Ferrara Via Marconi 39/41 44100 Ferrara Alberto Bennici +39 0532 788311 +39 0532 54078
Lausanne (Cemagref) M Le Service des eaux de la Direction des services industriels de Lausanne Rue de Genève 36 Case postale 836 1000 Lausanne 9 Henri Burnier +41 21 315 8510 +41 21 315 8562
Lyon (INSA) P Gènerale des Eaux 62 quai Charles deGaulle 69463 Lyon Cedex 06 Franck Texier +33 47260 30 55 +33 47269 33 35
Oeiras/Amadora (LNEC) M Largo Marques de Pombal 2780-288 Oeiras Teresa Zambujo +351 214408369 +351 21441 3753
Oslo (SINTEF) M Postboks 4704 Sofienberg 0506 Oslo Tormod Spigseth +47 2266 4310 +47 2266 4080
Reggio Emilia (Bologna Univ.) R AGAC Via Gastinelli 30 42100 Reggio Emilia Marcello Schiatti +39 0522 2971 +39 0522 286246
Roubaix/Tourcouing (Cemagref) P SEN 217 bd de la Liberté 59800 Lille Jean-Luc Denneulin +33 32049 41 18 +33 32049 41 12
Stuttgart (Dresden Univ.) M Neckarwerke Stuttgart AG 7016 Stuttgart Dr. Winfried Hoch +49 711289 47490 +49 711289 47743
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